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The Dark Below - Next WoW Expansion

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009

It's known that Blizzard Entertainment recently signed on for the title The Dark Below and that The Dark Below is a WoW expansion and not a Diablo III expansion is because of several reasons.

1. The final boss in Throne of the Tides is called Ozumat Fiend of the Dark Below. http://www.wowhead.com/npc=44566

2. When you defeat Ra-den on heroic difficulty in the Throne of Thunder raid he says. But there is a yawning chasm of darkness beneath you mortals, vast, endless, and all consuming. http://wowpedia.org/Ra-den

3. The puzzle books of Yogg-Saron that can be found through archeology that whisper stuff like At the bottom of the ocean even light must die... http://wowpedia.org/Puzzle_Box_of_Yogg-Saron

4. All the previous WoW expansion names has been trademarked and revealed later the same year like The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria so it's most likely that they will reveal The Dark Below as the next expansion at this years BlizzCon.

5. The other theory is that it's a Diablo III expansion but Diablo III has not even come out for console yet even though they're already working on an expansion? And that's not even mentioning it took 3 years for StarCraft II to get its expansion. Also Diablo III's expansion will probably be reaper of souls since both names where publiced and I see no reason why Reaper of Souls would be the next WoW expansion while I see many reasons why the Dark Below would.

6. Queen Azshara, Ozumat and Neptulon are all underwater beings that we've not heard from since Cataclysm and no one knows where they are or what they're doing.

7. This is the final and biggest reason and one that ties togheter with the puzzle box of Yogg-Saron and that is that Yogg-Saron says The drowned god's heart is black ice.... So who's the drowned god? Well that one's easy to answer with absolute certainty, N'Zoth. N'Zoth is an underwater god who we know has been set free and who aided Deathwing in his latest attempt to destroy the world. http://wowpedia.org/N'Zoth

So what do you think are you also convinced of this future game being a WoW expansion?
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Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
I believe it is, nagas were long hidden, and Queen Azshara hardly mentioned in recent times, probably doing a great plan when to come and bring chaos and war again. and I really hope it is, because I love nagas, and I saw the same, so mist of Pandaria expansion was transitional, though very good, and with this new expansion will come to a good growth, is what I hope :)

and you think with this new expansion will bring some other race or class ?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009

It is most likely we will Nagas if the Dark Below is the next expansion after all Azshara was the mightiest spellcaster of her time and she was even so powerfull that she vastly outpowered Mannoroth the demon so powerfull he could command the entire Burning Legion except for Kil'Jaiden, Archrimond and Sargeras. On top of that Azshara is now being feed old god powers which makes her probably more powerfull than Archrimonde and Kil'Jaiden and most deffinetly the most powerfull spellcaster on Azeroth.

As for if there would be a new race or class, there is no way I can say for sure.
After seeing your reasoning, I believe it very well could be their next expansion. If so, I'm excited for it. I'd love to revisit vash'jir/the underwater realms, especially since the long-awaited Abyssal Maw raid was ditched (for now).

This happened with MoP too, and I was completely skeptical (I agreed with the majority of people who thought it would be a comic or some side thing/joke), but it became the expansion. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but I am pretty confident that this will be the next expansion.

After all, it is reasonable that they'd trademark the name by now. I remember that some time in 5.2 or 5.1, some Blizz worker tweeted that he was excited for WoW's next expansion, so I'm guessing they would've gotten a decent amount of progress by now.

Anyway, thanks for the share.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
it's going to be a legion expansion, i'm 100% sure of it

the puzzle box of yogg-saron is from cataclysm. it can't really be used as proof, since it's nothing recent. blizzard did not just add it in anticipation of this new expac. anyone could of guessed as far back as cata that the next expac would be "the dark below"

also, it's not like it's anything new that azshara has been underwater. since the beginning of wow she's always been there, so i don't really see how it proves the next expac will be about her.

how i see it is, every expac blizzard goes up by 5 levels. next expansion will bring us to 95 then, and assuming it is a legion based expansion, and assuming blizzard stops at 100, then the final expansion after that would fittingly be the old gods, who are the greatest evil even against the legion. that's how i logically view it

the reasons why i think it's going to be a legion expansion?

1. what wrathion has been recently saying is obviously about the burning legion

2. there has recently been a new npc in felwood who was recently added only in 5.4 who preaches about the legion

3. if you remember in 5.2, the addition of Green Fire or whatever it's called the warlock quest. it has numerous hints about the return of the legion. not to mention, why was it even added? why is blizzard paying so much attention to outland suddenly? it's not like all classes got a new quest

4. metzen has had a boner for bringing back illidan for a while in a lot of interviews, and a legion expansion is obviously associated with illidan

5. the biggest proof i think of all, is this http://www.blizzplanet.com/blog/com...ook-in-the-horizon-turalyon-alleria-next-xpac

in it, blizzard explains that turalyon and alleria will not appear in MoP, but the expansion after it. now we are waiting for the expansion after it, and that means turalyon and alleria are returning. turalyon and alleria are obviously strongly associated with the legion and the twisting nether, as they where last seen in outland. why would they return in an old god expansion?

also, a bit of a more minor detail, metzen says "sargeras plans in the future"

and on a side note: you are severely overpowering azshara. she is powerful, but as strong as you're saying. she was at no point stronger than mannoroth, but maybe she is now after his death. but she definently isn't stronger than kil'jaeden, or archimonde
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
This happened with MoP too, and I was completely skeptical (I agreed with the majority of people who thought it would be a comic or some side thing/joke), but it became the expansion.

I remember. ;)

So yeah, it probably is just something small that people got worked up over. (*probably*)

It's good to see that you're siding more with me this time. :)

1. what wrathion has been recently saying is obviously about the burning legion

Wrathion is actually the one that makes me doubt about the Burning Legion being the next expansion since he says in 5.4 that he should have taken the throne for himself since e counted on Varian to destroy the Horde and he says next time you wount be so lucky, which indicates that there will be a next time before the legion invade.

2. there has recently been a new npc in felwood who was recently added only in 5.4 who preaches about the legion

Well it's hardly as convincing as in 5.4 Y'shaarj says Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes... and You will rest in Ny'alotha. which brings us back what the puzzlebox of Yogg-Saron says In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep... and In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things. Which indicates that Ny'alotha can be found in the Emerald Dreams but also that it originates from somwhere on Azeroth and that's where Yogg-Saron comes in again. The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark.

3. if you remember in 5.2, the addition of Green Fire or whatever it's called the warlock quest. it has numerous hints about the return of the legion. not to mention, why was it even added? why is blizzard paying so much attention to outland suddenly? it's not like all classes got a new quest

Well in 5.2 once again we do have Ra-den but here I admit you really have the stronger argument.

4. metzen has had a boner for bringing back illidan for a while in a lot of interviews, and a legion expansion is obviously associated with illidan

The other arguments were very good however this one hardly serves to help since firstly Chris Metzen is not the only one on the board and even though I believe it will happen after his statement at BlizzCon this does not indicate how soon we'll see it. And besides he also wants to make an island expansion and this is the perfect place to do so.

This is the best one and the one that makes me doubt since Chris said maybe you wount see them in Pandaria but for what comes next you're going to need their help.

and on a side note: you are severely overpowering azshara. she is powerful, but as strong as you're saying. she was at no point stronger than mannoroth, but maybe she is now after his death. but she definently isn't stronger than kil'jaeden, or archimonde

Irritated by the lack of order, Azshara approached Mannoroth and demanded an explanation. Enraged by both his own failure and the questions asked by the Queen, he wanted to rip her head off, but quickly saw the error of his ways when he realized that Azshara was "a force against which only his lord and Archimonde would prove superior http://wowpedia.org/Queen_Azshara

And this is great arguing I love your arguments even though right now I have a very strong uperhand in this since you've given us absolutly no reason whatsoever to why an expansion about the Burning Legion would be called the dark below.

why would they return in an old god expansion?

Maybe since the old gods are behind the corruption of Sargeras.
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Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Ligeon and Sargeras will be explored after the Old Gods. So presume next Xpac is related to Old Gods, after that a Ligeon Xpac.

Edit: If they revive Illidan that would be the most fucked up thing ever.

Although the most fucked up thing would be as a last expansion to make a whole new raid where all the biggest bosses (illidan, arthas, kael, archimonde, kj, anub'arak, kel'thuzad, deathwing, grom, ragnaros) will be fought.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
If they revive Illidan that would be the most fucked up thing ever.

Actually that would not be that wierd after all Illidan has absorbed an insane amount of demonic energy and as we know demons never die their spirits just gets banished to the Twisting Nether so it is highly possible that Illidan is in the Twisting Nether right now and very much alive.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Actually that would not be that wierd after all Illidan has absorbed an insane amount of demonic energy and as we know demons never die their spirits just gets banished to the Twisting Nether so it is highly possible that Illidan is in the Twisting Nether right now and very much alive.

It wouldn't be weird, just fucked up.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Another thing that could be great to mention is that in the new raid there will BoA items that scale from level 90-100 and two good things can be taken out from this first of all that the level cap of the next expansion will be 100 and second of all that I don't need to find a green rolling pin in Uldum that is better than my Shadow's Edge and Bryntroll.
Level 9
Feb 12, 2010
I'm really excited for an expansion with Naga as a significant part of the lore, then again I don't want it to be another one of thees "Lol so in this expansion we kill this really cool character and murder all their forces singlehandedly" things.

Then again, lore states that Queen Azshara is "Eternal" meaning she can rejuvenate like Cenarius did after getting absolutely butchered.

I'd die for a Warcraft strategy game though, WoW is kind of outdated at this point and the storytelling isn't that great either.

So I have mixed feelings, we'll see what comes out of this one. :p
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I'm really excited for an expansion with Naga as a significant part of the lore, then again I don't want it to be another one of thees "Lol so in this expansion we kill this really cool character and murder all their forces singlehandedly" things.

That's what I like about the 5.4 patch where we need to bring the Alliance and Horde togheter to fight through Orgrimmar. And if you try to read some of the books you'll see that there's a lot more to the raid than it first seems.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I think it might also be worth mentioning where the expansion could take place if my theory of what the expansion is about proves to be correct and I have two theories and the first is that Ny'alotha is located somewhere between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. The second theory however is being that Ny'alotha is located in the great sea between the west coast of Kalimdor and the east coast of Eastern Kingdoms since it's said that no one who've tried to cross it has ever come back alive and that could because it's guarded by N'Zoth and his minions and which would explain how Y'Shaarj knew about the city of Ny'alotha even though he died before the sundering.

The theories are both valid but what places might we see in the expansion if I'm proven correct? It's known that for long Blizzard has been wanting to make an expansion based on the islands of the south seas so we might see the islands Tel Abim, Zandalar, Plunder Isle, Kezan, Kul Tiras and the islands where the tomb of Sargeras is hidden. We also have the city of Ny'alotha and since I strongly doubt they'll be making an under sea zone again considering how much complaint Blizzard got, so I really have two ideas the first being that Azshara raises the city from the sea considering that she is MUCH stronger than Gul'dan who raised the tomb of Sargeras to ground level I see no reason why she would not be able to do so and the second idea being that we confront N'Zoth and his minions in the emerald dreams since the Emerald Nightmare was isolated to a smaller area and for those of you who've not read Dawn of the Aspects Part I, there it was said by Ysera's daughter that there had been trouble lurking about in the Rift of Aln where the Emerald Nightmare was taking place. It's also worth mentioning the puzzlebox of Yogg-Saron which supports both theories, "In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things.", "In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep...", "At the bottom of the ocean even light must die...", "In the sunken city, he lays dreaming." and "The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark.".
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
I agree with your theories, I think it will be by the side of forgetten Sea, they have not done anything in that area and it would be interesting
and the queen raise her city until the superficial is a good theory, but also would be easier for them to attack the city, I hope blizzard really enjoy Azshara, she was long hidden and she cannot come and die.
I saw someone in a text time ago that Iliidan possibly can back into a new expansion, will this be? because he is loyal to Azshara, and she has the power to revive him and Vashj, if she wants.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I agree with your theories, I think it will be by the side of forgetten Sea, they have not done anything in that area and it would be interesting
and the queen raise her city until the superficial is a good theory, but also would be easier for them to attack the city, I hope blizzard really enjoy Azshara, she was long hidden and she cannot come and die.
I saw someone in a text time ago that Iliidan possibly can back into a new expansion, will this be? because he is loyal to Azshara, and she has the power to revive him and Vashj, if she wants.

I would like to see Illidan too but I hope we get an epic boss fight against Azshara, something along the line of fighting her while she jumps around in the maelstrom casting spell at us while trying to use the maelstrom as a portal to summon the burning legion into Azeroth, that would not only make an awesome final fight but also serve as a good final chapter of the Dark Below and a gateway into the next burning legion expansion.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Checking around I found something very interesting recently and something that makes me believe even more in the fact that Yogg-Saron and Y'shaarj are indeed correct about Ny'alotha.

In Ahn'Qiraj when we defeat C'Thuns physical form he says "Death... is... close" which would hint at Yogg-Saron who is the god of death, Yogg-Saron than says on his death bed "Your fate is sealed, the end of days is finally upon you and all who inhabit this missreable little seedling." Hinting towards the Cataclysm and N'Zoth and in the Cataclysm Yogg-Saron says "Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside." hinting at Y'shaarj and then we have Yogg-Saron who says "In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep..., In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things., Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes..." and we also have ofcourse Y'shaarj who says "You will rest in Ny'alotha"

Once again, C'Thun hinting at Yogg-Saron, Yogg-Saron hinting at N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron hinting at Y'Shaarj, Yogg-Saron and Y'shaarj hinting at N'Zoth. Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to see a pattern.

Also what bigger threat could we possibly have than the old gods? I know a lot of you would say Sargeras is more powerfull but that's an extremlly hard question to answer since it's said in the war of the ancients that the powers of the old gods would make even Sargeras kneel and even though there are a lot of things that argues against that the fact is that it still took an army of Pantheons to bring down the Old Gods I doubt that Sargeras no matter how powerfull could take them on if none were weakened even though I think that battle would be so horrific it would anhilate planets.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Keal'Thas Sunstrider has been revived and brought back to life as the final boss of the Magisters' Terrace instance as he originally died in Tempest Keep in Outland.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Delrissa was her name and you are correct this is one that the translator wrote wrong in my lore texts for he apparently translated back to health as back to life. Anyhow you are the first to prove the loremaster wrong so take your chanse and bask in the glory.
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