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Terrain ideas

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Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Could you make a red-themed dungeon? Like
WC3ScrnShot_052709_222737_01 copy.jpgWC3ScrnShot_052709_222946_01 copy.jpg

Some ideas for the dungeon:
  • 1 huuuge stairway that leads to the end-boss room, a room with skull piles and rotting meat, and an abonimation-like boss. When the boss moves around, he leaves parts of himself around which act like mines when stepped upon (explosion damage + spawn worms)
  • Epic loot: cursed grimoire of the archivist (requires archivist class if included): Gives 5% chance a special effect will happen when the caster casts any spell (effects that can happen: heal/damage target of spell if the spell is a targetspell, polymorph-self into chicken, mass invisibility, timestop, ...)
  • Illusionist room: a room which, upon entering it, moves you instantly to another room that looks exactly like this one (pan camera correctly so you don't notice any differences). There's 4 or 5 rooms like this one throughout the dungeon.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Well, my experience is that this project isn't going to be 100% accurate anyway? I mean, for one the terrain doesn't resemble D3 completely, since it's not "dark" enough at many areas (wc3c.net's diablo 3 remake is more accurate on that area), and you're also considering to add the archivist to the map, as PC or NPC.

Oh, and I also think the stretched terrain texture (for the near-90° hills) should be fixed by placing doodad walls or something...
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
Well, my experience is that this project isn't going to be 100% accurate anyway? I mean, for one the terrain doesn't resemble D3 completely, since it's not "dark" enough at many areas (wc3c.net's diablo 3 remake is more accurate on that area), and you're also considering to add the archivist to the map, as PC or NPC.

Oh, and I also think the stretched terrain texture (for the near-90° hills) should be fixed by placing doodad walls or something...

The current map will keep the terrain it has :) Ive been making several changes to make the v1.18 dungeon terrain look more like the trailers, and would happy to add anything extra if it looks right :)

I personally feel the current terrain is perfectly suited to match the real diablo 3 :) Ive been browsing through the diablo 3 screenshots, and the majority of the dungeon screenshots are blue, green and purple, and I can find none that contain a red tileset :/

Also, about the darker atmosphere, with the in-game color filters the terrain looks a lot darker than in World Editor screenshots. While not being able to see much in front of you was the theme for diablo 1 and 2, blizzard have designed the third game to be brighter in order to fully reveal and appreciate the size and depth of dungeons. Blizzard even talked about D3 being brighter on Blizzcast :)

However! Saying that, we're planning to create a sort of lava / volcano / dungeon terrain for the 2nd map :) So there will be plenty of opertunities to create terrain such as the example you provided in the projects future :D

Finally, about the wall doodads, the thought had occured to me before to cover those ugly looking wall-faces xD The problem we've got is that the map needs to be playable on bnet. The huge amount of extra doodads required to cover the walls may well create lag in-game :/ Although, I've yet to test this out :) After v1.18's release I'll give your idea a test-run to see if it could work :D

Sorry to be so negative on the terrain ideas :S Dont get me wrong though, I appreciate all the feedback you've given :D
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
The current map will keep the terrain it has :) Ive been making several changes to make the v1.18 dungeon terrain look more like the trailers, and would happy to add anything extra if it looks right :)
I was aware of that, but you were going to add other maps too anyway, weren't you?

I personally feel the current terrain is perfectly suited to match the real diablo 3 :) Ive been browsing through the diablo 3 screenshots, and the majority of the dungeon screenshots are blue, green and purple, and I can find none that contain a red tileset :/
Hey, the current terrain looks great! But I'm pretty sure there will be a red dungeon, whether or not the SS's show one already.

Also, about the darker atmosphere, with the in-game color filters the terrain looks a lot darker than in World Editor screenshots. While not being able to see much in front of you was the theme for diablo 1 and 2, blizzard have designed the third game to be brighter in order to fully reveal and appreciate the size and depth of dungeons. Blizzard even talked about D3 being brighter on Blizzcast :)
I know, I watch D3 news too :p
Just saying that it's already not 100% accurate anymore anyway, so adding your own content (i.e. dungeons) wouldn't be that bad, would it?

Finally, about the wall doodads, the thought had occured to me before to cover those ugly looking wall-faces xD The problem we've got is that the map needs to be playable on bnet. The huge amount of extra doodads required to cover the walls may well create lag in-game :/ Although, I've yet to test this out :) After v1.18's release I'll give your idea a test-run to see if it could work :D
I don't think it'll be a problem. Doodads don't really cause any lag, unless they are a graphical burden. In this case, a few walls won't break the map...
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
We actually had a plan of what dungeon it will be in the next map anyway.
We are planing to make a lava/magma/fire dungeon, atleast that was our plan.
And then i spammed CW that i wanted a water dungeon after that and he said that it would work, but not as the second map. I guess that will be the third one.
The last one is NOT decided but i hope that one will be using blizzard terrain. Cus it would be nice if the first/last one was based on the real stuff.
Maybe we should make a new thread and move all the posts over CW? since this is going off-topic :p
This was just a showcase thread .xP
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
I'm in the team, as "official" skinner x)

Perhaps you should check the announcements forum more often? ;P

lol, yea :) Right now, the team consists of 6 people :p

I added The_Silent as our official spell maker

dansaDisco has made some epic skins for the map so I thought ide include him as a project member :)

and darkholme has been helping me with the balancing issues and mana usage triggers :)

Dont worry though, im not planning on adding any more people to the staff ;) so it should just be us 6 from now on :D
Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
lol, yea :) Right now, the team consists of 6 people :p

I added The_Silent as our official spell maker

dansaDisco has made some epic skins for the map so I thought ide include him as a project member :)

and darkholme has been helping me with the balancing issues and mana usage triggers :)

Dont worry though, im not planning on adding any more people to the staff ;) so it should just be us 6 from now on :D

Perhaps make a stickied thread in the main forum that includes all team members and what they do? :)

Shouldn't be much work, and it would be helpful for people wondering who's actually behind this piece of crap :D
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
What about FrIkY then? xD
He even asked if we needed any skins. :p And im one of he's biggest fans xP
But w/e. Now i know that your in the team.
So.. i guess.. Welcome to the crew Dansadisco!

One more thing: I remember when i joined you CW. My job was to take care of the map replys.
And now when people will use this one insted and keep it more clean so i dont have to do that anymore, i guess?
So my part is to trigger with redmarine now? :p

BTW, lately i havent been able to work on the map at all. School is soon over and i have alot to do now.
I will be able to start work again in about a one or two weeks.
Im also having problem with JNGP so the d3 map gets corrupted when i save, but i will try to solve that when im able to work on the map again.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Yeah, i know.
And im sorry for that. :p
I just asked if he was in the team and boom, suddendly its off-topic again.

If you missed it:
We actually had a plan of what dungeon it will be in the next map anyway.
We are planing to make a lava/magma/fire dungeon, atleast that was our plan.
And then i spammed CW that i wanted a water dungeon after that and he said that it would work, but not as the second map. I guess that will be the third one.
The last one is NOT decided but i hope that one will be using blizzard terrain. Cus it would be nice if the first/last one was based on the real stuff.
Maybe we should make a new thread and move all the posts over CW? since this is going off-topic :p
This was just a showcase thread .xP
I guess you didnt, but i wanted the post to be on-topic! xD
Level 4
May 11, 2009
Ima add him myself then...

Hey, if they don't add him, i'm down to help out... And i'm sure Xezko and Espio-4x would as well. We can make a little Archivist Team, ;). Hell, we can make a mini-map dedicated to the Archivist, rawr!
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