Fall of Drenor

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Level 6
Aug 17, 2011
A great project was started and never finished it is time for this mod creation i present you :
Fall of Draenor
Fall of Draenor was planned as total game modification that includes totally new tilesets, four new races and 5 campaigns telling the story about the Fall of Draenor.
You were able to see the world of Draenor before the First War.
The storyline was set prior to the opening of the Dark Portal, in the times of the Rise of the Horde.


Playable races

Draenei - Race of masters of Light and magic. Originally eredar, they have run from their homeworld Argus under the leadership of Prophet Velen and the divine Naaru. Now Draenor is their home and they arent going to let it die. Excellent melee and spellcaster units.

Orcs - Shamanistic and peaceful, these brave and strong warriors are one with the earth, however they forsaken their ancestral ways and became masters of dark powers. Excellent melee, good ranged and spellcaster units.

Ogres - This brutish race of warriors serving their terrible Gronn masters has a low intellegince, which doesnt stop them from being excellent workers and warriors. However because of the low intelligence they dont have much spellcasters or ranged units.

Arakkoa - The mysterious birdman of Draenor are excellent assasins and archers. They are also good spellcasters, having mastered the powers of shadow given to them by Terokk. Masters of poisons and alchemy they arent very good in melee, however even the few of their melee units are considerable enemies. Good in sudden attacks, but bad in defence.

Sons of Gruul
Ogre campaign
Learn the true history of origins of the Draenor giants and see the peaceful world from the eyes of brutal race of ogres. Try to bring Bladespire clan to glory and make it the dominant clan. But this will not be enough... lead Dentarg, Cho'gall, Blackheart, Mogor and their forces to power!

Burning Shadow
Orcish Clans campaign
Draenor, the home of a peaceful race - the orcs. Be one of them as you will be the master of a peaceful orcish clan, living like all the other clans... until the Great Burning Shadow found the world and the cycle that orcs contuned has fallen... forever. See orcs forsake their ancestral ways and stand on the path to damnation! See the corruption of orcish race through the eyes of Ner'zhul, Orgrim Doomhammer and Durotan.

Light of the Naaru
Draenei campaign
For two hundred years this world was their home... Exiles Refuge. They lived happily, in peace... until they were forced to defend themselves from an unexpected enemy and make a choice... while the once peaceful race becomes the bloodfirsty Horde... now you must decide what to sacrifice and who to save. See Velen, Nobundo and Akama trying to save their people and the world itself.

Legacy of Terokk
Arakkoa campaign
They were here before the orcs... before the draenei. They built civilizations... but it was Terokk who showed them the true power! Or so it seemed... the arakkoa set out to find out what happened to the veils in different parts of Draenor and find out that the orcs destroyed the draenei... as they quickly send their kind to the safety to Skettis, they have to find the three relics Terokk left in the mortal plane. But soon an arakkoa would understand that all what they believed was a lie... lead Kirrik and Ikiss through Draenor in their quest.

Rise of the Horde
Orcish Horde campaign
The draenei destroyed... the world slowly dying... the orcs turn on their own kind in their twisted bloodlust. The demons are gone, as well as the power they promised. As Gul'dan continues to strengthen the Horde, it slowly weakens... until he found out that there is another world they can conquer... command him, his puppet Blackhand and other servants of the dreaded Shadow Council.

Native Draenor creatures:
* Arakkoa
* Burrowers
* Colossi
* Draenei (broken and Lost Ones are considered native, though the original type is not.)
* Draenor giants
* Elekk
* Ethereals (not technically native, but present according to publicity materials.)
* Felboars
* Fel reavers (not technically native, but present according to publicity materials.)
* Fungal giants
* Gronn
* Nether dragons
* Nether drakes
* Naaru (not technically native, but present according to publicity materials.)
* Fel orcs
* Ogres
* Ogre lords
* Orcs
* Ravagers
* Rock flayers
* Shivarra (not technically native, but present according to publicity materials.)
* Sporelings
* Spore walkers
* Spore bats
* Warp stalkers
* Wrathguards (not technically native, but present according to publicity materials.)
* Netherwyrms (RPG)
* Fungal horrors (RPG)
* Phase spiders (RPG)
Flaying units :
Ogres - They could use goblin inventions
Orcs - saomecind of a dragon riders
Draenei - No ideas
We will need these voice actors:
-Arakkoa(they wont have special campign unit voices)
-Orc(male)(we will mostly re-use WCIII orc quites)
-Ogre(we will mostly re-use WCIII ogre quites), all of ogre units
-Durotan(Thrall like voice)
-Other orc heroes
-Draenei hero(es)

Firs we are going to make Draenei Campaign,anyone interested joing PM .
Team now counts 3.
Level 9
Dec 15, 2009
So you are attempting to revive that project? Have you tried contacting members of that proj and obtaining permission, or if they have given it, the material that they used?

You could try voice-acting yourself, see how it works..
Level 3
Dec 8, 2009
I was thinking about making a Campaign of the Rise of The Horde when I stumbled upon this.
Also for things like Draenei voices, I wonder if theres any way to get hold of the voices of the WOW Draenei?
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