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Hiveworkshop.com To Do List + Changelog

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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004

I made this list so you can see what I need to do for the Hive. This way you do not have to make a thread about a thing already on the list.
Posts in this thread will be ideas for more things to do.
You will not understand all the items in this To Do List. Some of them will remain hidden and meaningless until they are made.

I have decided not to list what I am working on and what I need to do. I will just make you all happy as you see something new.

To done List

  • New Pastebin
  • Build .wtg text rebuilder to show spell triggers without download spells
  • Build panel to see JASS triggers within spells for moderation
  • User Registration Moderation
  • Make new spells section
  • New Map rules execution

  • Make duty list
  • Add option to find resources with filesize < x
  • Implement a feature that disallows "just another warcraft 3 map"
  • Implement super donor awards
  • Make respected user award

  • Make Paypal donor award

  • New stylesheet (night elf)
  • Slightly change design on front page
  • Updated vbadvanced
  • Updated to vBulletin 3.7
  • Noise-protect server
  • Fix youtube tag
  • Make new maps section
  • Hide resources that are contained in packs
  • Fix JASS tags
  • Fix category memberships
  • Make new skins section
  • Make new tools section
  • Let every download form resource sections be handled by the webserver
  • Fix every problem caused by the move
  • Move everything from sawuer to new server
  • Move everything from hurley to new server
  • Improve resource display pages for new vbulletin sections
  • Order new internet service provider
  • Copy everything to the new server
  • Install new server
  • Get new server
  • vBadvanced front page with more resource options.
  • Make packing system
  • Implement new permission system for chat room
  • Add smiley bar to chat room
  • Make chatroom bans non-global
  • Fix YouTube tag
  • Fixed some sections that said "Model Details for ..."
  • Optimize server
  • Add rooms to chat
  • Import campaigns into maps section
  • Setup newsletter functions
  • Contact GG-game to ask for http://www.hiveworkshop.com instead of http://hiveworkshop.com
  • Add Wolve's Site description to front page
  • Prevent campaigns from being listed with maps (Press "browse campaigns")
  • Add staff to Community menu
  • Make frontpage description
  • Change site title to include Warcraft 3
  • Fix [code=jass] and [youtube] tags
  • Set user profile to display 25 reputation comments instead of 10
  • Add campaign compability to maps section
  • Add the gallery as 'Art' on the top menu
  • Fix new server mod_rewrite bugs
  • Move to new and improved server
  • Add paths to icons
  • Prevent download cheat
  • Finished gallery
  • Set everyone to "Is a bot" => "no"
  • Add promotion for search system
  • JASS / Trigger Snippet Section
  • Pastebin shows delete button for guests visiting other people's pastes
  • Modding page will only PM on PM tick
  • Attached images look MUCH cooler
  • Optimize forum core
  • Add forum jump menu
  • Hopefully improved server uptime
  • Add sort for time update on resource list
  • Reverse rate menu and add confirm message
  • Add forum jump menu
  • Moderator's name already added to moderators comment field on modding page
  • PM author on moderation change
  • Bug, resource moderator comment only shown when user comments available aswell.
  • Icon -> Skin link
  • Increased PM inbox
  • Added donation to topmenu
  • Sorted out labels
  • Automatic ranks in chat section
  • BBcodes work in comments and resource descriptions
  • Set pastebin to one week instead of one week
  • Made pastebin secure by links
  • Added awards to profile page
  • Added very advanced modding page
  • Resource owners can't delete their ignored items
  • Now people cannot see/dl ignored resources, even by link, unless they are mods, or the author
  • New design on list of resources
  • Added scroll on comments list
  • Spells Section
  • [MAPS] Replace minimap if preview exists
  • Submissions link on user's profile in threads
  • Pastebin for files and text
  • Make Legend cooler (Admins, Moderators; ALL different colors, map moderator)
  • Skins Section
  • Fix Trigger Tags
  • Make database disconnect upon user download
  • Search feature on modding page
  • nl2br() in comments, I forgot that?
  • Fix the bug that allows everyone to kick in chat room
  • Add

    [*]AFK/Away/Idle message in chatroom (/@ msg)
    [*]Updated maps should have their release date and latest update date on their profile site
    [*]Profile page in resource section describing their submissions
    [*]Make all names link to a profile
    [*]Link from chat to chat-infopage (/pages/)
    [*]Add columns instead of a single list on the label display message

Discuss the todo here
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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004

I have started to use this thread as a changelog for hiveworkshop.

The following changes have been made:
- Resources are now displayed instantly on the main resource list.
- Moved all map-threads to the map-forum (they were in tool-forum).
- Fixed bantime-bug in chat room.


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
I am bad at routines. Anyway, I will post some stuff I have changed.

- You can now see a user's resources in their profile.
- Renamed 'Packs (Beta)' to 'Packs'
- Fixed a lot of contest rewards (still some to go)
- Added 'reparse' to maps section if information is wrong.
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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
- Improved the system of the resource sections that decides whether or not you actually updated your resource or just bumped it.
- Improved minimodding, now you insert a reason and the amount of reviews is listed on the map list itself.
- Globally ignored users' resources are now invisible.


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
I suck at routines so I am making a huge changelog, this is several months work

- Deleted a lot of unused junk on the webserver
- Added monthly downloads to all resource sections
- Fixed packs section to support maps without making empty packs
- Made pastebin entries completely hidden, you cannot see which entry people are browsing on their profile anymore.
- Added monthly downloads block to the news page
- Updated some of the server software
- Fixed the JASS tags to PurplePoot's liking ( http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ing-more-like-update-than-bug-but-meh-123938/ )
- Started cleaning up where images are stored
- Fixed packs section to say "MB" when it is relevant
- Fixed packs section to display map images properly
- Upped the limits of when you get the "Server Busy" error
- A lot more, I cannot remember really..


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
- Fixed a bug that would show resources with a single rating of 5 at the top
- Fixed otable tags
- Optimized webserver
- Optimized MySQL server a lot
- Built the read-only trigger editor for spell moderators to easily moderate spells.

I really suck at remembering to do this. I have also done other things, I am just a bit forgetful.
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