There are a variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites in the world that can either completely take control of a host's brain, or change how the host behaves. (Some possibilities include: reduction of intelligence to a minimum forcing host to function on primal instinct, "immunity" to pain, inhuman endurance, increased violence, and/or uncontrollable cravings for human flesh, etc. etc.). Perhaps the most plausible cause of a "zombie" infection would be the rabies virus, seeing how it already cause zombie-like behavior in those infected by it, and the virus is passed through saliva and bodily fluids. The only problem with the rabies theory is that the infected individual only begins to show symptoms 18 days to a month(in most cases) after infection, and they die shortly afterwards.
Though the possibility for a "zombie" outbreak is definitely there, I highly doubt infection rates would get high enough to cause significant concern. There could be an infection here and there, but each one would be over in a few days seeing as the "zombie" would not get very far, and would be disposed of when it tries to attack an armed person.
A real problem arises when an infection occurs in a small, undeveloped area, like a village or rural community. The entire town could potentially be infected without anyone in surrounding towns knowing. But the outbreak would probably be stopped when it spreads beyond a town or two, when a heavy police would be sent to meet them.
Taking all this into account, one of the big problem I see occurring if there is an infection is the populaces refusal to believe that the person is indeed infected. Police would try to arrest the person at first, and a few officers would have to be bittern before violent force is used. It would also be hard to distinguished who is actually infected. The civilians and law enforcement would see the infected person as merely an overly violent person, and perhaps a drug addict.
In my opinion, a full scale zombie apocalypse will never happen. But if it does... us zombie slayers will be ready for it.