o wow! ive been looking for a turorial on lightining !!
i am not that good at lighting : /
o and the way i get the sun in the sky is to place multiple fog doodads, all on top of one another and then select all of them, then use [CTRL] +[PG-UP]
and it will increase their hieght over the terrain.
To really become good at using fogs, you should defintly experminent with them.
This is what i do with fogs( the blizzard givin fogs ) :
- i set the sky to a pinkish sky ( most likly the fogged sky )
- then i use the editor fog, changing it to either an orange color ( 225 red, 100 green 25 blue ), or greyish color ( 190 red, 190 green 190 blue )
then using the Fog DOODAD, i increase its scale to something like 30.00, and then set its minimum scale to .2 ( That way its Z height is really short )
when i place it in the terrain, it is short yet long and wide. I usually choose complementary colors ( colors opposite of each other on the color wheel)
just try and experminent with it : )