Violent video games affect people in a bad way.

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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Do violent video games affect people in a bad way? I'll jump straight into the discussion if there is an interesting enough post for me to consider replying to.

Reason for thread: A lot of the official media proposes that violent video games make people, more specifically, students violent. I don't believe in that philosophy, and I want to know opinions on this. I thought, "Why not Hive since we have a gaming background?"

Just a random quote to get people thinking.
"Oh, it was those video games that brainwashed him”’ That’s much easier than saying our society is messed up, people don’t take care of each other, teachers aren’t in control, there’s rampant bullying, and there are no parents at home because they have to work two jobs.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
It's the other way around, humans affect video games, humans like violence, that's why a lot of games feature the killing of stuff, blowing up things, a lot of things considered evil. It's human instict, were programmed for savagery; kill,kill,kill, power over another. It's just natural that our suppressed instincts surface on some other form of media. Even TV shows are about violence. We don't want to admit it but it's true, judging from what we create.
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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Do violent video games affect people in a bad way?

Not so much people, as children.
- And yes, children are people, but fuck it.

Anyone claiming that violent "M" rated games like GTA or Dead Space does not affect children in a bad way are lying to themselves and their
fucking surroundings. It sure as hell doesn't affect everyone in bad ways, but I've seen enough cases of children with an extremely deluded
idea outward about other people and on the matter of "life and death" to be completely disgusted. Yet, then, what I'm disgusted at isn't the games,
not at all, but by parents using these games as babysitters and to calm their children down.

Parenting, that's the source of the problem.
- Most of the time it's either a lack of it,
or an enormously overdoing of it.


Spell Reviewer
Level 25
Aug 27, 2013
bullshit, i'm playing violent video games since 8 years old and it doesn't affect me at all
it's based on that kid's thinking about the game itself, if he/she could tell which is right and wrong that kind of game won't affect him/her
but yes pretty much kids nowadays have no brain, just play something, then imitate it
that's why video games have a rating
and parental guide is really recommended for those kids (unless their parents are also an idiot then it is not recommended)
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
violent video games violently cured my inner violence.

That's pretty much it.

I too spent most of my rebellious teenage years playing aggressive video games , which made me able to retain a consolidated, calm appearance (or well, at least behavior) in real life as well, seeing how I was able to outlive my aggression. The same applies to hardcore music and its listeners, people were worried about metalheads a few decades ago and they were like the chillest dudes of all trend followers.
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I am sick of people blaming violent behavior on videogames.

If somebody was driven by videogames to carry out violence, he was a fucking nutjob and would have found a reason to be violent no matter what it was. If we keep restricting things because of what they cause some people to do, eventually psychos will still be killing people and using the slightly torn thread on the edge of their teddy bear as their excuse for murdering their family.
bullshit, i'm playing violent video games since 8 years old and it doesn't affect me at all
it's based on that kid's thinking about the game itself, if he/she could tell which is right and wrong that kind of game won't affect him/her
but yes pretty much kids nowadays have no brain, just play something, then imitate it
that's why video games have a rating
and parental guide is really recommended for those kids (unless their parents are also an idiot then it is not recommended)
How human uses their brains (in this case, mostly kids and teens) mostly decide wether games can be the source of their violence or not there are some others that also causes violence, so don't blame games for every violence caused by kids and teens nowadays.
Level 4
Sep 10, 2013
From where I am from, ESRB ratings are not given much thought. So the first game I ever played was Mortal Kombat, and that was when I was about 6 or 7 years of age. MK was largely thought of as an extremely violent video game, but my dad still bought it for me regardless (I was also at the store at that time, so the employee was aware of who the game was for). It wasn't so much as case of lacking responsibility when handling a child but knowing the difference between what is fiction and what is real, that is, video games and what really makes a child violent. And I can assure you if Mortal Kombat made me violent, I would have at least killed 20 people before. Well, looking back, I was violent from the start but playing MK didn't make me do anything stupid.
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
I thought, "Why not Hive since we have a gaming background?"

I'll first point out that this isn't an accurate statement by itself. Most people here probably play or have played Warcraft 3. This isn't a very violent video game at all. It's too cartoonish, bright, unrealistic themes and the bird's eye perspective cuts out a lot of violence. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty of people here who have played worse games, but my point is that your asking a community who probably has less overall experience in more violent video games. You need to draw opinions from more gaming sites than just the Hive workshop.

Do violent video games affect people in a bad way?

There is no simple and short way to answer this.

The way a game can change somebody is through emotional attachment. Whether it makes us feel greedy and rewards us for it, makes it appear normal to swear, makes bad morale's look cool, showing jealousy and a negative way to deal with it, etc. Games can scare us with dark atmospheres, show blood, all in which can be traumatic. Go ask a physiatrist of how certain aspects of kids lives are affected by traumatic events.

I think children are the most vulnerable to being influenced by games. Grand Theft Auto teaches children the swear words before they may be ready to hear them and use them properly. It shows children that swear words are a frequent common part of everyday life. Children don't know any better so they may just take after the game.

Some games have disturbing images which may confuse children. Take Zelda A Majora's Mask for example. Despite a PG rating, many reviews have made claims about some themes, symbolism, etc in conjunction with strange contrasts and imagery. which points to elements such as death, sadness, grieving, etc. This confusion could lead to all sorts of things.

There are some very violent video games. Seeing blood, especially in great quantities, can be traumatic for children. Frequent use of bleeding, dismemberment and other gore and be showing children the wrong thing. Seeing too much of something that isn't suppose to be seen can send the wrong message. As adults, we teach out children that hitting is wrong. Imagine what some games depicting people sawing off arms and things are showing kids? Kind of the opposite of what mummy is saying.

In conclusion, I don't think mid aged teens and older are susceptible to being negatively influenced by games or if they are, it would be mild. I believe kids are because they are innocent, children copy people in order to learn. They observe, brain chemicals are different. They wouldn't understand the wrong of something if they weren't shown the right first, etc.

I think the only case of older people being affected by video games is if they have some kind of mental disorder or are on some kind of drugs which may corrupt their judgement to some extent.

Worry not, a game will not turn you into a serial killer or a freakin' bully.

This is talking about a serious case of how a game can affect you. Its the argument that everybody (media interviewing the cliché ignorant stay at home American mother) brings up and its plain wrong. Despite video game possibly affecting children (in my opinion as explained above), it would not drive them to such extremes. If anything, its not the game, but a case of mental illness, bad parenting or some other serious factors and cannot be blamed on a mere game.
Level 7
Jun 21, 2011
Video games dont make people violent.Lag does.
Now to be on topic I believe that it all depends on the child's personality.Growing up with an older brother who often played violent games I believe that if the child can point out what is right or wrong and can see that in video games no one get actually hurt while in reality things that may seem harmless in videogames are very harmful.If a child can tell apart videogames from reality then no problem should occur.But that would need a specific level of maturity

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

People can read the thread through if they want to, and make a guess of what I say. Even though my intention was to talk about the entertainment in CoD, I did mention the gore in it too, couple of times.

To say something on topic, violence in video games won't affect us, if we handle it correctly (playing it normally, not taking it too seriously.)
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
I don't know about you guys, but the mind sometimes make the unreal, real. Sometimes. That's why I don't dismiss the idea that it could.
I don't know about you guys, but the mind sometimes make the unreal, real. Sometimes. That's why I don't dismiss the idea that it could.

Even if violence in media was outlawed, there would still be stories, and if speaking of violence was outlawed, there would still be a person's nightmares.

If somebody is crazy enough to act on their violent thoughts, they will do it no matter what.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Even if violence in media was outlawed, there would still be stories, and if speaking of violence was outlawed, there would still be a person's nightmares.
I never implied to outlaw violence in media, I just said, that it is a possibility.

If somebody is crazy enough to act on their violent thoughts, they will do it no matter what.
The question is how did these violent thoughts get on their mind. Maybe through media, it's a possibility.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Its simple: Look at a 3D scene from a game, then point at something on your screen: Do you try to poke your finger directly trough your screen? No? Guess your brain knows that it is not reality, so if you go out and do something violent, it is also clearly not the game that is the cause. If it was we would have violence beyond belief. We don't. End of this somewhat odd argument.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
There's a lot of violence in the world.

Yea, but not in the way I am talking about. I am talking about the notion that if one becomes violent from playing games, then the 60% of the worlds population - amongst them 90% of the kids would be violent. Making it rather unlikely that the games directly causes violence. If it has any effect it is only on those who already have the condition for it and even then I would guess it has just delayed the violence, not caused it.

I loved the argument I believe Colbert made during the Gun debate, where Republicans criticized video games and considered more regulation of them - while denying the same for guns :grin:
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Okay, I stand corrected.

The possibility still exists though, that's why I do not want to dismiss the issue as being pointless or impossible.
I never implied to outlaw violence in media, I just said, that it is a possibility.

The question is how did these violent thoughts get on their mind. Maybe through media, it's a possibility.

People like to use the media as an excuse, but if they are crazy enough to kill somebody just because they saw violence in a game or movie, they would have killed people anyway.

You don't have to see a game or movie to know what violence is and have violent thoughts. How do you think the first murder was committed? The man would never have heard of murder before, but he didn't need to because the violence was already within his mind. If such a man were alive today he would claim it was put there by the violence of games and movies today, but it was already there.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

He was talking about violent thoughts, not killing anyone. It's ridiculous to blame a game for murder. :D
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
But that guy was thinking "I'm gonna kill you now motherfucker" before he killed the guy, so there were thoughts before the act.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
The violent intent was there, so he did thought of it first; what was neglected was social responsibility, which is not raw thought, it's more of a personal constraint placed to conform to society.
Level 2
Oct 15, 2013
Looking at the statistics violence has gone down with the increase in violent video games and movies, and as a general rule the only people who are affected by video game or movie violence are people who suffer from some degree of mental illness.
Level 3
Oct 4, 2013
I really hate this debate. The evidence that it does effect people is all subjective and only includes one variable. And who cares if I wanna play a violent video game then I should be allowed to. There shouldn't be any restrictions on video games. This is an area where the government needs to back off
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Looking at the statistics violence has gone down with the increase in violent video games and movies, and as a general rule the only people who are affected by video game or movie violence are people who suffer from some degree of mental illness.

While it does not consider other laws or actions that can influence the result, it still hints at the same point I had - that the video games might in fact serve as a conduct for the violent to act out their tendencies in an environment where no real damage is done.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
1 answer to this thread: Violent games don't affect people, only they cannot self-control them doing violent shit. I play Dead Space, Mortal Kombat many years ago I still being nice, and never hurt people. People always say GTA is not appropiate for child and kids, but they are real life. Those people cannot stand real life, so they just blame for its violent, drugs and other stuff. Conclusion: Violent games DON'T affect people.
Games can or can not affect a person, in a good way or in a bad way... Though if ur a people on a completely working fine brain and good ideals, playing violent games won't have a negative effect on you... because you know that it's only a game and you shouldn't mimic it in real life...

people that get's affected in a bad way are people who already have their minds at least on the verge of turning bad, or those who cannot think properly...
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Depends on the kind of violence. I've read about rape games that are made in Japan, and games where you torture and hack limbs. These games are nonsense, they are not games at all but graphic simulations for people with serious mental disorders.

Also games which have a lot of cuss words, sexual and mature content should be simply kept out of children's reach. A majority of the current generation of parents are unaware about the amount of detail there is in video games. They probably have picture of super mario or car racing games in mind. But times will change, in a few years most of the members who have taken part in this discussion will become parents (well,hopefully) and I hope will be more response-able in choosing a title for their young ones. hehehe!
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