This aren't really the main art for World of Warcraft, but people's drawing from Deviantart in their own respective on how the Pandaren females would look:
And I'm wanting this as the mount and some type of Chinese Dragon as their flying mount:
Would be cool if the armor looked like Aang's Wind bison armor when he faced the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation.
If you are wondering I am a player way back when Warcraft II came out and then waited for Warcraft III and so on, so I'm really excited for this expansion and looking forward to it. Hoping that Jack Black does like a thing like in a preview for the game like Mr. T and a few others of the game, but still I'm wanting the expansion right now and I'm kinda getting bored of the game, because leveling characters is not hard, but I'm wanting them a certain level.
I both play on Horde and Alliance, but I love the Horde more and I'm wanting to make my Alliance Server become like my Horde Server in which I play around with them a lot have them be twenty five and so on for the alts.
Sorry if I'm bladding on what I'm expecting, but I do love World of Warcraft more than Starcraft and haven't gotten into Diablo and it doesn't mean I don't hate it or don't like it. It's just I love Warcraft more out of the three honestly. Just grew up with it, like I did Nintendo.