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To Do List (old posts)

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Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
This is all the posts that originally was in the To Do List, which I either have rejected or added to the list.
The original To Do List is here
For the chat i like to have a command where you can add a suffix to your name.
like: Username@afk
Username@wc3 etc.

maybe for the command something like this: /@ <status>

and for the resource section i would like to have the categories horizontal.
Because right now, theres a small scrollbar. Hard to explain i will show you via images:

oh, that's a very good idea indeed DragoonZombie!
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This is all the posts that originally was in the To Do List, which I either have rejected or added to the list.
The original To Do List is here
For the chat i like to have a command where you can add a suffix to your name.
like: Username@afk
Username@wc3 etc.

maybe for the command something like this: /@ <status>

and for the resource section i would like to have the categories horizontal.
Because right now, theres a small scrollbar. Hard to explain i will show you via images:
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Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
What is campaign section? Do you plan to make campaigns separate from maps?
Yup, one that displays every single map in the campaign and all that.
-Custom minimaps displayed on maps instead of the 'real' minimap images. Basicly just spaw the places, custom image as large and the real image as small icon on the side.
well I guess I could, anyone else up for this?
For the chat i like to have a command where you can add a suffix to your name.
like: Username@afk
Username@wc3 etc.

maybe for the command something like this: /@ <status>

and for the resource section i would like to have the categories horizontal.
Because right now, theres a small scrollbar. Hard to explain i will show you via images:
I did that column thing now. The /@ sounds very good too.. gonna implement that!
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
u rox0r

Thanks for creating the list Chieftain, for publishing it to keep us informed and updating it as your progress proceeds. That's a long list: we know that you will be chopping it down and ticking off the items as time allows.

The list is also very helpful: it's now a "central clearing house" a thread where users can dump even MORE work on you instead of creating their own individual suggestion threads scattered hither and yon. It's also a good reference point: we can now easily direct inquiries here and say to those who inquire about these matters: "suggest that here" or "it's already on the list."

The only important item that seems to be absent at this time is:
  • art resource section.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Oh by the way, users request that an implementation of zip-submission (for packs) is made. I think each section should have a specific category for packs, so it will be less confusing. Since this section will have few stuff (at least I would be surprised if it filled in two days:eekani:).
Level 8
Feb 4, 2007
well I guess I could, anyone else up for this?

I was actually thinking about that idea earlier. I think someone mentioned it before. It sounds like a good idea, but it should be optional. You should be able to have both, or one of either.

How about showing all submitted resources in a User's Public Profile? That way people can easily see everything submitted by that person via the Profile.

Also, as for the spells section, I would suggest dividing it up as so:
· Passive Auras
· Activated Auras
· Passive Abilities
· Activated Abilities
· Casted Spells

Also, some guidelines for submitting spells in the spell section.
For example, require that the submission have the
· Name
· Description
· Level-able (Yes / No)
· Custom Models Used (If any)
· Type of Spell (Ground Target, Unit Target, Self, Aura)
· etc. etc..

Just a few ideas.
-Custom minimaps displayed on maps instead of the 'real' minimap images. Basicly just spaw the places, custom image as large and the real image as small icon on the side.
well I guess I could, anyone else up for this?
That sounds like a good idea, since some of the minimap images just shows nothing of the actual map (for example This one)
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Resource Section

I think we need to make the comments in the resource section look more forum like. You should also be able to add rep from the resource page because people deserve rep for a good resource but never get any because there is no button for it.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

Agreed, its really annoying having all your points on the same line when commenting on a resource.
You should also be able to quote, colour text ect.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

The resource section is not vBuelletin format, therefore the .php tags do not function there. No HTML content is allowed for any reason, at any time, by any user. Those two facts are extremely unlikely to ever change.

It would be teh 1337 if we could (in the future) rep users for resource submissions. For now, we must creatively rep users in the forum and create a link to their resource by using our available .php code in the reputation editor.
The link is created using a simple code.
  • [URL="http://hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/icons/3926/"]BTN_Shell[/URL]
The code then produces a link in the user's reputation record.
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

Another thing that i dont like about the resource section at the moment is the bad rateings for good maps.
I know this is because of some stupid people but i think if you made rateings public (aka you can see who voted for what) those people would think twice about stupid rateings.
The downside is people getting hurt by bad rateings and knowing who rated them... :sad:
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

There are a lot of cruel, selfish people in the world Kixer and it would not surprise me in the least if some of them were skewing the ratings and vote count (here at THW as well as everywhere else on the net).

At least each user may rate a specific resource only once: if it is at all possible to implement your suggestion, I hope that the Chieftain will get it done.

To maintain absolute transparency as a resource moderator I ALWAYS preface my comments with the rating that I assign to those submissions:
  • [highlight][-][/code] Indicates ignored resources.
  • [highlight][Pending][/code] Shows that a resource is still under consideration.
    • [highlight][#%][/code] Refers to my opinion of approved maps.
    • [highlight][ #4-10 ][/code] Gives my opinion of approved icons/models/tools.

I believe that all other resource moderators use similar systems when evaluating resources submitted to The Hive. If every user would do the same (yeah, RIGHT) the ratings would be far more accurate.
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Offtopic : We need members not dlers!

If only we lived in a perfect world... *sigh*
There are way to few people who give a damn about the map authors...
I've seen maps with 50+ dls and no comments or rateings. My own map has been dled 110+ times and has been rated once...
We need more users to rate maps, i mean it only takes a few clicks, and maybe a good job comment or a do this to improve comment...



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Problem is, that people have to download the map and play it before they review it and rate it. And most people are lazy asses, so they don't even bother to go there again.

And where good exists, evil has to exist too somewhere, always. And so far, it has always been that way, but don't worry, the day we hope for may come... someday...


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
Another thing that i dont like about the resource section at the moment is the bad rateings for good maps.
I know this is because of some stupid people but i think if you made rateings public (aka you can see who voted for what) those people would think twice about stupid rateings.
The downside is people getting hurt by bad rateings and knowing who rated them... :sad:
The only problem here is that everyone can rate, even guests. They are IP traced.
But I can see your point
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
I think that we should be able to post attachments that we have uploaded in a thread into a separate thread. This would be very helpful considering that limiting ones allowed attachment size leaves no choice but to have to upload more than one of the exact same pictures (saved differently with dif names) just to get it into another thread.
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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
The only problem here is that everyone can rate, even guests. They are IP traced.
Couldn't you just search for Users with the same IP, and paste that user's name onto the rating instead?

Or say Guest (same IP as JoeUser) or something

And sure, guests without an account can still be arses, but to a certain extent that's unsolvable, without completely blocking guest input.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
On the subject of the resource rating system, make it so that rating is part of commenting, like on the side of commenting you have the option to rate (You shouldn't make rating neccesary to comment, as someone might think a map has potential, so they want to suggest improvements before rating), and possibly displaying the rating they gave. At the very least if they gave a rating.

Got another suggestion: Allow thread creators to put their thread into a tag-based category, so we can search/browse by tags/categories.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
"Here's more work for you lazy worms!" - by Angmar Officer xD

I just came up with ideas. When we moderate a Resource Section, we receive the Resource Moderator title. However, I think we should instead receive a title for the section we moderate. Such as Map Section Moderator, Model Section Moderator, etc. Since you added that Make Titles Cooler Todo, use the same colour/code for all Resource Moderators (should you apply the last idea).

By the way, thanks for applying that Title Todo. =)
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Just asking, whats the ponit of needing 50+ rep befor the rep you give people counts? Rep needed to rep other people is fine, but 50?? Thats going to be hard to reach o_O. I suggest more like 15+.

It's because we've had alot of problems with rep abuse in the past, so if you manage to get 50 rep with the small amount of trusted members who have rep to give, then you too can be trusted to give rep wisely.

Level 8
Dec 11, 2006

Would it be possible for resource moderators to subscribe to a resource moderation que. I would be kind of neet if I could get notified whenever somebody uploaded a new tool for instance. Because that que is rarely updating.
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
As if you didn't ALREADY have enough to do Ralle:

DSG has (I believe) proposed a new system for Resource Moderators to approve/reject submissions.

From what I understand, it would essentially entail creating a special "comment" feature available to the mods that would allow them (using a separate check box and input dialog) to approve/rate/review resources.

Such a "special" review would then be displayed directly below the submission itself BEFORE the various comments from the rest of the peanut gallery.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
A suggestion for the reputation system: perhaps people with less than 50 reputation points should also be able to give reputation, however, a moderator would have a CP showing the reputation given, to approve of their reason (which would also encourage comments on reps). Given reputations would show up here. The moderator would have to re-view the thread and decide if the reputation was well-deserved. I can do this, if other moderators feel too lazy to do so.
The idea came when I read this thread.

Additionally, I have another similar suggestion to the World Editor Help Zone. There are many questions there, and why not let the thread author/WE Help Zone moderator choose the best answer to each question, which would grant a small boost to reputation (with a comment), and would grant a button to automatically jump to the chosen best answer. If the thread author makes more than one question, the best answers to each question are also shown. I myself don't know exactly how this would work, but it'll encourage people to help others.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
JASS Snippets

Any chance we could have a JASS Snippets section, like the one at wc3sear.ch ?
Somewhere were people could post usefull little functions ect?
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