World in Conflict

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Level 20
May 26, 2006
World in Conflict

General info
Map is mix of ideas from C&C and World in conflict. There are two teams US army and Soviet army. Game takes place in a Town and area around it. Teams objective is to capture 8 of 10 control points and hold them for two minutes. Map is like 60% made.

Each captured control point generates income for whole team.
Control points
There are few types of control points with diffrent bonuses for owning team.To capture control point you have to decrease its HP to 50%.

Radio Tower- increases attack points of all units of thr owning team. (aura)
Gas Station- increases speed of mechanical units.(aura)
Hospital-greatly increases health regeneration of infantry units.(aura)
Mall-more income than other CP's.
Airport-Ability of paradrop for Generals of Owning team.

More to come.

Each players chooses a general at start of the game with diffrent skills. General is not a unit , can only use skills and gather XP.

You cant train/build any units. You order them in special menu. Orderd units are deliverd to team base with next income. Each army have diffrent units.
Curent units of Soviet army: Mi-24 , BTR-80 , Infantry , Medic , T-80 , ZSU-Shilka.
Curent units of US army: Cobra Gunship , M2-Bradley , Stinger Infantry , Medic , Infantry, Abrams Tank , MRLS.

Models/Textures were made (and are still being made) by:

Current BETA


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Level 13
Dec 3, 2005
Maybe he's edited the Interface? Like you know how humans have like a wooden interface and NE has a forest look to it. Maybe he's edited it. Looks reeeeaaaallly good though.

Though I think you should change the name of the map. If it's based in a single town...I mean...Kinda Ironic to call it WORLD in Conflict if it's only in a single town...
Level 20
May 26, 2006
HeretoDLstuff said:
Are the icons there by photo editing, or else, how did you make the icons be there ingame?
Its just paint made XD
James7 said:
Though I think you should change the name of the map. If it's based in a single town...I mean...Kinda Ironic to call it WORLD in Conflict if it's only in a single town...
Well i resigned of world-map as it would just not work with urban fight that i want to have here. Terrain would suck then.
ragingspeedhorn said:
The houses doesn't fit with the tiles
Im still workin on the terrain.
Mechanical Man said:
shadows would be fine.
its just matter of my Warcraft graph setings :p

Im bad skiner i cant create my own tiles :/
Level 20
May 26, 2006
I made some work this week .
-i finished air strike system
-made some doodas
-Hospital model is made
-Unit Ordering system is ready
-some more Xd

*Paladin is not proper icon for General ( i havent made it yet).
*Footman on airstrike pic wasnt supopsed to be there.


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Level 4
Feb 10, 2007
World in Conflict

General info
Map is mix of ideas from C&C and World in conflict. There are two teams US army and Soviet army. Game takes place in a Town and area around it. Teams objective is to capture 8 of 10 control points and hold them for two minutes. Map is like 60% made.

Each captured control point generates income for whole team.
Control points
There are few types of control points with diffrent bonuses for owning team.To capture control point you have to decrease its HP to 50%.

Radio Tower- increases attack points of all units of thr owning team. (aura)
Gas Station- increases speed of mechanical units.(aura)
Hospital-greatly increases health regeneration of infantry units.(aura)
Mall-more income than other CP's.
Airport-Ability of paradrop for Generals of Owning team.

More to come.

Each players chooses a general at start of the game with diffrent skills. General is not a unit , can only use skills and gather XP.

You cant train/build any units. You order them in special menu. Orderd units are deliverd to team base with next income. Each army have diffrent units.
Curent units of Soviet army: Mi-24 , BTR-80 , Infantry , Medic , T-80 , ZSU-Shilka.
Curent units of US army: Cobra Gunship , M2-Bradley , Stinger Infantry , Medic , Infantry, Abrams Tank , MRLS.

Models were made (and are still being made) by:
-unknown russian modeler who made the mi-24 model (plz pm me if you know his name so i can credit him)

LoL, really nice one, cause i like gameplay like that.. but where did the two team's clash take place? is it in one town or some towns, or in a country?
Level 4
Feb 10, 2007
I made some work this week .
-i finished air strike system
-made some doodas
-Hospital model is made
-Unit Ordering system is ready
-some more Xd

*Paladin is not proper icon for General ( i havent made it yet).
*Footman on airstrike pic wasnt supopsed to be there.

what is that greeny things? parasute? i recommend to use other color
Level 20
May 26, 2006
Here is a new Soviet Unit - 2S19 MSTA-S mobile Howtzer. I want to make it a bit more realistic than in some other maps so it ill have like 2500-3500 range. I hope this will provide more tactical use of artillery.


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Level 20
May 26, 2006
- Arti range will be probably like 5000 i think , i will consider it again after some Bnet tests

-I will work on the balance , i hope that some beta testers will help me in proper time :p

Btw here is a special ability of all Soviet Land Vehicles - Smoke Grenades - They create a screen of smoke which prevents form attacking Casting unit for 5-10 sec.

Now im thinkig about such a special ability for US Tanks etc ,any ideas?


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Level 4
May 31, 2007
Unknown russian modeller how created Mi-24 model is JEDI Knight from XGm
and please create more units for Russia and USa in you map, if you played World in Conflict game you must know that Russia and Amerika has Light tank, Medium Tank, Heavy Tank, jeep (Yas or Humvee), Heavy Mobile Artillery "Pion" , And rocket anti-air mobile system.
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Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
I'm sure you'll be fine Kil1er, I'll back you if they try to ban you for posting a link to a completely illegal website that should never be discussed or linked ot on it's rival website. Remove it immediately, just say it was on the site, don't let us go there. AND DON'T DOUBLE POST!!! EDIT YOUR POSTS!!!
Level 20
May 26, 2006
Oka i added credit for Jedi knight .
I wont make so many units for now , i just have no time currently i want to focus on gamplay details ,skills balance etc so i can start Tests before new year. But you can be sure that if this map will be succesfull i will update it with new units skills etc. Map size will reach like 1.5 mb i hope it will be playable :d
Level 4
Feb 10, 2007
- Arti range will be probably like 5000 i think , i will consider it again after some Bnet tests

-I will work on the balance , i hope that some beta testers will help me in proper time :p

Btw here is a special ability of all Soviet Land Vehicles - Smoke Grenades - They create a screen of smoke which prevents form attacking Casting unit for 5-10 sec.

Now im thinkig about such a special ability for US Tanks etc ,any ideas?

US tanks? 1 idea from me, how about passive skill which make it stronger than soviet one? but it should be balanced :hohum:

Quote from WIkipedia:
As well, the Soviet Union and the United States both benefited from their ability to manufacture a well-balanced medium tank in incredible numbers—about 57,000 T-34s and 49,000 Sherman tanks were built during the war. (

maybe you can make it stronger, or if you want it active skill, just make it active to add strength or what :grin:
Level 20
May 26, 2006
I uploaded the 2S19 MSTA-S in model section.

US Land Vehicles will have ability of Uranium Rounds [active , limited by mana] i think.

Now what about the infantry :p i thnik US infantry should be stronger and more expensive. What about the soviet infantry? suggestions plz :p
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