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// //
// ***************************** //
// * Triggered Incinerate v1.2 * //
// * by: AGD * //
// ***************************** //
// //
// Credits: //
// - Bribe ( Damage Engine ) //
// //
// //
// How to Import: //
// - Copy the all the custom abilities //
// - Copy the "Damage Engine by Bribe" trigger category //
// - Copy the "Triggered Incinerate by AGD" trigger category //
// //
// But first, check "automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger data" so that the //
// "TI Variable Creator" will create the necessary variables in your map. //
// //
// //
// Spell Summary: //
// //
// The spell's effect is passive. It activates everytime the unit deals damage to its target. This //
// spell causes the unit to deal increasing damage (additionally) per attack. The damage stacking //
// has a duration after which if the target takes no damage from a unit with incinerate spell, it //
// will be reset back to zero. Upon the target unit's death, it will explode and deal damage equal //
// to the damage stacked to a certain AOE. //
// //
// //
// Spell Info (Please Read): //
// //
// For those who don't know yet, the Incinerate spell of Fire Lord which was made by Blizzard is //
// actually buggy if you're not using the original spell ( i.e. if you're using a custom ability //
// based on that spell ). In this case, even if you change the stats of the custom spell, the stats //
// of the original spell will persist and it's almost impossible or atleast difficult to make //
// many incinerate spells with different stats and sometimes you will be forced to use triggers to //
// do this. //
// //
// For this reason I made this spell hoping that this will help you with your difficulties regarding //
// the buggy Incinerate. In this spell, you can make as many incinerate spells as you like, all with //
// different stats and spellIDs. The spell's effects is also not limited by the unit's weapon type //
// which, unlike Blizzard's Incinerate, will only work with missile attacks. And lastly, one //
// POSSIBLE advantage of this sytem is that it works together with other buff placers and orb //
// effects. //
// //
// Please share your feedback and suggestions about this spell at Hive Workshop or you can PM AGD //
// at Hive. Please also report bugs and glitches if you found some. //
// //
// //
// Note: If you use this resource in your map, please don't forget to give credits to AGD. And if //
// you're having problem regarding how to import or in configuring the spell, you can PM him //
// or post your comment at Hive Workshop. //
// //
// //
// This function indexes the spell's stats listed //
// in the Incinerate spells list one by one //
function TI_InitSpellIndex takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = udg_TI_SpellIndex + 1
set udg_TI_SpellID[i] = udg_TI_Spell
set udg_TI_SpellAsTrigger[i] = udg_TI_AllowSpellAsTrigger
set udg_TI_DPABase[i] = udg_TI_DamageStackBase
set udg_TI_DPAPerLevel[i] = udg_TI_DamageStackPerLevel
set udg_TI_DurationBase[i] = udg_TI_DurBase
set udg_TI_DurationPerLevel[i] = udg_TI_DurPerLevel
set udg_TI_DamageCapBase[i] = udg_TI_DCapBase
set udg_TI_DamageCapPerLevel[i] = udg_TI_DCapPerLevel
set udg_TI_ExplodeAOEBase[i] = udg_TI_EXAOEBase
set udg_TI_ExplodeAOEPerLevel[i] = udg_TI_EXAOEPerLevel
set udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDAOEBase[i] = udg_TI_EXSmallAOEBase
set udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDAOEPerLev[i] = udg_TI_EXSmallAOEPerLevel
set udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDFactorBase[i] = udg_TI_EXSmallDamageFactorBase
set udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDFactorPerLev[i] = udg_TI_EXSmallDamageFactorPerLevel
set udg_TI_AT[i] = udg_TI_AttackType
set udg_TI_DT[i] = udg_TI_DamageType
set udg_TI_SFXModel1[i] = udg_TI_EffectModel1
set udg_TI_SFXModel2[i] = udg_TI_EffectModel2
set udg_TI_AttachPoint[i] = udg_TI_EffectAttachment
set udg_TI_IsUnitStructure[i] = udg_TI_Structures
set udg_TI_IsUnitMechanical[i] = udg_TI_Mechanicals
set udg_TI_IsUnitMagicImmune[i] = udg_TI_MagicImmune
set udg_TI_IsUnitAlly[i] = udg_TI_Allies
set udg_TI_IsUnitIllusion[i] = udg_TI_Illusions
set udg_TI_SpellIndex = i
// This function filters unwanted units from being //
// affected by the spell //
function TI_TargetFilter takes unit target, player p, integer i returns boolean
return ( ( not IsUnitType( target, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) ) or udg_TI_IsUnitStructure[i] ) and ( ( not IsUnitType( target, UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL ) ) or udg_TI_IsUnitMechanical[i] ) and ( ( not IsUnitType( target, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE ) ) or udg_TI_IsUnitMagicImmune[i] ) and ( IsUnitEnemy( target, p ) or udg_TI_IsUnitAlly[i] ) and ( ( not IsUnitIllusion( target ) ) or udg_TI_IsUnitIllusion[i] )
// This function debuffs the target unit when not //
// damaged for a certain duration //
function TI_Debuff takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer timerkey = GetHandleId( t )
local integer i = LoadInteger( udg_TI_Hash, timerkey, 0 )
local unit u = LoadUnitHandle( udg_TI_Hash, timerkey, 1 )
local integer key = GetHandleId( u )
local string I = I2S( i )
call DestroyEffect( LoadEffectHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SFX" + I ) ) )
call DestroyTimer( t )
call SaveBoolean( udg_TI_Hash, key, i, false )
call SaveReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ), 0 )
call FlushChildHashtable( udg_TI_Hash, timerkey )
set t = null
set u = null
set I = null
// This function triggers the dead unit's explosion //
function TI_Incinerate takes nothing returns boolean
local unit dying = GetTriggerUnit()
local integer key = GetHandleId( dying )
local real x = GetUnitX( dying )
local real y = GetUnitY( dying )
local integer i = 0
local unit target
local player p
local real dx
local real dy
local real damage
local real smalldfactor
local unit buffplacer
local string I
set i = i + 1
set I = I2S( i )
if LoadBoolean( udg_TI_Hash, key, i ) then
set damage = LoadReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ) )
set smalldfactor = LoadReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SmallDFactor" + I ) )
set buffplacer = LoadUnitHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "BuffPlacer" + I ) )
set p = GetOwningPlayer( buffplacer )
call SaveReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ), 0 )
call DestroyEffect( LoadEffectHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SFX" + I ) ) )
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( udg_TI_SFXModel2[i], x, y ) )
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange( udg_TI_TempGroup, x, y, LoadReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SmallDAOE" + I ) ), null )
set target = FirstOfGroup( udg_TI_TempGroup )
exitwhen target == null
call GroupRemoveUnit( udg_TI_TempGroup, target )
set dx = GetUnitX( target ) - x
set dy = GetUnitY( target ) - y
if ( target != buffplacer ) and TI_TargetFilter( target, p, i ) then
if SquareRoot( dx*dx + dy*dy ) > LoadReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "AOE" + I ) ) then
call UnitDamageTarget( buffplacer, target, damage*smalldfactor, true, false, udg_TI_AT[i], udg_TI_DT[i], null )
call UnitDamageTarget( buffplacer, target, damage, true, false, udg_TI_AT[i], udg_TI_DT[i], null )
exitwhen i == udg_TI_SpellIndex
call FlushChildHashtable( udg_TI_Hash, key )
set dying = null
set buffplacer = null
set p = null
set I = null
return false
// This function checks if the level of incinerate spell //
// for the damage source is greater than zero in order //
// run the main actions of the spell. //
function TI_MainAction takes nothing returns boolean
local trigger trig = GetTriggeringTrigger()
local integer key = GetHandleId( udg_DamageEventTarget )
local integer i = 0
local integer level
local integer timerkey
local real dcap
local string I
set i = i + 1
set level = GetUnitAbilityLevel( udg_DamageEventSource, udg_TI_SpellID[i] )
if level > 0 then
if not udg_IsDamageSpell or udg_TI_SpellAsTrigger[i] then
set I = I2S( i )
set dcap = udg_TI_DamageCapBase[i] + udg_TI_DamageCapPerLevel[i]*level
if TI_TargetFilter( udg_DamageEventTarget, GetOwningPlayer( udg_DamageEventSource ), i ) then
call DestroyEffect( LoadEffectHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SFX" + I ) ) )
call SaveEffectHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SFX" + I ), AddSpecialEffectTarget( udg_TI_SFXModel1[i], udg_DamageEventTarget, udg_TI_AttachPoint[i] ) )
call DestroyTimer( LoadTimerHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Timer" + I ) ) )
call SaveTimerHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Timer" + I ), CreateTimer() )
set timerkey = GetHandleId( LoadTimerHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Timer" + I ) ) )
call SaveUnitHandle( udg_TI_Hash, timerkey, 1, udg_DamageEventTarget )
call SaveUnitHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "BuffPlacer" + I ), udg_DamageEventSource )
call SaveReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ), LoadReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ) ) + udg_TI_DPABase[i] + udg_TI_DPAPerLevel[i]*level )
call SaveReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "AOE" + I ), udg_TI_ExplodeAOEBase[i] + udg_TI_ExplodeAOEPerLevel[i]*level )
call SaveReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SmallDAOE" + I ), udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDAOEBase[i] + udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDAOEPerLev[i]*level )
call SaveReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "SmallDFactor" + I ), udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDFactorBase[i] + udg_TI_ExplodeSmallDFactorPerLev[i]*level )
call SaveInteger( udg_TI_Hash, timerkey, 0, i )
call SaveBoolean( udg_TI_Hash, key, i, true )
if dcap != 0 then
if LoadReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ) ) > dcap then
call SaveReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ), dcap )
call DisableTrigger( trig )
call UnitDamageTarget( udg_DamageEventSource, udg_DamageEventTarget, udg_DamageEventAmount + LoadReal( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Damage" + I ) ), true, false, udg_TI_AT[i], udg_TI_DT[i], null )
call EnableTrigger( trig )
set udg_DamageEventAmount = 0
call TimerStart( LoadTimerHandle( udg_TI_Hash, key, StringHash( "Timer" + I ) ), udg_TI_DurationBase[i] + udg_TI_DurationPerLevel[i]*level, false, function TI_Debuff )
exitwhen i == udg_TI_SpellIndex
set trig = null
set I = null
return false
// Initialization function //
function InitTrig_Triggered_Incinerate takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t1 = CreateTrigger()
local trigger t2 = CreateTrigger()
set udg_TI_Hash = InitHashtable()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t1, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerAddCondition( t1, Filter( function TI_Incinerate ) )
call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent( t2, "udg_DamageEvent", EQUAL, 1 )
call TriggerAddCondition( t2, Filter( function TI_MainAction ) )
call ExecuteFunc( "Trig_Incinerate_SpellsList_Actions" )
//** End of Spell **//