- - - The Greatest Open Rpg to ever be created - - -

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Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
:::::New News::::
The project was on the backburner for about 2 years, It is now in production again for those of you who are following the project.

Generations Open Rpg

This map is another unique rpg by Cg2002 and who ever is willing to help. The idea behind this map is epic to say the least. The basic concept of this map is going to be very interesting. It will span over many maps.

The Maps
The Main map will be the world map, The world map will consist of character selection, About 10 different towns on a epic sized map. Many Dungeons, Many Shops, The place you are going to craft, And not a lot of creeps. Each dungeon entrance will have a guardian to fight. Once you destroy the guardian, the guardian will drop a key for each player that helped defeat the guardian. This key will save into your inventory and will allow the players to enter the dungeon the specific key opens. Which means. Players can save their character and load up an optional dungeon (In another map) Then with the key they have in the inventory (Which binds to the player) Unlocks the main entrance to the dungeon which will contain xp, treasure, set items, Reagents for recipes... As you progress through the world map there will be increasingly difficult monsters, requirements for boats, ships, etc. Later on players will be able to recieve various transportation like hovercraft, ship, spaceship... etc (Think console rpg)

Each dungeon will be in its own seperate map which will give versatility to playing it and the ability to incorporate new systems into it like an underwater map, or a map on the moon etc...

The Systems
Each map will have the same general systems. A save/load code, A complex crafting system, A custom spell system, A combination system. And others which will be incorporated into a base system map which will make for easy system translation for creating new dungeons.

There will be many classes based off classical rpg stats each character will be able to level to 10,000 xp rate will be normal so you'll probably never reach 10000, but it removes the cap. I hate rpgs with leveling caps. Your classes will have the ability to master causing your class to become stronger with new powerful abilities. There are many class options atleast 10 with complete custom and unique abilities and skils. Each class will have 5 "Spellbooks" of abilities from passive racial traits as you level up to passive class traits, to passive profession traits to active traits (those 4 will level up automatically which you wont have any customization over) The 5th book will be purchasable skills that you can learn through acquiring the requirement of the spell and learning it. That book can fill so choose wiseley..

This is the recap of the map. Now what I am looking for are skilled people who are interested in making one of the most amazing rpg maps to ever hit warcraft 3. This will be a large project so any talents available are welcomed. Here are the general talents that I am looking for

Quest Maker
Storyline Writer
Jass/Jesp Triggerer
GUI Trigger
Item Creator
Grapical Specialist (Icons, Coloring of Text)
Beta Testers

Contact me here or at [email protected]
Or DjblytZz on AIM
If you want to contact me fast. Go to this link http://www.myspace.com/xandramas
Official Forum

Everybody who helps with the project will become part of the project and will gain due credit. If you have only a little time that is okay. Any help will be appreciated.[/url]

Screenshots as of yet: - - - Trying to figure out how to upload them. Until I do you can see them at this link http://www.wc3campaigns.net/showthread.php?p=857806#post857806
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Level 22
May 11, 2004
I always found it funny when people self-proclaim their maps a "best map ever", but to do it with a map that hasnt even been started yet...?

Low-life is right. Most projects like this never get finished...usually because the author realizes just how much work it is and gets daunted by it or bored with it (seriously, you'd be spending 10x more time making it then playing it).
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
I hear you there. And to tell u the truth it might never be created. But whatever. I am going to have fun making it and I already drew out 3 dungeons, and the world map. The hardest part right now for me is implimenting the systems. Thats whats going to take the longest. When I get the world map set up a few dungeons set up and the systems set up I will release it. Its only labeled that on the title to get people to look at it. When advertising yourself you need ppl to look at you. By the way if Ppl are interested in actually helping then this will be more sucessful. I also have a different map that I basically learned triggering from which was my first map. http://maps.worldofwar.net/maps.php?id=10192
Level 6
Aug 22, 2006
Well, im on the fence. I agree with low-life and VG in the way that big projects like these rarely get finished, but also, IF they are finished, they turn out to be just awesome.

If you can getogether a small team of people and forum, then I will help in terraining, plot writing and item making. ;) (I need convincing that something like this will take off ^^)
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
Making some great progress on the map now. Most of the systems are up and ready to go. The world map is almost complete. After I get that set up i'll begin a couple other addon maps for the game. The first release will have atleast two bonus maps and the world map. As well as 100+ items, Item crafting, at least 20 classes. And tons of different monsters.

This project is definatly not going to die any time soon also I have a few people who are interested so this is looking up.
Level 3
Jun 12, 2005
How do you plan on doing the multi-map part? Are players going to need to start with playing on the world map and get to a certain point. Then rm with another part of the pack to play another portion, and just load their code?
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
The way I ill do the multi Map part is...

You will require specific keys or artifacts or passwords to unlock the dungeon which means.

For the first couple of released dungeons will be passkeys which are dropped by guardians on the world map. The keys will save as well as your character. When you load up the add on map. You will have the key in your inventory. The bonus maps will all have a foyeur that you can enter but no way in without the key. Meaning as long as somebody has the key the whole group may enter the dungeon.

As to when it will be released. I dont know. I am not putting any deadlines on it. But I can almost assure everybody no sooner than november. It completly depends on the help and a few of other real life factors. I will try hard to have it ready to play on Nov 1. But no promises.

I will take a few screenshots within a week or so.
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
5 starting stats
600 hp/mp Starting Stats
1.15 Bonus per lvl Max
0 Natural Armor
Melee = 50 Range (To give the ability of getting ranged equipment)
Range = 250 Range
Magic = 150 Range
Str Increases hp by 10
Str Increases Hp Regen by .20
Agi Increases movement speed by .05
Agi increases attack speed by .03
Agi Increases Armor by .01
Int Increases mana by 5
Int Increases Mana Regen by .10

Monk(agi) Warrior(str) Paladin(Str) Shadow Knight(str) Archer(Agi) Bard(Agi)
HP 400 590 525 525 250 300
Mp 200 10 75 75 350 300
Str 2 3 2 2 1 2
Agi 2 1 1 1 2 2
Int 1 1 2 2 2 1
Range 50 50 50 50 250 250
Ms 125 125 100 100 125 100
Upon Lvl Up
Str .65 .80 .75 .75 .20 .30
Agi .40 .30 .15 .15 .50 .45
Int .10 .05 .25 .25 .45 .40

Shattering Strike Crit Bash Bash Range Bonus (200 Range Auras)
Evasion Counter Holy Light Life Drain Flaming Arrows End Aura
Iron Body Damage Bonus Armor Bonus Counter Cold Arrows Unholy Aura
Thousand Punches Armor Bonus End Aura Unholy Frenzy Ensnare Range Bonus
Attribue bonus Storm Bolt Mod War Stomp (S)Minion Bladed Net Evasion
Command Aura
White Mage(Int) Blue Mage(Agi) Black Mage(Int) Green Mage(Int) Red Mage(Str) Oracle(Int)
Hp 200 300 200 250 500 150
Mp 400 300 400 350 100 450
Str 1 2 1 2 3 1
Agi 1 2 1 1 1 1
Int 3 1 3 2 1 3
Range 150 150 150 150 150 150
Ms 100 125 100 100 100 125
Upon Lvl Up
Str .20 .30 .20 .25 .50 .15
Agi .10 .50 .10 .15 .20 .15
Int .85 .35 .85 .75 .45 .85

Skills (5 Base) (Magic of the First Circle) (5 Tiers)
Mana Shield Mana Shield Mana Shield Mana Shield Mana Shield Mana Shield
(S) Angel (S)Water (S)Death (S)Bear (S)LSpawn (S)Moon Well
Heal Tidal Wave (S)Undead Entangling Roots Bloodlust Storm
Heal Aura Mana Drain Unholy Frenzy Spiked Carapace Drunken Brawl Divine Shield
Holy Light (Roar Mod) Life Drain Resurrection Firebolt Haste Aura

Religion Bonuses | Sha'ren | Kral'Nor | Qor | Narfue | Jee'sa | Rintam |
Lvl 1 +10 Hp Gen +50dmg (S)Lvl1 Phx Fire Move+ Illusion
Lvl 10 +250 hp +20 ac (S)Lvl2 Immolate Attackspd+ Mirror Img
Lvl 25 +10 Ac +350 Hp +500 Mana +150 mana 5% Evasion (S)lvl 1
Lvl 50 +450 mana (S)Mace (S)Lvl3 Flm Strk 5% Crit 100% Crit 101% Dmg
Lvl 100 Move + Atk+ (S)lvl4 +200 mana Dmg+ Blink
Lvl 200 +1000 Hp +30 Ac 500 mana Firebolt (S)Lute 25 second Stun (600 cooldown)
Lvl 400 +500 mana +500 hp (S)lvl5 (S)Phx 5%Thorns 15 second divine shield
Lvl 650 +50 hp gen +10 hp gen 600 mana (RoarMod) +250 mana Deadly Strike (400% dmg) 5%
Lvl 900 Heal Aura End Aura (S)Lvl6Qor +1000mna +500 hp 5% Evasion

(Basic Shop Items)


Swords Daggers Bows/Guns Wands Staves

Cracked Wooden Rotting Wooden Worn Wooden Shabby Wooden Leafy Wooden
Wooden '' '' '' ''
Tarn Aluminum '' '' '' ''
Aluminum '' '' '' ''
Nickel '' '' '' ''
Copper '' '' '' ''
Bronze '' '' '' ''
Steel '' '' '' ''
Silver '' '' '' ''
Gold '' '' '' ''
Platinum '' '' '' ''
Diamond '' '' '' ''
Ruby '' '' '' ''
Emerald '' '' '' ''
Gem Encrusted Steel '' '' '' ''
Adamantium '' '' '' ''
Enchanted Silver '' '' '' ''
Crystal '' '' '' ''


Shield Armor Helmet Boots Gloves
Wooden '' '' '' ''
Tarn Aluminum '' '' '' ''
Aluminum '' '' '' ''
Nickel '' '' '' ''
Copper '' '' '' ''
Bronze '' '' '' ''
Steel '' '' '' ''
Silver '' '' '' ''
Gold '' '' '' ''
Platinum '' '' '' ''
Diamond '' '' '' ''
Ruby '' '' '' ''
Emerald '' '' '' ''
Gem Encrusted Steel '' '' '' ''
Adamantium '' '' '' ''
Enchanted Silver '' '' '' ''
Crystal '' '' '' ''


Necklace Ring Amulet Earrings Coating

Wooden '' '' '' ''
Tarn Aluminum '' '' '' ''
Aluminum '' '' '' ''
Nickel '' '' '' ''
Copper '' '' '' ''
Bronze '' '' '' ''
Steel '' '' '' ''
Silver '' '' '' ''
Gold '' '' '' ''
Platinum '' '' '' ''
Diamond '' '' '' ''
Ruby '' '' '' ''
Emerald '' '' '' ''
Gem Encrusted Steel '' '' '' ''
Adamantium '' '' '' ''
Enchanted Silver '' '' '' ''
Crystal '' '' '' ''

Set Items|
Each Dungeon will have its own set. As well as the world map. The world map will have about 5 set items, The dungeons

will have 1 dungeon specific set and 1 item from a legendary and guardian set found in each dungeon.

This is the basic info. for now. I will get more in depth after this is implimented.
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
More info

Lineage Bonus
Blacksmith, Lumberjack, Carpenter, Merchant, Scholar, Noble

Lv1 +5 Str +3 Str +2 Agi 1str3ag1Int 2agi3int 5int 2agi3int
Lv100 +20 +13 +7 5 10 5 13 7 20 13 7
Lv200 +40 +26 +14 10 20 10 26 14 40 26 14
Lv300 +60 +36 24 15 30 15 36 24 60 36 24
Lv400 +80 46 34 20 40 20 46 34 80 46 34
Lv500 +100 56 44 25 50 25 56 44 100 56 44
Lv600 +120 66 54 30 60 30 66 54 120 66 54
Lv700 +140 76 64 35 70 35 76 64 140 76 64
Lv800 +160 86 74 40 80 40 86 74 160 86 74
Lv900 +180 96 84 45 90 45 96 84 180 96 84
Professions Blacksmith, Lumberjack, Carpenter, Merchant, Scholar, Noble
Lv1 Recipe 1 Set 1 '' '' '' '' ''
Lv50 Recipe 2 Set 2 '' '' '' '' ''
Lv100 Recipe 3 Set 3 '' '' '' '' ''
lv150 Recipe 4 Set 4 '' '' '' '' ''
lv250 Recipe 5 Set 5 '' '' '' '' ''
lv350 Recipe 6 Set 6 '' '' '' '' ''
lv450 Recipe 7 Set 7 '' '' '' '' ''
lv650 Recipe 8 Set 8 '' '' '' '' ''
lv875 Recipe 9 Set 9 '' '' '' '' ''

All Recipes create a set item. 1 item from each tier from each profession will complete a set.
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
Newest Update

Most recent update includes an aging system. Where your hero must age from a child to an adult which will include things from teaching you how to do quests, using types of weapons, casting spells, killing stuff. As you age you will gain the knowledge of the world decreasing your exp % rate too. I'll release a simple demo map in a bit to show some of what is coming of the project for those who want to check it out. Just pm me. The demo map wont be ready until atleast october 10 though so dont ask until then.

Other news is the world map terrain is mostly complete, and two dungeons are also nearly complete. All done by my lonesome. Once I finish up these systems i'll contact the people who were interested in the project. I should be finished within a day or two. If things go according to plan.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
GUI Trigger

srry... but why would you want a GUI triggerer as well as a JASS triggerers? why not 2 JASS triggerers... lol


Quest Maker
Storyline Writer
Jass/Jesp Triggerer
GUI Trigger
Item Creator
Grapical Specialist (Icons, Coloring of Text)
Beta Testers

looks like you woudnt be doing anything yourself...
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
because not everybody knows jass. Believe me i would rather have two jass triggerers. And how can you be a moderator and not know how to read? Just because I am looking for these skills doesnt mean I dont know how to do any of it.
Level 3
Dec 24, 2005
You are right, your post's title convinced me to take a look. To be fair, it was only to bash, but I looked none the less. A story or something would be nice. Even if it's a lame story, then I would know it wouldn't be totally mindless killing for 4 hours.

I am interested by your desire to do something that will be remembered, but that is not why I'm posting now. I have to ask, why must it be epic? After WOW, everything seems to be bigger, longer, more action packed. Would a smaller game that is done quality over quanitity not be a more rewarding experience to make and to play? It would stand out among the others because it wouldn't be epic, and would that then make it a real epic? I can't say, but I must ask.

And to end on a less philisophical note: HOLY HELL is that a lot of progress!
Level 3
Dec 24, 2005
desire over responsibility?

I feel very responsible for opening up the question 'quality over quantity?' on your thread. It isn't the right place to bring up a disscussion of that nature. I regret that I can not slam zarltok's shameless self-promotion, as doing so would only lead to a flame war that this thread should not be the medium of.

I deeply apologize. And you completely missed the point, zarltok. Completely.
Level 7
Sep 25, 2006
What is up with everyone? Why does everyone hate Zarltok? All he does is comment on something, or ask a question, or say something, and everyone gets all pissed at him. Stop acting like immature kids, and grow up :x :!:
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
This is going to be both quality and quantity. I personally like long orpgs that are mostly killing and lvling up. I like being able to load my high level character that I busted my ass and time making. Thats what this is focusing on. Making an balanced amazing hero that requires time and effort to acquire. You will get an idea on the map when I release the demo. Ive got a couple classes completly created now today and the beginnings of the item system.

What I am trying to create is an rpg. By the way. If you love story so much. I am looking for someone who can write a plot in the map via quests.
Level 5
Apr 25, 2006
anyways in the futur, ill not do that again i see how people react

so now i wanted to ask u something

you have great ideas for your rpg
i think its alwais good to combine talent

if u want u can work with us with the rpg (not advertising)

its up to you... because your project looks long to do and my project is 2 so what u think?

if your interested wisper me ;)

its up to you
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
Wonderful News!

Terrain is looking wonderful thanks to Freakazoids great terraining talents

Systems are getting much more complete, we are much closer to the demo release now.

The systems currently include.
-Equipping system in its own window.

-an inventory system with 60 slots

-a recipe system in its own window that combines items from anywhere in your 60 slot backpack.

-A Save/Load System

-An aging system where your character ages gaining new skills and abilities throughout gameplay kind of like fable.

-anti-cheat system

-Item Stacking

-Monster spawns where they spawn and move around instead of sit there waiting to die.

-Item drops (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Epic) Based upon each monster killed and bosses.

-Multiboard showing hp by %, kills, player, deaths.

-Damage Display

-Class Selection upon aging

- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- -
8 classes fully implimented, more to come.
Level 2
Oct 21, 2006

Dude, this looks like it's going to be amazing. I would love to help, but my maping skills are still in the "noobish" phase.

I am really looking forward to any sort of release.

EDIT: Rereading the help needed, I'll fullfil the beta tester role :)
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
What we really need is a web mod. Someone to make a webpage for the map and a place for the devs and fans to meet up. A forum or a real webpage. Ive almost got a myspace page up for it but thats kinda weak to have a myspace page for this map. Im not a great web builder.
Level 2
Oct 21, 2006
I can do forums. Invisionfree, phpbb...

I have experience with web design as well, I just don't know where to get hosting.
Level 2
Oct 21, 2006
Here is the forum :D . I need you to tell me what you need for categories, etc.

Working on the web site, not just using a template. I'll be using Dreamweaver to make the HTML then copying it onto the geocities website.
Level 2
Oct 21, 2006

For the website, could you give me some unedited screenshots of different stuff, like a dungeon (if you have one finished/enough of it finished), the equip screen, inventory screen, etc.

(email is [email protected])
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
Newest Update

Ive got a couple more classes built. Only a few more then I can work on items which will be alot faster progress. After that its monsters and bosses and the demo will be available. Im hoping to make the demo release be the main map with no bonus dungeons. Once demo release is complete i'll add some more items, monsters, fill the other dungeons that are made already with items and monsters and make that full release. After t6hat i'll add the rest of the heroes, more items, More sets, more dungeons. Etc
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
sorry im about 15 days late replying, but i rarely read these kind of threads

because not everybody knows jass. Believe me i would rather have two jass triggerers. And how can you be a moderator and not know how to read? Just because I am looking for these skills doesnt mean I dont know how to do any of it.

1) Then why not ask for 2 JASS triggerers, and not act like you definately WANT a GUI triggerer? Say 2 JASS triggerers, if possible

2) It looks as if any position needed in mapmaking was asked for :?
Level 2
Oct 21, 2006
In all seriousness, overseer is a very important position. Why do you think they get paid more in the real world?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Sounds good.
I wanted to make such a rpg (with multimaps and stuff) but doing it solo is not fun at all.

Ageing system sounds lame since I do not want to play 1 hour as a usless baby or whatever just to eventualy I can pick my class and worse I do not want to listen to 100s of "good work! now press the up arrow and left to equip the stick" every time I want a new hero so I hope you are including a function for "profesional players" to skip player help and forced training quests. . .
Even better make 2 starting maps.

One for the beginner who needs help and one for the pro who knows what to do.

Well anyway do not take this badly but I do not think an aging system is that helpfull to an RPG unless it helps each class in a spesific way from the start.
Many wc3 rpgs had that trouble since it is lame to have 8 players each lvl 1 with no difference in stats or spells at all.

Well thats about the only thing I seem to find to critisize.

To manage a project like this I recomend you split up into 2 groupes.
1. The engine develoment team.
2. The map creation team.

Since the map is just a user of the engine for the rpg.
Only problem with this type of RPG is that unless you add the new engine to each old map and rerealse you will find that the newer maps are uncompatiable with the old maps.
You could also include in the save / load 1-2 digets stroing engine version number so that if a person tries to load a newer hero in an old engine version it will warn him that the hero might be incompatiable.

On to heroes and stuff
I hope this is not going to be one of thoes humonide only RPGs! Im sick of seeing humans, elves, orcs and undead in RPGs. Something more unique would realy make your RPG stand out. Maybe multiple races for you to be? Since im sure most people agree that being Human lookalikes is getting dull.

I hope your using stat based spells since other wise your RPG will end up a FF epic or a Juliens RPG spell wise.
I also hope to see cool unique spells and summons(if any) that power up with your stats and spell level.
Also spell resistence then could be added using triggers again making the rpg of higher quality.

I hope to see creeps that power up as you do, (like in the game Elder scrolls - Oblivion) well atleat power up slightly since otherwise it will be lame just 1 hit killing all weak badies.
Also some variation in creeps (size, attack, hp, armor, spells, speed) would make the RPG extremly cool and will not require to much work.
There should be atleast 2 factions of creeps which wage war on each other appon sight (since often rpgs have bandits walking next to "kill all life" undead) so that you will see in some areas bears killing wolves or bandits killing wolves.
If you use that system of 2 creep factions a system of making them slightly stronger after killing an enemy creep might be a good touch (leveling creeps).

EXP system.
The usual exp systems are lame. . .
How about a realistic EXP system (well not exactly)
You get EXP for damage delt not kills!
That would be cool, new, more rewarding for pros, and balence the creeps exp income all for you.
It would also stop exp leaches from steling EXP from the stronger players.

Selective difficulty might be a good idea.
For pros they might want hard difficultys where quests and creeps are realy strong while noobs might want the same quest but with easier objectives.

I hope some of theses ideas make you think "ill use that".

I might be interested in joining if the demo engine is good and since I do not have much time ill atmost be able to do creeps and map layout.
But im only going to consider once I see the working demo map.
Level 2
Oct 21, 2006
Actualy, gaining xp for damage was in Shining Force, Reserection of the Black Dragon or some such, and it was totally awsome :D
10 000 levels??

Hey remember to do abilities also!
It's very annoying when there reads "YOU CAN GO UP TO LEVEL 10000!!!111" on the loading screen and in-game, you have all abilities at max level after 30 levels...
Then the rest 9970 levels just give more stats :x

And yea as mentioned before, huge map ideas usually crash, you will probably get bored of the whole idea before you get even half of the map done.
I have personal experience about it :wink:
Level 5
Jan 21, 2005
read through what i posted earlier on about skill levels. There will be plenty of do at higher levels plus you will still be gaining skills. There will be bonus dungeons which will be an entire map of their own tuned to certain character levels. Plus there will always be hunting for rare items, item set components, rare recipes, Im thinking on making rare pet summons that you acquire via recipe components.

We are about half finished with the public release. This project isnt really slowing down much. Only speeding up with the increase of volunteers willing to help make progress on the map.

*News* Found a critical error on one of the systems which is going to be worked out before progress on the rest of it continues. Id rather release a polished demo over a bugfest.
Level 2
Oct 26, 2004
Hmm looks promising. But this is a multiplayer project consisting of multiple maps. How is the transition of players from one map to another done?
The only way I see is that one player have to re-host and the other players join to get to another map? Or did I miss something?
Level 3
Jun 12, 2005
-BlackKnight- said:
Hmm looks promising. But this is a multiplayer project consisting of multiple maps. How is the transition of players from one map to another done?
The only way I see is that one player have to re-host and the other players join to get to another map? Or did I miss something?

I posted that exact question...
Level 2
Oct 26, 2004
Thats why I said 'did I miss something', as I obviously did :)

But what I wanted was a good soultion to the problem, but I guess there are none :(

Here's the best solution I've come up with that requires no additional maps and that gives better functionality. The idea is simple, make an empty map. Divide it into N areas where N is the number of required players. Every square of terrain, every terrain-deformation (bumps/craters), every doodad, object, region, weather/visual/sound effect for the entire map has its coordinates, type and so on stored in variables.
When the player moves his/her hero in the square of the 'empty' map, the scenario will create/modify the surrounding terrain, doodads, units etc, according to the hero's coordinates. Other players and their actions are also recorded and will be duplicated in any player-squares they enter. When a hero gets near the area-border, there will be a line there indicating a 'mini-loading sequence', when passed - hero and terrain++ will be moved further back inside the area.

Yes, if this works it will be alot of work, but if it does.. :)
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
-BlackKnight- said:
Thats why I said 'did I miss something', as I obviously did :)

But what I wanted was a good soultion to the problem, but I guess there are none :(

Here's the best solution I've come up with that requires no additional maps and that gives better functionality. The idea is simple, make an empty map. Divide it into N areas where N is the number of required players. Every square of terrain, every terrain-deformation (bumps/craters), every doodad, object, region, weather/visual/sound effect for the entire map has its coordinates, type and so on stored in variables.
When the player moves his/her hero in the square of the 'empty' map, the scenario will create/modify the surrounding terrain, doodads, units etc, according to the hero's coordinates. Other players and their actions are also recorded and will be duplicated in any player-squares they enter. When a hero gets near the area-border, there will be a line there indicating a 'mini-loading sequence', when passed - hero and terrain++ will be moved further back inside the area.

Yes, if this works it will be alot of work, but if it does.. :)

Level 2
Oct 26, 2004
Yeah its mostly an idea I'm thinking about atm. And for the map-size you could 'just' make a terrain-generator that gives coords and numbers for you to use in the main map or something. The hardest thing must be to make the system and balance the dynamic terrain-creation part to prevent lag.
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