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[Strategy / Risk] Fall of Draenor

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Level 2
Mar 21, 2014
Hello everyone!

I just want to inform you about a project, Smyl&AriusSunKing&Me are working on. Like 11 months ago, Smyl and I had the Idea to create a map about the original Draenor, so the war between the Horde and the Draenei's. 2 months later, we found out, that Blizzard is working on WoD, which they released on the BlizzCon 2013. (We didn't know about that to be honest xD). So like 1 month ago, AriusSunKing joined our team, helping us with spells, ideas, bugg-fixing, stuff like that!

But now to Fall of Draenor:

Basic Background/storyline:

"The Noble Draenei's have fleed from their planet Argus, and after a long journey, lead by the Naa'ru, they have found a peacefull planet called Draenor. Beside them the peacefull Orcs settelled at the green landscapes and enjoyed their life in harmony with the elements, shamanism has always been really important for the Orcish clans."

"After a long time of hunting, Kil'jaeden, former leader of the Draenei and now corrupted by the Burning Legion and Sargeras himself, wanted to defeat the Draenei, but his trys have failed when he attacked the Draenei directly, because of their last escape, supported by the Naa'ru. Therefor, he merged a new plan. So he contacted the spiritual leader of the Orcs pretending to be a holy spirit, Nerzhul, and told him that the Draenei's are a danger for the Orcs. However, he told him, that a united Horde would stand against any enemy, therefor, Nerzhul meet with the Leaders of the Orcish Clans, and they promoted Blackhand as their new Warchief. However, Nerzhul travelled to Oshu'gun, to talk with his ancients, but he didn't get a respond from them, so he got critical, that the whispering voice, which was leading him, was really holy. But he was eavesdropped by Gul'dan, who was already convinced by Kil'jaeden, due to his hunger for power. So he crippled Nerzhul, who was not able to talk anymore, and had to sit still, during the Draenei's got slaughtered."

"Furthermore, Gul'dan introduced the Warlocky, and started to train Orcs, in using devasting and crippeling spells, which supported the Orcs greatly in their fight against the Draenei's, however they have not left Draenor the same. Although, Mannoroth has offered the Orcs the Bloodpact, which was giving them an incredible bloodlust, but turning them into slaves."

About the gamestyle:

FoD (Fall of Draenor) is a RT/RTS map, in the style of Azeroth Wars/Daow/Lordaeron TA. Basically, you get gold through Control Points (CP's), and wood, through cutting tree's. Every race has it's own unique Hero squad, consisting of 4 Elites and the Heros each player has.

Races In-game:

Blackrock Clan
Shadowmoon Clan
Bleeding Hollow Clan
Frostwolf Clan
Warsong Clan
Shatterd Hand Clan


Mag'har Clan



What's special about every race?

Blackrock Clan: "The Blackrock Citadel, and the Iron Docks, the main citadels of the Blackrock Clan, lie in the North of Gorgrond, they have to either gather up every Orcish Clan in Gorgrond, or going pure Blackrock, declaring that the Blackrock Clan, is the true Clan in Gorgrond"

Shadowmoon Clan: "The Shadowmoon Clan lies in the Shadowmoon Clan, facing the powerfull City of Karabor, but with the aid of the Warlock's, they are able to stand against the Draenei's, and the Light"

Bleeding Hollow Clan: "The Bleeding Hollow Clan, lies in the Tanaan Jungle, starting with no major enemy, but under attack by the Brute of Anthriss, they have to secure the Jungle, to safe the resources to finish the Citadel, and to support the Blackrock Clan with the siege on the Capital of the Draenei's Shattrath"

Frostwolf Clan: "The Frostwolf Clan lies in the Frostfire Ridge, secured and far away from any City of the Draenei's, but still under heavy siege of the Bladespire Ogre's"

Warsong Clan: "The Warsong Clan lies in Nagrand, south of Shattrath and of the Mag'har Clan, but due to demands of Blackhand, and the Bloodlust, they although turn on their brethern the Mag'har"

Shatterd Hand Clan: "The Shatterd Hand Clan lies in the South of the Spires of Arakk, which are inhabitated by the aviations of the Arakkoa, who are attacking their supply lines, for the preperations of the Siege of Auchindoun, so they need to be eradicated for a victorious Horde"

Shattrath: "The Capital and heart of the Draenei's lies in the mid of Talador, and prepares to face the Orcish invaders, with the insane fortifications around the city, and the aid of the light, the Draenei's should be able to stand against the Might of the Horde"

Karabor: "The majestic temple of Karabor lies in the Shadowmoon Valley, and is the home of the Prophet Velen, but with the dangers comming from the Shadowmoon Clan and the Landing Site, the Draenei's, inhabitating the Temple of Karabor, the Umbaari Village and Velen's Spire, need to prepare, or they will get whipped out by the Horde"

Auchindoun: "The Auchindoun Crypts are the home of the dead's, and the inhabitants of the Crypts, the Auchenai, protect the dead's, to stay peacefully, so the Crypts shouldn't be a target for the Orcs, but who know's where the Bloodlust leads the Horde"

Mag'har: "Inhabited by the weakened, and the sicks, the Orcs of the Mag'har Clan feel devasted, but under the lead of the Grandmother, and the lead of the elements, which are stronger than ever for the Mag'har, since a lot of Shaman's have turned away from the, to serve as Warlocks, the Mag'har might rise again, and to face their enemies"

Ogres: "Under the leadership of Gruul, the Ogres live in slavery, to server their master, but his position is weakened, the Orcs from the Frostwolf Clan are engaging, and facing their most hatefull enemies, so will the Ogres free themselfes, of do they have to stay under the Might of Gruul"

Arakkoa: "The Arakkoa have risen greatly under their leader, Terokk, their own God, but also a lot have been sacrificed to still their hunger after blood, with attacking the Orcish supply lines, they should prepare, a devasting War is comming up"

I hope, I have given you now a short introduction about Fall of Draenor , although we will release it soon, as you may have noticed, that we are currently Bugg testing a lot, and introducing new stuff into the map!

If you want to find out more Fall of Draenor, then check out our Clan Website, (Clan BotR), http://www.brigandshaven.net/forums/fall-of-draenor.14/, where we are releasing versions and informing about new content!

(Approximately release: Maximum:End of 2014, But most likely much earlier, we want to release it when it's really awesome, but check out our Beta-Testing!)

Note: Fall of Draenor is still in Beta-Development, but we will release the first version soon, as we have seen, that it is already quite good to play, maybe anyone of you want's to join our Beta-tests, and might want to help us about Buggs&Stuff like that! Feedback is always appreciated!

Although, our clanmate, and a really good friend of us, called "PokemanHarald", made already a few videos about FoD, check out his channel!

(Videos are already like 1-2 months old, I'll try to get him to make new ones ;D)



  • Northern Gorgrond.png
    Northern Gorgrond.png
    3.8 MB · Views: 1,114
  • ShattrathNorthern Talador.png
    ShattrathNorthern Talador.png
    4.4 MB · Views: 1,551
  • Shadowmoon Valled.png
    Shadowmoon Valled.png
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  • Nagrand.png
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  • Northern Tanaan Jungle.png
    Northern Tanaan Jungle.png
    4.4 MB · Views: 4,321
Level 2
Sep 24, 2013
Well on brigandshaven.net you can check what we are currently doing and such. For example now we have added new path for ogres including extention of Nagrand - Highmaul.

So ogres if they choose this path and Gruul is dead will gain a very strong (possibly one of the strongest bases in the game) base in Nagrand.

Also we have there bug-list, but that's only for beta testers.

Then you can check there terrain, because in here you have only some parts of the terrain ;)
Level 2
Sep 24, 2013
Ah Thanks Smyl, looking forward to its release [:
Fall of Draenor is now available on MMH and epicwar http://www.epicwar.com/maps/249978/
Some videos from Harald

I hope you will enjoy playing Fall of Draenor. I have noticed that someone put it on ENT aswell. From which I am kinda sad of, because it wasn't us.

Note that it's the first version of it and has still a lot of bugs, but we are working on them to make it bug free and balanced mostly.

For more information and bug report please visit http://www.brigandshaven.net/forums/fall-of-draenor.14/

-creators of Fall of Draenor
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