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Texturing Competition #2 - Racial Conversion

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Level 5
Apr 8, 2007

Well, I think this should do it.. Here is my monk!
Also attached a .blp format...

btw, this is my first attempt at skinning ever! ;)


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Level 7
Feb 12, 2006
Waaaay too blurry. Using harder brushers and avoiding the smudge/blur tool can give you sharper and more visible folds in the robes.
Level 9
Sep 2, 2006
She is supposed to be an agility-based Hero - notice the Leather pieces of armor, both on her suit and her tamed beast - with a special melee attack - notice the shape of the bow she is carying.

She could have some ablities like:
- "Bone Dread": she learns her tiger to roar, rending her enemies powerless = -30/40/50% armor & -70/85/100% damage as its enemies drops their weapons, for 5/10/15 seconds; mana amount dunno, should be a level-dynamic amount, in order to compensate the low duration & effect in the lower levels of the ability, yet not too high when reaches higher levels, as this is not the "ultimate" ability/spell;
- "Point-blank shot": she uses her bow as a melee weapon, causing a massive damage of 100/150/200 to one given enemy;
- "Summon Cougars/Tamed Cougars/Wild Cougars": she summons 3 Cougars (low to medium HP, medium attack rate & damage, with low Dodge)/ 2 Tamed Cougars (medium to high HP, medium to high attack rate & damage, medium Dodge and low Bash) / 2 Wild Cougars (high HP, high attack rate, medium-high to high damage, high Dodge and moderate Bash, with Rage = modified Frenzy, for a decent duration) for 90/135/180 seconds;
- "Aid of the wilderness": modified Stampede or alike... she is the Queen of Beasts, now, isn't she?

I have been so oftenly suggested to change the way the eyes look. On the Bengal-tiger, that is fairly easy to do, as the region defined on the skin file and the polygons on the model are quite straight-forward when working with. The eyes of the Queen on the other hand, are way tougher. Thing is, a small area on the skin file defines a larger area on the 2 polygons on the model. Her face is, in fact, made of 2 poligons, each having a larger area than that specified on the unwrapped texture. 1 single pixel put on the skin is largely extended on those polygons, so it rends modifying that area a really tricky task.
One more thing is that, when trying to repositionate the pupil/iris, I face the following issue: placing it further away from the nose gives her a sideways look, while placing it closer to the nose, it gives the Queen a stupid crossed look. The only remaining option is a direct frontal look, placing the iris in the middle of the eye region on the skin. This gives her a straight look, nevertheless as stupid as the other ones - as she is always looking into a given direction.

One should notice that you nearly cannot view the eyes while in-game but briefly, while the skin, used on the portrait version of the model, makes nearly no difference. I mean, in the portrait, what you mostly see is the tiger rather than the face of the Queen.

I, for example, would have totally discarded the iris notion on the skin, for both the Queen and her Bengal. But other users of THW told me that this would rend her more Human, so they must be there, one way or the other. This is the best way I managed to come up with.

Holidays are over for me... cannot do nearly anything to her, so... Feedback?

Nice submissions, everyone! Refreshing!

Cheers, all!

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I love it WILL. Needs cool particles, and submit it here and at Wc3c.
I supposed I am done, i was worrying i wouldn't get this in before the deadline.(which is in FOUR days!)
Path:units\nightelf\druidofthetalon\druidotthetalon.blp(the T in ot is NOT a mistake ok?)
EDIT:Added the unwrap, jeez...


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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

As THE_END has pointed out: the deadline is fast approaching.

I'd like to take just a moment to remind all of our fine competitors to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that their entry meets all of these requirements:
Rules and Guidelines:
  • The model must be an existing unit within Warcraft 3 of either the Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead race.
  • No model edits are permitted.
  • The skin has to be atleast 75% freehand created.
  • You must post at least 1 WIP skin preview before the deadline.
  • To qualify for entry, you must post your .blp and an ingame screenshot.
  • You must post your entry before the deadline expires.
  • You must make the textures for this competition. Which means that you cannot use old skins.
  • Textures must be no larger than 256 pixels in any dimension when submitted as final entry, though you may work in 512 (or higher), but they must be resized down to 256 when submitted.

Invalid entries WILL be disqualified.
Level 18
Oct 7, 2006

Yea it's done
Puttin my submission right hurr

Blood Elf Assassin

These Blood Elf females are trained in the arts of deception
and seduction.
Used to infiltrate the most secure areas, they can also be more..persuasive when handling "one on one" business with the opposite sex.

Path is


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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I still don't think the look on the face is sexy enough to be seductive, looks more like she smelled something bad or is really angry or surprised. The eyebrows are way too high on her forehead.

The squareness on the torso is still there, even though you said ages ago you fixed it, it just looks rather flat.

The fishnets just look like scribbles on top of her legs, no shading or anything.

And the last one is more my opinion than anything else, but I don't think the black hair is very suiting for a blood elf.
Level 9
Sep 2, 2006
With one more layer, containing them and/or the region they are on. Use Burn/Brush/Blur in Photoshop to add some proper shadow effects to it. Set the layer blending mode to something like Darken or Overlay or whatever else you think it suits it and see what happens. I agree with Chriz, those nets simply seem thrown there. They don't fit.

On the other hand, how bloody large are those fished, if the net-eyes are so large? :)
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