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Voice Acting Contest #1 - RESULTS!

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Level 15
Nov 1, 2004

Voice Acting Contest: Deity

Greetings fellow audio artists. Your task was to create the most Epic and Amazing voice you could. Each of you worked hard and many of you came up with excellent angelic/god/goddess/demon voices!

Regardless of the scores, you all did a fine job and I've enjoyed listening to your submissions.

The following scores are not meant personally; they simply represent as objective an evaluation as possible. The preliminary judging scores were placed in all categories before the final tally of public votes took place.

And without further ado...the contestants!

Total Voters: 43 votes
Total Votes cast: 129 votes
Highest Public Vote: 28 votes

Highest Acting Score: 9/10

Highest Innovation Score: 10/10


NameOverall score
2ndDan van Ohllus26.6/30

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (8/10)
Voice Acting Quality (4/6)
The speed and timbre of your voice sounded great and fit the characterization well, especially the whispered lines.
Some parts of the dialog remained hard to discern. Slowed-down dialog tends to do this and requires compensation during recording. -2

Choice of material (4/4)
Fine selection of apocalyptic dialog for your character. (Kudos to you for selecting a passage from Revelation chapter 6!) -0

Innovation (9/10)
Choice of character (1/1)
Your ethereal narrator voice fit the contest theme. -0

Effects (8/9)
The slowed voice with reverb created quite a foreboding and epic experience. Additionally, the traces of other voices and background ambiance filled in the whole audio-scape well.
The voice level was too low in certain places compared with the ambiance. -1

Public option (10/10)
28 votes received.

Total (27/30)

Dan van Ohllus
Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (9/10)
Voice Acting Quality (5/6)
Fantastic voice! You certainly captured the draconian nature of your character well.
A few very small aspects of the dialog remained hard to discern. Slowed-down dialog tends to do this and requires compensation during recording. -1
(I had to speed the voice up to normal speed to understand all the dialog.)
Additionally, "we, the burning legion, has taken all of your bases" should use "have" instead.

Choice of material (4/4)
Your choice of material complemented the character portrayal well. (For great justice!) -0

Innovation (8/10)
Choice of character (1/1)
Your demi-god-esque character fit the contest theme. -0

Effects (7/9)
The overall level and reverb on the voice fit well and sounded excellent. The audio clipped in two places, but not enough to warrant a subtraction of points.
The background space around the voice had no additional support (ambiance, effects), which made things seem a bit empty. -2

Public option (9.6/10)
27 votes received.

Total (26.6/30)

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (9/10)
Voice Acting Quality (5/6)
Overall, you did a fine job portraying your character, especially with your fluid pronunciation and grace.
However, it seemed to hold a very specific tone and did not exhibit as much of the timbre and variance that a more natural voice would. -1

Choice of material (4/4)
You selected a very beautiful and lyrical passage, one that fits the character well. -0

Innovation (6/10)
Choice of character (1/1)
Your goddess-like voice fit the contest theme. -0

Effects (5/9)
The echo on your voice added a mysterious and paranormal feeling that fit well.
The background space around the voice had no additional support (ambiance, effects), which made things seem a bit empty. -2
A significant electronic buzz exists in the recording, loud enough to be distracting. -2

Public option (6.8/10)
19 votes received.

Total (21.8/30)

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (7/10)
Voice Acting Quality (5/6)
Very smooth, deep, and ominous voice, but not overtly "evil" sounding, which fit the characterization well.
The voice was a bit monotone. Adding more expression would improve the voice. -1

Choice of material (2/4)
While I do not know French, your choice of material had a mysterious yet lithe sound.
Unfortunately, as you know, your submission exceeded the allotted time significantly. -2

Innovation (10/10)
Choice of character (1/1)
Your angelic voice fit the theme of the contest. -0

Effects (9/9)
You picked a fine vocal effect and mixed an absolutely superb ambiance of sound effects. -0

Public option (3.9/10)
11 votes received.

Total (20.9/30)

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (9/10)
Voice Acting Quality (5/6)
Good expression and tone of voice.
The first half of the phrases could have used a little variation in delivery speed, and perhaps a bit more expression. -1

Choice of material (4/4)
A very dark and foreboding choice of words, well-fitting for your character. -0

Innovation (4/10)
Choice of character (1/1)
Your dark/heroic voice fit the contest theme. -0

Effects (3/9)
The main voice did not have any noticeable special effects. -4
The background space around the voice had no additional support (ambiance, effects), which made things seem a bit empty. -2

Public option (6.8/10)
19 votes received.

Total (19.8/30)

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (8/10)
Voice Acting Quality (5/6)
Overall, you did a fine job portraying your character, especially with the dynamics and expression of your voice.
The voice was less spoken and more "sung" than a typical voice, which remained interesting in some cases but detracted from others. -1

Choice of material (3/4)
The words you selected certainly befit a vengeful demi-godlike figure.
Unfortunately, your submission exceeded the allotted time by a small amount. -1

Innovation (6/10)
Choice of character (1/1)
Your angelic/ethereal voice fit the contest theme. -0

Effects (5/9)
The reverberation on your voice gave it a powerful and voluminous feel; however, it was too intense and overbearing (too "wet", had too slow of a decay). -2
The background space around the voice had no additional support (ambiance, effects), which made things seem a bit empty. -2

Public option (3.6/10)
10 votes received.

Total (17.6/30)

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (8/10)
Voice Acting Quality (4/6)
Your vocal performance well-portrayed a malicious and evil character.
However, a few lapses in pronunciation clarity along with a heightened level of effects made it harder to understand some of the words. -2

Choice of material (4/4)
A very dark and foreboding choice of words, well-fitting for your character. -0

Innovation (5/10)
Choice of character (1/1)
Your dark/evil voice fit the contest theme. -0

Effects (4/9)
Your effects fit with the voice and gave it a very harsh and foreboding feel.
The audio/effects level was far too high and clipped heavily, distorting and losing some of the dynamic range of your voice. -3
The space around the voice had no additional support (ambiance, effects), which made things seem a bit heavy and not as varied. -2

Public option (1.4/10)
4 votes received.

Total (14.4/30)

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (5/10)
Voice Acting Quality (5/6)
The way you portrayed your character's voice (including the secondary voice) seemed realistic for the situation.
In a wartime situation, I would expect the voice of the main character to have a bit more expression and stress. -1

Choice of material (0/4)
Unfortunately, while the battle scene scenario you recorded was entertaining, it did not fit the contest theme. -4

Innovation (5/10)
Choice of character (0/1)
The characters you chose fit the scene you selected; however, as you know already, they did not fit the contest theme. -1

Effects (5/9)
Overall you did a fine job selecting interesting sound effects and ambiance.
The main voice did not have any noticeable special effects. -4

Public option (2.5/10)
7 votes received.

Total (12.5/30)

Contest Submission Audio file

Acting (4/10)
Voice Acting Quality (4/6)
Your voice portrayed a peasant/servant from Warcraft well; it seemed right in character.
The pronunciation and grammar on the spoken lines needed some revision. -2

Choice of material (0/4)
Unfortunately, although your voice was interesting and fun, it did not fit the contest theme. -4

Innovation (3/10)
Choice of character (0/1)
Your peasant/servant character did not fit the contest theme. -1

Effects (3/9)
The main voice did not have any noticeable special effects. -4
The background space around the voice had no additional support (ambiance, effects), which made things seem a bit empty. -2

Public option (1.4/10)
4 votes received.

Total (8.4/30)

Thanks to all the participants and voters!
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Can i give my opinion ye i bet i can ^^: I liked DVO most because i could understand shit of what the first was saying yep yep ye that's how it is (opinion) euhm euhm BEACH! anyways Gratz! and all Good Job!
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