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[THW Terraining Challenges] Challenge #1

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Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
@ Rocker742

Your second WiP is a great improvement, you should try to create a more cavish atmosphere though; use some dark fog. Also try to be more creative with the doodads and use lower and raise, the terrain looks a bit flat.

I like the little ''lake'' you made there, very creative; try to create more things like this.

@ Syltman

Looking pretty standard for No imports, the doodads also look a bit randomly placed.

Try to be a little more creative with doodads and atmosphere: Make doodad constructions, maybe add a river, use a nicer fog and maybe use a campaign background.

@ Supertoinkz

Looking pretty nice. I like it. You should tint the waterfalls and the river rushes a little bit darker though.

The open spaces on the sides don't look very good, you could try to create mountains there with small growrth and rocks on there to create depth.

And again, try to do something interesting with the sky. There are great ways to make it look cool; using campaign backgrounds and spell/buff models for exemple.

If you wish to post multiple terrains, that is okay but make one of them your main entry; for only that one will be judged for the '' Terraining Challenges - Hall of Fame'' that is coming up.

@ Multigod

It has a great ''blizzard'' feeling to it, but like said before; it lacks some creativity that I would like to see for this challenge.

Look at other entries and try to play around with doodad constructions.

@ Archipelago

It is beginning to look really good, I like it.

The atmosphere and angle are great. The doodads are placed a bit random though, try to organize it a bit more by creating a path to the statue for exemple.

Also you could try to build a real shrine out of doodads, that would be awesome.
Level 5
Jul 19, 2007
Wooo WIP3.. and I remembered to turn on the fog before taking a picture :grin:

and that demolisher, it is a supply truck. BUT WHO IS IT SUPPLYING? *cliffhanger*


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Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
I think I'm going to be sick. Very avantgarde. You managed to blur the physics in that terrain, making me really dizzy, strengthened by that sick, green mist. Nice ef...ugh...fect...bleghr! Not bad...

I like your WiP2 the most. Good perspective, with the torch to the right, next to my face. A fine idea. Try using another ground texture on the ramp down to the channel. I think it looks unnatural, when you stretch and curve the tuna bricks like that. There are many other things that are a little...you know, but since it's your very first time terraining, I think it would be overkill to mention all those things at this point.
And congratulations with your first terrain! :infl_thumbs_up:

Sorry if some of my expressions seem inappropriate. They weren't meant sarcastic or rude.
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Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
Arcany, maybe you should save the images on your hd and attach them to the first post, so we'll have a little gallery.

Already planning to do that on the end of this week's challenge when all final entries are in.

It's my idea to move all entries to the first post of each week's challenge and to post that week's link in an ''Archives'' section within the main thread: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/terrain-board-267/terraining-mini-challenge-142949/

I will also pick out the best entry for each week's challenge and attach that to ''The Wall of Fame'' within the main thread.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2008
WIP 1:

I'm still working on this and there are several things to be added (more trees, hills in the background, etc.), but for now, enjoy.

Idyllic, no?


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
ha realy creative use of dead trees . . . then only thing i can say is spam of shurbs on the ground dosnt look to nice other wise looking real good you guys are forcing my to leave peoples projects for this . . .


added some more to my map with my pc nearly dieing once (thank god for ATI cpu recovery) i tell you the theory of lots of low poly/res modles can make good high poly/res models is great untill you put it into practise . .


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
my moneys Megafyr to be honest, i dont have the time to do this i was lucky enouth i had a started map for this one but other wise i prefer just to make maps that i can play and are fun to play and keiji you remeber my extreme 1 doodad rape http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/terrain-board-267/creativity-mini-test-129412/#post1142168(there are updated pictures all the way to the last page) good fun tho maybe some one else should take up the challenge i just dont have the time now.
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
I know it took me some time (read: Alot of time), but I have finally declared a winner for this week's challenge.

Before I announce the winner, I will take you through some of the best terrains produced for this challenge.

  • madcd's Terrain

Yes I know, the terrain is just a WiP. This terrain really exploits the ''No Import Rule'' to it's fullest; it is just freaking creative! The way the rock walls were made, the leaves made out of lilly pads, I just love it.
Sadly it is not finished, but it makes up for a fine 4th place this week.

  • Hugget Sukker's terrain

Now this is what I'd call art, this would make a painting I would gladly hang on my wall. This is a great mix of environmental and strucural constructions, I just like to look at it^^
This terrain deserves a 3rd place.

  • CoBrA b's terrain

This terrain is a beauty, it combines the things I like the most about the previous two terrains. This was a hard choice, you did a really great job CoBrA b, but Megafyr's terrain was just a bit better.

And this brings us to this week's winner:

  • Congratulations Megafyr! You have won^^

I really dig this terrain. It displays great atmosphere through the good use of the limited lightning effects you had for this challenge and the doodadtinting and construction is great.
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