[THW Terraining Challenges] Challenge #3

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Level 7
Oct 24, 2008

Challenge #3 - Air

The third Terraining Challenge brings along an elemental theme, more specifically: The element of air. For this challenge, go crazy on the air/sky/wind theme.

Now, for the challenging part: Do not show any ground, floor or whatsoever. I do not want to see any landscapes; this challenge is all about air & sky.

Some inspiration for y'all:




  • Your terrain must follow the theme: Air
  • Your terrain may show no floor or ground. Floating islands and stuff are allowed, but no tiles. No landscapes. No ground editable in terrain palette may be visible, but grounds and floors that are made of doodads are allowed. So basically the bottom ground must be completely obscured by fog, subject to far-clipping, outside camera field, or made invisible by some other means.
  • When commenting on somebody elses terrain, be constructive; otherwise, don't bother posting at all
  • Only one entry is allowed.
  • You are allowed to use custom resources as long as they are available to the public for download.


This Challenge will start September 27 and conclude October 11

Good luck to you all, I hope to see many entries. If you have any ideas, questions or sugestions for the challenge, please go here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/terrain-board-267/terraining-mini-challenge-142949/
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Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
and that killa kirby is win


But yeah, Oziris is right. I'm very flattered by your comments, but this isn't a mod election campaign. I'm okay at the place I am now, and I hope I can continue being an addition to the community ;)
Keiji is doing a great job, he's not as childish as Void was at times (The way he left us was the top of that), he takes initiative and is very professional and serious about his job around here. *Cheer* at Keiji
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
[*]Your terrain may show no floor or ground. Floating islands and stuff are allowed, but no tiles. No landscapes.
I'm a bit confused. Your first inspirational pic shows a "floor" those astronauts are standing on. The second shows a "ground" on top of the islands where the buildings are build on. So is there a kind of floor that is rule conform? How do you make a floating island without a kind of "ground" on top of it?
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
No ground editable in terrain palette may be visible, but grounds and floors that are made of doodads are allowed. So basically the bottom ground must be completely obscured by fog, subject to far-clipping, outside camera field, or made invisible by some other means.

Yeah, what he said^^

I'm going to borrow this description btw:p
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
k, thx for the clarification. :)

I'll join if I feel like working on something other than my current map. ^^
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
There is a rule about it in that thread^^

You are allowed to use custom resources as long as they are available to the public for download.

doodads are resources.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
@Archipelago: Doesn't look bad, but I can't really see the 'Air'-theme.

@ZlatniLav: Well... at least it follows the theme. xD

@Rocker742: Looks... empty? I like the texture of the sunken ruins rocks, apart from that I can't say much about it. ^^


And now let's come to my entry to this contest.
I allways wanted to do one of these doodad-abuse-pics, and this contest looked like the perfect opportunity. So here it is, my first doodad-abuse-pic ever: "Floating Naga Temple" (1404 Doodads ^^)

Something i could do to make it better? :)

PS: I used one imported model: The grass elevator from this doodad-pack.

PPS: Holy Maccaroni, it's 5:15 AM allready. Looks like I was way too focused on mapping. x_x

PPPS: Lol, the pic has 8 times the filesize of the map where I made the screenshot. xD
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008

Looking okay but it's pretty standard, try to focus on stuff in the air more.


The island is well constructed but the sky is really ugly, replace it with another sky. Not much else to see so far, keep it up.


I like this alot, it has potential but alot of things could be added. What I'd like to see is this structure to be on a floating island, it is rather flat atm.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009

I like this alot, it has potential but alot of things could be added. What I'd like to see is this structure to be on a floating island, it is rather flat atm.
Well, I wanted it to be "a floating temple" and not "a temple on a floating island". And what's so bad about 'flat'?

What about this non-floating version? I think it looks less flat like this.

Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
Hmm, another challenge with only a few entries and some unfinished terrain. I will make future challenges Bi-weekly.


The doodads you used don't really match, a better matching and organised foreground would greatly improve this piece.


Great concept, the execution is also coming along very nicely. This terrain has potential and I'd love to see the finished pic.


As I said, I like this; but as hawk900 mentioned it is a bit plain and repetitive. It is missing some artistic value. The construction is well made though.

The concept is nice, but the execution could've been better. The foreground is creative but not exactly beautiful.

Terraining Challenges are now bi-weekly and therefore the deadline hase been pushed to Sunday 11-10
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
i'm theres alot that can be said about your terrains . . . but err . . . its diffrent . . . err . . i'll go with that, diffrent . . . .

tho rocker may i sugest the bridge ethier needs to be in scale or changed to somthing else other wise looking good . . . . . . i want my wc3 back . .
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