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Flames of Draenor

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Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Flames of Draenor


Flames of Draenor is an income-based strategy map, which takes place during the events of WCII: Beyond the Dark Portal. Here, you fight as the Alliance Expedition or the Horde of Draenor within their homeworld before its cataclysmic disaster. It includes over twenty-five heroes, over thirty bases, and many more capturable encampments. There are a variety of strategies to fight the enemy, and many ways to utilize the terrain, weather it is a choke point or a flank. Both teams goals are to destroy all each others bases, though there is another way to win.

If Ner'zhul retrieves the Book of Medivh, Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, and the Eye of Dalaran, he may be brought back to Black Temple and begin channeling his spell over five minutes to open rifts to new worlds. If successful, the game would end in Horde victory. Though, the Alliance may kill Ner'zhul during this time and continue the game. Normally, or take Ner'zhuls items and use it for themselves.

Though, vice versa, if Archmage Khadgar is able to gather the Book of Medivh, the Eye of Dalaran, and the Skull of Gul'dan, he may begin to close the Dark Portal over five minutes, preventing Draenor's destruction to backlash into Azeroth. During this time, Khadgar may also be killed.

Gathering Gold and Increasing Income

Gold can be retrieved in a myriad of ways, but the main source is Income generated through owned bases. All players starts off with their own unique bases. Each one is strategically crucial as if a base is destroyed, you may never get it back, permanently losing that source of income.

An alternative way to generate income is by capturing mines. Littered across Draenor, abandoned or inhabited, lie mineral-rich mines. Each mine boosts your income by twenty gold, and can be useful for giving you the upper hand.

Lastly, gold can also be retrieved by the old classic way, killing creeps. Across Draenor lie creatures and inhabitants that serve neither the Horde of Draenor or Alliance Expedition, and thus they are hostile to all. Slaying them is often a good way to amass gold. The stronger the slain enemy, the more gold he or she will reward.

Iron, what it does, and how to get it

Iron is a very important resource within this game. It is important to be frugal with it as you get very little at the start. It comes from Mines, which not only add 20 income, but also give you one iron per minute. Each player starts with their own mine, and you may conquer other mines to not only increase your income, but your iron per minute.

Iron is used for many important things. One of them is unit upgrades. Upgrades such as improved weapons, improved armor, improved battleship upgrades, and other things related to that require Iron. All weapon and armor upgrades for units have five tiers. The first tier requires three iron, and then the second tier six iron, and each tier increases the Iron cost by three. Naval units also have upgrades. Their upgrades have three tiers. The first tier costs four iron, and it increases by four each tier.

Iron is also used for another crucial element, buildings. Buildings such as farms for food, watch towers, town halls, great halls, barracks, guard towers, and every other building requires a mixture of Iron and Gold.


Researching is an essential part of the game. Many things require researching, such as weapon and armor improvements for ships and units. After conquering a new base, (ex: Shadowmoon Village to New Gnomeregan) their income will not be active. You must research it in order to activate a new bases income, all starting bases start with income. Researching is also needed in order to unlock stronger units, as you only start with the basic. Many upgrades are also available which improve units speeds, health, etc.

Factions, bases, heroes, and incomes

Alliance Expedition
- Danath's Forces (Gray)
-Danath Trollbane
-Lieutenant Herrick (Demi-hero)
-General Herrick (Ascends from Lieutenant Herrick at level 7)
-Expedition Armory - 35 gold
-Frontguard Tower - 15 gold
-Stromgarde Stand (Gained if Zeth'gor is destroyed) - 20 gold
-Danath's Victory (Gained if Hellfire Citadel is destroyed) - 50 gold

- Elven Expedition (Teal)
-Alleria Windrunner
-Allerian Stronghold - 75 gold
-Quel'dal Lodge (Gained if Bonechewer Hold is destroyed) - 40 gold

- Dwarven Brigade (Green)
-Commander Thalvos
-Kurdran Wildhammer
-Wildhammer Stronghold - 45 gold
-Bronzebeard Keep - 40 gold
-New Gnomeregan (Gained if Shadowmoon Village is destroyed) - 30 gold

- Lordaeron Regiment (Blue)

-Akama (Gained if Shattrath is reclaimed)
-High Prophet Velen (Gained if Temple of Karabor and Shattrath is reclaimed)
-Honor Hold - 55 gold
-Shattrath City (Gained if Turalyon is brough to Shattrath once Bonechewer Hold is destroyed) - 20 gold
-Temple of Karabor (Gained if Black Temple is destroyed. Akama must be alive, or it will not work) - 50 gold
-Northwatch Guard Tower (Gained if Northern Hellfire Ramparts is destroyed) - 10
-Southwatch Guard Tower (Gained if Southern Hellfire Ramparts is destroyed) - 10

- Kirin Tor (Purple)

-Archmage Khadgar
-Archmage Vargoth
-Magus Xintor (demi-hero)
-Archmage Xintor (Ascends from Magus Xintor at level 7)
-Kirin'var Village - 45 gold
-Expedition Mage Tower - 15 gold
-Nethergarde Keep - 25 gold
-Nethergarde Fortress (Gained if Laughing Skull Stronghold is destroyed)- 40 gold
Horde of Draenor
- Shadowmoon Clan (Black)
-Warlock Nethekurse (Demi Hero)
-Grand Warlock Nethekurse (Nethekurse ascends to a full hero at level 7)
-Black Temple - 50 gold
-Hellfire Citadel - 50 gold
-Shadowmoon Village - 10 gold
-Temple of the Damned (Gained if Wildhammer Stronghold is destroyed) - 20 gold

- Shadow Council (Dark Green)
-Teron Gorefiend
-Blackheart the Inciter
-Grandmaster Vorpil (Freed when Auchenai Crypts is conquered)
-Shadow Labyrinth - 10 Gold
-Mana Tombs - 10 gold (Gained is Mana Tombs is conquered from hostile)
-Sethekk Halls - 10 gold (Gained if Sethekk Halls is conquered from hostile)
-Auchenai Crypts - 10 gold (Gained if Auchenai Crypts is conquered from hostile)
-Kil'sorrow Fortress - 10 Gold
-Expedition Armory (Gained if Expedition Armory is destroyed) - 50 Gold

- Dragonmaw Clan and Deathwing's Forces (Brown)
-Zuluhead the Whacked
-Overlord Mor'ghor (Is gained if Zuluhead dies)
-Dragonmaw Fortress - 20 gold
-Dragonmaw Isle - 10 gold
-Deathwing's Lair - 50 gold
-Black Dragon Nest (Has no income, but allows the research of "The Black Brood", allowing the
Dragonmaw to train Black Drakes and four Black Wyrms, elite air units.

- Bonechewer and Laughing Skull Clans (Yellow)

-Tagar Spinebreaker (Is given to Orange, if he is still alive, if the Laughing Skull Clan joins the Alliance)
-Obris (demi-hero, is killed if the Laughing Skull Clan joins the Alliance)
-Gruul the Dragonkiller (Is gained if the Laughing Skull Clan joins the Alliance)
-Bonechewer Hold - 30 gold
-Laughing Skull Village - 10 gold
-Bonechewer Village - 10 gold
-Laughing Skull Stronghold - 20 gold
-Laughing Skull Fortress (Gained if the Laughing Skull Clan joins The Alliance Expedition. In order to join, Bonechewer
Hold and Bonechewer Village must be destroyed.) - 20
-Bladespire Hold - 15 (Gained if joined Alliance. Alternatively, it can be gained if High King Maulgar is killed and will
also allow the training of new Bladespire Ogre units.)
-Gruul's Lair - 20 (Gained if joined Alliance)

- Warsong Clan, Shattered Hand Clan, and Bleeding Hollow Clan (Red)
-Grom Hellscream
-Kargath Bladefist
-Kilrogg Deadeye
-Warsong Harbor - 20
-Zeth'gor - 15
-Shattered Hand Stronghold - 15
-South Hellfire Rampart - 10
-North Hellfire Rampart - 10
-Bleeding Hollow Fortress (Gained if Zeth'gor is destroyed) - 10
-Burning Blade Village (is gained if Burning Blade Village is liberated of Warmaul Ogres. It gives no income, but offers
the "Burning Blade Allegiance" upgrade. More information below at the "In-game Events")

Thunderlord Clan and Horde Ogres (Orange)

-Fenris Wolfbrother
-Tagar Spinebreaker (Is attained if the Laughing Skull Clan joins the Alliance Expedition)
-Thunderlord Fortress - 25
-Stonemaul Ogre Mound - 20
-Thunderlord Village - 15
-Rockard - 20
-Bonechewer Citadel (If the Laughing Skull Clan joins the Alliance with Bonechewer Citadel, it will be given to the
Thunderlord Clan. If not, it is attainable by them if destroyed.)

In-Game Events

Alliance Expedition
Danath's Forces
-Able to gain Stromgarde Stand, a naval base, if Zeth'gor is destroyed. This enables Danath's ability to upgrade ships.
-Can gain Danath's Victory, an Alliance fortress, if Hellfire Citadel is destroyed.
-If Turalyon is slain, Danath will become a new, stronger hero and assume High General of the Alliance Expedition in Turalyon's place.
-At level six, Lieutenant Herrick will ascend from the ranks to General Herrick, becoming a full hero from a demi-hero.

Elven Expedition
-If Alleria is slain, Talthressar will assume leader of the Elven Expedition and become a stronger hero.
-May gain Quel'dal Lodge if Bonechewer Hold is destroyed. This allows the creation of four elite Rangers.
-If the Shadow Labyrinth and Auchenai Crypts is destroyed, Teal will gain the ability to train Draenei Anchorites, a stronger but more expensive upgrade from the Elven Priest.

Dwarven Brigade

-If Shadowmoon Village is destroyed the Gnomes will establish New Gnomeregan, and allow access to many new Bronzebeard technologies, such as Improved Riflemen, Steam Tanks, Flying Machines, and Iron Golems.
-If Kurdran and Sky'ree are both alive and are both level 10, Kurdran may mount Sky'ree and become a powerful new hero.

Lordaeron Regiment
-Can obtain Northwatch or Southwatch Guard Towers when the Southern Hellfire Ramparts or Northern Hellfire Ramparts are destroyed.
-Can obtain Shattrath City if Bonechewer Hold is destroyed and Turalyon is brought to it. Shattrath allows access for Turalyon to create Draenei Priests, which have better spells then normal priests.
-Will gain Akama if Shattrath City is reclaimed.
-If Black Temple is destroyed and Akama is alive, it will be reclaimed as the Temple of Karabor and blue will receive High Prophet Velen. This will also allow him to train four Draenei Vindicators, powerful melee Draenei paladins.

Kirin Tor
-Magus Xintor can ascend to Archmage Xintor once he hits level 7.
-If Khadgar receives the Book of Medivh, Eye of Dalaran, and Skull of Gul'dan he may go to the Dark Portal and channel for five minutes. If he is successful, the game will end in Alliance victory.
-If Laughing Skull Stronghold is destroyed and Khadgar is alive, purple will receive Nethergarde Fortress, a new base.
Horde of Draenor
Shadowmoon Clan
-Temple of the Damned may be gained if Wildhammer Stronghold is destroyed, allowing access to create powerful Orcish Death Knights.
-If Ner'zhul receives the Book of Medivh, Eye of Dalaran, and Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, he may go to Black Temple and channel for five minutes. If successful, Ner'zhul will open rifts to other planets and tear Draenor apart, ending in Horde victory.
-Warlock Nethekurse will become Grand Warlock Nethekurse at level 7, and ascend to a full hero.

Shadow Council
-If Auchenai Crypts is conquered, Grandmaster Vorpil will be attained.
-If all four wings of Auchindoun are taken, the Shadow Council will be able to train powerful Orcish Death Knights.
-If Allerian Stronghold falls, the Shadow Council may train Fallen Rangers.

Dragonmaw Clan and Deathwing's Forces

-If "The Black Brood" is researched, the Dragonmaw will be able to construct a new building, Hatcheries. Here they can train Scouting Whelps and Black Whelps. They may also train four Black Wyrms, powerful and elite air units.
-If Zuluhead the Whacked is slain, Overlord Mor'ghor will rise to power and replace him as a hero.

Bonechewer and Laughing Skull Clans
-If Allerian Stronghold is destroyed, it will become Bonechewer Citadel.
-If Bonechewer Hold and Bonechewer village are destroyed, the Laughing Skull Clan will be able to betray the Horde and join The Alliance. If they do this, they will lose the Demi-Hero Obris and Khadgar will get the Book of Medivh. They will also lose Tagar Spinebreaker if still alive, and he will be given to the Thunderlord Clan. The Laughing Skull Clan will also receive Gruul the Dragonkiller, a powerful new hero. They will also receive Bladespire Hold, Gruul's Lair, and Laughing Skull Fortress as new bases. If this is done, Bonechewer Citadel will not be attainable, and if it already has been attained it will be given to the Thunderlord Clan.
-Alternatively, if High King Maulgar is killed, the Laughing Skull and Bonechewer Clans may get Bladespire Hold, allowing them to train powerful Bladespire Ogre units.

Warsong Clan, Shattered Hand Clan, and Bleeding Hollow Clan
-If Zeth'gor is destroyed, the Bleeding Hollow Clan will pledge themselves more into the war and Red will gain the Bleeding Hollow Fortress.
-If Burning Blade Village is liberated of Warmaul Ogre creeps, Red will gain it. It gives no income, but offers the ability to train 10 Burning Blade Berserkers and two elite Blademasters. If the "Burning Blade Allegiance" upgrade is researched from the Burning Blade Village, red will be able to train four Blademasters and unlimited Berserkers.

Current Development Progress

Development Stage - Pre-Alpha
Currently Working On - Finishing doodads on terrain, then moving onto triggers.
Planning - 70%
Terrain - 80%
Triggers - 0%
Heroes, Units, Buildings, Bases - 30%

We are recruiting!

We are currently looking for one or two dedicated triggerers to help on the map. We are also accepting all people who are willing to give ideas. We are not in need of beta testers at the moment, as we are not in that stage of development.

If you are interested in joining, visit our Project Recruitment thread here.

The Team

Takakenji - Project Leader, Unit Developer, Balancer, Terrainer
Conflate - Ideas and Suggestions, Unit Developer, Balancer
Biggrouse - Ideas and Suggestions, Unit Developer, Balancer
Mr_Bean987 - Triggerer
Darkgrom - Triggerer
Stormage - Terrain helper, Ideas
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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
I like all you ideas so far, as I mentioned in your recruitment thread I am interested in joining your team as a terrainer.

I'll keep developments questions here from now on:

Roughly where are players able to find these artifacts mentioned, if my Lore is correct then these items where spread around Azeroth, some even in Dalarian, are you planning on having more Azeroth Regions besides Blasted Lands?

If gold and Iron are the primary resources does that mean theres no need for wood? In which case I'll just use trees in the terrain for visual perposes. One downside to having both resources spawned without having to mine them means that you end up having alot of idle works not doing anything, have you thought about having the Iron mined in the same way peasants can gather lumber?

Surely there wouldnt be much use for Navys as Dreanor hardly has any Sea?

Regarding Map size, 300 x 300 is pretty huge, I know your thinking big but remember you can just get a smaller size map and use object scaling to give the impression of a bigger map, for example if you decrease object size by 10% your basicaly increasing your map size by 10%, all the popular strategy maps make use of this. Personaly I think a smaller map size with object scaling might be better than a massive map, also there'l be less lag.

I'm glad you like the terrain on the example map but can I ask why you don't think its very tactical? There are choke points and bridges and stuff like that in it, I designed with looks and strategy in mind and theres no reason why a terrain can't look good but also have tactical value. I'm not disagreeing with you just trying to understand. The map terrain is the first thing new players see on a map so if it dosnt look good it can seriously effect peoples enjoyment of the game.

Anyway I am hoping to start the terraining this weekend so please let me know what you decide, when I get home ill send you my msn, I like to make completely sure of what you want before I go ahead and start it.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Roughly where are players able to find these artifacts mentioned, if my Lore is correct then these items where spread around Azeroth, some even in Dalarian, are you planning on having more Azeroth Regions besides Blasted Lands?

In lore, the Alliance Expedition only came to Draenor because Khadgar found out why they wanted the artifacts, so by now the Horde has them, so you don't actually have to go out to get them. I'll have to adjust lore to fit gameplay mechanics though, or else the orcs would already have all the artifacts.

If gold and Iron are the primary resources does that mean theres no need for wood? In which case I'll just use trees in the terrain for visual perposes. One downside to having both resources spawned without having to mine them means that you end up having alot of idle works not doing anything, have you thought about having the Iron mined in the same way peasants can gather lumber?

It wouldn't be a bad idea if Iron was mined that way, but it would mean we'd have to increase the cost of things that use it. And yes, trees would be for visual purposes only, but they can also serve tactical purposes. A tree wall could be blocking a second passageway into a base, and you can use siege weaponry to clear it out and flank an enemy, just things like that.

Surely there wouldnt be much use for Navys as Dreanor hardly has any Sea?

The entire abyss in Outland was once sea. With it, it allows easy connection to The Fields of Farahlon (past netherstorm) and Shadowmoon Valley from Hellfire Peninsula, the Alliance Expedition's main source of power. Though, it also means the Horde needs to protect these coasts from landing, and as well do the Alliance, so naval warfare does play a role.

Regarding Map size, 300 x 300 is pretty huge, I know your thinking big but remember you can just get a smaller size map and use object scaling to give the impression of a bigger map, for example if you decrease object size by 10% your basicaly increasing your map size by 10%, all the popular strategy maps make use of this. Personaly I think a smaller map size with object scaling might be better than a massive map, also there'l be less lag.

Yeah, possibly. Maybe 256x256 would be better, or even lower.

I'm glad you like the terrain on the example map but can I ask why you don't think its very tactical? There are choke points and bridges and stuff like that in it, I designed with looks and strategy in mind and theres no reason why a terrain can't look good but also have tactical value. I'm not disagreeing with you just trying to understand. The map terrain is the first thing new players see on a map so if it dosnt look good it can seriously effect peoples enjoyment of the game.

Well, I believed it wasn't tactical more because of the flavor things, such as the Nagrand arena. It also didn't leave enough room for us to place the bases or to build. Even if we did do it, It would have to go under some heavy revisions, and I thought it would be easier to start a fresh map from scratch. My intentions where to try to get a "Glory of the Horde" (strategy map) styled terrain, where basically everything is designed in mind of possible tactics and strategies, for defense or offense.

Anyway I am hoping to start the terraining this weekend so please let me know what you decide, when I get home ill send you my msn, I like to make completely sure of what you want before I go ahead and start it.

Sure, I'd be glad to have you on the team. I'll add you to the list.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Dark Purple, Dark Red, Dark Green, and Black are hard to read.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Try using:


The light colors are easiest to read.
Level 7
Jul 24, 2008
Blue, Dark Blue, Purple and Dark Purple are all extremely hard to read. :huh:

Otherwisie it looks like an awesome map addition to RISK and Income based games. I also really like the alternitive ways to win.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
It wouldn't be a bad idea if Iron was mined that way, but it would mean we'd have to increase the cost of things that use it.

Well we can edit how much Iron is mined by editing the Harvest ability, we can also make the Iron deposits infinate, we will have to find a suitable Model to represent the Iron deposits as I'll be using alot of the Generic rocks for Terrain perposes but I'll have alook.

The entire abyss in Outland was once sea. .

Oh I see, I did some lore reading and that makes sense, shame cos i was realy hoping to terrain Netherstorm.

Yeah, possibly. Maybe 256x256 would be better, or even lower.

Well, I believed it wasn't tactical more because of the flavor things, such as the Nagrand arena. It also didn't leave enough room for us to place the bases or to build. Even if we did do it, It would have to go under some heavy revisions, and I thought it would be easier to start a fresh map from scratch. My intentions where to try to get a "Glory of the Horde" (strategy map) styled terrain, where basically everything is designed in mind of possible tactics and strategies, for defense or offense.

I had a look at Glory of The Horde, it might be tactical but the terrain isn't exactly great, have you played Azeroth Wars? The Terrain in that game is realy nice to look at and tactical, its also faithful to how alot of the regions look in wow, unlike GotH.

The Arena is actualy based on the Ring of Trials from wow, it dosnt have to just be there for decoration, we can find ways to make it serve a tactical purpose.

Oh by the way how come Mannoroth isnt playable :(

I've taken what you said into account and heavily edited the Nagrand area of my map, and made the following changes:

- Decreased object scale by 20% so the map is actualy much bigger, advise you to play the map and see what it looks like ingame.

-Added alot more tactical features like choke points, bridges and walls.

- Added Twilight Ridge: could be controled by Shadow Moon or Shadow council player, Kil'sorrow Fortress, Sun Spring Post and overall made Nagrande more Rugged.

-I found an awsome model of Deathwing so I've included that, it's over 400kb in space so we might have to delet it if we run out of room but I think it looks great. I also found some low poly Mag'har buildings, have you got any ideas for the Mag'har orcs? Seeing as theyre uncorrupted Orcs I think it might be an idea to add them in on the alliance side as a playable race, at the moment you have 5 players all starting in the same area (Hellfire Peninsula) and it might help even it out abit. We could think up something cool for Oshu'gun's powers.

It's a shame there isnt any decent Dreani building models otherwise we could have added them in as a proper race.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

He might mean the maps file size.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Just keep an eye on the fps when your playing (/fps) if it falls below 35 then you should see if theres a few un-noticeable doodads or things you could delete to bump it up a little bit. Just a suggestion if the time ever comes =P

Anyways can't wait to play.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Just keep an eye on the fps when your playing (/fps) if it falls below 35 then you should see if theres a few un-noticeable doodads or things you could delete to bump it up a little bit. Just a suggestion if the time ever comes =P

Anyways can't wait to play.

Thanks for the tips!

Also, screenshots will be coming soon once the terrainer is ready.
Level 1
Aug 4, 2011
I've finished researching, though it is still up for suggestions like everything else.

I think the alliance should gain reinforcements so long as they control the Stair of Destiny ( The dreanor side of the dark portal )prehaps there could be two capturable bases on eather side of the portal one starts of under control of the alliance one starts under horde control it could prehaps only be for the start untill they exspand on to dreanor .
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
I think the alliance should gain reinforcements so long as they control the Stair of Destiny ( The dreanor side of the dark portal )prehaps there could be two capturable bases on eather side of the portal one starts of under control of the alliance one starts under horde control it could prehaps only be for the start untill they exspand on to dreanor .

That's not a bad idea, actually, thanks a lot! I'll discuss it with my other two idea guys.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
I have attached the latest version of my project Archimonde's Arena. Please note there may be a few bugs which I have fixed in the current version which I'm still working on. If you want an unprotected copy I will email it to you.

Download: View attachment 105438

Awesome, I'll be glad to have you as a triggerer on our team.
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