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Voice Acting Contest #3 - Results

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Contestants should create a complete soundset to replace the standard wc3 racial warnings (i.e. "we need more gold", "we're under attack", etc)


Entry A​
Creativity Very minimal effort was extended with the brain. The warnings are word for word copied from the game itself, with the only modifier being a voice effect. 4/10
Quality The quality of this entry is sub-par. The voice is mostly quiet, but it goes too loud at certain points. The volume increase grabbed my attention, but not in a good way. The voice is masked by a voice effect that makes it hard to listen to for extended periods of time (I listened to this baby 20+ times on youtube and played 3 melee games with it). The recording equipment was ok, but at 28-29 there is a definite feedback on the F, and 13-14 there's another F feedback, but it's very subtle. I liked the baritone quality of your voice, but masking it with the effect you chose didn't work well. 13/20
Script I couldn't easily tell what race this is. I'm guessing by the voice modifier that it is some kind of space/robotic race, but I could be wrong. The script itself is just copied from the game. 2/20

Total 19/50

Entry 1
Creativity This entry certainly has creativity. The unique phrasing caught me off guard at first though. Space rocks should probably be changed, while it does add a unique element, it confused me for a little bit at the start. 8/10
Quality Throughout the whole entry, there was heavy breathing audible, especially at the end of phrases. S's are sibilant and carry over far too long, it ruins the phrase for me, and is especially audible at 22-23. Your voice goes lower at 43-45, and the sentence seems heavier because of it. I'm assuming you're male (we have what, less than 10 girls on hive?), but you made your voice sound relatively female, which was a nice touch. There was a slight accent, which also contributed in a good way into defining your race. 16/20
Script "Our planet witnesses intrusion", "Our galaxy is being threatened." Assuming that these are custom races for warcraft 3, those two phrases don't work well. Everyone is always on the same planet, and definitely in the same galaxy. Again, the whole space rocks thing was not a good idea. Other than that, the dialogue choices were great, I particularly liked being addressed as "Sir". 13/20

Total 37/50

Entry i
Creativity This entry (which I believe to be dwarven), was definitely the most creative. There was unique and humorous dialogue, and I definitely payed attention to it both games I played with it. 10/10
Quality The most usual problem in this contest, you experienced slight feedback whenever your voice increased in volume (3 seconds was a big one). However, you were loud throughout the entry, so I only noticed it in extreme cases. I didn't find any problems other than that, but your voice has a dirty sound to it. Maybe the accent helped bring it out, but I found your voice sounded slightly unrefined, which works well for dwarves, but the unprofessional "I did this shit in my basement" feel which you have does not. No real problems other than that 15/20
Script The first time I listened to it, the script was hilarious and boisterous, a great combination for someone mirroring the dwarven race. However, the sentences were way, way too long, especially the final. Another thing, I don't like being called a blithering idiot, or a greedy bastard, or any other host of names. It really detracted from the mood of it, kindof like how you hate that guy who points out your mistakes and then calls you a jackass for it, "Who do you think you are? Hercules? You can't carry all that you stupid git!". When my warcraft abuses me like my older brother does, something is wrong. 9/20

Total 34/50

((Votes / Total Votes) * 35) + ((Judge's Results) * (65 / 50)))

anarchianbedlam: ((64 / 91) * 35) + (34 * (65 / 50)) = 24,615 + 44,2 = 68,815
Pharaoh_: ((21 / 91) * 35) + (37 * (65 / 50)) = 8,076 + 48,1 = 56,176
shamanyouranus: ((6 / 91) * 35) + (19 * (65 / 50)) = 2,307 + 24,7 = 27,007


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  • anarchianbedlam.zip
    1.1 MB · Views: 76
  • Pharaoh_.zip
    749.6 KB · Views: 83
  • shamanyouranus.zip
    882.1 KB · Views: 56
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