[THW Terraining Challenges] Challenge #5

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Level 7
Oct 24, 2008


As some of you might remember, a while ago I started THW Terraining Challenges (THWTC), unfortunately they were discontinued because
my lack of time the past months. I have become interested in reviving THWTC so hereby I present to you the following information along with the latest Terraing Challenge.

(1) What is THWTC why would I want to join?:

Like the name says, it's about terraining challenges. These bi-weekly hosted and themed challenges are meant to challenge you to hone
your terraining skills through themes you might not think of otherwise, they are meant for you to challenge other terrainers who join in, they are meant
to learn from eachothers' skills and they are meant to inspire you to make new terrains using new techniques and styles.

THWTC will be hosted bi-weekly, with the exception for challenges that require a larger amount of work (such as co-op or playable-themed challenges).​

(2) What kind of themes can I expect:

Some of the past themes were No-imports, Sky, Underwater and Destruction (the last being a co-op challenge)
Below here you can see some of the past winning entries:




(3) This being a challenge, how about the judging and what do I get for winning?:

I will do the judging myself (though I might try to get someone to help me) and it will be done in the following manner:
Each terrain will be ranked with either a ++, +, +- or -
  • Epic Terrains - these terrains are epicly made, carry out the theme perfectly and are most creative, these terrains will also end up on the Gallery.
  • Great Terrains - These terrains are very well made, carry out the theme in a great way but lack the epicness factor.
  • Standard Terrains - These terrains are okay made, carry out the theme well enough but are pretty standard and could use some improvements
  • Lacking Terrains - These terrains are not well made, don't carry out the theme in a good way and/or are lacking in many perspectives.

As this is no official contest/challenge or whatsoever you will not be rewarded any +rep or award icons for winning.
I do plan on making a Gallery for THWTC however, which will contain the best terrain(s) of each challenge.​

(4) Alright then, so what are the rules?:

Each challenge will carry its own specific rules.​


[THW Terraining Challenges] Challenge #5

Warcraft Propaganda

''Terraining Challenge #5 will be all about propaganda. Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. For this challenge I would like to see some propaganda terrains set in the Warcraft Universe.''

(1) Inspiration

Here follows some inspiration and some tips to make a succesful propaganda poster.

  • Propaganda spreads an ideology
    An ideology is a set of ideas that discusses the goals, expectations, and actions of an organization or person. A propagandist will spread his ideology through his propaganda.
  • Propaganda has a clear message
    Propaganda must be understandable by an entire comunity in order to be able to appeal to everyone.
  • Propaganda uses exageration
    Negative exageration: The propagandist exagerates the actions of his enemies, turning them into scapegoats.
    Positive exageration: Te effect of propaganda fares upon the promised realisation of comon ideals and values of the community it tries to affect.
  • Propaganda uses symbolism
    The propagandist will often use symbolism to support his ideas. Symbols may include idealised leaders or monarchs, flags and colors.
  • Propaganda uses influential persons and organizations to give its message more power
    For example, Burning Legion propaganda will feature the image of Kil'jaeden and/or the organization of the Nathrezim to empower its message.
  • Propaganda exploits the need of being a part of a community
    In general, individuals have the need to be part of a community. Propaganda is more often than not used to exploit upon this need.
  • Propaganda exploits the fears of a community
    For example, every mortal on Azeroth fears the Scourge. An anti-Scourge organization will use propaganda exagerating the Scourge's threat to make individuals join their cause.
  • Propaganda portrays idealism
    During war, many soldiers die. Propaganda will ignore the negative aspects and promote the heroism to die for your nation/organization.

Note: The better your entry follows these points, the more points it'll score

An example of Burning Legion Propaganda:


(2) Rules

  • Your entry must follow the theme; your terrain must resemble a propaganda poster set in the Warcraft universe.
    A list of Warcraft organizations that may use propaganda includes, but is not limited to The Scarlet Crusade, The Horde, The Burning Legion, The Sentinels and The Kirin Tor.
  • You are allowed to use MS Paint or an equivalent program to add text to your propaganda poster. You are not allowed to alter your terrain beyond the capacity of the WE in any other way.
  • Your entry must be submitted before the expiration date of this challenge in order for it to be considered for a place on the THWTC Gallery.
  • You are allowed to use any custom resource as long as it is availabe for public download. For resources not contained by the Hiveworkshop's model section you must provide a download link.
  • Your entry must be posted in this thread.

(3) Challenge Duration

This challenge commences June 27th and expires July 11th


I hope this challenge and future challenges will appeal to you.
Have fun terraining ;)
Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
Nice idea, think I might join. But I am also not sure if
I can compete with the other, anyway good chance to
improve terraining skills.
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
I might join in, not sure I can compete with anyone here but what the fudge!

Competing with others is just a small aspect of these challenges. I mainly post these terrainers of all skill-levels to practice their skills by coming up with challenging and hopefuly fun themes.

Do we need to post wip:s as in the contests?

WiPs are not required but you're welcome to post them during the development of your entry if you want some advice ;)
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Are the captions required for this terrain? personally, i'd rather not HAVE to put them there, as you could very easily start judging them based on how they used the captions, rather then the terrain itself. Anyways i'm in on this, because just seeing the word "Propaganda" made me think of church. Lol..
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
Are the captions required for this terrain? personally, i'd rather not HAVE to put them there, as you could very easily start judging them based on how they used the captions, rather then the terrain itself. Anyways i'm in on this, because just seeing the word "Propaganda" made me think of church. Lol..

Captions are not required, but as they are a part of the theme they will give you some points for following the theme, but besides theme I will also judge technical execution of the actual terrain, creativity etc.
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
I have a question, can we edit the text in any way?

For the text, I will only judge the actual text, not the styling of it, but you sure are welcome to use some fancy lettering.
Level 6
May 25, 2010
Hmmmm, never done this before, so I'll just say this is my submission and enjoy!

Feedback would be great, even if I can't change it now (can I?)

Can give map on request if needed, added text with photoshop and Ashbringer model by Sunchips.


  • AshbringerPoster.jpg
    640.8 KB · Views: 1,764
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
Never before have I found a smile to be this disturbing; keep it up, looking forward to see this finished^^
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