I completely disagree with you on this. In my opinion this was one of the best plots I have ever covered. The thing is, viewer needs a certain baggage of knowledge on the matter in order to relate in this story. I read myself various documents and historical sources describing how thing were back then and so I tried to portray the mood, symbolic meaning, emotional fight that was pretty much present back then. This was not only about some sickness that just spread and killed, it was about hopelessness, how desperate times were, how hard it was to understand the disease so that people grabbed the bible (there was even a scene with a Holy Bible on the table, no one really noticed it or noted about it though), how tough it has been for doctors who knew nothing about curing yet they had to take the blame for killing so to speak, how their word doomed families locked in the house for 40 days, literally locked and that's what you saw in this cinematic, and many more relations. First time I managed to create something based on emotions and moods, viewer has to emapthize with other characters and hopefully feel what is happening there with their own skin (also some knowledge is needed to understand what is going on, to relate), that was the core of the story. I focused on the portrayal of the feeling and emotion, how hard it was, and not on some clishe crap storyline about how a hero has to retrieve an artifact and save the world, what probably the most would call a good story.
Of course it was not necessary, but why not? During that time filth, disease and naked bodies, open wounds, thieves, rapers were present, why would I censor it? As if back then women had no breasts. Nude is flashy indeed, but it was made just for the shock factor and the displayal of filth, because it was not sexual content, just naked breasts, also with black bubons over the body. Current generation would most likely want Nicki Minaj's meat bouncing all over the screen, this content of mine I call artistic instead. Anyway, it would be really sad if people voted 5/5 just because of nude content, as it was just a cherry on the pie, not the pie itself.