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W3x2Lni v2.7.2

W3x2Lni is a wc3 map management tool. It helps you to manage your maps when developing or publishing.We defined 3 formats for a wc3 map, and w3x2Lni allows you to convert your maps amongst these 3 formats which are `Lni`, `Obj` and `Slk`.

> Lni
`Lni` is a VCS (like git, svn) friendly format. It looks like a directory. Most binary files in w3x will be converted into plain text files (yes! human-readable) by w3x2Lni which will also organize and categorize these text files.

> Obj
`Obj` is a wc3-readable and WE-readable format. If you want to open your map with WE, convert your map into this format.

> Slk
`Slk` is only readable by wc3 and should be used for final distribution. W3x2Lni enables multiple optimization for this format, including:

* Objects converted to slk
* Removed unreferenced objects
* Removed WE-only files
* Inlined WTS strings
* Compressed mdx
* Removed comments and unncessary white spaces in the script
* obfuscated variable and function name

W3x2Lni comes with war3 1.27.1 English data files. But it may not meet everyone's needs, you can use `w2l mpq <war3_path>` to extract data files.

For more information see the documentation.

W3x2Lni is a open source project.We welcome any pull request, e.g. improving the English text or writing English documents.

W3x2Lni v2.7.2 (Binary)

The tool works as one would expect. The UI is nice and to the point. Only thing I am missing is a back button wen you have chosen a conversion mode. You also cannot scroll horizontally when viewing the log when converting to Lni. I am looking...
Oh mine. Bless the one @actboy168, who made this optimization. This is even surpass Vexorian's Optimization, Wc3SLKOpt and other optimization too. Very clean UI, easy to use, fast progress and most importantly, it allow to optimize the huge object data all at one without bugs. Not to mention, it supports different versions of WE. Seriously, you deserve more +rep than this.
What does this do better then vex's and wc3slkopt?
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
What does this do better then vex's and wc3slkopt?
There are few points coming from this new tool, compared to:
1. Wc3slkopt
- Similar to wc3slkopt, compress MDX but not completely remove all vertex, which may causes twisted models. For some unknown reasons, this tool generates much faster and optimizes effect exactly as it claims, resulting in-game boost.
- Does not have more options to optimize each object data like it seems, this tool keeps all tooltips of WE intact, while wc3slkopt wipe out all of them. With this tool, we get also much smaller size map and huge loading boost similar to wc3slkopt
2. Vex's (VXJWTSOPT)
- This tool is very easy to use, and right now keep updating for latest versions. It optimizes trigger scripts faster and support 3 formats!!!, and does thing exactly what it claims. Vex's is problematic, it requires more knowledge to use it and the map can become unplayable and not even appear during map selection screen (if you use different kinds of scripts such as vJass, USWM, cJass, Lua at the same time). Using Vex's optimization actually increase map even bigger and produce more files.

I feel like this tool is a combination of optimization tools, but not mess everything up and straight to the point.

But still there are some flaws of this tools, it need to be updated to avoid:
- Expose Icon position of some hidden-system abilities, (For example, Select Hero options, Sharing Shop), what you get is a missing tooltip icon (basically Select User icon) which over-laps other items while playing).--
- It does something to hotkey system as people said, but i'm not too sure. Need more tests.
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There are few points coming from this new tools, compared to:
1. Wc3slkopt
- Similar to wc3slkopt, compress MDX but not completely remove all vertex, which may causes twisted models. For some unknown reasons, this tool generate much faster and optimize effect exactly as it claims, resulting in-game boost.
- Do not have more options to optimize each object data like it seems, this tools keep all tooltips of WE intact, while wc3slkopt wipe out all of them. With this tool, we get also much smaller size map and huge loading boost similar to wc3slkopt
2. Vex's (VXJWTSOPT)
- This tool is very easy to use, and right now keep updating for latest versions. It optimizes trigger scripts faster and support 3 formats!!!, and does thing exactly what it claims. Vex's is problematic, it requires more knowledge to use it and the map can become unplayable and not even appear during map selection screen (if you use different kinds of scripts such as vJass, USWM, cJass, Lua at the same time). Using Vex's optimization actually increase map even bigger and produce more files.

I feel like this tool is a combination of optimization tools, but not mess everything up and straight to the point.

But still there are some flaws of this tools, it need to be updated to avoid:
- Expose Icon position of some hidden-system abilities, (For example, Select Hero options, Sharing Shop), what you get is a missing tooltip icon (basically Select User icon) which over-laps other items while playing).--
- It does something to hotkey system as people said, but i'm not too sure. Need more tests.
It also breaks engineering upgrade and other stuff if one uses that option so its better not to use it, I have forgotten if that options useable in wc3slkopt. So I agree its better then wc3slkopt however I am unsure about it being better then vex's, would need a second opinion I suppose.
It also breaks engineering upgrade and other stuff if one uses that option so its better not to use it, I have forgotten if that options useable in wc3slkopt. So I agree its better then wc3slkopt however I am unsure about it being better then vex's, would need a second opinion I suppose.
The most awesome use of this tool by far is the ability to convert map data to a readable and easy to parse format, so you can edit object data programatically using whatever programming language you wish. This is something that Vex's optimizer could never do (and never set out to do).

When it comes to optimizing, it was basically as good as Vex's optimizer before Reforged broke a few things related to SLK files (last time I tested it, anynow... might've been fixed with an update?). It doesn't have constant inlining though, which kinda sucks, and you can't opt out of SLK conversion.

So I think optimization-wise, with both tools at their prime when it comes to wc3 not breaking them, I'd say there wasn't that big a difference. But when it comes to overall usefulness Vex's optimizer can't even compare to w3x2lni... it's closer to the level of vJASS/Jass Helper.
Level 3
May 5, 2018
Extract this file into the "data" folder in your w3x2lni folder. Then open config.ini with a text editor (such as Notepad) and find a line with:

data = enUS-1.27.1

Then change it to:

data = enUS-1.32.8

Okay... I've made and slk optimized again map. Looks far better, weird icons has dissapeared along with bugs. But upgrade hotkeys are still gone beyond 1st level of upgrade.
Also noticed some werid behaviour: on first try - I've set up all 4 basic checks and optimize doodad check - and Selecting button in shops (Select User Button) has lost its icon (became Sammy) and changed position from X3;Y2 to X0;Y0, huh weird. On second try - set up only optimizing doodad option and Select User button remained unaffected
Level 4
May 31, 2018
I'm glad many people like this tool.
However, I am no longer engaged in WC3 related development, so I will not actively fix bugs. (in the past, 80% of bugs were found and fixed in my own use).
But I will continue to maintain this tool. If you find any bugs, you can tell me on this post or GitHub. It's better to attach the specific reproduction process. The demo map is the best.
Level 3
May 5, 2018
I'm glad many people like this tool.
However, I am no longer engaged in WC3 related development, so I will not actively fix bugs. (in the past, 80% of bugs were found and fixed in my own use).
But I will continue to maintain this tool. If you find any bugs, you can tell me on this post or GitHub. It's better to attach the specific reproduction process. The demo map is the best.
What about hotkey loses for upgrades beyond first levels (for example like Iron Forged Swords upgrade)? Will be this fixed?
Level 2
Apr 16, 2017


  • zinc.zip
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Level 4
May 31, 2018
如果你用的YDWE,你需要把 `config.ini` 里的 `[global] -> data_ui` 设置为 `${YDWE}` 。
我推荐你去 【SLK优化器】W3x2Lni 发布贴_魔兽地图编辑器吧_百度贴吧 这里下载,从这里下载的 w3x2lni 默认使用 YDWE 相关的配置。
如果你用的是其他修改过UI的编辑器(包括其他以YDWE为基础进行二次修改导致无法识别为YDWE的编辑器),你需要手动将编辑器中的UI文件放置到 `data\zhCN-1.24.4\ui` 目录中。
Level 3
May 5, 2018
This has been fixed.
You could manual update the scripts from Github.
Yeah, I saw changes on github, and tried to copy these changes, but i have messed up with the changes in metadata ini of game datasets and placed in wrong place (wrong line of code) a variable cant_cut = true, and then I thought it was an unsucessfull attempt to fix hotkeys xD.
Thanks for telling, so I've now finally noticed my mistake and changed to the right thing and now can feel the might of hotkeys for upgrades once again in SLK optimization :D.

But I've noticed a minor issue that SLK optimization removes (nullifies) imported UnitSkin.txt, which is kinda supposed to be a way to make a sd/hd compability (at least in the bright future, for now it doesn't work with custom units, only with the original ones :peasant-bowing:). Any ways/plans to deal with such an issue?
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Level 4
May 31, 2018
Yeah, I saw changes on github, and tried to copy these changes, but i have messed up with the changes in metadata ini of game datasets and placed in wrong place (wrong line of code) a variable cant_cut = true, and then I thought it was an unsucessfull attempt to fix hotkeys xD.
Thanks for telling, so I've now finally noticed my mistake and changed to the right thing and now can feel the might of hotkeys for upgrades once again in SLK optimization :D.

But I've noticed a minor issue that SLK optimization removes (nullifies) imported UnitSkin.txt, which is kinda supposed to be a way to make a sd/hd compability (at least in the bright future, for now it doesn't work with custom units, only with the original ones :peasant-bowing:). Any ways/plans to deal with such an issue?
Please give me a demon map, thank you.
Level 3
May 5, 2018
Please give me a demon map, thank you.
There. If I remember correctly I've changed the Sorceress model to... Jailor Kassan :ogre_love: model in Reforged via imported UnitSkins.txt

Also I've noticed another issue. Lets say I've some unit which is a flying (which can't move itself) building, which can train units and attack nearby enemies. It doesn't have buttons of Attack or Stop. But if I SLK-optimize map, it will start to have these buttons, which disrupts button orders on this unit (building). How to fix it?

Update 12.10.2020: I've found out another(!) issue. SLK optimization somehow transforms abilities descriptions, and it kinda tricky works, descriptions starts to lose float numbers and only integers remain like lets say I've some ability, its duration on 1st level is like 1.5 seconds, so description (in the Editor) will be "Bla bla bla <A000,Dur1,.> seconds" which will transform in game to "Bla bla bla 1.5 seconds", but SLK Optimization will transform it into "Bla bla bla 1 seconds" which is kinda misleading, and I think its a bug/issue which needs to be fixed

Update #2: I've found out the reason behind this was a checked option in config for SLK optimization "Computed_text = true" which turned abilities description to text and managed to lie about it (like mentioned turning 1.5 seconds to 1 seconds in text). Very confusing that it was a hidden from usual user eyes.


  • UnisSkins.rar
    594.1 KB · Views: 147
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Level 4
Jun 19, 2018
It's really handy you can use program's log to find errors in tooltips and other bad references.
I would also suggest that log should (optionally) output what object it cleared so that mapmaker could clear this garbage objects from unoptimised map manually.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2020
Please add the setting for the open folder and the save folder for the map in the configuration file.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
lost my unit's weapon sound if i converted to slk and only use Remove WE-Only files,does anyone met this situation?
I recommend mentioning the version of Warcraft III you are using. I think Reforged changed a lot of the asset paths so maybe old optimization tricks no longer work or need to be made more robust to accommodate this change.
Level 7
Sep 1, 2016
I recommend mentioning the version of Warcraft III you are using. I think Reforged changed a lot of the asset paths so maybe old optimization tricks no longer work or need to be made more robust to accommodate this change.
Its 1.32 version,only use this tool can protect my map,the others tools report "couldnt find the map's script file".
Level 9
Mar 26, 2017
I have some small issues as well when converting to slk (1.32)
-It removes custom command buttons
-The ability 'Attribute Bonus' gains the Devotion Aura tooltip.

Unfortunate, this is the only tool that helps optimize my map. Vexorian even balloons my map size by 50%.
Level 4
May 31, 2018
Hello everyone.
I have been away from the Warcraft-related field for a long time, and I have devoted all my energy to my other projects.
I promised to continue to maintain this project, so I plan to allocate some energy to fix some bugs recently.
Please provide the following information for the bug reported:

  • Concise and clear description of the problem
  • A demo map that can reproduce the problem, with steps to reproduce.

For example: after I use some options to optimize the slk, the specific attribute of a specific unit is wrong, the correct effect should be A, but it becomes B after optimization.

Since I have hardly used 1.32 before, some bugs that only appeared in 1.32 may be difficult to fix, so I can only do my best.

At the same time, anyone is welcome to participate in the maintenance of the project.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Hello. Honestly i don't get it. I was looking for "downgrade my map" and i find myself in here.
I was accidently saved my map with Reforged Editor, so i cannot play it in older versions and i cannot open it with older versions of world editor.
This tool can help me about that?
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Hello. Honestly i don't get it. I was looking for "downgrade my map" and i find myself in here.
I was accidently saved my map with Reforged Editor, so i cannot play it in older versions and i cannot open it with older versions of world editor.
This tool can help me about that?
I think the following solution might be a good choice for you if you encounter this problem rather than using this tool:
How to Downgrade a Map
Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
This is removing tooltip for "Select User" on shops. Do I need to edit the tooltip for it to not delete? Also, I have it in the bottom right of the command board, and after running this it is set to top left. How do I prevent this?
Level 1
Sep 1, 2019
Today, i try to convert map .SLK to OBJ, but it say "Did not find Listfile" . Can anyone know how to fix this! Tks
Level 14
Jul 12, 2018
EDIT: Ignore, this problem was fixed by adding the 1.32.8 files as described by Guhun above.

Looks like converting to slk from w3x deletes some custom models from the map. The example i ran into is Ujimasa Hoso's Fel Minion:

It becomes an unselectable shadow in my map after i SLK-ify it.

I tried with all options unchecked except for "Extra check".
Using latest version of wc3 and editor.
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Level 11
May 31, 2019
When I convert a 1.28 map to .slk, the .txt files are all empty (0kb)

Also, the generated UnitBalance.slk is different from what war3 1.28 uses. (I replaced the Units folder in "data\enUS-1.27.1" with 1.28's Units folder).

1.28's has this extra unnamed column after level and before type, that is just a boolean. probably unused, but the game expects it to be there nonetheless, and so every column after it ends up null because the generated slk's don't have this column.


Simply adding this column to the slk generated by W3x2Lni fixes the issue, but it is a little bothersome.
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Level 18
Feb 25, 2013
When I convert a 1.28 map to .slk, the .txt files are all empty (0kb)

Also, the generated UnitBalance.slk is different from what war3 1.28 uses. (I replaced the Units folder in "data\enUS-1.27.1" with 1.28's Units folder).

1.28's has this extra unnamed column after level and before type, that is just a boolean. probably unused, but the game expects it to be there nonetheless, and so every column after it ends up null because the generated slk's don't have this column.

View attachment 390838

Simply adding this column to the slk generated by W3x2Lni fixes the issue, but it is a little bothersome.
Ever since the Warcraft 3 demo's time, the column with index 6 may have been unused :D I have zero idea what it is or what it's for, but looking at all the SLK files I had access to (1.26-War3&War3x, 1.28-War3&War3x, 1.29-War3&War3x, Demo, 1.30.1, 1.30.3, 1.31.1, and 1.32.10), it's never been listen in the header

Do note that not all units have it set to FALSE: Phoenix, Phoenix Egg, Water Elementals, Lava Spawn, Arcane Sanctum, Barracks, Cannon Tower, Spirit Wolves, Tree of Life, SlaughterHouse, Quillbeast, Chicken, Murloc Hut, and many many more (378 hits of it being "TRUE" in the 1.32.10 UnitBalance.slk, as opposed to 486 instances it's set to "FALSE")
Level 6
Apr 5, 2020
Recently I tried to work with this program and everything worked. Until I made a lot of different changes and decided to convert the map to lni. 1 warning began to appear, from the description of which I cannot understand the source of the problem. +There is no "trigger" folder in the received lni-folder.

What is the problem and how can I fix it?
Level 1
Feb 26, 2022
Hi, I'm trying to translate a Russian map into English and I am getting this error. The *.w3a file also increases in size by 20x after converting the mpq to slk.
Level 3
Mar 30, 2022
after i add new blp and then convert so slk. i cannot upload the map to epicwar. it say Map is missing 'war3map.w3i'
without add new blp and convert to slk i can upload it without error. how to fix these problem?
Level 4
Jun 19, 2018
Is there a way to force the way the stings are inserted into various files so it would be consistent and independent from string content?

I am trying to make SLK optimization to work with multiple languages. I have a russian WTS file and a translated english version of it. I perform an SLK optimization on both maps contationg either one of WTS files and then merging the result into one archive with different locale IDs. The result is working in singleplayer, but fails in multiplayer lobby phase.
As I was figuring this out I noticed that the program chose to create a war3map.w3t file for a map with russian war3map.wts, while with english WTS file it didn't create w3t file, and instead inserted this strings into ItemStrings.txt.
I guess W3x2Lni decided to optimize the map differently based on the string length. My theory that this difference is the reason multiple languages are not working.
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Anyone else using Exhume Corpses and having its cooldown no longer read any levels past 4? Tried to set a cooldown of 45 seconds which goes down by 2 seconds every level of the ability, 18 levels but its cooldown doesn't change after level 4.
SLKs are limitted to level 4. Not sure it helps to to know for your case.
SLKs are limitted to level 4. Not sure it helps to to know for your case.
I remember maps still working level 5 and up, some comments in this thread mention and ask about this too but evidently they didn't have problems.

The slk option seems to also delete lightning attack abilities that are custom and
reverts the standard back to default... custom seems fine, problem was trying to slk already converted object editor data from slk once before. doesn't like any new objects added it seems, 100% user error this time.
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