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The Chosen Ones 1.0

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Aeroblyctos presents
The Chosen Ones
Single-player RPG
Important: the game won't probably work with Reforged and Battle.net 2

Background Story
Twelve peaceful years have passed since The Great War ended. The war that lasted centuries but no man could recall the reason of. The age of despair, bloodshed, loss and grief is now past. The new age brought the opportunity for human kingdoms to rise, as humanity has broken free from the grip of the dragons.

This story focuses on Kingdom of Balgaron and three famous Dragon Slayers: Phodom, Fradz and Galeoth. Each of them starts their journey in different places, but they will eventually meet eachother and join forces along the path. Together, the three are forced to go a conflict beyond their imaginations.

Lead them into an epic world, guided by a strong storyline that covers hate, love, war and peace.

The honored Dragon Slayer Phodom gave up his life as a warrior and began a new life with his wife and his children, far away from the capital of Balgaron in the small town called Dalli. All his plans were going smooth and easy until someone steps into his life and changes everything...Fradz is a young energetic Dragon Slayer known for his short temper and bad manners. This silly thief is a very powerful warrior and it is said that he even killed powerful dragons single-handedly. After the war, Fradz went on many journeys, but one day a mysterious voice told him to travel to the famous Dragon Inn to meet someone who was once very close to him. Fradz accepts this new journey, as he knows that he cannot decline it...Galeoth, the son of a legendary Dragon Slayer lived up to his father's name and became one of the leaders of Balgaron. After the war, Galeoth still believed that the war was not yet over. His obsession to find dragons led him towards the Icy Mountains where he is about to uncover a horrible secret that will change the fate of mankind...

The Chosen Ones is a massive single-player Campaign, featuring:
Check out the following videos and picture of the campaign

Please discuss further about the campaign here in Hive's forum or visit the official site:

  • 10 chapters, 9 interludes, a prologue and an epilogue
  • Over 30 hours of gameplay
  • Dozens of unique systems
  • Beautiful cut-scenes with over 100 cinematics
  • 33 different kind of strategic boss battles and hundreds of mini-bosses
  • Scripted hero abilities and spell book spells
  • Dazzling effects everywhere you travel
  • Significant amount of main and optional quests
  • Over 500 custom items
  • Complicated optional puzzles that needs brains to solve
  • Own unique music themes
  • Over 1500 imported materials
  • Hundreds of secret treasures
  • Official website where you can share your experience to others
  • And most of all, an exceptional story set in massive world of Oelivert

Playthrough by [MNI] [aluCard]
[MNI] [aluCard] recorded his playthrough on Hard with the complete version 1.0.


Playthrough by Killa
Killa recorded his playthrough on Extreme with Beta version 1.6.

More information about this playthrough on here.

Playthrough by Hamza
Hamza recorded his playthrough on Extreme with Beta version 1.8.

More information about this playthrough on here.

Contact me
If you want to discuss with me personally about the campaign you can directly contact me. Here are few ways to contact me:
I'll add the updated credits as soon as I've finished them. Currently you can view the credits in the official site.
Version changes
Check out the newest changes and overall see how the campaign has improved through all these years.

  • Send an email to Aeroblyctos(at)hotmail.com
  • Add me to your Skype or Messenger: Aeroblyctos(at)hotmail.com
  • Go to the official website and send a private message or meet me in the chat: www.tcocampaign.com
  • Put a message here or send a private message in this site.

General Information

During making this campaign for many years, I have met incredible persons. Without them, this project would have died long time ago. With your feedback and help I'm able to finish this project. What we must remember, is that I'm not doing this for myself, I'm doing this for you.

I'm really sorry if you have helped me in any way and I have not added you to the list. Please, tell me immediately and I will add your name to the right place. Thank you.

Special Credits

Kitabatake is, without a doubt, the most important person to this campaign. He produced several systems, massive amounts of complex triggers, and provided large amounts of models textures, and icons as well. Kitabatake's devotion and contribution towards the campaign is definitely the greatest of all.

Makes has helped in a long run various ways from creating important systems to helping me to fix very complicates bugs I couldn't handle. The help he has given is enormous and he's for sure one of the most important and supportive persons I have met while doing this campaign. For all the things you have helped me, thank you.

This man is a strong long time supporter of the campaign since the beginning of its creation. His influence on the campaign is unquestionable and without him, many things would have gone differently. I could not ask for a better supporter. People like him are essential for big projects like this one. For all the support you've given to me through all these years, I'm really grateful to you.

David and I have been in correspondence for a long time now on the subjects of: story, ideas, characters and texts. We have done much work together and had some nice debates. A couple times he took breaks for his studies, he but always came back to give honest input and read the texts I send. In respect to our friendship, he requests that the campaign be completed not too long from now, and I hope to be able to honor that. Thanks, David, and speak to you soon!

VGAura is one of the most important persons I have met while working on the campaign. This person has great skill in making texts sound incredible and has helped the campaign by improving the texts overall. Thank you for your great effort.

Killa deserves to be here for his gigantic help he has given to me improving the texts of the campaign. Also he has helped me by giving suggestions, ideas and winning multiple contests hosted by the official website. Thank you from your awesome work. You are a person that I can trust and that gives me power to keep working on this campaign. Thanks!

Kratos1987 deserves credit for his great effort towards testing the campaign and providing feedback. He gave me a lot of suggestions as well as reported a lot of bugs. Thank you for taking your time to test the campaign, Kratos1987.

Long projects need long time supporters. Yggdrasill deserves to be in this special list for his long support towards the campaign. He has helped me not only in testing, but giving excellent ideas, suggestions, helping with grammar errors and also helping other players. Thank you Yggdrasill for being a part of this project, you won't be forgotten.

I credit Daniel from his awesome testing and he's great advices to improve the campaign. He's work also for the campaign is remarkable as a tester, idea giver and making the English better. Thanks for your help, Daniel.

Doomlord has helped me these recent months greatly with various ways such as helping with the website, coding, ideas and bugs. The help has come in handy and I'm thankful from the help I've received from him.

Even if the name could tell different, Tears is not one who comes with tears whining that The Chosen Ones is bad. Instead, he's a guy who gives brilliant feedback and help towards the campaign. He's the kind of guy who I like to work with. Thank you for all of your help to me.

The Wizard
The Wizard's contribution towards the campaign was great, although short because he suddenly disappeared after a couple months. He helped me greatly by improving the texts of chapters 1 through 5. I can only wish him the best of luck with his life.

For the awesome work around the official website, helping me and and making some very nice tutorials. Thanks for the help, Skasian!

Definitely darkdeathknight deserves to be here for his incredible UI he has created for the campaign. Thanks for giving so much effort and having so much patience while cooperating with me doing the UI. The campaign has once again moved to the next level with your creation.

From his great feedback and tireless effort to find bugs. I appreciate your help, thank you.

You're not just an excellent tester, but also a great idea giver and helper around the website. Good job so far!

Shadow Daemon
Mighty Shadow Daemon created the campaign optimizator to fasten the loading times of the campaign. Big thanks, the program is very useful!

Tirlititi deserves to be in the special because of his knowledge and help to create campaign optimizator. Thanks, now the campaign has a lot faster loading times!

Major Credits


System Creators
Razorbrain - Hero spell System
Kitabatake - Anti-Cheat, Stats Counter
Maker - Steal System, Boss Status, Auction Hall
Viikuna - First Person Camera, Fog System
Bribe - Item Cleanup
looking_for_help - Physical Damage Detection

Excellent Testers
Kratos1987, Flame_Phoenix, Slid3r, Kupownage, kingkrick, Synix, vercas, vita1ce, LightBloOD, ZUBRIS, Chorale, Giantr, Sylum, jinxes, Shabazza, Hypnotic, HopOnPop, cosmicat, xxdingo93xx, Flecky, JoJoRiS, DPL, endlessPain, LucasMapurunga, maninblack, Blackdoom59, Doomlord, Isofruit

Great Helpers
Kitabatake, Kratos1987, Daniel, Zrgi, Razorbrain, SkriK, Viikuna, Flame.Phoenix, Flecky, Lmao.Me, Maker, LucasMapurunga, Alan_Osl, [H]ell[H]eaven, EndlessPain, maninblack, Yggdrasill, darkdeathknight, Doomlord, eubz, defskull, TheSnake, Derdan, Anvil, Xtrheo

Great Modelers
Kitabatake, nGy, Anvil

Competition Winners
Vercas, tonttu-mies, JoJoRiS, VGAura, JoJoRiS, Alan_Osl, Divine Seal, SaRDaNaPaLoS_QQ, Killa, megmaconqueror, Witardo, AriLaroo, Blackdoom59, Skasian, Doomlord, Flecky, Isofruit, Yggdrasill

Minor Credits

Idea Giver
Alan_Osl, Yggdrasill, Tears, fruitstore, AriLaroo, Doomlord, Flecky, Blackdoom59, Isofruit, garkhan, LucasMapurunga, Divine Seal, Naragonth

Trigger Help
Kitabatake, Xarwin, Pharaoh_, XmmmX99, Zrgi, Skrik, Redscores, Daniel, Flame_Phoenix, Maker, Fomortiis, darkdeathknight, Vunjo, Narogog, Spinnaker, Doomlord, Ender, Anvil, ERYFKRAD, defskull, ThisPOT, Xtrheo

Better English Credits
VGAura, Kitabatake, Zrgi-Rox, indomitable1319, donut3.5, Skrakar, Spammy, Mechmap, Killface, Maedh, The Last Istari, zombie2279, Firelord213, Harzaa, Slid3r, Discipline, Nightbrowler, debode, zombie2279, Mecheon, Super-Luke, Nbah, Yggdrasill, Isofruit, Flecky

Model Credits #1
Kitabatake, Fan, Callahan, General Frank, Pyramidhe@d, Blargel, ike_ike, PrMosquito, unknownczar, Elenai, WILLTHEALMIGHTY, JetFangInferno, Daelin, Nasrudin, RightField, Chriz., jigrael, sNasrudin, RightFiel, Dan van Ohllus, Norinrad, Xm0rpH3usXx, Trollschnitzel, eubz, TwoVenomous, Anvil

Model Credits #2
mucfuc2002, Sven, Nasrudin, jigrael, xXMephistoXx, Whitehorn, Rondo, DampirTBs., vdvMax, Alibek, DampirTBs., Nyuu, WizkaZ, Totoro, ANDREW II, CheGeWarA., DampirTBs., B100D E1F., KENI., ReplikanT., Gotik., IceK., Illidan(Evil)X, Thrikodius, Syroco, Sephiex, olofmoleman, Revilo

Model Credits #3
alreadyused, Heptameron, alfredx_sotn, Elunes-Guardian, !!GORO!!, Tykkimies, Mc !, Ket, DeathBringer, Nanaki, El Mognefico, Comrade Dron, Wolverine., Black_Stan, KO3bMA, WizkaZ, KO3bMA, DrakMoon, franck007, pro100_ShureG, Splash_777, chilla_killa, -=Emergenzy=-, tobyfat50, RetroSexual, Derdan

Model Credits #4
ERYFKRAD, UgoUgo, terrio

Skin Credits
Kitabatake, Norinrad, olofmoleman, IceMage, Linaze, Zadelim

Icon Credits
darkdeathknight, Kitabatake, GooS, ragingspeedhorn, CRAZYRUSSIAN, The_Silent, Skrik, NFWar, Darkfang, Bogrim, KelThuzad, Hellx-Magnus, CloudWolf, Tr!KzZ, 67chrome, Yak, PeeKay, Anachron, Infinitynexus, NFWar, ~Void~, Army-of-Pandas, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Captain_Rufar, JollyD, Zombie, Sin'dorei300

Beta Testers
[H]ell[H]eaven, megmaconqueror, MofoBear, Tears, EndlessPain, Osanthus, st_slaughter, LucasMapurunga, Exathos, byenma, GiantR, jms2544, quogram, pl4ton, VGAura, Fomortiis, scord, Yggdrasill, DeftheLynn, iatemycrayons, iatemycrayons, corellius, Maj.Spastic, SaRDaNaPaLoS_QQ, Alan-lg, thmzje, Vercas, chalmit, Eneal, linueln, ironymon, MARYNOM, haidarabbas, garkhan, Killa, Daniel, AriLaroo

kuncuperzz, Torankasu, blackchaos10, jupiter304, crazyshort, noal, Somebody Madman, RiKy-23, Forsaken Ranger, Tirlititi, lordofdeath, helekiller, Zelda.Alex, HuanAk, Isofruit, Luffy, ResolveR, Lorska, GunSlinger21, jokomz, Blackdoom59, GunSlinger21, BlackShadowWave, crazyshort, lightfade, AirVault, tcofeeder, Wings_Of_PegasuS, Flecky, AlesWiLL, Shekamaru, Archangel Anzelayne, patrick_pkl, Sigma, deathwings, Vicious, Banpower1, phasekill, Timmy007, bating50, Richie, **** One, nhc1987, Black^


Alpha Testers
Flecky, JoJoRiS, DPL, Flame_Phoenix, xxdingo93xx, Kupownage, Hypnotic, falferi, The_wand_mirror, kingkrick, onlyagame, sanjuro, Septimus, Slid3r, demon.spider, Calas, Callew, dragor-x, pyropk95, matafakas, hidomasu, Daniel

KingLich, corellius, MEtalliC, Linaze, rneXis, redscores, Chorale, gerbal_warfare, Kettle, legolas638, whit, borispark0221, Skrakar, kyo_fight, AntoMarc

meteOrain-, yakonshus, Army-of-Pandas, VEz, Xenophobia, kevonl999, Kupownage, Zrgi-Rox, tonttu-mies, Daedin, Oziris, Moyssy, Mechmap, NightFelix, havefun-, SnakePriest, Kitabatake, UnderATker, X.e.r.e.X, Mechmap, ikoraiza, Killa

Kill3rbeast, LEgu-, Callahan, max_dan, falferi, Yggdrasill, megmaconqueror

If you don't see your name here and you think you deserve to be here, reply to this thread.

  • Now interludes are possible to see properly
  • All Heroic Achievements are added to the campaign (totally 11, earlier 7)
  • Critical strike is fixed and Galeoth now has static Critical strike (20% chance, 500% damage)
  • All bugs from this topic are fixed: https://tcocampaign.createaforum.com/12/(bug-thread)-version-1-0/
  • Also fixed some other bugs
  • Also made a lot of balance changes, such as improved Magic orbs and Azureus set

AI system for companions added. Credits goes to Chaosy who made the system by my request.
All abilities remade and new abilities: Battle Banner, Fiery Ball, Fire Power, Ultimate Sacrifice, Counter Attack, Energy Shield, High Strike, Crystal Plane, Galeoth's Order, Illusion Army, Magic Convert and Magical Fog.
'Critical Chance' attribute added! It starts from 5% and it can be increased various ways.
Now also Strenght increases Critical Damage just like Agility.
Chapter 5 Pumpking Quest's second cinematic updated.
Chapter 7 Epic Boss removed the terrain deforming to decrease lag.
Fixed a lot of bugs you guys mentioned.

Chapter 1 Epic Boss Golem Event is now fixed.
Fixed Books.
Removed Magic Aura damage boost(remain from Berserk).
Now chapter 2 obelisk puzzle shouldn't give any fatal errors.
Fixed chapters 8 and 9 saving. Now both chapters saves correctly all things, including Colossal Slam.
Fixed Gladiator Arena at chapter 7.
Fixed other bugs I forgot to mention.

Chapter 9 is now available for playing.
Attack and Armor types remade; values are changed and Attack & Armor types are removed. I've made the campaign simpler, easier to learn and more effective this way.
Rebalanced the armor values of all enemy units in all chapters.
Improved chapter 3's ending dialogues (outdated).
Vacuum's area of effect reduced. You cannot grab items from far away anymore.
Background stories and so-called "Books" are completely added to all chapters in this version.
Every single Spell Book spell has been added to the campaign!
Many new items and item changes. For example, superior items, which costs a huge amount of gold, are added to middle chapters; however, they're worth it!
Improved the multiboard a lot. Now it is more informative and better organized.
Combat kings once again rebalanced and changed. The major thing is that now they all cost 2 Honor Points.
Espers improved and made even stronger. Please come and tell me what you think about the Espers now. I've seen that players don't use them and I really want to make them useful.
Many changes to the starting packs! Now they should be balanced, every single one of them!
Stealing improved; now it shows the percentages.
Easter Eggs added; currently just 2 but there will be a total of 12 Easter Eggs. Check them all out!
Mystic Storm and Frost Shard recoded.
From this version onwards, a number of items can only be bought once. Choose wisely and try not to lose those items. You cannot buy them again!
Small changes to abilities, but not much. I plan to once again balance them in the coming minor versions. For example, I was thinking to completely remove Bleed, Brittle and Stagger. What do you think?
Fixed hundreds of major and minor bugs.

Fixed Frost Shard load at chapter 3 and 6
Fixed Freezing Field load at chapter 3 and 6

Fixed Mystic Storm save/load

Fixed Lightning Charge and Lightning Element save/load
Fixed invisible strike
Fixed chapter 5 Soul Stealers
Added new abilities: Freezing Field, Frost Shard and Mystic Storm(thanks to Doomlord for making them)
Now riddle question can give up to 5000 gold.
Fixes all over the campaign!

Fixed chapter 8 riddle quest bug.
Fixed chapter 8 Boss.
Fixed chapter 8 Behemoth.
Fixed give up bug.
Fixed difficulty bug at chapter 1.
Fixed Power Hammer, Life Stone, Aero and many other items...
Fixed lightning orb and many other abilities...
Fixed Berserk and many other combat kings...
Added True Zozi.
Fixes all over the campaign.

Fixed Book descriptions.
Added a custom select effect.
Fixed chapter 5 Fradz spell load.
Fixed give up.
Fixed Combat King - Magic Torment.
Life's Stone improved.
Fixed chapter 6 resource load.
Fixes all over the campaign.

Added hints to the campaign.
Prologue improved.
New abilities: Headbutt, Flame Barrier, Power Orbs, lightning elemenental and Lightning charge.
Improvements to almost all abilities. Also thanks to Doomlord for helping me.
Re-worked all ability descriptions and damages.
Now there are totally of 9 Spell Book Spells instead of 12. Also espers are put to the Spell Book.
Remade Starting Packs.
Potions remade.
Lucky Boxes remade.
New system! Books! Now you can read books that tells background story of the game.
Improvements and changes to items such as Legendary murloc head is now removed and instead there's Damanthe's Set and Battlemage Set. This is just tip of the iceberg.
Chapter 2 Elite Boss remade.
Chapter 2 Epic Boss remade.
Chapter 4 Elite Boss remade.
Chapter 5 Epic Boss remade.
Chapter 7 Epic Boss remade.
Changed abilities hotkeys from "Z, X, C, V" to "Q, W, E, R".
Riddle qustions updated.
Some fixes to chapters 8 to make it work properly(like loading from chapter 7).
Smaller and bigger fixes all over the campaign.

Loading times are now significantly faster. All thanks to Shadow Daemon and Tirlititi for their awesome work.

Added little puzzle for chapter 6 related to Elemental Orbs.
Fixed Chapter 7 Maximillian quest.
Fixed Chapter 6 Forgotten Ones quest.

Fixed health and mana regeneration bug.
Removed quick Eat Button.
Added 50 max mana to all heroes permamently.
Fixed "Arnold's Armor Store" shop at chapter 1.

Improved chapter 1 Elite Boss.
Improved chapter 1 Epic Boss.
Fixed sell gold rate.
Fixed exp cap bug.
Disabled vitality system because it was the reason why gold rates started to bug. I'll either change the system or try to fix the system, if I can.
Added few more items such as Dark Amulet and Poison Knife.

Added a new cooldown system. Thanks to various people helping me to do it such as -Kobas- and Kitabatake.
Enemy experience, gold and levels rebalanced.
Fixed item sell rate bug.
Fixed, remade and made new items.
Counter Attack Combat King is now Retaliation made by Doomlord.
Fixed evasion, works finally!
Fixed critical, works finally!
Instant Slash is now Crissor Stab.
Fixed Soul Burn and made it little stronger. I plan to update it even further in the future.
Fixed a lot of other bugs.

Fixed Experience bug.

These items are edited: Animal Set, Sargatanas, Rikhano's Set, Zyl orb, Blade of Death, Holgro, Crown Of Magic, oelivert and some more items
New items added: Jade Set, Wrytt, Improved Animal Set, Three Ways and some more
These items are temporarily not yet remade: Dragon Buster, Holgro, Aero, Silver Set
Made chapter 3 second epic puzzle easier.
Fixed Critical Strike.
Added Zozi to chapter 6.

The campaign is now optimized and should work faster.

Chapter 8 is now playable
Changed the layout of the whole campaign(interface, mouse, etc.)
Changed difficulty settings and now higher difficulties are a bit harder.
Changed unit classifications, right now updated to chapter 8 only.
Regular: Basic enemies
Empowered: Basic enemies / Mini-bosses
Superior: Mini-bosses / Bosses
Mighty: Mini-bosses / Bosses / Elite-bosses / Epic-bosses
Added Ultimate Sets.
Reworked some items like Magma Set and Elexorien.
Vitality system upgraded in various ways and I've some plans to upgrade it even further in the future. One big note is that now max vitality will only increases when an item is in a character's inventory.
Now every fourth ranked synthesis Item will require a Zozi to reduce player from getting too many powerful items at early chapters.
Now each STR gives 20 health instead of 25.
Now each INT gives 10 mana instead of 15.
Chapter 4 Wisps are now easier to catch
Black merchant can only be seen between 24:00 to 6:00 o'clock.
Fixed Instant Slash
Fixed Power Heal
Fixes and small changes all around the campaign...

Added new ability for Phodom: Power Heal.
I made some changes to items(Cripple Triple Axe, Tera Ring...).
Fixed Meditate.
Fixed Instant Slash.
Fixed boss archievements.
I removed Berserk Combat King because I relised it can't be fixed(If you have ideas for high tier physical Combat King enter the competition).
Elite and Epic quests are from now on counted as optional quests also.
Fixed save/load espers.
Rearranged ability positions and hotkeys. Now categories goes like in this order: Single(Z), Aoe(X), Heal(C) and Element(V). Special(S) and Ultimate(D) abilities stay where they were before.
Rebalanced ability damages.
All recipes cost now 50% less.
Fixed item & split system.
Fixed bugs from chapter 5 Elite Boss(over half of his moves were not enabled).
Remade chapter 5 Vampire Lord battle.
Remade chapter 6 Xada second battle.
Removed a lot of useless things around the campaign.
And fixed a lot of minor bugs around the campaign.

Fixed combat king load bug from Fradz and Galeoth

Chapter 4 boss remade
Remade the ending cinematics of chapter 4
Remade chapter 5 beginning
Added new abilities: Defensive Roar, Soul Burn, Spinning Death, Colossal Slam, Instant Slash and Seal of Resurrection
Fixed save/load bug
Fixed some bugs
Fixed some more bugs
And fixed tons of other bugs

Fixed Combat King Bug
Fixed a lot of other bugs

Fixed shovel bug

Remade Opportunist starting pack for Galeoth
Added Sunrise Item set
Added stealable items to chapter 1
Added stealable items to chapter 4
Fixed Phoenix Strike(no more invulnerable bug)
Fixed save/load combat kings
Fixed save/load alchemist
Remade Chromatic item
Fixed shovel bug
Re-checked Black Merchants
Fixed Heaven's Bless ability
Fixed alchemist description bugs
And fixed tons of other bugs

Chapter 7 is now opened.
Boss points are now removed from the game. You can still change your Boss points to Honor points by writing this code: "-change".
Remade all item, ability, spell, esper and all other descriptions: they are now shorter and easier to read.
There is only fire, ice, and lightning spells now.
Improved multiboard by a lot, added some new stats to it also.
Added new combat kings and new spells. Combat Kings now only go up to level 5.
Added some more tactical meaning to the battle: some abilities can do or use buffs called Brittle, Stagger, and Bleed. For example some other abilities can use these buffs to deal increased damage.
Now Special abilities will increase by every level instead of every fifth level.
All professionals are now universal.
The Critical Damage bonus starts from 100% instead of 0%. The chance to do a Critical Hit is still 10%.
Once again, more items.
New Spell System: Instead of spell books you can easily use spells from left corner just like potions.
The file size is now bigger because I imported some resources to the campaign. The expected file size in the end will be about 120mb to 140mb. I hope the file size won't be a problem.
New balanced attack and armor types: Sharp, Blunt, Magic, Light, Medium, Heavy, Sturdy and Elemental.
Now some enemies are categorized as Summoned, Undead, Drgon and Monster. Some items and abilities can do extra effects to them.
Now enemies won't do their abilities while stunned.
The campaign is now optimized and protected. All thanks to Shadow Daemon for creating the awesome "campaign optimizator" program".
Fixed some bugs.

New Steal System.
Most of the item descriptions are updated.
Some of the items are remade.
Upgraded Lucky Boxes and put new unique items.
And a lot of bug fixes.

Fixed a starting bug from chapter 3. It should now work properly.
Added proper descriptions to the difficulties.

Removed some test items from chapter 1 beginning.

Chapter 6 is now opened.
Now Item Sets have own unique icons.
Honor Shop Disabled. "Ability Bonus" system will be added later to the campaign that replaces Honor Shop Items.
Remade Esper System.
Remade Summon System.
Remade some of the spell book spells.
Chapter item descriptions to easier to read.
Now there are only two magical balls instead of three. Also now they give solid magic bonus instead of percent.
Removed Phodom's speciality that gives plus one Dig Power every 10th level.
Also changed Professions bonuses.
Some of the spell book spells are remade and balanced such as first Fire Spell.
Added Game Panel where you can for example eat food, move your boxes and cast espers.
And many, many other changes. Once again so many changes I simply cannot remember everything.

Save & load combat kings and spell book spells are fixed.
Restore Panel fixed.
Fixed vitality system.
Six new Galeoth abilities: Chill of the Frost Master, Frozen Storm, Icy Barrage, Inner Light, Mesmerizing Ice Crystal and Piercing Shard.
Combat Kings are remade. All high tier combat kings aren't remade yet.
After every cinematic units you had selected before will be selected for you automatically.
Now quests will give experience like before.
Fixed chapter 5 ending.
Chapter 1 Boss, Chapter 1 Elite Boss, Chapter 3 Boss and Chapter 3 Elite Boss battles are now improved.
Fixed Code Puzzle.
Fixed Kaza Leader Dialog.
Remade Chapter 5 Elite Boss Fight and fixed few problems of it.
Now Main Quest 3 can be completed right after watching The Bridge Cinematic at chapter 5.
Fixed many more minor bugs...

Chapter 5 is now open.
Fradz model is now changed. Thanks to Kitabatake who made it from the beginning to the end.
Galeoth model is now changed. Thanks Fan for starting the model and making most of it and Kitabatake for finishing it.
Whole stats based systems combined to one big, simple and more powerful system. Credits to Kitabatake for helping me creating this new system.
A new system! Boss status system. All thanks for Maker who created this system.
Now Agility Stat will give critical dmg and evasion chance.
Chapter 1 Boss and Chapter 1 Elite Boss are now slightly stronger and they have some new special abilities.
Multiboard is now slighly different.
Fixed a large amount of smaller and bigger bugs.
And many, many more changes...

Added new starting packs.
Fixed(hopefully) loading problems with combat kings and spell book spells at chapter 4.
Fixed saving and loading professions.
Fixed a bug in chapter 4 that didn't load Heaven's Bless ability.
Fixed Synthesis item descriptions and fixed some problems players couldn't create some of them. Also removed the ones who I have not yet remade. Don't worry, all of them will come back at later versions.
Fixed bug that players couldn't create alchemist potions.
Fixed Silver and Thief Set combination.
Edited Restore Panel system. Added restoration potions.
Increased Mini-Bosses hit point regenerations.
Chapter 1 Mini-Bosses are now a little stronger than before.
Added 2 low magic orbs to chapter 1. Now you can create Zwill Blade or Aerial Shoes at chapter 1.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs.

Chapter 4 is now opened.
Credits are now updated.
Illusory Double illusions now will take 500% damage compared to Fradz from 1000% damage.
Dozens of changes in items, for example Miraga's Set can now be found from chapter 1 and Silver Set can now be found from chapter 2.
Fixed Zwill Blade's synthesis, now it should be able to create.
Increased Phodom's base movement speed from 250 to 275.
Spell book spells are cooldown are now changed. Here are the cooldowns from first to fourth 90/180/300/once per chapter.
Dozens of smaller and bigger bug fixes.

Fixed a bug and now Black Market sells the correct item: Third Hand. Now you finally can actually get the Thief Set at chapter 2.
Fixed Anthenex Esper's attack type.
Fixed Bronze Shovel bug and the dig power at multiboard.
Now Lightning Orb's buff should not give any advance to enemies.
Fixed Omega Orb and now it should summon Elemental Golems every 15 to 90 seconds.
Items Zwill Blade and Aerial Shoes are now made stronger

Chapter 3 is now open.
Fixed Combat Kings where they were always rested to level 1 after loading.
Fixed a difficulty settings in chapter 2 as they were too weak for the stronger difficulties. Now enemies are stronger as they should be(ATK: 0%/0%/10%/20%/30% & HP: 0%/0%/15%/45%/75%).
Changed Ground Zero's cooldown from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
Edited Aura Of Fire, now it also do damage per second.
Fixed chapter 2 epic boss' passive spells. Now there's something actually.
Fixed Alchemist bug that didn't allow Phodom to reach further levels.
Fixed Bless Of Lightning attribute bug.
Fixed hotkeys in Command Panel.
Fixed bug that boxes could also learn spells.
Fixed tons of other minor bugs I have forget to add here.

Fixed a major bug that freezes the game when entering to honor or combat shop
FIxed multiboard a little: Now honor points show honor points and boss points shows boss points, before they were mixed up
Correct Treasure Hunter abilities are now shown
Correct Battle Thief abilities are now shown
Fixed Alchemist Potion creating
Fixed problem where enemies didn't have items at all(chapter 2)
Fixed some ability descriptions
Changed chapter 1's puzzle reward
Increased Heaven's Bless' cooldown from 6 seconds to 12 seconds
Fradz's starting items are now sligtly stronger

Fixed a problem where chapter 2 started instead of 1 after prologue

Beta 1.0a to Beta 1.1

Opened chapter 2
Added a puzzle to chapter 1
Increases Chapter 1's Epic Boss' Basic hit points from 15,000 to 20,000
Created two new spells for Chapter 1's Epic boss
Increases Chapter 1's Epic Boss' Special Spells' damage
Made stronger some of the Mini-Bosses in chapter 1
Changed chapter 1's Boss' wall to different looking
Azureus Set can now be obtained in chapters 1 to 7 instead of 5 to 11

Installed "Game Point" System
Added a new heal ability for Phodom: Heaven's Bless
Fixed Combat King Bug Shop where combat kings are teleported to middle of the map
Elite Boss' "Cave Collapse" event no longer deal damage to Elite Boss and its warriors
Phoenix Strike: Attack damage increased from "(strx1)x12" to "(strx3)x12"
Fixed texts from dig rewards.
Added a new mini-boss: "Habtat Spider Mother"
Added four recipes to chapter 1: Potion Of Strength, Potion Of Agility, Potion Of Intelligence" and "Potion Of
Added and removed some spells for Epic Boss in chapter 1
Chapter 1's Epic Boss second stage is now a bit easier
Removed Inta-Sell
Remade Great Mana Gem

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and interludes 1 and 2 are closed for now
Now only Prologue and chapter 1 available to play
The whole game-play is remade
A new system, Professions: Each character will have a primary and secondary profession
A new system, Gold: Now items and abilities can increase the gold amount from enemies
A new system, Experience: Now items and abilities can increase the experience amount from enemies
Total remade of spell books: Less spells, but more tactical, unique and practical. 4 spells for each element.
Doubled the maximum level of characters in each chapter to the maximum of 100 levels
Remade almost all the bosses of the campaign
Espers remade
All items are remade and added about 50 items more
Remade vitality system, now items can increase the maximum vitality

The Chosen Ones, RPG, Single, Campaign, Dragon, Dragons, Aeroblyctos, Aero, Phodom, Fradz, Galeoth

The Chosen Ones 1.0 (Campaign)

The Chosen Ones 1.0a (Campaign)

The Chosen Ones 1.1 (Campaign)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Feb/11 11:05:00 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
The latest, or possibly, the one before that.
Well, if you don't know, why did you quote my post pertaining 1.30.4 where I specified it worked pretty much well?
My point is, this has the potential to be even better by today's standards, a more decent terrain, these minor bugs to be fixed, etc. Then it would be rather enjoyable as a whole. So a single update would make it much much better, in my opinion.
Well, that's another story which is pretty much subjective. Next, you'll want it ported to Reforged.
Also, the author hasn't been here or at least logged on for almost a year.
Sadly I lack the time to learn the skills to do it myself, otherwise I would. So yeah I'm basically giving my opinion on the hopes that a more talented person can pick this up, update it and make it near perfect. Maybe with Reforge graphics it will be somewhat better by default, so there's that too.
If I recall correctly, the campaign (or the maps) might be protected.

Honestly, nowadays graphics are not even games anymore, they're movies which makes it even more sillier: a realistic depiction of a person that jumps, casts spells, attacks and can cancel the attack and suddenly run without even requiring time to turn beforehand is more of realism breaking than actually helping to portray it properly.
Oh, I suppose the breakthrough here is, that despite this offering a replay value, it's not really replayable.
Well, it is. There are numerous spells to choose from plus it's made in such a way that to beat higher difficulties you need to get strong on lesser ones first. This is not something I endorse though because it's more of a forced replayability not to lose content.
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
Well, if you don't know, why did you quote my post pertaining 1.30.4 where I specified it worked pretty much well?
I was certain it was the latest, until you asked. I'm not sure if I've played it last before or after June's update.

Well, that's another story which is pretty much subjective. Next, you'll want it ported to Reforged.
Also, the author hasn't been here or at least logged on for almost a year.
Wait, we need to actually port these to Reforged? They won't be playable by default? Like, just copy pasting it to a folder? Well it's actually an objective case here, because the terrain is dull, rather you like it or not that's a subjective matter.

If I recall correctly, the campaign (or the maps) might be protected.
With author's permission, of course.

Honestly, nowadays graphics are not even games anymore, they're movies which makes it even more sillier: a realistic depiction of a person that jumps, casts spells, attacks and can cancel the attack and suddenly run without even requiring time to turn beforehand is more of realism breaking than actually helping to portray it properly.
I don't aim for graphic only, but just for one minute think how this would look if a terrain maker of THW made the terrain? Wouldn't that give it a better appeal? That's my whole point here. As per other games, I think every year offers good and bad games, and yes, I agree that graphics aren't the main reason for it.

Well, it is. There are numerous spells to choose from plus it's made in such a way that to beat higher difficulties you need to get strong on lesser ones first. This is not something I endorse though because it's more of a forced replayability not to lose content.
I always end up starting, making it to chapter 3, and as soon as I start chapter 4 all interest is suddenly lost. All the credit to the spell options and the vast amount of systems created for it, it's a whole lot of work. But still, subjectively, that's how I feel about it. Heck, perhaps I lack the time to go through the grind which otherwise brought me satisfaction in the past.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Wait, we need to actually port these to Reforged? They won't be playable by default? Like, just copy pasting it to a folder? Well it's actually an objective case here, because the terrain is dull, rather you like it or not that's a subjective matter.
I mean, there will be an obvious discrepancy between the Classic custom models and Reforged converted original Classic stuff.
With author's permission, of course.
That will make it even harder.
Heck, perhaps I lack the time to go through the grind which otherwise brought me satisfaction in the past.
Grind? It's not even Gaia's Retaliation type or an actual JRPG. The grind is far less unless you replay the chapters on and on of course.
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
Grind? It's not even Gaia's Retaliation type or an actual JRPG. The grind is far less unless you replay the chapters on and on of course.
Those boss battles made it a grind, sometimes. It's kind of designed to be difficult and exhausting, imo.

Man, I don't even know what I like anymore, but I know that games are not kicking it for me. I got a couple installed out of habit, which I never even open. Haha. I suppose I need to get out of the habit of 'gaming' as a whole since it's not enjoyable for me.
Level 2
Dec 17, 2016
It works fine on 1.30.4 too but the campaign is resource heavy so it takes a lot of RAM.

Is it ? Coz it started getting more lag and more lag for every second i spend my time there. I thought it's because some script bug that got affected by a new patch that overwhelm my processor. Coz other map like Ultimate Battle 2.1 are lag AF in the 1.3 when there's a war and it's fine in the 1.26 patch. Gonna try this map in the 1.26 if i have a time

Those boss battles made it a grind, sometimes. It's kind of designed to be difficult and exhausting, imo.

Man, I don't even know what I like anymore, but I know that games are not kicking it for me. I got a couple installed out of habit, which I never even open. Haha. I suppose I need to get out of the habit of 'gaming' as a whole since it's not enjoyable for me.

I kinda like the optional boss, i always open it and this map campaign would be 10/10 if its not resource heavy and little minor bug. Though i haven't met a single gamebreaking bug, unless you count the lag i got.

Also, i would like to see this campaign in the Reforged if the Reforged have a better tools for script-making and etc so the Author or someone that have a permission to continue this project could make some optimal adjustment to the script if it's needed. But, it would be a lot of work if there's some changes to ID or Variable.
Level 1
Nov 3, 2019
I decided to skip the yurgimar battle, i finished phodom's set and fradz's set and omega set on chapter 10 so i guess im missing out on galeot's set because i didnt kill yurgimar that is a bit dissapointing. Also chapter 10 has alot of puzzles im honestly kinda lost but i still want to complete them, i welcome any advice.
Level 1
Dec 19, 2016
Redownloaded the map since reforged is coming

But after chapter 1 the custom music seems to be bugged? Played until chapter 4 to see if it was a problem specific for chapter 2 but it seems to be a persistent problem.
Level 2
Oct 8, 2016
To anybody having problems; try version 1.26 or 1.27, I cleared the game multiple times, and i was able to go all the way through, with mostly no game breaking bugs along the way.

GL for those brave enough to do a hardcore newgame+.
Level 1
Apr 9, 2020
To anybody having problems; try version 1.26 or 1.27, I cleared the game multiple times, and i was able to go all the way through, with mostly no game breaking bugs along the way.

GL for those brave enough to do a hardcore newgame+.

A few questions:
1-is it normal for the game to freeze in loading screen in some chapter when i try to load a Quicksave in the middle of the game?
2-where can i find the download for the map last version? The download icon downloads the 1.0 version.
Level 1
Apr 15, 2020
Sorry for the broken English. I encoutnered problems that sometimes when the bosses are using skills, i can't see the skill indicators or animations, or the bosses just channeling and nothing happen. Besides, somewhere chapter 5 onwards, the graphic go dark suddenly (will get fixed when i move to a certain point which rarely happen), but i still can vaguely see the hero and command them, but not able to enjoy the game. Could you help me resolve the problems? Thank you, awesome game if no issues.
Level 4
Aug 2, 2019
I ve got problem with lesser magic balls.
When i stack more than 5 balls i cant make the greater magic balls. Any ideas?
Level 1
Apr 15, 2020
Sorry for the broken English. I encountered problems that sometimes when the bosses are using skills, i can't see the skill indicators or animations, or the bosses just channeling and nothing happen. Besides, somewhere chapter 5 onwards, the graphic go dark suddenly (will get fixed when i move to a certain point which rarely happen), but i still can vaguely see the hero and command them, but not able to enjoy the game. Could you help me resolve the problems? Thank you, awesome game if no issues.

I am playing The Chosen Ones 1.0 with 1.30 patch, not reforged. Should i play in version 1.26 or 1.27 like Skarm said?
Level 3
Apr 16, 2018
Mey be 5/5 for everything, i don`t know. I did 5/5 in advance, i can fairly feel the game is good anyways. Dont like games with fixed heroes, without variation to choose. My very own opinion that fixed hero plays should be left in `90s.
Level 4
Jun 13, 2011
Mey be 5/5 for everything, i don`t know. I did 5/5 in advance, i can fairly feel the game is good anyways. Dont like games with fixed heroes, without variation to choose. My very own opinion that fixed hero plays should be left in `90s.
Its a 6/5. Unfortunately there are MANY MANY gamebreaking bugs and unless you know exactly what to do, built up by looking across years of TCO wikia, you're gonna get mad af. Neverthless, I have been playing this for nearly 10 YEARS off and on, and there are still stuff here I havent found, some bosses I havent yet killed, some lore interludes I didnt unlock. This campaign is so massive and incredible its almost mind-boggling that its actually the work of one dude and not a gaming studio.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2014
I ve got problem with lesser magic balls.
When i stack more than 5 balls i cant make the greater magic balls. Any ideas?
It's an easy answer, just stack 5 balls on each box, dont gather more than that. BTW I bought a new PC so I can play again against Yurgimar (before i experimented fatal in my old PC).

Level 4
Jun 13, 2011
The campaign works on 1.30.4 too.
Hello, do you have this bug in 1.30.4 where music suddenly disappears? Custom Music works in cinematics, but only ambient sounds during actual gameplay. Ruins the nostalgia somewhat, but the lack of widescreen in 1.26 is disconcerting, and thats why I shifted to 1.30.4


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Hello, do you have this bug in 1.30.4 where music suddenly disappears? Custom Music works in cinematics, but only ambient sounds during actual gameplay. Ruins the nostalgia somewhat, but the lack of widescreen in 1.26 is disconcerting, and thats why I shifted to 1.30.4
There might be sound issues in newer patches. Some authors circumvented the issue by converting the sound files to specific formats or bit rates.
I don't know as I played with an external music player, if I recall correctly.
Level 4
Jun 13, 2011
There might be sound issues in newer patches. Some authors circumvented the issue by converting the sound files to specific formats or bit rates.
I don't know as I played with an external music player, if I recall correctly.
Author will not update anymore and finished version was meant for 1.26. I am only trying 1.30.4 because you said it works, and it does work fine till now (playing ch1) except the music. So I was wondering if there's a solution other than going back to 1.26.
Level 1
May 10, 2020
i got a question guys... i'm on chapter 10 now and idk what happened but my luck suddenly became -10 or something and i used lucky clover and the lucky horse shoe and still the same LoL.. any idea what should i do ?
and the annoying problem is i haven't open the lucky box LoL... i was gonna open it but i was searching for something like luck item hahaha and suddenly it became like this lol....
and 1 more... all of my heroic achievement also gone LoL

Level 4
Aug 7, 2014
i got a question guys... i'm on chapter 10 now and idk what happened but my luck suddenly became -10 or something and i used lucky clover and the lucky horse shoe and still the same LoL.. any idea what should i do ?
and the annoying problem is i haven't open the lucky box LoL... i was gonna open it but i was searching for something like luck item hahaha and suddenly it became like this lol....
and 1 more... all of my heroic achievement also gone LoL

View attachment 354530
Luck points for chapter 10 works different from previous, you need to keep your evil eyes out, because luck works inside boxes too for this chapter. About heroic achievements... do you mean about game points? If it is about that, game points are bugged, that system doesn't work and suddenly points are erased for nor reason at all
Level 1
May 10, 2020
Luck points for chapter 10 works different from previous, you need to keep your evil eyes out, because luck works inside boxes too for this chapter. About heroic achievements... do you mean about game points? If it is about that, game points are bugged, that system doesn't work and suddenly points are erased for nor reason at all

yea, i just fine it out after selling all my items LoL.... thanks for the help anyway, so kind of u <333.... yea, the game points... ah ok, forget it then hahaha.... thank you very much
Level 4
Jun 13, 2011
Fastest way to get to Epic Boss Chapter 4: (Saving it here for future reference):

1: You start here, take middle cave to zone 3.
3: Take middle cave to zone 4.
4. Take middle cave to zone 6.
6: Buy items from shop if desired, take middle cave to zone b.
b: Take far cave to zone 5.
5: Save before boss take far cave to Boss.
Level 1
Oct 2, 2015
Hey Aero
I would like you to tell me if ur planning on a second campaign . Like a next generation
Or a story about the past
I love ur campaign
The only reason i didnt finish
I was on hard mode
On c10
Epic boss ability to drop items and eraze them crashed the game
It was my first try with no save file so i gave up
Level 3
Nov 13, 2019
I Have complete this Campaign Yesterday and somehow i think this story is not full completed using save and load to see the Epilogue and Bonus Ending. The result is always same. Primary Character dies and Cold heart man still live and the other heroes still alive. And also i can't defeat Epic Boss in Chapter 10 it's really hard even though playing Easy Difficulties. By the way, do you how to solve the four long combination code in the chapter 10 that will lead you to the "Mother" i have tried 16 code using different code and nothing happen
Level 4
Aug 7, 2014
I Have complete this Campaign Yesterday and somehow i think this story is not full completed using save and load to see the Epilogue and Bonus Ending. The result is always same. Primary Character dies and Cold heart man still live and the other heroes still alive. And also i can't defeat Epic Boss in Chapter 10 it's really hard even though playing Easy Difficulties. By the way, do you how to solve the four long combination code in the chapter 10 that will lead you to the "Mother" i have tried 16 code using different code and nothing happen
It is supposed that with positive morality you will get a good ending, but there is a bug. Epic boss ch 10 needs special items and techniques, there are guides and videos, but you can skip it.

Mother spot: I told Aero many times that the description is very wrong and I hate that, but it was never solved, I like common sense fair puzzles. He gave us a hint with 4 combinations, but in fact they are 5: LRLLL. I like to suspect a few things, but not with 2^5=32 boring possibilities. Example: I like that the final black merchant says on the TCO item list that you should pay 75k gold, but you only need to pay 25k gold for Omega item.
Level 3
Nov 13, 2019
It is supposed that with positive morality you will get a good ending, but there is a bug. Epic boss ch 10 needs special items and techniques, there are guides and videos, but you can skip it.

Mother spot: I told Aero many times that the description is very wrong and I hate that, but it was never solved, I like common sense fair puzzles. He gave us a hint with 4 combinations, but in fact they are 5: LRLLL. I like to suspect a few things, but not with 2^5=32 boring possibilities. Example: I like that the final black merchant says on the TCO item list that you should pay 75k gold, but you only need to pay 25k gold for Omega item.

32 Possibilities!!! That's taking so much time. Epic Boss Ch. 10 need special attention? that's crazy. yesterday i completed the campaign without using omega weapon because in ch.3 i didn't collect all the Omega's runes and i already tried using Orb of fire item that allow you to deal damage to Ch.10 Epic Boss 100.000 damage for every 30 s and i use it when he almost die but in the end he heal himself again, again and again and it's invulnerable. By the way when you see the secret ending i'm quite regret for not fight Epic Boss Ch. 10
Level 1
Oct 2, 2015
Yes epic boss c10 has alot of bugs
Was using omega set with mana shield
And golem siphon life skill pierces this immunity
Same with posion on ground from zylicious dragon form
Dont use choatic rift . Because zyl will run to the edge and his box size might get outside arena and crash
Dont use inventory stash boxes in tournament in c7
Because once fight ends . Everything despawns . And u cant use chests again
C1 dont go to boss fight . Before killing the gnoll boss who dropes sunrise boots . Will not appear after shadow golem
C6 dont savee galeoth before getting esper from otoz /orb from mister skeleton / and jade blade from dark messiah . After saving thr geezer these will not appear
Side note : giving galeoth greatest magic orb is a must . Compined witb magic power boosts he will do about 50k per cast making campaign easier
Do not go for magic damage fradz . Only electro shield is worth the magic damage table ( fradz needs new spells )
Phodom is realy weak best option is tank or support ( with stuns and blindes )
Do not pick summon spells
Summoned unites tend to get in way
While AI is active
Using olivert + disteny + doomsday + stormgaurd on fradz makes him immune to damage and gives him around 9k damage

Do not drop andenaj or sell
Get andenaj c1 and 2
C2 can get both andenaj and health ruby
C4 get andenaj ll
C6 get all 3 with ruby
They all give hp and dont count toward each other . Meaning u can farm 2500 hp and 18 all stats everychapter from 6 and on
Life stealer item is not worth getting
Doom sword is not worth it too
When fighting deathknights c10 . Freeze and stun ummut . And kill the last dk ( always hekkar for me ) or hekkar will start dealing insane damage
C10 zyl human form needs all mana burn items so he can stop healing
Advise to use poison knife
But i didny try
Level 2
Sep 24, 2019
Hey guys, i already played the map and almost finished the map. But the map becomes more laggy and laggy, i even need a cheat engine to slow down the game when i'm battling Yurgimar and it takes almost 2 hour. Just before finishing the map, the map becomes more lag and i decided to quit. Now i have a question, what is the best Warcraft version to play this map ? i played this map on 1.29 or 28 if i recall it right. Also, i have 4 gb ram and N3050.
what cheat engine?
Level 1
Jul 7, 2020
Can't seem to figure out how to make the game progress window text fully visible.
I'm playing on TFT 1.31
Changing the resolution does not help.
If skipping pages with arrows text moves even more to the left.
Anyone have the same problem? Any advice appreciated.


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Level 4
Jun 13, 2011
Can't seem to figure out how to make the game progress window text fully visible.
I'm playing on TFT 1.31
Changing the resolution does not help.
If skipping pages with arrows text moves even more to the left.
Anyone have the same problem? Any advice appreciated.
It cant be done. Recommended version for this is 1.27. I play 1.30.4 and have the same problem but I've gotten used to it. Anyway, the game is best enjoyed at 1.26 or 1.27 versions.
Level 1
Jul 28, 2020
Hello Everyone! I'm new here soo..
can someone help me pick abilities for the heroes, starting to Phodom to Galeoth. I really don't know what's the best abilities for them.
Level 2
Feb 9, 2020
Sad it cant be played on Reforged...

Edit: Maybe each chapter could be put in a map?
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Level 4
May 26, 2020
Game Freezes in the first chapter loading screen.:peasant-work-work:

Edit= NVM, I waited longer and it went in.

I haven't played much but it has been so enjoyable. I love how you let us choose what spells we want.
Last edited:
Level 1
Mar 18, 2014
Yes epic boss c10 has alot of bugs
Was using omega set with mana shield
And golem siphon life skill pierces this immunity
Same with posion on ground from zylicious dragon form
Dont use choatic rift . Because zyl will run to the edge and his box size might get outside arena and crash
Dont use inventory stash boxes in tournament in c7
Because once fight ends . Everything despawns . And u cant use chests again
C1 dont go to boss fight . Before killing the gnoll boss who dropes sunrise boots . Will not appear after shadow golem
C6 dont savee galeoth before getting esper from otoz /orb from mister skeleton / and jade blade from dark messiah . After saving thr geezer these will not appear
Side note : giving galeoth greatest magic orb is a must . Compined witb magic power boosts he will do about 50k per cast making campaign easier
Do not go for magic damage fradz . Only electro shield is worth the magic damage table ( fradz needs new spells )
Phodom is realy weak best option is tank or support ( with stuns and blindes )
Do not pick summon spells
Summoned unites tend to get in way
While AI is active
Using olivert + disteny + doomsday + stormgaurd on fradz makes him immune to damage and gives him around 9k damage

Do not drop andenaj or sell
Get andenaj c1 and 2
C2 can get both andenaj and health ruby
C4 get andenaj ll
C6 get all 3 with ruby
They all give hp and dont count toward each other . Meaning u can farm 2500 hp and 18 all stats everychapter from 6 and on
Life stealer item is not worth getting
Doom sword is not worth it too
When fighting deathknights c10 . Freeze and stun ummut . And kill the last dk ( always hekkar for me ) or hekkar will start dealing insane damage
C10 zyl human form needs all mana burn items so he can stop healing
Advise to use poison knife
But i didny try
Which health ruby in chapter 2? I finished this campaign dozen times and never aware of a health ruby that can boost your HP stat permanently.
Level 2
Feb 9, 2020
Im pretty sure he could split the Campaign in 10 separate maps, with a save system in between them, to make it playable in Reforged...