08:47, 20th Oct 2014
Misha: very well done model, and functions very well ingame
Misha: very well done model, and functions very well ingame
(16 ratings)
Is it possible to get a Starcraft 2 Version?? Or could you tell me were i could find a tutorial on how to convert it for Starcraft 2 use. It would help a lot.
But anyways I am a fan of star wars so I must give it a 5/5
Serious flash backs to empire at war... yeeeeeeeeep serious flash backs.
sweet space ship, it compliments the style of olofmolemans star wars stuff, the Republic Assault Ship specifically, quite perfectly.
The Team colors nice too, and those windows even glow!
iv got nothing to say negative about the mesh or texture, its literally perfect to the game I played and thus use as a judge of this model, how ever as an animator I must say that its much more fun as a map editor to play with models that have lots of animations rather then triggering it all from some smaller set of animations. that being said I do know why its so hard to add animations after particle emitter works been all finished into current animations, but my solution to that was to always just make a new animation to go onto the end of the animations list and thus not change prior animation frames thus not changing emitters key frames. the newest animations may not have any emitter information, but if done right none of the emitters would be disturbed AND you can add new things such as spell death and births and spell channels.
I like this model, 8.5/10. could be a 9 if you had an animation like ''spell channel'' that fired all the big turbo laser batteries in un synchronized order to the sides front or back. rather then just attack 1 and 2 that fire only left and right forward turbo laser battery's forwards.
another thing, the black spots on the sides, are those the hangars? if you've ever played empire at war you'd know they make the hangars look like blue energy windows with vacant spaces behind them, you somewhat achieved this on the under side, and to be honest I don't remember if those black spots on the sides are supposed to be hangars, none the less, they may look cooler if made more glowy energy fielded hangary looking.
I digress, its an excellent model.
What is that? It looks like an early victory class, though i have never seen this design before. Pretty sure it is not in any of the movies.
Close...its not its from Star Wars the Old Republic its the Sith Empire's Harrowing Class Destoryer
I would love to see a starcraft 2 version [...]
actullay ulfric is me [...]
but I can't seem to find a way to contact a dev. to combined both accounts so thoses resource post are on this one. [...]