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War in Georgia. Are Russians right or not?

Are Russians right or not?

  • right

    Votes: 35 53.8%
  • wrong

    Votes: 30 46.2%

  • Total voters
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Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
Aww.. it's really bad idea for USA to start nuclear war, because China and Iran are on Russian side.. versus USA's politics :S
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
I personally think Russia's right for it. And I'm American.

I really hope America doesn't get involved. But of course, we have to be the fucking world police going "You can't do that Russia". So we'll probably end up helping Georgia.

I mean, God forbid that Bush does something smart and avert Cold War II.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
The most funny thing in this whole event is that Bush says Russian to stop. America should not involve to this because they are living other side of the world!

Do you have any tiny bit of political intelligence? Do you know history?

Events over in that part of the world matter very much to the rest of the world. Just as events in the US matter to you. Or rather, it should.

@Landy, it's a bad idea for anyone to start a nuclear war. Doesn't matter who's on who's side. I could say that the US has Britain and Australia, but that doesn't matter one bit. Nuclear war is the worst idea ever, the Cold War taught us that.

@The Last Istari, the US won't get involved. If anything the UN will get involved.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
The Last Istari said:
I really hope America doesn't get involved. But of course, we have to be the fucking world police going "You can't do that Russia". So we'll probably end up helping Georgia.
Yeah, I think America should not involve to everything. I don't like that "police attitude". Just let the Russian handle this and then EU do the rest(or something like that).

Arvedui said:
Do you have any tiny bit of political intelligence? Do you know history?
Yeah, but it's always a lot harder to tell own opinions in forums where you have to talk with english. I'm from Finland.
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
America is already involved, because everyone knows that this war and this informational shit was planned by USA like 5 years ago.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Yeah, but it's always a lot harder to tell own opinions in forums where you have to talk with english. I'm from Finland.

I don't really care where you're from, or how bad your english is. I can interpret well enough what you mean.

You said that the US should not get involved, and that Bush told Russia to stop. The US is not involved, militarily at least. Political pressure maybe, but so is the UN, or they will be. Unrest in that region affects everyone. Unrest in every region affects everyone.

@Landy, just stop talking.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Arvedui said:
You said that the US should not get involved, and that Bush told Russia to stop. The US is not involved, militarily at least. Political pressure maybe. Unrest in that region affects everyone.
I just heard some were talking about kicking Russian out of G8. :D
Then they should also kick USA from it because they attacked Afghanistan + Iraq. :D
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
I just heard some were talking about kicking Russian out of G8. :D
Then they should also kick USA from it because they attacked Afghanistan + Iraq. :D

That's absolutely retarded. Remember when Russia invaded every country in Eastern Europe? Oh Yeah. Oh oh! How about the Soviet war with Afghanistan! Oops.

Russia should not have been in the G8 to begin with. No nation should.

World government is the worst idea ever.

That's ridiculously off-topic though.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
If you'll stop being a dumbass and pay attention, the entire UN wanted Saddam Hussein to stop playing the sassy bitch and just let the inspectors through. I believe that after he was captured, he was quoted as saying he wanted other nations believing he had weapons of mass destruction so that the neighbouring countries wouldn't invade. Also, Afghanistan was being controlled by a terrorist organisation. People were happy that the Taliban was taken out of power. The only real problem that was caused by the US invading those countries is that Bush still doesn't have either an exit strategy or a good way of beginning reconstruction in those areas... although that's a real problem.
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
If anyone believes that Georgia started the war and that Russia is right he is a fool.

Georgia doesn't even have 5% of the army size of Russia, its quite impressive that they survived this long, nobody in the world is dumb enough to attack a nation stronger then his own by unscaled amount.

Its like a rat attacking a bear, you CAN'T be that dumb.

Face it-Russia is trying to claim the oil tracks to herself. I am very ashamed of anyone who said they are right.

What on earth made you think Georgia start it, really? the Russians said so? think of it with your own brain, screw the media, does it make any SENSE for georgia to invade?

Lets see the war's outcome:

If Georgia wins:
-A big part of Georgia is in ruins.
-Virtually no natural resources at all will be claim by Georgia, there are none there.
-Georgia's army would have taken a huge hit, and would be unable to defend Georgia from any attack.

If Russia wins: (what will happen if nobody does anything)
-Russia is in control of the main oil and gas lines to the west, giving her massive economical boost.
-The Russian army is nearly intact.
-Russian citizens would have felt nothing of the war.

Who has more to win here?
I mean, comon! Georgia's army SURRENDERED and the Russians are still bombing the crap out of them. does not sound like a whole lot of "Peacekeeping" to me.

I am very ashamed of you people. you actually believe the Russians.
Level 3
Jun 16, 2005
If anyone believes that Georgia started the war and that Russia is right he is a fool.
read BBC, Reuters and Associated Press. They are fools also?
this article, for example: Georgia claims Russians have cut country in half - Yahoo! News
The two-front battlefield was a major escalation in the conflict that blew up late Thursday after a Georgian offensive to regain control of the separatist province of South Ossetia.

All of them says that Russian attack started after Georgia invaded it's breakaway province. If Russians want simply to control gas and oil traffic - they would just destroy the pipeline in the first day of war. But the didn't. Why?

Georgia is an US ally (and US even promised NATO-membership to Georgia). I think, they hoped that Russians won't ever attack them.

Women and children wept in the streets of Tskhinvali on Monday as they surveyed the destruction amid continued Georgian shelling. Russian troops distributed water and food from trucks.

One elderly resident told Reuters how she sheltered in a cellar with her 7-year-old grandson during the bombardment.

"My grandson screamed: 'Uncle Putin please help us, help us so that the Georgians don't kill me !'. They were screaming and crying it was terrible, a nightmare," she said.

"Thank God the Russians have come. It is getting better."
(c) Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/homepageCrisis/idUSLB596227._CH_.2400
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Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
...You're funny.
If Russia wanted to conquest Georgia, it can do it in one day.
But already 5 days passed and Russian army still didnt even cross Georgian' borders.. Wtf? lol

P.S. Reason for attack? That's simple eh. To make all the world think even worse about Russia. That's all. I don't think these goverments thought about human lives that will be paid for this.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Landy, didn't I tell you to stop talking?

@Landy, just stop talking.

Oh look at that, I did.

Honestly, not everything is a conspiracy against Russia, so stop acting like it is.

Also, I'm wondering how, when Russia doesn't recognize South Ossetia's independence, they can claim they didn't start the "war".

Technically, by not recognizing South Ossetia as an independent nation, the Russian government as good as says that it's still part of Georgia. Thus, when the Russian tanks went into South Ossetia they were, by a Georgian standpoint, invading Georgian land.

On the same thought. Georgia should not have attacked South Ossetia, but neither should Russia be attacking Georgia. They're both cases of a larger entity attacking a littler one just because they don't like the people or their policies.
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
You forgot something. 75% Of South Ossetia' population got russian passports. Go read the constitution about protecting people with passports of your country.

P.S. Arvedui, stop talking. :eek:
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Landy, you're ignorance is astounding.

What my country's constitution says has nothing to do with Georgia and Russia.

Please, for your own sake, stop speaking and start thinking.
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
You're so nice person =^_^=
Your brainwash versus my brainwash. The question is - who will win? :S
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007

Think for yourself. If you really think I'm brainwashed, than you're more brainwashed than I originally thought.
Its like a rat attacking a bear, you CAN'T be that dumb.

Evidently you CAN be that dumb.

boomwolf, you are speaking like they bombed Moscow or something like that. In fact they attacked a province in their country, populated by Russian minority. Russia has right to react to defend their people in neighbouring country.

So, in your opinion, the structures in Tskhinvali crumbled alone and thousand civilians made mass suicide?

You should know that these actions take some time to resolve, they need to decide what to do now and to ensure that this will never happen again. Also in Serbia was not over in 1 day (NATO bombing).

You're so nice person =^_^=
Your brainwash versus my brainwash. The question is - who will win? :S

US is better at brainwashing. You lose.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Georgia doesn't even have 5% of the army size of Russia, its quite impressive that they survived this long, nobody in the world is dumb enough to attack a nation stronger then his own by unscaled amount.

Its like a rat attacking a bear, you CAN'T be that dumb.

Impressive my ass. Russia isn't going to pull all its troops from all the sides of Russia. Also, my country, Hungary rebelled against the Soviet Union in 56 with about 0.1% of Soviet troops, but we were the agressors, not the Russians.

Face it-Russia is trying to claim the oil tracks to herself. I am very ashamed of anyone who said they are right.

Okay, this is stupid. Russians could have claimed the oil tracks whenever they wanted to, either with diplomacy or war.

What on earth made you think Georgia start it, really? the Russians said so? think of it with your own brain, screw the media, does it make any SENSE for georgia to invade?

They didn't want Russia to invade them, they just wanted to get their renegade part back, unfortunate for them, they failed to think and attacked the peacekeepers.

-Mass genocide of Russians living in Georgia
-Killing Russian peacekeepers
-Invading Russian-protected territory

If Russia wins: (what will happen if nobody does anything)
-Russia is in control of the main oil and gas lines to the west, giving her massive economical boost.
-The Russian army is nearly intact.
-Russian citizens would have felt nothing of the war.

Russia has enough oil as it is, and control the eastern-european oil traffic anyway, and as pointed out before, Russians could have claimed the oil tracks whenever they wanted to, either with diplomacy or war.

I mean, comon! Georgia's army SURRENDERED and the Russians are still bombing the crap out of them. does not sound like a whole lot of "Peacekeeping" to me.

Georgia's army ASKED FOR TRUCE, which is not equal to surrendering. Russia only didn't accept it, didn't give time for the Georgian army reorganise. To all who think that 2000 people died because the russians killed them: They died when Georgia attacked the Othetian capital.
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Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
The area the Georgians "attacked" was a part of Georgia. I don't think you are attacking anything if your army moves within your own borders.

As for the "75% of them have Russian passports", well once Russia invaded they GAVE it to them? heck, the Russians themselves said they are handing out passports.

And for the "asked for truce" nitpicking, they ran away and stopped fighting back. whatever you call it, its a surrender. its a "please don't kill me" gesture. and the Russians kept attacking nonetheless.the Georgian army got back to fighting soon after, as they saw the Russians have no intention to stop attacking them until they are destroyed, and whole Georgia is added to "Mother Russia"...

So lets put out a few "facts" that are only approved by RUSSIAN goverment, and nobody else actually SAW it.
-Mass genocide of Russians. how come nobody else saw it? I mean, the Russians say it happened, but they have no evidence but "witnesses", on the same way I can say I saw Arvedui murder somebody. now go prove it didn't happen.
-Russian peacekeepers killed, taking for granted that they served the UN and didn't join the Russian army. and in that case, they are jest like any Russian soldier.
-Invading Russian protected territory, should I note again that the so called "protected territory" is a part of Georgia? so at the very worse they were trying to protect their land.

PS: Landy, you jest proved that the "You want to destroy Russia, die!" stereotype is not a stereotype after all. you Russians really DO believe that everything is a scheme of the west to hurt Russia.
Level 3
Jun 16, 2005
The area the Georgians "attacked" was a part of Georgia. I don't think you are attacking anything if your army moves within your own borders
Othetia won independence in war in 1992. US an UN say they didn't, but Othetia has it's own government, president and army. they are completely independent from Georgia.

As for the "75% of them have Russian passports", well once Russia invaded they GAVE it to them? heck, the Russians themselves said they are handing out passports.
you belive in "conspiracy theories"?
anyway, there is a law, that any citizen of former soviet union may apply for Russian citizenship.

Why Georgians used heavy artillery and ruined civil city? It hapened long before Russian attack.

So lets put out a few "facts" that are only approved by RUSSIAN goverment, and nobody else actually SAW it.
Associated Press is controlled by Russian government? Really?

But at the same time European diplomats accept that Mikheil Saakashvili initiated military action in seeking to reassert Georgian control of its breakaway province of South Ossetia, perhaps hoping that he could consolidate power there while the world was preoccupied with the Olympics.
(c) CNN Analysis: Georgia's major miscalculation? - CNN.com

pff... read what I write in post #65.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
-Mass genocide of Russians. how come nobody else saw it? I mean, the Russians say it happened, but they have no evidence but "witnesses", on the same way I can say I saw Arvedui murder somebody. now go prove it didn't happen.

Because the whole world still hates Russia for what they've done in the Stalinic period, and the American cold war propaganda turned the world against them.
-Russian peacekeepers killed, taking for granted that they served the UN and didn't join the Russian army. and in that case, they are jest like any Russian soldier.

My ASS. UN didn't give a shit about the Othetian conflict, and Russians had to keep peace in the surrounding region (not a part of Russia) to keep Georgia from rushing up Othetia. Also, if you call peacekeeping an invasion, then UN is one of the biggest offensive factions in the world.

-Invading Russian protected territory, should I note again that the so called "protected territory" is a part of Georgia? so at the very worse they were trying to protect their land.

Because they were in conflict. In WWII, there were 2 sides, just like in every war. It wasn't FFA deathmatch. Othetia and Georgia was in war. Both are looking for allies, and Othetia found the Russians as their supporters.

PS: Landy, you jest proved that the "You want to destroy Russia, die!" stereotype is not a stereotype after all. you Russians really DO believe that everything is a scheme of the west to hurt Russia.

It's the truth. The west is/was always against Russia, and if they don't dare fight with guns (thank God), they fight with words.

EDIT: I'm not from Russia either
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
You're talking weird shit =\ Nobody goes to destroy Georgia.. wtfs.. In modern world you cannot just go and conquer some nearby countries o_O
Btw, the war just ended, russian army will leave south ossetia soon, but some peacemakers will stay... much more peacemakers th'n before ^^ I wonder if Saakshvili will say that he is being pwned by peacemakers err
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
I was going to start a thread like this... Anyways I'm for Russia. Maybe because I was born there, but I think it is mainly Georgia's fault. They attacked innocent citizens and when peacekeepers came in, they attacked them too, resulting in 12 dead and 150 wounded in the first battle for the retake of the city (which Russia won). Georgia is breaking every international agreement: they are using anti-personal artillery (Grad, traduced from russian, it means Blizzard, which is a long-range bomb that explodes and sends sharp metal shards flying into every direction), snipers attack civilians and military units and they do not permit refugees to escape the city. Furthermore, russian citizens in Georgia are currently being victims of abuses by the police.
And, by the way, americans that you dissaprove Russia's actions, do you know that 2 american citizens were killed yesterday by Georgian forces? I just hope this conflict ends soon so innocent people stop suffering. But believe me, Georgia is going to me marked for generations, no matter that it's only their president's fault.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Russia hasn't called the war off, they've ceased operations within Georgia. They're still going to secure South Ossetia and leave elements of the army (not just small band of Peacekeepers) in there.
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
Russia haven't called the war off, they've ceased operations within Georgia. They're still going to secure South Ossetia and leave elements of the army (not just small band of Peacekeepers) in there.

That's what i mean XD
Kinda hard to say things when you know ~100 english words. lol.

P.S. Grad is Hailstorm, not Blizzard :p
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
Agree, confused words... But it's still an unacceptable weapon, designed to kill very cruely.
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
"Cold world propaganda"? WTF?

You guys are stuck in the 70's or something?

There is no longer such thing "cold war propaganda", the cold war ended long ago when the soviet union has fallen. and from the first place it wasn't Anti-Russia, it was Anti-Communists.

As for "In modern world you cannot just go and conquer some nearby countries" shit, for real? Germany conquered quite a few nation before WW2 started, Soviet Union had a fair share of conquering nearby nations. (and these two were not so long ago.)
Arab nations tried to conquer us (Israel) quite a few times (tnx for the world for helping, I don't know what we could have done without you [/sarcasm]), lucky us we won and conquered some of their lands.
There are wars in Africa ever second week, and people do conquer land from other nations in some of them. (in others they make an armed revolution and become a military nation.)

Anyway, there is a HUGE difference in the UN as peacekeepers and Russia as peacekeepers, mainly the fact that the UN gets invited, and the Russians invite themselves.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
Hmm... I think the civilians being shot at were more than happy to invite russian peacekeepers in. And we aren't talking about "Cold War propaganda" (which still exists, under another name, as Russia is always the evil people in the movies / games. Check the recent X-files movie: russian medics are the ones doing the experiments and the americans saving the day...), we are talking about it's consecuences. Russians are still seen as "the bad ones", I can assure you on personal experience and I am quite sure that it isn't only me.
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
"Cold world propaganda"? WTF?

You guys are stuck in the 70's or something?

There is no longer such thing "cold war propaganda", the cold war ended long ago when the soviet union has fallen. and from the first place it wasn't Anti-Russia, it was Anti-Communists.

As for "In modern world you cannot just go and conquer some nearby countries" shit, for real? Germany conquered quite a few nation before WW2 started, Soviet Union had a fair share of conquering nearby nations. (and these two were not so long ago.)
Arab nations tried to conquer us (Israel) quite a few times (tnx for the world for helping, I don't know what we could have done without you [/sarcasm]), lucky us we won and conquered some of their lands.
There are wars in Africa ever second week, and people do conquer land from other nations in some of them. (in others they make an armed revolution and become a military nation.)

Anyway, there is a HUGE difference in the UN as peacekeepers and Russia as peacekeepers, mainly the fact that the UN gets invited, and the Russians invite themselves.

Are you stuck in the 40's or something?

P.S. I don't think UN had idea to send peacekeepers there. So Russia had to come there to save civilians.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Hmm... I think the civilians being shot at were more than happy to invite russian peacekeepers in. And we aren't talking about "Cold War propaganda" (which still exists, under another name, as Russia is always the evil people in the movies / games. Check the recent X-files movie: russian medics are the ones doing the experiments and the americans saving the day...), we are talking about it's consecuences. Russians are still seen as "the bad ones", I can assure you on personal experience and I am quite sure that it isn't only me.

Oh I wonder why the X-Files has the bad guys as Russian and the good guys as Americans.. it couldn't be because it's a movie that is from an American TV show? with American actors? No No that's not it at all.

Oh and I wonder why people think the Russian government is evil? It couldn't be because Putin and most of the top government officials are ex-KGB? Oh also the murder of Alexander Litvinenko. Oh also the continued disdain that the Russian government has shown towards Western Europe and the US in recent history. Also the government's refusal to assist the UN and and other world organizations in sanctions against Iran and other nations that repeatedly refuse stop terrorist actions.

I can assure you, that we don't hate the Russian people but the anti-west attitude of the Russian government.

The Russian government is right to protect its citizens in this action but it has no right to go into sovereign Georgian land, which Georgia claims it did.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
You said it... claims. No proofs, and I belive it's just a feeble excuse to have the international opinion on their side.
Maybe Russia had some anti-west politics before, but that was during the URSS. And Russia isn't URSS anymore, so I don't think they show more desdain to America than America does towards Russia.
About the movie, even though it's an american why the heck does it have to show russians as evil madmen? And you accuse Russia for showing disdain towards America? Irony or pure hypocresy? I don't mind at all that american movies show americans like good people (which I think you are, I have some good american friends) but not showing others as inferior, evil or stupid.
About the Litvinenko case, it hasn't been yet proven that the russian government did it. If you like conspiracies, I could just say it was the American government who did it to accuse Russia, and this is just an example, and it would be as realistic as the any other theory.
About the UN relations with Russia it has a clear and easy explanation: UN expected Russia to agree on everything they said and obey like some kind of tamed dog (said very drasticly) when they should have treated it like an ally, and so they got quite negative responses. And the UN hasn't done anything willingly lately for Russia in this conflict, so I think they have had their own little revenge...
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Ermm... The Russians started it the Georgians took first military action.
The Russians have been fucking with Georgia for a long time pumping immigrants into South Ossetia. South Ossetia never separated from Georgia. They pumped these immigrants into the country so they could claim they were protecting their people. It was an underhanded and genius tactic to start a war by the Russian commanders. I give them props.
However Russia did initially cause this conflict, even if Georgia was the first military action.

The funniest part about this is it worked perfectly how Russia wanted it to. Now they have reason to enter georgia like they are doing and wanted to do.
Seriously brilliant plan by Russia.

They were almost a troll on a forum, who baits his target and then waits for them to flame only to get the go ahead to do what they wanted to in the first place flame the target.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
You said it... claims. No proofs, and I belive it's just a feeble excuse to have the international opinion on their side.
Maybe Russia had some anti-west politics before, but that was during the URSS. And Russia isn't URSS anymore, so I don't think they show more desdain to America than America does towards Russia.
About the movie, even though it's an american why the heck does it have to show russians as evil madmen? And you accuse Russia for showing disdain towards America? Irony or pure hypocresy? I don't mind at all that american movies show americans like good people (which I think you are, I have some good american friends) but not showing others as inferior, evil or stupid.
About the Litvinenko case, it hasn't been yet proven that the russian government did it. If you like conspiracies, I could just say it was the American government who did it to accuse Russia, and this is just an example, and it would be as realistic as the any other theory.
About the UN relations with Russia it has a clear and easy explanation: UN expected Russia to agree on everything they said and obey like some kind of tamed dog (said very drasticly) when they should have treated it like an ally, and so they got quite negative responses. And the UN hasn't done anything willingly lately for Russia in this conflict, so I think they have had their own little revenge...

Feeble attempt? Do you know the size of Georgia compared to Russia? Even if it turns out that Russia is right, they're still going to get sympathy, no matter what anyone does.

Oh boohoo, they showed Russians as evil. Cry about it more please. It's a movie, not real life. Also, most American movies have the Nazi's/Germans as bad guys so it doesn't really matter if you think they shouldn't be Russian because theres more movies with Russians not as bad people than with Russians as bad people. Your point is not valid because it's fiction. A MOVIE.

The Litvinenko case isn't going to be ever finished because he was poisoned. On his death bed he blamed Putin. That's all that anyone has to go off of. Oh well.

Russia still has anti-west policies Masiah. No matter how much you defend them, no matter how much you say it's not true, it is true.

America has no disdain towards Russia! George Bush said (about Putin) "I looked in his eyes and saw his soul." The only thing Anti-Russian that anyone has is because of the fact that Russia continually protects nations like Iran, who threaten to destroy Israel and America on a daily basis.

That's the only tension I see.

@Sansui, I agree with that. It was brilliantly done by Russia.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
Medvedev just declared that russian troops will not ocupy Georgian land, the agreement forced to Georgia states only three conditions:
  • Cease of offensive movements by BOTH sides.
  • Retrievement of all military georgian units from Ossetia.
  • Open a way for humanitary help into the zone.
And you talk about Russia planning to attack Georgia for years? It was the georgian president who refused to sign a Peace Treaty that prohibited the use of military troops in that zone for years, so if someone has been planning to attack that was Georgia.
And Ossetia has been independent from Georgia for years already, so no, I don't think it was a mastermind strategy from the Russian generals.

Of course Russia's military force is bigger than Georgian's. When I first heard about the war, I was really surprised, wondering what was the georgian president planning, as it was impossible to win for him.
And I know it's a movie, but I've met many people who have seen this movies and believe that Russia is a place where it snows every day, they are all vodka drunk communists planning to destroy the world in some malicious way... It's not the movie itself, it's the effect it has on people. And the anti-Nazi fact just supports my idea. I do not protest against it as I dissaprove nazism, but there are people which hate nazists because american movies show them as bad people, not even knowing who Hitler is.

arvedui said:
Russia still has anti-west policies Masiah. No matter how much you defend them, no matter how much you say it's not true, it is true.
Prove it. And prove America has no anti-Russia policies, I dare you.

About Iran, I really doubt that Russia supports it's ideals to blow America and Isreal up, I believe it defends it as an economical partner, nothing more.
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Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Im from Russia, so i have to say something here.
Everyone in the world hates Russia. Especially USA and North Europe (Finland, Norway, etc.). Why? Because Russia is communist, fashist (such nonsense.. who won the war against german fashism?), blah, blah, blah, etc.

Why do all russians think this are they that brainwashed?

And Ossetia has been independent from Georgia for years already, so no, I don't think it was a mastermind strategy from the Russian generals.

Ossetia is part of Georgia I don't care what you, they or russia thinks. The WORLD knows It is part of Georgia.

@ the russians as bad guys comment... russians are never bad guys they are mostly heroes the KGB and soviet union folks are the bad guys same wit hnazis not germans. Seriously get wit hthe picture. Rich american business owners are the villian more than anything else.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Why do all russians think this are they that brainwashed?


Ossetia is part of Georgia I don't care what you, they or russia thinks. The WORLD knows It is part of Georgia.

Which goes back to my earlier point that since Russia has never recognized South Ossetia as an independant state they cannot say they have never "invaded" Georgian land.

@ the russians as bad guys comment... russians are never bad guys they are mostly heroes the KGB and soviet union folks are the bad guys same wit hnazis not germans. Seriously get wit hthe picture. Rich american business owners are the villian more than anything else.

That's very true. It's generally evil, money/power hungry American businessmen that are depicted as evil.

Movies are fiction. If you take them as real depictions of what people think of those people, then you're sadly mistaken.

Prove it. And prove America has no anti-Russia policies, I dare you.

What?! How has the American government impeded anything that Russia has done since the fall of the Soviet Union?!

The only Anti-Russian policies there have been were against the USSR. And that was about stopping the spread of Communism.

Russia does not comply with sanctions against Iran and North Korea and on and on and on.

Putin says this:

"Terrorism has once again shown it is prepared deliberately to stop at nothing in creating human victims. An end must be put to this. As never before, it is vital to unite forces of the entire world community against terror."

But then on the other hand REFUSES to help the UN against Iran. Iran is the leading state that funds terrorism. But time after time the Russian government has not helped with sanctions against Iran.

About Iran, I really doubt that Russia supports it's ideals to blow America and Isreal up, I believe it defends it as an economical partner, nothing more.

It shouldn't be economical partners with them if they believe in blowing up Israel and America. Damnit Masiah don't you see that?
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
Oh wow... Please people. God, if this was any other forum I would be cussing the crap outa all these Pro-russian war ppl. hard to say how frustracted I am.

Russia has benn helping out Ossetia since it said it was independent, even though Russia did not recognize it. They have been sending immigrants, and granting russian passports for years. And providing weapons and "Peace keepers" (BULL SHIT, MORE LIKE DEFENDERS OF Ossetia). What has Georgia done? Nothing but try and take back their own land. While they were tryin to recapturer Ossetia, the Russian "PEACE KEEPERS" (LOL We need to throw that term around very lightly. Infact ill be calling them the Russian army from now on) ATTACKED the Georgian army. Its Russia who has been underhandedly causing the conflict...

And I have to say... WHy does everyone hate America, and bring up all this Bull Shit about being the world police? Leme take u guys back to WW2. America was very Isolationist. And people bitched back then, saying America aint helping in any wars. Now when America is helping in Wars, and saving us against muslim terrorists, people are bitching about America. GOD PPL. It dosent work both ways.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
The one main flaw with your argument is the fact that you've got a massive bias. Most people will ignore the trash you've wrote simply due to the fact you're flaming the shit out of Russia, and not even doing it intelligently.

For a start, North Ossetia is a Federal Subject of Russia. This means that it's a state within Russia, much like Florida is a state within America. It's perfectly acceptable for Russian State Military to be within a Russian State.

On top of that, I'd like to add that the 'Peacekeepers' consist of Russians, Ossetians AND Georgians. Oh snap, did I just counter the main structure of your argument?

S. Ossetia had the freedom of being an Autonomous republic during the 80's, until Georgia decided to Revoke that right thus causing lots more violent conflicts in that region. However, due to Russia stepping in to sort things out, Georgia signed a peace treaty in 1992 and they've lived in peace until now.

Georgia invaded because the S. Ossetians became friendly with Russia.

TL;DR, be quiet. Your argument has no backbone, nor does it make sense. Good day.
America is more causing wars, not helping in wars. Russians now can't even defend theirselves, while America can invade other countries based on lies (it was obvious that WMD didn't exist), causing millions of dead. In the last 20 years I can't recall any massacre and enforced governments caused by Russians. Now they are blabbering about Iran and his nuclear program, why a country isn't allowed to exploit nuclear energy? Even they use it for creating a bomb (which I doubt), I don't see any problem with it. If unstable countries like Pakistan with Perverz Musharaf on the lead can have it, there isn't a problem with Iran neither. (Those Ahmadinejad's statements about wanting to eliminate Israel were just provokations or misinterpretations of his speeches, he isn't that crazy to really do it).

And if Russians gave their passports to Ossetians, is that illegal? They surely weren't threatened to accept them. Immigrants? Who actually wants to live in Georgia instead in Russia?

Bush&Co. are knowing that their mandate is coming to the end, so they need to make the last buffoonery.

Oh, and if the Russian retaliation is unjust, why Serbia was bombed by NATO then. Kosovo is also part of Serbia and no one had right to interfere. >.<
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
I can't let this one go.

America is more causing wars, not helping in wars. Russians now can't even defend theirselves, while America can invade other countries based on lies (it was obvious that WMD didn't exist), causing millions of dead.

First off, Hai! Secondly, u haz brainz?

America causing wars? We invaded Afghanistan to get rid of Al Qaeda, who attacked us first. We invaded Iraq because of WMDs. Every intelligence agency in the world said he had WMDs. The Mossad, the French, the British. SO before you go blaming America, maybe you might get the facts.

Also, Bush went to the UN and told them about the war and that we were going in and they didn't say no. So cry more pl0x.

Also, Millions?! FUCKING MILLIONS?! Where in god's name do you get millions? Honestly do you even know what facts are? Or do you just write complete bullshit for the hell of it?

In the last 20 years I can't recall any massacre and enforced governments caused by Russians. Now they are blabbering about Iran and his nuclear program, why a country isn't allowed to exploit nuclear energy? Even they use it for creating a bomb (which I doubt), I don't see any problem with it. If unstable countries like Pakistan with Perverz Musharaf on the lead can have it, there isn't a problem with Iran neither. (Those Ahmadinejad's statements about wanting to eliminate Israel were just provokations or misinterpretations of his speeches, he isn't that crazy to really do it).

Seriously, are you so dumb that you believe any of that? Do I really need to cite source after source where Ahmadinejad calls America the "great Satan" and that "Israel is a stinking corpse"? Jesus.

And if Russians gave their passports to Ossetians, is that illegal? They surely weren't threatened to accept them. Immigrants? Who actually wants to live in Georgia instead in Russia?

Sure why don't I start passing out passports to Canadians. Then we can invade Canada for capturing our citizens against their will. Seriously.

Bush&Co. are knowing that their mandate is coming to the end, so they need to make the last buffoonery.

The ignorance in that statement is astounding. I have to ask, where do you get your information? JackassRus?

Mandate? Do you even know anything about the American political and legislative process? Do you know anything about Bush besides the war?

God Almighty. Learn facts, then post.
Level 12
Dec 16, 2007
I'm on Russian side. Because US protecting their interest. Like Kosovo in our Serbia. Situation is the same but result can't be. If we attacked Kosovo, we would be destroyed and under sanctions. So we can't do anything, and that's why they took it away.

About Georgia, it has no rights to sue Russia for genocide. Remember that Georgia attacked and that it killed in one day 1000 people, mostly civilians. And that's not a genocide, that's, ofc, collateral damage.
I can't let this one go.

First off, Hai! Secondly, u haz brainz?

America causing wars? We invaded Afghanistan to get rid of Al Qaeda, who attacked us first. We invaded Iraq because of WMDs. Every intelligence agency in the world said he had WMDs. The Mossad, the French, the British. SO before you go blaming America, maybe you might get the facts.

Also, Bush went to the UN and told them about the war and that we were going in and they didn't say no. So cry more pl0x.

Also, Millions?! FUCKING MILLIONS?! Where in god's name do you get millions? Honestly do you even know what facts are? Or do you just write complete bullshit for the hell of it?

I haz brains, yes. Maybe you haz brains not. Hans Blix, anyone? UN were sending many inspectors in Iraq before the war, nobody discovered nothing. After the war ... still nothing.

Seriously, are you so dumb that you believe any of that? Do I really need to cite source after source where Ahmadinejad calls America the "great Satan" and that "Israel is a stinking corpse"? Jesus.

Yes, you do. Anyway I hear similar words also from other side. Axis of evil, terrorist's nest, etc. I would call that way America and Israel too, for what are they currently doing in middle east

Sure why don't I start passing out passports to Canadians. Then we can invade Canada for capturing our citizens against their will. Seriously.

And how come then the bombing Serbia because of Kosovo is just? Are Albanians anything more than Ossetians?
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