The new WoW expansion is going to be the one, The one, I was the first on hive to embrase this expansion and I was correct, MISTS OF PANDARIA! But I'm not here to brag. I'm here to tell you about Mists of Pandaria so even if you didn't attend to BlizzCon you can be well inform about the most important details about the new World of WarCraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria.
New Race: Pandaren
New Class: Monk
Edit: Pandarens where also supposed to be the alliance race of TBC. I was a litle unclear with this but the pandarens will join both the alliance and horde so no matter what faction you play, you will be able to play Pandaren. Blizzard wants the players to be able to get raid gear from doing what you want to do whether it is Dungons, Raids, BattleGrounds, Arenas or Daily Quests. So you will be able to get full raiding gear from doing quests. Blizzard wants to create an auction house in Pandaria so you dont need to go back to Orgrimmar or Stormwind to get what you want. The Horde and the Alliance wants to destroy Pandaria to gain the resources on the land. You will be able to choose if you want to join the Horde or the Alliance with your Pandaren at level 10.Pandaria will literly be on the back of a turtle!Mantid will be a hostile race that will be behind alot dungons and raids, they are bug creatures like the Silith, but unlike the Silith they will dress in clothes. The Jade Forest and Valley of the Four Winds are two of the zones that Blizzard reavealed during BlizzCon. Pandarens can not be a Warlock, Druid, Death Knight or Paladin. Pandarens get 100% more stats from food, take 50% less damage from falling, get +15 levels at cooking and their rested bar will last twice as long.
These are the Monk specs:
Brewmaster - Tank
Mistweaver - Healer
Windwalker - Mele DPS
Monks are availeble for all races exept Worgens and Goblins. Monks will use alot of mele wepons and will kick and hit alot and healers will be able to use off-hand wepons and will also use lether. The Monk will also use Chi which is about the same as Energy. New talent system (talents 2.0). There will only be one talent tree per class and you'll get a talent every 15 level and you'll be able to choose betwen one out of three talents with every talent and you can't go back when you get the secound talent point and use it to get 2/3 or 3/3 of one talent chooise so you need to choose betwen shiny object A, B and C. Scenarios: Scenarios are like PvE battlegrounds lets imagine that you want to go Battlegrounds but dont like PvP you will be able to play a PvE verision of PvP where your mission is for example to first slay 50 alliance soldiers then destroy the human scout towers and then kill King Varian and this is based for few players like for example 2 or 3 players but it's also based to work for people with questing gear so you dont really work on the tank, healer and DPS system. You will also be able to do Dungon Challange Modes that is to do dungons in a limited amounth of time and then you'll get bronze, silver or gold medals and the rewards for completing this is good looking gear that gives no stats, and this is going to be used for transmognification that is going to be introduced in 4.3 that will allow you to change the look of your gear so you can have tier 13 and have it look like the tier 10. Now you might think that you can go alone at max level and do it fast but if you search for The Occulus heroic you will be downleveled to 80 and get 80 gear. Pet battlegrounds: You will be able to enter pet battlegrounds with your pets and battle against other players pet with it you will also be able to costumize your pet, change name for example you will also be able to level up your pets and all pets will have diffrent stats so some works as tanks and some works as range DPS's and so on. You will gain experience from wining battles and pets will earn stats and abilitys as they level and you can also be able to level multiple pets. You will also have a pet journal that shows which pets you have which you dont have and where you can get pets and some pets only spawn at Grizzly Hills only when it's raining. You can also battle with pets at any level and pets will be tradeble. The character will also stand in the background since your character is really important. We might also be able to get gear for our pets and maybe even socket and enchant the pet gear.
There will also be 9 heroic dungons in Mists of Pandaria 6 of them is in Pandaria and the 3 others are Strathelhom and Scarlet Monastary wing 1 & 2 which has been remade from 4 wings into 2. I dont know how I could forget this but the max level will be 90. You will also not be able to fly in Pandaria untill level 90. Blizzard also wants to create a new arena since we havent gained a new arena since WotLK. There will also be two new battleground which is the goblin mine underneath Stranglethorn where you can throw your opponents of bridges and have alot of fun, the secound battleground is a battleground where you are to capture a orb and use it to win since it will grant your team extra powers. This orb will do damage to you so you need to bring healers. New achievments will be introduced the Account achievment that will be shared amongst all your characters on the same account. Also for the class is the hunter minimum range that makes unable to attack people close to you with a bow. That's gone! Relics are gone, Warriors and rouges can throw mele wepons and you can have wands as main hand wepons to look like Harry Potter. Druids now actully have 4 specs the new spec Guardian who is like Feral but for tanks. You also now dont need to go back to trainers to learn spells they'll be given to you automaticlly but trainers will still be there for respecing.
Also this is kind of a Diablo thing but anyone who makes a one year comitment to World of WarCraft hets Diablo III for free.
As a litle extra bonus I will throw in an example of the talent tree and how you are to select points. Now this is the talent you get at level 90. And remember no matter how you try to work around this you can not choose two or 3 of these spells
Gorefiend's Grasp: Shadowly tendrils coil around all enemys within 20 yards of target (hostile or friendly), dealing 4137 damage Shadow damage and pulling them to the targets location.
1 min coldown, Instant
Remorseless Winter: Surrounds the Death Knight with a swirling tempest of fridgid air, dealing 3777 Frost damage to enemies within 10 yards, every 1 sec for 8 sec. Every time Remorseless Winter deals damage, it reduces it reduces enemy movment speed with 15%, stacking up to 5 times. Uppon recieving a fifth application, the enemy will be stuned for 6 sec.
1 min coldown, Instant
Desecrated Ground: Curroptes the ground in an 8 yard radious beneath the Death Knight, dealing 1880 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. While standing in this effect the Death Knight is immune to crowd controll effects.
2 min coldown, Instant
There will be three new raids in Mists of Pandaria ther is Mogu'Shun palace that has 6 bosses and the palace was locked away by the Pandarens and you are to explore its hidden secrets. We also have the raid finder that will come up in 4.3 that Blizzard talks alitle about. And it was introduced in 4.3 and not in Mists of Pandaria so as many as possible could observe the raid content since it allows you to enter the raids even if you dont got a guild so every can have as much fun as possible. Even though this was not included in Mists of Pandaria I felt like this needed to be talked alitle about since Blizzard talks alot about it and it's just a really big thing that you just need to know.
The goals with Mists of Pandaria is to make the experiance short and focused so you dont feel like it takes an eternity to level up to level 90 and thinks it's fun to level up several ALT's. To make the dungons understandable so you dont just think that you go to the dungon because of your own selfish reasons since that would lose interest amongst the lore players. Also they dont want to set up raids and dungons for wipes so you feel ''Man this is only for hardcore players!''.
Blizzard also says that there will be no main enemy in Mists of Pandaria but they say this expansion is going to be based around the Horde and the Alliance. This is because they want to bring up important characters of both factions and wants to show that characters like Tyrande Whisperwind is more then Malfurion Stormrage's arm candy.