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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Deleted 10/31/14


TFK (Map)

21:49, 22nd Jan 2011 ap0calypse: Approved StoPCampinGn00b: Rejected for map being "deleted" by author and spam on the front page.




21:49, 22nd Jan 2011
ap0calypse: Approved

StoPCampinGn00b: Rejected for map being "deleted" by author and spam on the front page.
Level 2
Sep 22, 2010
wow from these screenshots i think its gonna be fun
cool game but some stairs can be used and some more lag but 4/5
i love the terrain and the showedup items when the hero use'em
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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Well, from what I played (5 minutes), the terrain is absolutely magnificent to say the least, but has some trigger errors (in the town, you can step into the duel guy's circle and fight again DURING the fight with him) and there is loads of lag. But I'll give it 4/5 for now, since it has huge potential and I'm a big fan of well-terrained maps.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Oh just a reminder, please don't double-post. That's bad.

My first map took few months to get approved. You can just contact one of moderators asking them to check out your map. And people that like this map, if you really think it's worth approval, you can click on Approve button .
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
Maybe your right mr. tleno thanks for courageous idea...

Later we will try to minimize the lag from leaked triggers, maybe we should change the spawn system or anybody please can lead us a better spawn system cause we tired to make a better one.
We will accept any attribute for us... thanks for the ratings
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
The lag is probably due to the great amount of Memory Leaks.
You can greatly reduce mid-/lategame lag by removing the leaks.

  • Burst Loop
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.05 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in Group_WaterFall and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Integer((Current flying height of (Picked unit)))) Not equal to 0
            • Then - Actions
              • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the foot of (Picked unit) using Objects\Spawnmodels\Naga\NagaDeath\NagaDeath.mdl
              • Animation - Change (Picked unit) flying height to ((Current flying height of (Picked unit)) - 35.00) at 1200.00
            • Else - Actions
              • Unit - Remove Flying [weak] from (Picked unit)
              • Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from Group_WaterFall
20 leaks/second (special effect).

  • Water Loop
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in Group_Water and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to ((Position of (Picked unit)) offset by 10.00 towards (Facing of (Picked unit)) degrees)
100 leaks per second:
  • Unit group (1 leak).
  • Locations (2 leaks: Position of picked unit AND the position with an offset 10 away from the previous one).

Especially the last one has to be fixed.
"Point with polar offset" is a very bad function either way (because it creates 2 locations and uses them in an inefficient way).

Normally I'd recommend people to recreate triggers in JASS (because with GUI you'll always leak a little bit, and thus will always have a bit of lag - which isn't really the case with JASS), but since you've got a massive amount of triggers that doesn't look doable.
Just cleaning all leaks in all your triggers will make sure the gameplay is more smooth either way.

About the spawn system: what kind of spawn system would you like?

You should work on your English though, I've seen a lot of spelling/grammatical errors.
The icons in the multiboard (before the name) are always unused? If that's the case, you'd better remove them (or else hide them until they're used).

Not too much to point out... the camera system is okay (didn't like it very much, but it's better than a completely automated camera).
I'll approve it.
Level 1
Mar 2, 2009
From the description and the screenshots, it looks like you just imported as many custom models, textures, and trigger systems as possible. What exactly is the game about? You wrote that it's a "typical RPG." Are there instances? is it focused on team play? is there player vs player?

The map file is actually a template pack prepared for an online RPG which has different maps interconnected within the main story based from the comics, "Nightmare Hunters",same author-jxtranghero.
Level 1
Mar 2, 2009
I like the screenshot of Zyria Central Stronghold, impressive.

Whats with all the 5's in the multi-board under the orbs, is that damage?
5's are the values of orb element property. Some skills are based upon the element properties customized for more damages.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Sorry about that. We're Filipinos. And we never had a good grades in English 1. :p
You can ask people to help you with that.

Also, don't multi-post.
If you want to quote multiple people, then you can press the "MQ"-button (right next to the quote-button). It means "Multi-Quote".

e.g.: you want to quote 2 people.
Click "MQ" on the first post.
Click "Quote" on the second post.
Now you've successfully quoted both posts.
Level 1
Sep 14, 2009
Very well made indeed. Had a short play through and its really nice :) Keep up with the good work!
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
The screenshots tell that the terrain clearly looks very promising. I'm expecting perhaps even more outstanding displays of terraining skills. I noticed there were some typing errors in a few tooltips such as the tooltip for the item: "Peasant": A comportable. It's comfortable.

There isn't a storyline either. Neither is there much creativity in some game aspects such as names, objective, features etc. etc. Other than that, I think it's great.

Another thing I noticed was that there aren't any instances. It's not a compulsory thing but it makes your map stand out from the other RPGs way more. If you want a good example of a map with Instances just PM me.

I'll be looking eagerly for you next map, Harran. Nice job.

PS. Could you please fix those memory leaks? Work on it hard.
PPS. Unoriginal names. Kobold Mines is a Warcraft III area. I know Kobolds are mythological creatures but perhaps come up with something more creative? It's just a small pester nothing more! You can ignore it if you'd like but it would be nice if you heed my calls.
PPPS. Need help? Just give me a job and i'll see what I can do. I'm available most of the time.

Nice job,
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
Thanks mr. Usedwell because of that we will add another camera mode like what you'd been said and we are looking forward to it.
Yes mr. Arcisal thanks for the reputaion, actually we have no idea on instance is for, but seen you gave me an idea we will consider this as our next goals. We accept your help, just pm judsonbeth the one in charge as map coordinators. (sorry about that I am poor in English)
Level 1
Mar 2, 2009
There isn't a storyline either. Neither is there much creativity in some game aspects such as names, objective, features etc. etc. Other than that, I think it's great.

Another thing I noticed was that there aren't any instances. It's not a compulsory thing but it makes your map stand out from the other RPGs way more. If you want a good example of a map with Instances just PM me.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with w3c terms. What is "instances" ?
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Let me give you a detailed overview.
The term "Instances can be divided into 2 separate groups. If you have played World of Warcraft before, you should understand most of what I'm saying to you perfectly fine.

But before I explain what these 2 groups are, here is a brief overview of instances:

Dungeons, keeps, and other confined areas can have sub-areas called instances (aka instance dungeons). These instances are special areas in the World of Warcraft where your group or raid party is able to interact with a dungeon privately; that is, without interference from other parties or raids. It is also a respite from the global PvP environment on a PvP server.

The term instance has been often conflated and interchanged with the term dungeon.
Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are elite, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. Instances feature multiple bosses, all with special abilities and immunities. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge.

Well that's very long to read isn't it?
I'll explain in a simpler form:

Instances are places where a group (The amount varies) of players. Within the group, there must be at least one party present. A party is sort of like a World of Warcraft "unit" for a 5-man group of people. Inside an instance, the usual objective of it is to kill the last boss, but like the amount of people in a group, it can vary.

The basics are that an instance must have at least 2 bosses, either made faced through hack-and-slash, where players must kill monsters to get to the boss, or through spawning, where the boss will be spawned after either something has been done such as players arriving at the boss site or unlocking something, or after a certain time. A perfect example of a hack-and-slash instance is The Botanica which are also another perfect example of in-instances quests. A perfect example of a spawn instance is the Trial of the Champion, which is a sort of a fusion between an arena and an instance.

There are a few types of instances such as timed instances, where a party must complete the objective of the instance within a certain amount of time. An epic instance where the instance is usually [/b]very difficult[/b]. There are many more types out there. You can even create your own type of instance.

Instances also must sometimes be [n]unlocked[/b]. Locked instances cannot be entered unless one or more player(s) in (a) party(ies) has either the required item to unlock the instance or has completed a very long and difficult quest chain in order to gain assess to the instance. A perfect example of both would be Karazhan where players would have to complete this quest chain in order to get this item

If you're too lazy to read everything above, which I highly recommend you should, just remember this:
Instances is a large category. There are sub-divisions of instances.
This is vital to understand the next few sections.

Well, know that I've explained what instances are, i'll be dividing them into small categories.

The catagories are:

1. Dungeon
Dungeons only consist of a single party maximum. That means only 5 people can enter at a time. The party is always lead by a party leader who coordinates the party.

Dungeons are smaller versions of a Raid. That usually means it is easier, smaller and provides weaker loot. Dungeons are also a very good source to make quests from.

1. Raids
A Raid can be divided further into two more sub divisions which are segmented raids and epic raids.

Segmented raids are raids where the raid is divided into different areas. Sometimes, these areas could be so large that one area could be considered a dungeon or a mini-raid itself. A perfect example would be the Scarlet Monastery where the instance is divided into smaller individual instances. Segmented raid also do not necessarily mean that it has to be divided into smaller instances. It could also be divided into smaller areas where the areas must be cleared, which means every monster is totally killed, to gain entrance into the next. A perfect example of this would be Naxxramas.

Epic Raid are raids where the entire raid is condensed into a single and very long and especially difficult raid. These kinds of raids would need total cooperation and expert strategies as the bosses are not dumb mindless beings. A perfect example would be Sunwell Plateau.

Raids consist of usually more than one party, usually 8 That means it would require at least 40 people with 8 party leaders and 1 raid leader out of the 8 party leaders who would control the entire raid group. The minimum and maximum amount of parties can also vary.
Let me give you a detailed overview.
The term "Instances can be divided into 2 separate groups. If you have played World of Warcraft before, you should understand most of what I'm saying to you perfectly fine.

But before I explain what these 2 groups are, here is a brief overview of instances:

Dungeons, keeps, and other confined areas can have sub-areas called instances (aka instance dungeons). These instances are special areas in the World of Warcraft where your group or raid party is able to interact with a dungeon privately; that is, without interference from other parties or raids. It is also a respite from the global PvP environment on a PvP server.

The term instance has been often conflated and interchanged with the term dungeon.
Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are elite, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. Instances feature multiple bosses, all with special abilities and immunities. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge.

Well that's very long to read isn't it?
I'll explain in a simpler form:

Instances are places where a group (The amount varies) of players. Within the group, there must be at least one party present. A party is sort of like a World of Warcraft "unit" for a 5-man group of people. Inside an instance, the usual objective of it is to kill the last boss, but like the amount of people in a group, it can vary.

The basics are that an instance must have at least 2 bosses, either made faced through hack-and-slash, where players must kill monsters to get to the boss, or through spawning, where the boss will be spawned after either something has been done such as players arriving at the boss site or unlocking something, or after a certain time. A perfect example of a hack-and-slash instance is The Botanica which are also another perfect example of in-instances quests. A perfect example of a spawn instance is the Trial of the Champion, which is a sort of a fusion between an arena and an instance.

There are a few types of instances such as timed instances, where a party must complete the objective of the instance within a certain amount of time. An epic instance where the instance is usually [/b]very difficult[/b]. There are many more types out there. You can even create your own type of instance.

Instances also must sometimes be [n]unlocked[/b]. Locked instances cannot be entered unless one or more player(s) in (a) party(ies) has either the required item to unlock the instance or has completed a very long and difficult quest chain in order to gain assess to the instance. A perfect example of both would be Karazhan where players would have to complete this quest chain in order to get this item

If you're too lazy to read everything above, which I highly recommend you should, just remember this:
Instances is a large category. There are sub-divisions of instances.
This is vital to understand the next few sections.

Well, know that I've explained what instances are, i'll be dividing them into small categories.

The catagories are:

1. Dungeon
Dungeons only consist of a single party maximum. That means only 5 people can enter at a time. The party is always lead by a party leader who coordinates the party.

Dungeons are smaller versions of a Raid. That usually means it is easier, smaller and provides weaker loot. Dungeons are also a very good source to make quests from.

1. Raids
A Raid can be divided further into two more sub divisions which are segmented raids and epic raids.

Segmented raids are raids where the raid is divided into different areas. Sometimes, these areas could be so large that one area could be considered a dungeon or a mini-raid itself. A perfect example would be the Scarlet Monastery where the instance is divided into smaller individual instances. Segmented raid also do not necessarily mean that it has to be divided into smaller instances. It could also be divided into smaller areas where the areas must be cleared, which means every monster is totally killed, to gain entrance into the next. A perfect example of this would be Naxxramas.

Epic Raid are raids where the entire raid is condensed into a single and very long and especially difficult raid. These kinds of raids would need total cooperation and expert strategies as the bosses are not dumb mindless beings. A perfect example would be Sunwell Plateau.

Raids consist of usually more than one party, usually 8 That means it would require at least 40 people with 8 party leaders and 1 raid leader out of the 8 party leaders who would control the entire raid group. The minimum and maximum amount of parties can also vary.

lol ultra wow nerd.

Sorry, that's rude. I should stop coming on here at 2 am.
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
We should try to consider all of the above, thanks for sharing mr. Arcisal about instances. Sounds fabulous, we will try to update this map lately, first we want to complete the second and third region I wonder how should we post 2 or more maps in one tread... or should we pack them out? (sorry about that I am poor in English)
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Level 4
Aug 1, 2009
not good... cuz.. i have kinda good pc but i cant play this map cuz of huge lags i cant even take hero cuz i got lags so so big big big big and my brother have good pc he can play map but he say thoose trees suck cuz they are so huge and u cant see anything and i think thats why the map laggg cuz there are so many HUGE TREES take them off.... u dont need them or make normal size trees... and not that much
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
EDIT: Your definitely right! that what I'm waiting for, a person who can tell everything he want to say... Sorry for the lag you encounter but I can't promise to take off those HUGE TREES, if you have time you can do it for me...
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Level 4
Aug 1, 2009
but i dont understand anything from map making... i am good at playing maps :D and why u cant take thoose trees of? it will take a long time? or what ;s?
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
but i dont understand anything from map making... i am good at playing maps :D and why u cant take thoose trees of? it will take a long time? or what ;s?
because of the gravity of the earth!?!
But seriously doodads like tree whatever its scales doesn't affect the lag of the game. The triggers (I think) is the only sources of delay and lag and we still in process of cleaning out those leaks.