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World Without Money

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Level 5
Oct 4, 2008
Utopian nonsense. There will always be something that's going to be used for trade of goods, whether it's a currency or a specific commodity.

I'm all for Star Trek society, but humans don't exactly work that way.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Oh, the perfect world dream.

Even if we remove cash, there will come something else instead. Some trade currency will always exist as long as mankind exist. But for discussion purposes I will ignore that fact.

I think mankind would go completely mad since we're all greedy bastards. Without us being able to act as we're supposed to, I definitely think we're all going to be mad/corrupted.

This is just my wild theory of thought, no scientific proof.
Level 11
Jun 15, 2011
Lol no more shinies. And it will be hard to ask someone to help you on something. It will be a world of pride. Peeps will be like "Why would I do that for you? Are you god or something?". No peeps will bother themselves to make PCs for other peeps. They'll only make their own high-end PCs. Noone will make your house. Make your own. No more taxi drivers for emergency situations. Robbers will rob all your stuffs instead of your money.
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
what, you'd like barter trade?

"hey, can i have your egg for my butter? "
turns out you need both and you have nothing else to offer. although that limits over consumption from nature, i don't think we as a species would advance from that. we'd need money to know something's value correctly
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
A big step in freedom for all people is currently happening in the form of Bitcoin and other decentralized cryptocurrencies.

In the longer term (50 years+) I see a big problem/cataclysm in the whole structure of society coming with progressing automation, as most people won't be able to offer anything justifying payment as it is now.
In our lifetimes or slightly after there will be a reorganization of society never seen before, hopefully to the good.




Money is there to help people trade. With a barter system (trading goods directly for other goods), you run into the problem of matching buyers with sellers who want the goods each other has. Money is a good that we all agree is valuable, therefore we use it as an intermediate step. A world without money would suck.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
As others have pointed out, money is essential for transferring value and it makes transactions a lot easier. So when discussing a situation where money isn't used at all, it's pretty much required to also assume a kind of communistic system where transactions aren't needed since there isn't private property.

I'd say that we need to stop using money at some point as the development of AI and robotics advances, since the process will make most people unemployed and "useless". That'll of course lead to few major corporations / people owning the vast majority of industrial capacity, effectively allowing them to do whatever they want with the whole humanity (they'd have a robot army and control of the whole industrial production of the Earth, duh). So obviously I'd rather have communism than live under an oligarch in charge of a robot army.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
So... you want people to bring some heavy shit all around town to barter stuff with? Like that hamburger? It's yours for 3 acacia logs! How about coke? Gimme 5 kilos of sweet potatoes and it's all yours!

Just imagine how hilarious that would be, mythic... people carrying all their "shit". I remember George Carlin once said "People are full of shit" lol.

people may help other people, some without being paid or what we call charity, but some people is not satisfied or want more, that's why some are reluctant to do it again..

Some people won't budge if the thing he or she needs to do doesn't affect him or her directly positively, unless it was blackmail lol.
Level 11
Feb 2, 2011
If there was no money there would be little incentive to do anything, unless, of course, people cared about each other and cooperated and got things done. It is a nice idea but it might not work.

With money there is also competition so we try to be the best. Cooperation is better but competition serves its purpose.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
It's not impossible, early civilization started that way; money was non-existent yet they built monuments and some sick stuff. The "incentive" reasoning seems to be a modern concept though, since what drives people back in those days was survival and not the whim to do shit.
Level 6
Feb 16, 2014
I would love that xD a world without money means no more bank robberies,no more people stealing money from others(and probably also killing them while stealing the money) i would love that :D and also no more credit card hacking lol
I would love that xD a world without money means no more bank robberies,no more people stealing money from others(and probably also killing them while stealing the money) i would love that :D and also no more credit card hacking lol

And Human will not become advance and stay Simple Life without civilization :D

civilization just makes things complicated
Level 6
Feb 16, 2014
The disadvantage of money is when there is war if a country does not have enough money then they wont be able to make/produce tanks,jets,warships etc. but if there were no money u could just make the factories poop out many tanks,jets etc. without any $ cost.The all important resources in the world anyway is Metal,Steel,Food,Titanium,Uranium and many other things can u even make a tank with just paper money? u also need things like steel.Also if there were no money everyone would have houses,no rich people would bully poor people and probably less corruption from governments officials.
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