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World of Magic RPG 1.24

After months of work I finally finished the beta version of World of Magic Single Player RPG.

You are a young mage who wants to prove himself to the world and have to do various of quests in the world to advance to a higher stage.

You will always have one of these in your inventory, these will give you bonus damage to the magic you cast, but can also give various of special effects.

the usage of magic is your main and practically only way of damaging the enemy units. Magic is not an ability your hero has, but comes forth in items, with maximum 100 charges, everytime you use your staff/wand/rod it will use the magic in slot 2 of your hero's inventory. There is destructive, healing and effect magic, destructive magic is fire, blizzard, thunder, or later also fira, firaga, holy, quake, flare, etc. Healing magic is cure, cura, curaga and regen. Effect magic is blind, slow, protect, shell, stop and infection.
NEW FEATURE: Pressing the Up or Down arrow moves the items in your inventory Up or Down. This improves gameplay if you play with autocast, and even without.

Drawing is what u need to do to obtain magic. This is a hero ability you use on enemy units. Each unit has a different magic you can draw from it, some units have the same magic, bosses mostly have better magic to draw from. You can draw 9 magic maximum each time you draw. Agility has an effect on the amount you draw.

You can carry an unlimited amount of potions, and these are shown on your leaderboard. Everytime you pick up a potion the number on your leaderboard will increase, and when you use a potion with the hero ability 'use potion', the number will decrease. There are also phoenix downs, aslong as you have more then 0, when you die you will be revived at the starting town. You can buy these in any town.

The hero ability 'go to inventory' transports you to a closed area where all the items in the map you have collected will be available, like staffs, armor, potions u haven't picked up and magic.

You can imbue armor with magic you found. You need a 100 of the magic u want to imbue to do this. U can keep imbueing the same armor, but the effects will not stack, it will only have the effect of the last magic u imbued it with. Stronger magic=stronger armor.

At a certain time in the game you will find summons (Ifrit, Shiva and Ramuh). When you cast the magic they are affiliated with there's a chance you summon them(shown on leaderboard). Later on you can find more summons, especially with the summoner class(see net).

At a certain time in the game you will be able to choose your class, these will have there own specialties and abilities. There are 4 classes you can choose from:
*Necromancer: this class is all about the raise dead spell. This is the only hero that can get the summon Ra'Qul, which is a skeleton summon.
*Priest: gives bonusses to healing spells and later on massive bonus to the holy spell. Priest also has an income that can be increased by doing quests.
*Summoner: has increased chance of summoning, can also find more summons and has some active summoning spells.
*Elementalist: this hero is all about destructive spells, for pure damage take this guy.

Classes also give bonusses when you do quests in the village they're from (you can take the portal in each town to transport to your village.

Fixed Phoenix down leaderboard bug
Fixed ability icon location thx to callahan and that blue blob guy ^^
Mother wolf slightly weaker
Added cred for models which I forgot the first time.
Fixed some other small bugs

Added Magic boxes in inventory.
Added Tips and Help as an optional quest.

Removed magic boxes because can't solve bug.

Terrain improved thanks to chilla_killa
Tips and help split up into 2 quests
Fountains arn't walkable anymore

Version 1.21
Fixed Slug Bug
Fixed Odin tip
Fixed terrain bug in dungeon where doodads block the path
Added some tile variation

Added minimap picture

Version 1.22
Fixed dummy units at borders of map
Fixed Bahamut's attack
Fixed village items bug
Fixed dark fog (the dark fog is still there, but now it goes off when u leave the area, and it's not as dark anymore)
Summoners wolves level 3 don't have perm invis anymore
Slug Summon fixed
Added tomes in Castle Shop

Version 1.23
Fixed some minor Bugs
Small Terrain changes
Added new spell: Essence (drawn from swamp minion)
New item: Essence Robe

Version 1.23b
Added possibility to end cinimatics for the ifrit, shiva and ramuh

Version 1.24
Added possibility to move items up and down by pressing the Up or Down Arrow key
Fixed visual bug with curaga, now the effects are see-able when u have full hp

Single rpg, magic, fantasy, RPG

World of Magic RPG 1.24 (Map)

22:28, 16th Dec 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 9
May 22, 2009
lol im just modding it to be multiplayer lol isnt that suposed to be ur job if i succeed in making it muliplayer XD but i think that this game is mostly a game suposed to be played in private games with friends and i dont think adding save and load is a great idea for a game like this and anyways too much work :hohum: so i wont put save and load and not forcing u to put if when (i mean if) i complete it

I don't think you'll succeed into making it fully multiplayer tho, even tho, if you're making it for friend only, so you'll follow the same storyline, I guess that has some chance, it prevents you from making a lot of mistakes. actually I'd advise you to make the triggers so that player one is following the story, and the other player(s) are just following him, but they get the same exp from the quests.

Also, if u didn't notice, classcodes are as following:


you'll see the in the village quests that some classes get bonusses for certain quests, it will have an IF classcode[1]= true THEN give caster 1000 exp or something else.

EDIT: if I ever made a multiplayer version with save load, I'd have to delete the whole story and all the quests and rewrite them, change all the units damage and hp and remove the go to inventory ability.
Level 2
Aug 4, 2008
lol that sounds heavy on you but like i said i originaly started modding it to play with my bro and some of my friends (private game) so i dont intent to fully make it multiplayer

and btw y are spell named after FF materias?
Level 9
May 22, 2009
lol that sounds heavy on you but like i said i originaly started modding it to play with my bro and some of my friends (private game) so i dont intent to fully make it multiplayer

and btw y are spell named after FF materias?

materias? That must be FF7, no these spells can be found in other FF too, but yes a lot of names (like the upgrades fira/blizzara/thundara firaga/blizzaga/thundaga) are from FF. Also the summons Ifrit Shiva and Ramuh are final fantasy elements.

And rate my map :cute:
Level 2
Aug 4, 2008
well ive completed the modding the important things in the map ima private message u my msn so u can add me and ill send it to u and we can test it toghether but red is the one who has to take the quests cuz for now that doesnt seem very important as to whom has to take the quests lol u just want to complete them and from what other ppl said ur map would b around a 7/10 because the map is awsome and all but when u kill they respawn on the corpse and it becomes anoying after a whyle and creeps dont move around so u can easely avoid them later (when they respawn on theyr corpses where u want them to) i dont know if its part of the map but ima try to make creeps move around cuz its more hard and a lil more realistic XD (no comments on the word realistic i used for a wc3 game ive hear really smart ass answers for that 1 word and it pissed me off)
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
You remove the leaks?? If this map is going to be multiplayer the leaks must be removed or it will to start to lag in no time.

The variables you create are global, those changes you made to those variables will affect the entire triggers.
The local variables only affect the actual trigger. You must use Custom Script, Jass or vJass to define them.
Level 2
Aug 4, 2008
i did post somewhere here that i am not pro at triggering im only good enough to make it "playable" for multiplayer not 100% multi so i am unable to do all that and im sure im too lazy to even start doing that even if i was able too....:hohum:
Level 9
May 22, 2009
I'm sorry, but the terrain isn't finished yet because last week I didn't have time for it. Maybe it will be finished untill tomorow, but it's lot of work.
If you're interested, at the moment I add fog and weather effects.

Edit: It's ready, you have PM.
If anyone wants to see it already now, before skamigo uploads it ( if he likes it):

Got it, and mage some changes I had to make too, also added u to loading screen and creds. Also you shoulda said that map u gave link is for viewing only, cos it still has the magic box and all those test units in it ^^

Thx for the terrain improvement, it looks neat
Level 3
May 1, 2008
I downloaded and played the map, have been for 6 hours or so.
{B} - Bug
{S} - Suggestion
Mostly suggestions are below seeing as a lot of people have posted most of the bugs already (that and I didn't run into that much myself). Suggestions are just as helpful anyways. :D

Couple things:
• {B} Slug Summon - The quest giver will repeatedly give you the quest into your quest log. Finishing the quest only completes 1 instance in your quest log.
• {B/S} Equip Differences - Half-bug, Half-suggestion. When you equip a new wand/rod/staff or what have you, it will swap with the one in your inventory and the one you pick up. But the same does not happen with your robe. With your robe it tells you that you already have one equipped and you have to take it off first. Fix this so that they both auto-swap like the wand/rod/staff does.
• {S} Spell Usage - I like how the spell usage works in your map, very neat. Although I barely ever used the debuff/buff abilities. Found it easier to just keep nuking enemies. I also found it annoying to have to keep switching the spells I wanted to use between 1 inventory slot. (In case I wanted to do such a thing: Regen (when no longer on), Cure/Cura, Nuke, repeat). A way to make it easier to use spells is instead have the wand only grant bonuses like a robe. Have all the spells be used on their own (so you don't have to be bothered to switch spell locations - EXCEPT for auto-cast which would be in 1st item slot) and keep them all on the same cooldown. This way the spell usage is generally the same, except being a little bit easier to use. This also means that wands/rods/staves will now be able to be sold and dropped like robes. Because it isn't 100% required for spell casting now. (Or you could have the wands/rods/staves be in a specific item type, and have a trigger to sense if that item type is present on your hero and prevent you from using spells if it isn't - this way wands/rods/staves are still required to cast spells, and you can still make it easier to manage in the form I suggested. Although if you do this you have to make the very first wand/rod/staff you get unable to be sold).
• {S} Respawning - If I'm correct your respawn system works like this: When a monster dies wait a set time. Then respawn where it died? Why not just have it respawn in a random location in the "area" it belongs in? Made up of 1 or more regions. If the monster also exists in another "area" make an exact duplicate version of that monster for the other "area" and it's region(s).
• {S} Difficulty - I found leveling to go waaaay to fast. Shiva and Ifrit were the only bosses I had trouble with. Ramuh I managed to stay even with him and Cures. And leeched a bunch of Thundagas off him to make leveling even easier (and I didn't even use them! I only gathered them thinking that it would get hard enough that I would need them). Maybe make all spells a small amount weaker (not the heals though, they were perfect in my opinion) and make the exp requirements a little higher. Small tweaks here and there and eventually it'll be very balanced. Don't worry! :D
• {S} Storage/Inventory - Your system was very good, but if at all (I don't know if you do) want to make it multiplayer you should do "hero inventory bags." Like they appear as icons like your hero on the side of the screen. But they use invisible/extremely small models, and the unit moves to your main hero every split second. This plus other obvious things integrated with your current system could be used to hold items instead of what you currently use. This will also solve a couple things besides making it multiplayer possible: People won't be able to "jump battle" and pick better spells and get a huge advantage because they now know what to do. Instead it will force them to actually flee instead of just hitting the inventory button over and over between each mistake quickly formulating a perfect battle. This will increase game-play time and difficulty. As well it creates more limited inventory space and people won't be able to just create a whole crapload of spell stacks before hand, and they have to plan better. (Maybe put a time limit that items can be on the ground before the map deletes them?).

Oh and one last thing. How the fudge do you get Odin summon? (I'm playing a summoner and I don't understand what you're suppose to do in the graveyard). Keep up the good work! :D
Level 9
May 22, 2009
I downloaded and played the map, have been for 6 hours or so.
{B} - Bug
{S} - Suggestion
Mostly suggestions are below seeing as a lot of people have posted most of the bugs already (that and I didn't run into that much myself). Suggestions are just as helpful anyways. :D

Couple things:
• {B} Slug Summon - The quest giver will repeatedly give you the quest into your quest log. Finishing the quest only completes 1 instance in your quest log.
• {B/S} Equip Differences - Half-bug, Half-suggestion. When you equip a new wand/rod/staff or what have you, it will swap with the one in your inventory and the one you pick up. But the same does not happen with your robe. With your robe it tells you that you already have one equipped and you have to take it off first. Fix this so that they both auto-swap like the wand/rod/staff does.
• {S} Spell Usage - I like how the spell usage works in your map, very neat. Although I barely ever used the debuff/buff abilities. Found it easier to just keep nuking enemies. I also found it annoying to have to keep switching the spells I wanted to use between 1 inventory slot. (In case I wanted to do such a thing: Regen (when no longer on), Cure/Cura, Nuke, repeat). A way to make it easier to use spells is instead have the wand only grant bonuses like a robe. Have all the spells be used on their own (so you don't have to be bothered to switch spell locations - EXCEPT for auto-cast which would be in 1st item slot) and keep them all on the same cooldown. This way the spell usage is generally the same, except being a little bit easier to use. This also means that wands/rods/staves will now be able to be sold and dropped like robes. Because it isn't 100% required for spell casting now. (Or you could have the wands/rods/staves be in a specific item type, and have a trigger to sense if that item type is present on your hero and prevent you from using spells if it isn't - this way wands/rods/staves are still required to cast spells, and you can still make it easier to manage in the form I suggested. Although if you do this you have to make the very first wand/rod/staff you get unable to be sold).
• {S} Respawning - If I'm correct your respawn system works like this: When a monster dies wait a set time. Then respawn where it died? Why not just have it respawn in a random location in the "area" it belongs in? Made up of 1 or more regions. If the monster also exists in another "area" make an exact duplicate version of that monster for the other "area" and it's region(s).
• {S} Difficulty - I found leveling to go waaaay to fast. Shiva and Ifrit were the only bosses I had trouble with. Ramuh I managed to stay even with him and Cures. And leeched a bunch of Thundagas off him to make leveling even easier (and I didn't even use them! I only gathered them thinking that it would get hard enough that I would need them). Maybe make all spells a small amount weaker (not the heals though, they were perfect in my opinion) and make the exp requirements a little higher. Small tweaks here and there and eventually it'll be very balanced. Don't worry! :D
• {S} Storage/Inventory - Your system was very good, but if at all (I don't know if you do) want to make it multiplayer you should do "hero inventory bags." Like they appear as icons like your hero on the side of the screen. But they use invisible/extremely small models, and the unit moves to your main hero every split second. This plus other obvious things integrated with your current system could be used to hold items instead of what you currently use. This will also solve a couple things besides making it multiplayer possible: People won't be able to "jump battle" and pick better spells and get a huge advantage because they now know what to do. Instead it will force them to actually flee instead of just hitting the inventory button over and over between each mistake quickly formulating a perfect battle. This will increase game-play time and difficulty. As well it creates more limited inventory space and people won't be able to just create a whole crapload of spell stacks before hand, and they have to plan better. (Maybe put a time limit that items can be on the ground before the map deletes them?).

Oh and one last thing. How the fudge do you get Odin summon? (I'm playing a summoner and I don't understand what you're suppose to do in the graveyard). Keep up the good work! :D

Thx for the feedback

The Slug is the only summon I haven't tested yet, so thx for reporting that bug

Robes are droppable, unlike staff, that's why it's different, I think it's ok tho, mostly u won't come across that many robes anyway.

For the spells, normally you're supposed to turn on autocast, it really improves the gameplay, and makes it less boring, so you just have to change the inventory slot for the item u want to cast ^^

Yea the respawning system isn't too great, but if they enter a village, or city they get transported to a random region, with some of the creeps coming across different regions it's kinda annoying to specify where they have to respawn

Yea difficulty is annoying, some people find it too hard, while others find it way too easy, I can keep changing it but people will always complain by being it either too easy or hard, some people understand the concept of the game faster then others

Yea I'm not gonna make it multiplayer, someone is trying it, but it's kinda very hard, it's never supposed to be made for more players, so the triggers arn't written like that.

Also, u can talk to someone in graveyard when you get sage, who tells u he saw odin, then you can kill him ^^
Level 3
Nov 23, 2008
Fix also:
1) If you force the illussion mage to spam his mirror image spell and you corner him (he tends to go down to the door), there is a possibility that an image of him or the actual one spawns outside the fight area (happend to me with the REAL one and i was forced to load cause i couldnt reach him since he got outside the arena). This is a "bug" also happening with the standard blademaster from wc3 (you can trap an image or yourself to an impassable terrain).

2) You can find the Sage staff in the light temple and complete the quest, although you never spawned him (and then you can fight him although you are not a sage yet).

3) Same with the naga flutes although I couldnt find the 3rd one (used iseedeadpeople to carefully scan the area but it was nowhere) although i never completed the first quest (finding the relics). Also the relic count seemed to be broken after picking a flute. Count went to 0, didnt get the reward and then after picking some more relics (if im not mistaken there are more relics than the quest actually needs) the count restarted: you need 1 more -> you need 2 more -> you need 3 more -> etc. Thus, i wasnt able to complete the summoners quest story, but I could summon the naga cause of the 4% summoner gets, although i've never managed to summon her and defeat her.
Level 9
May 22, 2009
Fix also:
1) If you force the illussion mage to spam his mirror image spell and you corner him (he tends to go down to the door), there is a possibility that an image of him or the actual one spawns outside the fight area (happend to me with the REAL one and i was forced to load cause i couldnt reach him since he got outside the arena). This is a "bug" also happening with the standard blademaster from wc3 (you can trap an image or yourself to an impassable terrain).

2) You can find the Sage staff in the light temple and complete the quest, although you never spawned him (and then you can fight him although you are not a sage yet).

3) Same with the naga flutes although I couldnt find the 3rd one (used iseedeadpeople to carefully scan the area but it was nowhere) although i never completed the first quest (finding the relics). Also the relic count seemed to be broken after picking a flute. Count went to 0, didnt get the reward and then after picking some more relics (if im not mistaken there are more relics than the quest actually needs) the count restarted: you need 1 more -> you need 2 more -> you need 3 more -> etc. Thus, i wasnt able to complete the summoners quest story, but I could summon the naga cause of the 4% summoner gets, although i've never managed to summon her and defeat her.

thanks for your bugreport, I'll fix them, 2 and 3 are probably caused due the fact that you normally do the first 3 quests before you are sage, I'll look into it, the illusion mage shudn't be too hard to fix (I'll just use a 'unit enters region trigger)
Level 1
Sep 2, 2009
Bugs and stuff

Ive just created this account to say how awesome this map is.
Anyways I found several glitches/bugs and I wanted to share them w/ you so you can fix them next time.


So far I played only the summoner and I can give you information only for him.

The shortcut for Bahamut (R) doesnt work. Also when I summon him it seems he does nothing, it looks like his is trying to attack but he never does or he attacks but deals 0 dmg, dunno you have to check this for yourself to understand it fully.

The shortcut for (C)orrupt Creature - Abomination doesnt work too.


Siren's whereabouts quest (Summonner village) - collect 10 relics and 3 siren artefacts.

Ive collected them all and when I returned to the the chief of the village he still had the question mark (?) above his head. And belive me Im 100% sure I got them all because I checked the area few times even w/ my wolfs. Something strange (maybe) - when I needed 2-3 relics more to complete the quest and a minus "-" occured infront of the "how many items left to collect" message, dunno if this really is the problem, but I had them all and the quest bugged and I couldnt complete it.

Protect the skeletons quest (Necro village) - Kill 10 Priests
Ive killed 101 of them. Nothing happened. The quest still showed I have to kill 10.

The most Important ones!

Add some trees in the red circle


obviously you can freely pass and walk around :D
and see this -> http://i25.tinypic.com/vrfptt.jpg

and now !!!!


imo you have to fill the hole behind the portal so nothing could pass.
When I passed I found out two characters there.
A Lich King and the daughter of the King.When I clicked on the daughter she gave me the last quest!!? but I wasnt even close to the last boss, I had just killed the first mage - Time wizzard was his name if Im correct.

Level 1
Sep 2, 2009
Sorry for doble posting but it seems I got some strange forum bug
Do you see my post above?

Oh and one last thing. How the fudge do you get Odin summon? (I'm playing a summoner and I don't understand what you're suppose to do in the graveyard). Keep up the good work! :D

You can buy info in the Western City, near the North Gate (the beginning of the swamp area)
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Level 1
Jan 18, 2009
FIX firaga ASAP!!!!!:S
I don't know if its leak or what but it lags heavily the game with elementalist that cast it twice.
I found some more minor bugss but cant recall them except the one that you can get two times the "Kill 10 priests".

Edit:Is in the plan for the map to get black all of the sudden after certain time or after certain quest?
The minimap is okay just the map is black color like a dark room.you can only see the things that glow.
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Level 9
May 22, 2009
FIX firaga ASAP!!!!!:S
I don't know if its leak or what but it lags heavily the game with elementalist that cast it twice.
I found some more minor bugss but cant recall them except the one that you can get two times the "Kill 10 priests".

Edit:Is in the plan for the map to get black all of the sudden after certain time or after certain quest?
The minimap is okay just the map is black color like a dark room.you can only see the things that glow.

Firaga just creates a lot of dummy units, but I advice u to use blizzage more against a lot of enemies.
I'll look into that quest

about the black, it isn't supposed to happen, someone told me he had it when he entered the dark fortress, I don't really know what causes this, but i'll try to check it out.

Thx for the report
Level 1
Jan 18, 2009
Summoner gets the bonus for summons even if they are not available(they are not summoned just it is shown in the inventory multiboard) not something major but it can be fixed to improve quality.
Also on summoner i think sometimes he doesn't autocast spells when he is with wolves[mb the staff that i carry interacts with spells while it also casts spells on self(Rod of Protection)].
On thunder based spells(i think was the medium lvl thunder spell cant remember its name)i have also seen the marker that stays after the spell and i saw it to the side of the map in the temple area(under cleric's village).
On summoner again on wolves the timed life bar says quillbeast.Is this what u wanted it to say?
I get this thing with black screen on dark fortress again but this time its when i walk a bit(i meen one step)in the area.Also it happens when my wolves pass this "point" but when i teleport out of black fortress its all ok. Maybe a trigger ,like the one in the cemetery that u when u go in the screen gets kinda dark and "scary", there enables it?
I saw some other minor thiongs like these but as always i can'y recall them :/
I gotta go now or i would check for any grammar or cyntax mistakes so sry about them if they exist and also sry for not editing but i fear that u wouldnt see my edit :p
Very nice map!at least 4/5 at best 4,9/8(fix the minor bugs and 5 is yours;D)
Level 1
Sep 2, 2009
Guys it seems I got some sort of a forum bug
So I will just copy/paste my post (#69) cause Im sure you dont see it either


Ive just created this account to say how awesome this map is.
Anyways I found several glitches/bugs and I wanted to share them w/ you so you can fix them next time.


So far I played only the summoner and I can give you information only for him.

The shortcut for Bahamut (R) doesnt work. Also when I summon him it seems he does nothing, it looks like his is trying to attack but he never does or he attacks but deals 0 dmg, dunno you have to check this for yourself to understand it fully.

The shortcut for (C)orrupt Creature - Abomination doesnt work too.


Siren's whereabouts quest (Summonner village) - collect 10 relics and 3 siren artefacts.

Ive collected them all and when I returned to the the chief of the village he still had the question mark (?) above his head. And belive me Im 100% sure I got them all because I checked the area few times even w/ my wolfs. Something strange (maybe) - when I needed 2-3 relics more to complete the quest and a minus "-" occured infront of the "how many items left to collect" message, dunno if this really is the problem, but I had them all and the quest bugged and I couldnt complete it.

Protect the skeletons quest (Necro village) - Kill 10 Priests
Ive killed 101 of them. Nothing happened. The quest still showed I have to kill 10.

The most Important ones!

Add some trees in the red circle


obviously you can freely pass and walk around :D
and see this -> http://i25.tinypic.com/vrfptt.jpg

and now !!!!


imo you have to fill the hole behind the portal so nothing could pass.
When I passed I found out two characters there.
A Lich King and the daughter of the King.When I clicked on the daughter she gave me the last quest!!? but I wasnt even close to the last boss, I had just killed the first mage - Time wizzard was his name if Im correct.

Level 9
May 22, 2009
Summoner gets the bonus for summons even if they are not available(they are not summoned just it is shown in the inventory multiboard) not something major but it can be fixed to improve quality.
Also on summoner i think sometimes he doesn't autocast spells when he is with wolves[mb the staff that i carry interacts with spells while it also casts spells on self(Rod of Protection)].
On thunder based spells(i think was the medium lvl thunder spell cant remember its name)i have also seen the marker that stays after the spell and i saw it to the side of the map in the temple area(under cleric's village).
On summoner again on wolves the timed life bar says quillbeast.Is this what u wanted it to say?
I get this thing with black screen on dark fortress again but this time its when i walk a bit(i meen one step)in the area.Also it happens when my wolves pass this "point" but when i teleport out of black fortress its all ok. Maybe a trigger ,like the one in the cemetery that u when u go in the screen gets kinda dark and "scary", there enables it?
I saw some other minor thiongs like these but as always i can'y recall them :/
I gotta go now or i would check for any grammar or cyntax mistakes so sry about them if they exist and also sry for not editing but i fear that u wouldnt see my edit :p
Very nice map!at least 4/5 at best 4,9/8(fix the minor bugs and 5 is yours;D)

yea it's normal for the summoner to show the chances to summon of even the ones you don't have, but that doesn't mean they're summonable yet, aslong as you don't have captured the summon you can't summon it. Yea that bug with thundara is not cos of the spell thundara, but cause you're at the boundaries of the map, I thought I fixed this, but seems not, I'll check it out again.
I still have no idea how the dark fortress bug works, it seems it sometimes happens, sometimes not, but I don't know what could cause this, I'll be sure to check it out, could you perhaps take a screenshot of it? Or maybe a replay.
Level 9
May 22, 2009
I've tested my map again, and the darkness in the dark fortress is just a fog effect, I could still clearly see the map, it's just a little darker, the only bug is that it only resets when u go to the starting town...I'll fix that today, allong with most bugs you guys told me (the quest related ones), also the units at the side of the map will be fixed
Level 1
Jun 29, 2009
When I go to play this map, I click on the map name, and it doesn't show how many players there are, don't see myself or any computer NPCs, I press start and it just goes back to the map selection screen... what do I do?

Edit: My apologies, when I try to play any custom game, it doesn't work. Probably something wrong with the installation of WC >.>
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Level 9
May 22, 2009
When I go to play this map, I click on the map name, and it doesn't show how many players there are, don't see myself or any computer NPCs, I press start and it just goes back to the map selection screen... what do I do?

Edit: My apologies, when I try to play any custom game, it doesn't work. Probably something wrong with the installation of WC >.>

yea better re-instal it, this map should work fine, as this was the first time someone said he could not open it
When I go to play this map, I click on the map name, and it doesn't show how many players there are, don't see myself or any computer NPCs, I press start and it just goes back to the map selection screen... what do I do?

Edit: My apologies, when I try to play any custom game, it doesn't work. Probably something wrong with the installation of WC >.>

I only encounter that error when a map has some script errors......

Looks good.... downloading... anyways, spells seems final fantasy based....
Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Played it, it's really fun to play. I like the system.

Yet, there are a few points I think you might work on:
- keyboard shortcuts that would make autochange of the magic beeing used (if I type 2, it would change to the second magic of my hero's inventory for example)
- No casting while in the inventory (it's too easy, I used it a lot from the time I found I could heal myself in there)
- Is there any type of damage? Like does fire and lighning cause heat damage or so? Because that would greatly increase the gameplay variations.

I hope you will continue working on this, because it's real pleasure and very original!
Level 9
May 22, 2009
Played it, it's really fun to play. I like the system.

Yet, there are a few points I think you might work on:
- keyboard shortcuts that would make autochange of the magic beeing used (if I type 2, it would change to the second magic of my hero's inventory for example)
- No casting while in the inventory (it's too easy, I used it a lot from the time I found I could heal myself in there)
- Is there any type of damage? Like does fire and lighning cause heat damage or so? Because that would greatly increase the gameplay variations.

I hope you will continue working on this, because it's real pleasure and very original!

keyboard shortcuts? u mean u want me to add them? I could perhaps make up arrow move the items up (except for slot 1)

it's normal for you to heal in inventory, you can't abuse it cause enemy creeps get fully healed when you go into inventory

No, the damage types variate in range and effect (fire is medium damage, medium range/ blizzard is small damage, large range and ice effect(-50% ms and as)/thunder does single target damage(high) and short stun)
Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Yeah this shortcup would be very usefull!

As for the inventory, you can still get out of a dangerous spot simply by escaping in it and heal yourself (though the creeps heal, it changes less for them than for you, except for bosses I guess).

As for the damage type, I know about the difference (I am level 12), but I still think you would increase the gameplay variance by making heat more efficient against ice creature and cold stronger against fire creatures for example. Simply use damage type and armor type to do that actually quiet fast.

As for the reason I am not more than level 12, it's because during the trial of ancients, the "ice part", the boss cinematics bugs. It won't go back to playing. Is it because of the latest blizzard patch?
Level 9
May 22, 2009
Yeah this shortcup would be very usefull!

As for the inventory, you can still get out of a dangerous spot simply by escaping in it and heal yourself (though the creeps heal, it changes less for them than for you, except for bosses I guess).

As for the damage type, I know about the difference (I am level 12), but I still think you would increase the gameplay variance by making heat more efficient against ice creature and cold stronger against fire creatures for example. Simply use damage type and armor type to do that actually quiet fast.

As for the reason I am not more than level 12, it's because during the trial of ancients, the "ice part", the boss cinematics bugs. It won't go back to playing. Is it because of the latest blizzard patch?

you mean it's stuck in cinimatic mode? haven't heard about this, and didn't happen to me when I tested it with latest patch
Level 9
May 22, 2009
Well, I tried three times. Maybe the fact I am on Macintosh? Don't think it could be but anyway, how does the cinematic ends in the triggers?

It should turn off the cinematic mode, but if you like you can just open the map and remove that cinematic trigger, I think it's under the 'summons cam' map or maybe under 'quest story' map, the map's not protected. But you're the only one that happened to yet, so maybe the macintosh affects the triggers, or maybe it's in combination with the latest patch...
Level 3
Nov 16, 2009
One of my favorites, maybe even my favorite map! Really really nice. What i like most probably, is that you can actualy see your character changing, getting stronger. And a great option is that you can choose your own path. 5/5
Level 9
May 22, 2009
One of my favorites, maybe even my favorite map! Really really nice. What i like most probably, is that you can actualy see your character changing, getting stronger. And a great option is that you can choose your own path. 5/5

thx for the comment :), glad you liked it, I'll prolly gonna start on a new rpg in february once my exams are done, it will prolly be sumin original for an rpg cos else I don't bother to make it :p
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
very well done rpg.
i really enjoyed the different classes u can choose from.
also that casting type is very unique.
the only bad thing is...its not multiplayer =(
would be sooo awesome if u would make one.
and it doesnt even need to have a save/load system (with only max lvl 40)
Level 9
May 22, 2009
very well done rpg.
i really enjoyed the different classes u can choose from.
also that casting type is very unique.
the only bad thing is...its not multiplayer =(
would be sooo awesome if u would make one.
and it doesnt even need to have a save/load system (with only max lvl 40)

I know multiplayer would be ok, even without save/load, but it would be an enormous amount of work, and a lot of changes to balance it too, the map is full of memory leaks cos they don't give lag like in multiplayer maps, I'd have to change all my triggers, it's just not worth the huge amount of work, I rather just make another rpg
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
I know multiplayer would be ok, even without save/load, but it would be an enormous amount of work, and a lot of changes to balance it too, the map is full of memory leaks cos they don't give lag like in multiplayer maps, I'd have to change all my triggers, it's just not worth the huge amount of work, I rather just make another rpg

hm okay...but make a similiar spell/hero class system okay ?=D
Level 9
May 22, 2009
hm okay...but make a similiar spell/hero class system okay ?=D

I was thinking of making a class system based on skills (like dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, etc) which determines which class you can be, + you need weaker classses to unlock stronger ones during the game.

My new map, which I'll start on in february (after my exams), will also have it's own item system, which I don't know what it will be, prolly some things from this map aswell.

I'm also thinking of adding the good-bad concept, and different story lines depending on class and choices you make, but I haven't even decently brainstormed about it :p