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Warcraft III - Fall of Draenor

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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Signoftheend, JokeMaster. The Orcish Clans campaign will have shamans and pyremasters. Orcish Horde camapign will have warlocks and necrolytes.

Well I mean that we need to remake the Kennel. It looks just great, but doesnt quite look uncorrupted-orcish. Plus we could add a throught(you know the thingy with water for animals). A windmill also could has been added, but I think that would be kinda too much.

Well Im still not sure about the Peak idea, so we'll do it later.

Shaman building... actually I dont know. I have two variants:
1.Shaman building like in Garadar


2.Some sort of Spirit Lodge kind of building.

Also here are some other building screens.

Level 2
Jan 22, 2009
Signoftheend, JokeMaster. The Orcish Clans campaign will have shamans and pyremasters. Orcish Horde camapign will have warlocks and necrolytes.

Okay, that's good. I was afraid the Clans would be demonic and the Horde would be shamanistic, and all of us lore freaks would get all pissy and stuff.
Level 2
Jan 22, 2009
Yeah, that's true... I think I was thinking more along the lines of gameplay reasons, and not being able to decide on other spellcasters. And some of the earlier posts made it seem like they were going to be put together. You, more than anyone, would be completely unlikely to mess with lore for any reason.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well we are going to have a special system.
In the beginning of a melee game you are able to build Shaman Rise. If you build it you are able to train shamans and pyremasters. However after you built it you are able to build another building - Warlock Shrine. If you built it you are able to build warlocks and necrolytes, but your Shaman Rise becomes useless - you cant do anything in it and that final. Even if you destroy all your warlocks and Shrines you still wont be able to build shamans or pyremasters again. If you choose the dark way by building the Shrine, your shamans become warlocks and your pyremasters become necrolytes.
Level 8
Dec 27, 2007
Well we are going to have a special system.
In the beginning of a melee game you are able to build Shaman Rise. If you build it you are able to train shamans and pyremasters. However after you built it you are able to build another building - Warlock Shrine. If you built it you are able to build warlocks and necrolytes, but your Shaman Rise becomes useless - you cant do anything in it and that final. Even if you destroy all your warlocks and Shrines you still wont be able to build shamans or pyremasters again. If you choose the dark way by building the Shrine, your shamans become warlocks and your pyremasters become necrolytes.

Sounds like my pathing system :D

Signoftheend, JokeMaster. The Orcish Clans campaign will have shamans and pyremasters. Orcish Horde camapign will have warlocks and necrolytes.

Well I mean that we need to remake the Kennel. It looks just great, but doesnt quite look uncorrupted-orcish. Plus we could add a throught(you know the thingy with water for animals). A windmill also could has been added, but I think that would be kinda too much.

Well Im still not sure about the Peak idea, so we'll do it later.

Shaman building... actually I dont know. I have two variants:
1.Shaman building like in Garadar


2.Some sort of Spirit Lodge kind of building.

Also here are some other building screens.


Are those in-game? If so nice! The new graphics in my modification are similar, yours is a little better though.
Level 8
Dec 27, 2007
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
They are? Intriguing.

Anyway, as I understand the pathing system is making two ways of progressing? I planned something similar for FoD as well - arakkoa can choose between Terokk or Rukhmar, Ogres can choose between freedom and Gronn, Draenei can choose between Light and eredar magic and orcs can choose between shamanism and warlock powers, however somehow I forgot about it.
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
I think its very good.I dont know who is modeler (maybe JokeMaster) but its epic.But i dont understand shaman house(tree with roots?) and we ll have Maghar orcs or just fel orcs (or noram greenskins!)?
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Those are WoW models, for pity sake! Im just showing the concept for our buildings!

Shaman thingy is rather made out of stone. Its like two natural archs combined.

We will have uncorrupted orcs(who are in modern times called mag'har) and green orcs in the campaign. Fel orcs didnt exist back then.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Indeed. Also, I just hit a jackpot with one fellow, who wishes to donate a load of Nagrand doodads to us. They include fully animated trees, rocks, doublearchway of shamans and cool flying islands, which we sadly dont need.
The only minus is that trees have WoW skin, however it is easy to change.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
right :D I was thinking more

but with a long hood that runs down as a pelt-cape on the back, 2 chains running down the collarbones from the hood, same naked/tattooed design and a robe bottom. I'd plan to make the face alpha-shaded so it doesn't reveal the whole face. It's hard to explain, i'll try my hand at drawing it if I find time.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
That last one.. something like that would be great.
Maybe with a wolf pelt and some bracers, but otherwise perfect, IMO.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Here's the list of orcish classes: Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death Knight, Blademaster, Farseer, Peon, Raider, Wind rider, Grunt, Necrolyte, Beastmaster, Pyremaster, Spirit champion, Barbarian, Bone crusher, Berserker, Necromancer, Assassin, Spymaster

However some can exist.
I downloaded image three cause I liked it best. I am going to edit it in GIMP because I found some awesome stuff I could do to images. Still experimenting. When we need voice actors this may come in handy

Also, when I was fiddling with an image I found on the internet and made this because I wanted to show you an example of what GIMP could do.


  • fall of draenor.jpg
    fall of draenor.jpg
    488 KB · Views: 463
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I'm sorry about that, I failed to clothify it correctly. Although I can't imagine denizens of draenor having paper seeing as their seems to be no papyrus. Not to mention there seems to be very few true trees. Rather fungi have taken over. In my opinion, they would use something a little akin to clay, as it would be quite annoying for races to go to nagrand from zangarmarsh as that could take days. Also, hellfire shows evidence of being, with zangarmarsh, a land of fungi. Another study shows that the terrokar trees are too large to be able to be cut down quickly. Conclusion: I believe that it would be hard for draenor denizens to gain parchment or paper quickly, but we could add it in for lore reasons as there were many tree-bearing areas on draenor. It is perfectly plausible, it just has some very tiny hassles.

EDIT: I fixed up the picture and now it's looks more like sandpaper or rough cloth.


  • fall of draenor_Fixed Up.jpg
    fall of draenor_Fixed Up.jpg
    426 KB · Views: 269
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well parchments are also used in Warcraft, in places where it coldnt even has been brought.

Hey, check out what I found out while checking stuff in the Internet!

It appears it is for the Warcraft III window that opens while WCIII is opened.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
1337th post above ^

Anyway, you guys will be able to check out the sample FoD music I'm making soon, and to get a glimpse at a pice of my music, head over to noteflight.com, take 2 seconds to make an account (its free), and search for Omens W.I.P.
Okay so I have spent almost 2 hours creating a masterpiece of much worth.

Now there are a few things about this image. I spent a couple hours making this so I would like to salvage it in any way, shape, or form I can. Anything you want me to fix I will. For example. you don't want Kiljaeden in there? We discuss it, I tell you why I think we need it. you don't like that point? I take it out. Now I put a lot of lighting effects in there. The most notable is the supernova. Which I masterfully painted behind an outline of an orc that somehow got itself into my picture. It worked well though, and makes a nice artistic stripe. Now you may use this, I made it for you and me to use in Fall of Draenor, but please give credits. What you will use this for, is up to Alagremm, it's his master plan after all.

Now let me lead onto something else entirely. First of all, although we won't be seeing much of him, I think we should have a final movie scene that will, in essence show the coming of Kiljaeden to Draenor, and commanding his foul demons to burn it ashes and corrupt each and every one of its beautiful lands. Therein, Draenor would become a place of desolace and hellfire, a place of life that lives only because it is hardy enough to live in the fel essence of the demons. For in time, this very land, through the decades, would become outland, a planet broken and destroyed. Outland would later be besieged by alliance and horde forces, as well as other factions looking for new worlds to capture. But that is beyond the point. The ending should feature kiljaeden but should NOT be a happy ending, but rather an ending the reaps destruction and delivers foul doom upon the hand of it's unloving master. That doom is Kiljaeden...

I hope you like my picture in any case. Hope the posting gets faster, it's getting kind of slow at the moment. Hopefully the posting will speed up as will the ideas. Keep it up guys.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
i would move kiljaeden down so you don't see his legs cut off, also why is that fel orc so blurry?

you should also remove that orc outline and put something like "Fall of Draenor" in the middle, but keep the lines just make the outline different

otherwise i like the picture

also draenor wasn't destroyed by kil'jaeden, it was destroyed by ner'zhul.
Dunno, I may have to consult Dab on how to reduce blur in GIMP, until then that's the best I could make, anyway, can you still see kiljaeden's legs are cut off? It's still WIP so lemme check it over... Oh no... I accidentally merged the one that was not supposed to be merged so now I have no way to unmerge it...That's great... I might have to do it over from scratch...ah well I'll get around to it. That sux...
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