Who do you hope to see in the next expansion?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
With BlizzCon just around the corner who do you hope they will announce as a major lore character for the next expansion?

Me personally, I hope the next expansion will feuture Haleh the consort of the former aspect Malygos the Spellweaver, I feel that she has been unfeatured for far to long now since I feel that an almost ignored quest giver in Winterspring does not properly suit the only consort ever to have outlived an aspect.

Maybe it might just be me who wants Haleh back this badly since I'm the biggest Malygos fan to have ever walked the face of the earth.
Malygos was an interesting character and those with a connection to him have some potential to be pretty interesting, but I'm not too fond of the direction World of Warcraft has taken the dragonflights in recently. In vanilla there was so much mystery surrounding them and venturing in to the territory of any flight was suicide. Now we're welcome amongst the dragons of any flight and that steals some of the appeal from them. I would love to delve further into the story of dragons, but as long as they don't become too central to the main storyline (I'm cool with the Timeless Isle sort of approach; important story, but not the focus of the expansion). I would rather give dragons a bit of a break so that they can build up some more mystery surrounding them.

Personally, I want the Alliance to get a kind of stern, aggressive hero. I'm getting tired of all the "honour, light, and glory" stuff. I don't want someone who has an entirely different set of ethics than the rest of the Alliance, but someone kind of like Darius Crowley who is simply a bit rougher around the edges. Jaina's character has been butchered and I don't feel she fits the description of my ideal tough Alliance hero.

I loved Lor'themar in Mists of Pandaria, so I'd like to see more of him. I'm also currently reading the Shattering and I am growing very fond of Baine. He could have gotten more time in the spot light throughout the last couple of expansions.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well, it was a while since I saw you Hawkwing and in fear of spoiling something about the novell I'm just going to leave it with, yes Baine is a verry interesting character and the small role he has played in WoW is almost disgracefull and I hope we see more of him, Varok and Sylvanas in the near future.

As for dragons I don't really think that it's a problem with them us knowing so much about them (except for the bronz dragonflight) since we still have the Old Gods and the Pantheons who we know next to nothing about and the reason Blizzard does not want it to be as dangerous as the Brood of Nozdormu is because they don't want to make content that only 1% of the player base will actually see especially not now that all their content include major lore since as long as their content include lore every one is entitled to see it. Besides it would be very strange if Alexstraza who revere life would order her brood to kill anyone they see on sight.
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