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The Shitty Movie Thread

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Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
I've just watched The Happening, and let me tell you, it's terrible. Not brilliantly terrible (as in a movie so shitty and random it's actually genius, take anything with Chuck Norris as an example), but just plain old time and soul devouring terrible.

So, yeah, this is a thread where you can post all those titles that still give you nightmares, you can include a brief description of the plot if you feel like it.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
The happening had such a Green-Peace-sponsored ending I almost vomited. That one scientist at the end was way too happy about trees killing people. The only good part about the conclusion is that it happened to the French.

Slither and Pulse are other movies that were pretty damn bad.
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
Hollow Man
Pitch Black
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Deep Blue Sea

All of them ended up being a big waste of time.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Big Fish
Fool's Gold
He's Just Not That Into You
I liked Big Fish.

I don't really care about boring old stupid movies. If a movie is so horribly bad you can taste bile in your mouth, I take it as something worth watching just because of that.

That being said, Shoot 'Em Up. The most brain rottingly stupid product of humanity since DesKaladA. Where a guy performs backflips gunning other people down while skydiving and impales a person's head with a carrot. It's worth being mentioned because not only is it absurdly stupid, but absurdly badass in a snowboard-naked-using-a-shopping-cart-full-of-sausages-chased-by-cougars kind of way. Something that makes absolutely no sense, making it absolutely hilarious and awesome. It's this that makes it so-bad-it's-good, as opposed to so-bad-it's-horrible, like, say, those retarded Scary Movie spin-off movies that, for reasons beyond my comprehension, they seem to continue making.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006

Slither was good IMO, i enjoyed it.

That being said, Shoot 'Em Up. The most brain rottingly stupid product of humanity since DesKaladA.

Mh ... i remember seeing it. Wasn't that with some hooker having a baby? =/

Thought it was pretty fun.

Compared to things like Meet the Spartans and crap you get nowadays they call comedy i think Shoot Em Up was decent to maybe even good.

"Meet the Spartans"

God i agree with that what a piece of shit. BUT the GTA part was the most hilarious thing ever! xD

-Brave heart

Wait... you're saying you don't like braveheart? =/

It's like one of the most epic movies i've ever seen! o_O

Is it me or are horror movies always crappy? Maybe it's just too much of the same -.-
Clockwork Orange

Spy Kids (all of them)

High School Musical (all of them, watching trailers is enough for me to hate them)

Most movies based on video games (ex: Super Mario Bros: The Movie, Hitman, Postal, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Mortal Kombat)
Resident Evil is good though.

The Mummy 2 & 3 (1st Mummy movie was okay due to having some creepy touches to it, but the sequels were just filled with failed attempts to be funny)

Inspector Gadget (and I don't mean the cartoon)
Level 18
Oct 18, 2007
Clockwork Orange

Spy Kids (all of them)

High School Musical (all of them, watching trailers is enough for me to hate them)

Most movies based on video games (ex: Super Mario Bros: The Movie, Hitman, Postal, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Mortal Kombat)
Resident Evil is good though.

The Mummy 2 & 3 (1st Mummy movie was okay due to having some creepy touches to it, but the sequels were just filled with failed attempts to be funny)

Inspector Gadget (and I don't mean the cartoon)

1: Didn't see that

2: Agree

3: Ugh, Agree

4: True

5: I know, watched the last ones. Like the girl falls and you know a shitty moment is about to happen

6: I have no words
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Hannibal Rising was pretty awful.

@Samuraid: Pitch Black? Really? It's got the Diesel in it, it has to be good.
Level 2
Jul 31, 2008
wow i liked the happening, more like a wow that was messed up kind of like, not rly like kind of like, and i liekd shoot em up.

either way the only movies that come to mind are:
high school musical (had to watch in music class, felt like killing myself during it)
and the WORST movie ive ever seen is

2012: Doomsday
now, i saw it streaming, so i thot it was the new one (2012). ok it was all about christianity. "god is doing this because its the end of days" "the greatest day ever was when god put you in my womb" "wer are all here because it was our destiny from god" "we are gods messengers". also, some people disappeared, randomly, like you could tell it was more like they went to heaven dissapear, but its so stupid. i actually wanted to break my computer after it

oh and dont get me started on low budget movies...
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
@Samuraid: Pitch Black? Really? It's got the Diesel in it, it has to be good.
Well it has action and suspense...and that's about it. Not much of any substantial story of which to speak.

In all fairness, it was probably the best of the 4 movies I mentioned.

(This remains my opinion though, feel free to disagree :wink: )
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
Musicals *cough*
Slashers *cough*
Chick flicks (almost the same as musicals) *cough*
Slasher chick flicks *double cough*
Actually slasher musicals are ok :p
Not really specific, but ya. Those drive me mad.

If I had to name one movie, probably Husky and Starch. The High and the Mighty (John Wayne) also has to have THE WORST story line of any movie ever. I don't care what you name off, Snakes on a Plane is more interesting than the high and the Mighty and Airplane is even better than that! (Some people love Airplane @_@ I don't find it funny)
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Oh, oh, The Fog, utter bullshit. The director actually made room for undead pirates in the plot and still managed to fuck up.

I wasn't expecting much but I thought "at least it will have a few scary parts to grab me." WRONG! As far as I could tell NO ONE in the theatre was scared ONCE -- not even those teen girl screamers that are always at horror flicks. I think everyone was CONFUSED, not scared -- Why the two love interests for Nick? Why was Elizabeth envisioning the past? Why did no one comment on the one guy's face ROTTING? Why did no one care the priest was drunk all the time? Why did it matter that the statue was made incorrectly? Why did the ghosts resort to using GRAFFITI? (and why did they use what looked like paint?)

WHY? WHY? WHY DID I PAY MONEY TO SEE THIS? Instead of paying for this, ask an eight-year-old, heck, make it a seven-year old to tell you a scary story. I GUARANTEE he or she will come up with a better plot, more realistic characters, and scarier scenes than this piece of garbage!
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
My friends and I have a made a hobby of tracking down the worst movies of all time.

The place where you will find the absolute worst in cinema is the IMDb Bottom 100. If your movie isn't on there, then it's probably gold compared to those titles.

The worst movie I've ever seen, in my life, is The Maize The Movie. For a very long time it was rated #1 on the IMDB Bottom 100. A sequel was made, but it seems nigh-impossible to obtain.

It's worse than Plan Nine. It's worse than anything you can ever imagine.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience is at the bottom of IMDB right now. It's got a 1.3/10 with 11,000 votes being cast. That's pretty bad.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
As for Pitch Black, I loved it. It was much better than the Chronicles of Riddick and was actually a great movie. Trust me, there are FAR, FAR worse.

Like anything made by Uwe Boll. I've suffered through both of his Bloodraynes, his terrible horror movie, Postal, and god knows what else.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
I liked Big Fish

high school musical (had to watch in music class, felt like killing myself during it)
Seriously had to watch that during movie class? Wow, that's just... can't think of a word to describe it... Beep [Insert word here]
My sister kept repeating the songs from that movie and it was extremly annoying.

Dreadnought[dA];1050295 said:
(Some people love Airplane @_@ I don't find it funny)
Ye, neither did I. I usually tend to prefer this kind of comedy to the comedy in a lot of movies (I liked Shaun of the Dead, and Monty Python for British humor), but Airplane didn't make me laugh.

There are a lot of movies I don't like, because the are just simple everyday movies, no need to mention any of them cause they are completely forgettable.

But looking at the bigger movies on The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
can someone show a link to the IMDB thing?
(Your link Joe-Black :wink:) the only movie for which I could find no argument to fit in it is Crash. Not that it's a shitty movie, but it just looked like a movie that was only made for the $$$.

Some movies on the imdb top list were just not my kind of movie (Die Hard (I'm not really a fan of those action movies with bombs, terrorists, evil plans etc.), Matrix (No don't shoot me for this, I will dodge it anyway :wink:), Braveheart for the butt scene (yes, 1 scene can make you dislike a movie)) , but for those I can see why people like them.

I haven't seen a lot of movies on the bottom 100, and I think it's better to come up with some movies that are not on that list.

There is 1 movie I really hated, but I don't know the name anymore.

The movie for what I can remember:
Some people get stuck in a house hiding from a giant lizard. Some guys got killed and late in the movie 1 of those who got killed randomly pops up as a :fp: ZOMBIE (To Quote a famous movie called Trolls 2: Oh my Gooooooosh? Only zombie in the movie:hohum:) trying to eat all main characters, but gets killed a few seconds later. That seemed to be something to scare you, but it was so random I couldn't stop laughing.

'Oh, I'll check whether it's safe to go outside!
*Walks out of hiding place*


It looked like a mash up of movies like Jurassic Park and Jaws, with 1 zombie and extremely shitty special effects.

In another scene the lizard was killing 1 guy, but the lizard looked and moved like 1 one of those lizard shaped children's toys (I could just imagine it making squeeky sounds).

Funny horror movie (unintentionally) :eekani:

Anyone knows the name?

Ps I: start a thread about movies and I end up with posts like this! GRRRRRRRRR :cute:

Ps II: I have never seen Lilo & Stitch, but I just like Stitch for being such a weird character compared to all other Disney characters, he got my favorite colors and he is an alien!

Ps III: For the last holiday my father was planning on buying me and my sister some movies. I think he made a bad move thinking that we like the same kind of movies :gg:. So in the store she came up with all the romantic comedies she found and some sports movies (no NOT Raging Bull or something like that, but the movies that have the 'you already know it's all gonna get a happy ending after the team had some problems ending' kind of movies. She hated Amelié for being weird and loves movies with a morale, or movies that feature the Ollsen twins or have High School Musical in the name, or are based on a Dutch children novels (for those who are Dutch here might understand my point) and the movie she likes that comes closest to good would be the Titanic (although I don't think the Titanic is that bad as is being stated on The Internet Movie Database (IMDb))
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Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
Hellraiser 1 (and I'm guessing the 2. and 3. isn't greath either)
Wax Mask
Just my luck
War of the Worlds
That's all I can think of atm :|
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
The Matrix 2 & 3 were created because some woman was saying that it was her original storyline, and they stole it. They extended the storyline so that her claims couldn't hold.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
ok ok, Matrix 2&3 are my original storyes :) and it will let them to make matrix 4 which will go arrround few minutes, and it will say that 2&3 are only dreams of the Neo, and never happened and matrix ended after first part ....
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yeah, I fucking loved Reloaded and Revolutions, along with the original. I swear to christ, I don't care what you kids say, the story was great. I don't give a shit about the characters, it's the world. The machines against the humans, the previous versions of the Matrix, the vampires, the seraphim, all borrowed from all sorts of lore, but still fucking awesome.

Like I said, there are far worse examples of fail cinematography.

Die Hard Dracula is fucking awful, but it's one of the best for the so-bad-it's-funny awards. Same with Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (Filmed here in Ontario <3) and Plan Nine From Outerspace.

Gay Niggers From Outerspace is torture, but it's only 20 minutes long.

The Maize The Movie is still the very worst though, it spent forever at the very #1 spot on the IMDB Bottom 100.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
The problem with Matrix 2 and 3 is probably that they worked on the world more than the story. P.S: brad, get on Shados' private WoW server! HiveChan Realm, we r horde!
Batman 1966
Don't know if it was supposed to be a serious or a comedy movie.
Featuring exploding shark and bat ladder.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
The Happening was a fail. Clearly.

Preteen girls strongly disagree.

Seen South Park, new episode o_O

Anyway, movies that failed:

American Ninja - Idiots messed up the entire Ninja, Samurai history, the acting was the lowest of low
American Pie 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 dunno how much
King Kong - I hate how Jackson wanted to make the same thing he made with LOTR in this movie, it failed for me.

Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
How on earth can you say that? Invasion of the Body Snatchers was excellent.
I refer to the 1978 Donald Sutherland one. The story was bland, unended, and drab. The movie really didn't have an appreciable point to it. The acting was good, but that's about it.

Perhaps none of the movies I originally posted even belong in this topic; I probably just don't watch bad enough movies. :wink:
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Hmm, worst movies ever?

Anything with Larry the Cable guy (i.e Delta Farce, and Health Inspector)

Contact - God, I wish I could get the 2 hours of my life back.

Far from Heaven - Absolutely the worst piece of shit I have ever sat through. Seriously. Dennis Quaid, is a married guy who ignores his wife, then has a gay sexual encounter and then starts cheating on his wife with his gay lover.

His wife, in the mean time, starts being friendly to their gardener, Dennis Haysbert, which is taboo because he's black.

I wanted to kill myself after 20 fucking minutes of watching it.

It's not even like the story was compelling, it was shit. The acting was fucking horrible too.

What fucking retard gave someone money to make this piece of shit? They really need to be killed.
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