It's known that Blizzard Entertainment recently signed on for the title The Dark Below and that The Dark Below is a WoW expansion and not a Diablo III expansion is because of several reasons.
1. The final boss in Throne of the Tides is called Ozumat Fiend of the Dark Below.
2. When you defeat Ra-den on heroic difficulty in the Throne of Thunder raid he says. But there is a yawning chasm of darkness beneath you mortals, vast, endless, and all consuming.
3. The puzzle books of Yogg-Saron that can be found through archeology that whisper stuff like At the bottom of the ocean even light must die...
4. All the previous WoW expansion names has been trademarked and revealed later the same year like The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria so it's most likely that they will reveal The Dark Below as the next expansion at this years BlizzCon.
5. The other theory is that it's a Diablo III expansion but Diablo III has not even come out for console yet even though they're already working on an expansion? And that's not even mentioning it took 3 years for StarCraft II to get its expansion. Also Diablo III's expansion will probably be reaper of souls since both names where publiced and I see no reason why Reaper of Souls would be the next WoW expansion while I see many reasons why the Dark Below would.
6. Queen Azshara, Ozumat and Neptulon are all underwater beings that we've not heard from since Cataclysm and no one knows where they are or what they're doing.
7. This is the final and biggest reason and one that ties togheter with the puzzle box of Yogg-Saron and that is that Yogg-Saron says The drowned god's heart is black ice.... So who's the drowned god? Well that one's easy to answer with absolute certainty, N'Zoth. N'Zoth is an underwater god who we know has been set free and who aided Deathwing in his latest attempt to destroy the world.'Zoth
So what do you think are you also convinced of this future game being a WoW expansion?
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