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Templar Arena

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Templar Arena


  • General Information
  • Advanced Information
  • Step to Step Tutorial
  • Gameplay
  • Heroes
  • Terrain
  • Systems
  • Uniques
  • Ranking
  • Other features

General Information

Welcome to Templar Arena!

Thanks all for reading and/or downloading this map, I am glad you are interested in it.

First of all we want to learn the basic of this gigantic map.

There are the modes which are divined into the following types:

Game Type (Arena[default]):​
Chooses the arena gametype to play. There is no other option until yet, but I am sure I will add some more options sooner or later.

Hero Chosing (Pick[default], Build):
Chooses the hero chosing mode. This does NOT affect the kind of getting an hero. With picking Pick you will be able to select the hero from a row of heroes, including my Hero.

Hero Selection (Allpick[default], Allrandom):​
This chooses the hero selection, if you select allpick you can choose your hero, else you get a random hero.


If you select Herochosing=Pick and Heroselection=allrandom you get an random hero with his normal spells. If you choose Herochosing=build and heroselection=allpick you are able to build your hero with the spells you want.

HeroBounty (Creep[default], Hero[default], Intervall)​
Here you can choose in which kill situation you get Gold. Please care that the bountys stack. (You can select multiples)

HeroExperience (Creep[default], Hero[default], Intervall)​
Here you can choose in which kill situation you get Experience. Please care that the bountys stack. (You can select multiples)

Ok now we know what the modes are and do, so we jump to the chosing:

Well at start Player1 has an group of units in a small area. Those units are clickable. There are flying texts around the area, where each unit has its text under it. The text says the mode what you choose with it.

You select a mode with selecting the unit and then clicking the dialog button you want of the uppopping dialog.

When you have chosen all modes you click on the unit with the text "Start Game". Then the modes will be initialized and the game will start.

This might lagg a few seconds because the systems are loaded after choosing the modes, so please care about some delays in the first three seconds after modechoosing.

Well now you have started the game, did select a hero and aswell the game started. But what to do now? Here are a few checkpoints you should care about:

Buy items for your hero, combinine them, use them, share them for a better hero. Items are quite required in my arena so take a look at each item. Each item is worth its price and can be sold for 75% of the original price.

In my arena a kill is really much worth, it can change the priority of the heroes aswell as counting for the soul increaser, meaning ganging is a really cool idea for getting fastly an herosould. Do not try to creep the whole time alone.

Also take a look at Ganging.

Creeping is good, but not a must in my arena. Take also a look at systems to make sure to don't get a bad surprise while creeping.

Advanced Information

Basic Game Information:
General Information:
Mapname: Templar Arena
Genre: Hero Arena
Suggested Players: 8
Mapsize: Medium
Modes: 4(ar, ap, hb, hc)
Current Version: 1.08A (Alpha)

Object Information:
All Sunken Ruins critters,
all standart heroes,
a few own heroes,
Sunken Ruins creeps
Some from UTM 3.0
Some from HWS.
Most from Wc3 Sunken Ruins
Only vJASS selfmade spells
on own heroes, the others
are standart spells.
Most effects are from wc3.
However, there are still a few
imported effects.
A few killing sounds imported
from Unreal Tournament.

Trigger Information:
vJASS (with LHV until yet)

( Systems which do work without
each others, but need to be handled
by an extra system. Advantage is
the easy import & export of those
systems. Also I can restore previous
versions of my systems quite simple with

Additional Information:
1400 hours (until yet)
Testplays by WE:
Release date of Beta (hopefully):
Amount of testers (hopefully):
New heroes on release:
4 (3 made yet)
New items on release:
48 (42 made yet)
Own rating for current state:
82 % / 100

Step2Step Tutorial

  1. Modes
  2. Aim
  3. Aim Value
  4. System Loading
  5. Hero Chosing
  6. Selecting Skills

Step 1:

So now after loading, the Modes appear.
The host is automaticly detected and is available to select
the units to chose the modes. CLICK ONLY ONCE. It does not
bug but it saves data written to your pc.

View attachment 48480


With clicking on the unit left up you can select the gametype.
Until yet I only made Hero Arena. So nothing to do here.

View attachment 48481


Select if you want to build your own hero or if you want to
choose an hero from the custom ones.

View attachment 48482


Select the options where you want to get bounty. I would like
to see this unchanged. But its up to you. Things in white are enabled.

View attachment 48483


Select the options where you want to get Experience. I would like
to see this unchanged. But its up to you. Things in white are enabled.

View attachment 48484


Select the mode of the herochosing. Stacks with the herobuilding and hero chosing. If you choose hero building at first and then allrandom, you get a
random hero with random skills.

View attachment 48485


Click on the start game unit to select the modes chosen. You can't get back up from there. Everything will be saved then.

View attachment 48486

Step 2:

Choose the aimtype. This will select when the game will finish.
Just go to the glow with the text of the aim you want to choose.

View attachment 48487

Step 3:

Choose now the amount of the aim, for example the value of killed heroes to win the game.

View attachment 48488

Step 4:

Now the game will process the modes and will load system for system. Please have patience.

View attachment 48489

Step 5:

(This will look diffrent whatever you choose): In my situation just use the spell chose hero on a hero unit and then you got the hero instantly.

View attachment 48490

Step 6:

Now you just have to select the heroskills and voila, you're ready to battle! Gl Hf all :)

View attachment 48491


The aim of the game is to collect as much herosouls as possible.

You will be able to choose time mode (Select a time and kill as much units you can) or choose the limited number (reach score X as the first team).

Well this map is good scripted, meaning if there is any big bug it will display what happened. Please tell me those bugs which appear.


The map contains the standart heroes aswell
as my own heroes. The following 2 cathegories will
explain it detailed.

The map includes all standart heroes, so it has:
+4 Human Heroes
+4 Nightelf Heroes
+4 Orc Heroes
+4 Undead Heroes
+8 Neutral Heroes

The map also includes my new Heroes, which are:

Name:Void Walker
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Dmg: 28
Startattri.: 14 / 15 / 24
Attri.perLevel: 1 / 2,5 / 2,5
Attacktype: Ranged

Cast this spell on a unit to heal it. After healing you have increased speed for a few seconds.

Stomps the ground, lowering the whole area, forcing water to fill the hole. While this units have reduced speed and have decreased mana regeneration.

Adds a chance with unit killing to trigger an hidden strengh in your hero, adding additionall magic to your attack. With hitting a target with the magic the target will get slowed and looses lifes over time.

Casts meteors from the heaven. Each meteor has a chance to create a small water elemental while exploding.

Name:Lord of Frost
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Dmg: 29
Startattri.: * / * / *
Attri.perLevel: * / * / *
Attacktype: Ranged

Each time your hero takes damage, it is reduced for a few amount of damage
when the hitpoints of the hero are less then x %.

Creates pulses of frost energies, which deal ranged damage to the target area.
If an unit dies in one of the pulses, it will deal a frost nova to an nearby
random enemy unit next pulse.

A ward of frost which slows enemy units around, and drains their mana when
they cast spells via abilities or items.

Not made yet

Primary Attribute: Strengh
Dmg: 25
Startattri.: 20 STR / 15 AGY / 18 INT
Attri.perLevel: 3 / 1 / 2
Attacktype: Melee

Each attack has a chance to call a shockwave in the direct line to the enemy, dealing damage to all units touching the wave.

With giving the taur berserker strengh he will knockback the next attacktarget, dealing additional damage to her and smashing her backwards.

Stompts the ground, creating stones around the hero, caging all units around in the stone circle.

While smashing the target unit, it will fly instantly upward, until it goes upward, dealing massive damage to all enemy units around, even to itself.



Well the terrain is an arena-alike Temple,
you can see that I used naga-structures.

Well the columns and the rocks, the bushes
and plants will tell you that its a fallen temple,

Well the arena has 2 perfect copied sides,
which means fairness and also increases the
gamefun. In the middle there is a place of
big creeps and can be used for large battles.

If you want to creep a bit, use the corners,
left up, left down, right up and/or right down.

There will be also some

Coming ...

so it will look fantastic.

Coming ...

will also increase the game experience.

Well the following system have been included into the map,
(de)activateable if I see what the players like:

Currently I have a petsystem. All players get pets equal
to their races. Each pet has 1 ability and is strong enough to survive
some time on the battlefield.

Pets do not have inventory slots yet.

For reviving your pet you must go back to your circle in
the shop area and go on it.

The Duellsystem allows your hero to battle any hero of the arena,
excluding the fighting ones. Heroes must have atleast 75% of their
life and be out of battle for asking for duell.

Heroes will need at least 1 attack triggered from you to attack the target,
they will not attack targets attacking them and/or coming into their range.

After attacking once, the unit gets angry and is able to autoattack as long
as you don't give her any other order, meaning move, patroling, stopping and/or holding position.

The creep have an auto strengh increasement, which means
their hitpointregeneration, their armor, their speed and their
hitpoints grow proportional to the heroes.



Other Features

[Currently remaking this, please wait...]
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Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Nice! Looks good, but I want more screenies! We all want more screenies :(.
I hope to see this map played on B.Net as this will be your last map ),:. I will wait for the day this map is released! Good luck! Also, if you need some ideas, I might provide some :D.
Off-Topic: How come this is your last map? Are you leaving the hive?
Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
Both of you drop it.
This arena is not going to top DotA, i hate to break it to you.
DotA has had years of growing and additions, that is why it dominates the games list now.
This arena is not special, i have played arenas out there that are amazing but they arnt popular because they are new.
Sure this map has AI, but what fun is playing against bots?
Half of the game is communication and strategy; that is all erased when playing with bots.
Why would you want a save/load code in a Hero Arena? So one person can rape the other players.

This arena has some bonuses definately, but its nothing astounding; nothing that is going to be hosted on Battle.net frequently.

official bump :p

Hey all I decided to continue development, now the arena is soon ready to test, I am having the first real gameplay tests, glad that all works well, gonna make the AI now, until yet they are only able to pick hero & go into the arena, I have a lot of work infront of me, but its still that what I want.

If you want I post more screenshots!

Why would you want a save/load code in a Hero Arena? So one person can rape the other players.
You missunderstood, you can only load your score, not your hero attributes =).
(So the others see your real ranking)
Well, yes use some of my spells !!! =P

Since I am mapping alone I think its simply the best to continue that. All spells I need are maded by me.

The only help I currently need are models and icons.

Most credits have been given to CrazyRussian who made about 75% of my imported icons.
Why is it called templar arena?

And are you sure having "denying" is a good idea? To be honest, I think it's kinda lame.

Well actually you can only deny the last few hps, so it actually gives a new style to hero arenas, also its only one of hundreds of new arena features (which are already implemented).

Only one thing, You need a few, larger doodads, at random places.

Thanks. Yes I already noticed that, but I am doing the systems now. (So Items&System&Heroes&Spells). But thanks anyway :) I hope it looks good enough to get a good score in terraining.

Spend about 1000 hours for this map, but I really don't have the "first" version ready. Well its really great how much this map works until yet and how it looks.
I have about 100 spells to chose from yet and about 4,5 million kinds of heroes which can be generated. Plus that you select heromodel it gives about 30*104*104*104*30 diffrent builds.

Well think about great terrain, Computer AI, score system, DotA killing, item building, teamplaying, ganging enemies, special effects on map, creep systems, custom bounty/exp/hero stats.

If that isn't enough you should check the first version. It will definitly pwn.

Update: More Screenshots!

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Add fog and light ashenvale rain.

That would actually make it laggy I think for some slower pcs and/or internet connections. I really care about the memory and data tranfair I use.

So I am sure adding weather soon, but not the normal, I am making it with effects, also maybe with clouds and that rain moves above the whole terrain, we'll see =)
I have two things to say:
- That is my idea from my project, damn you for using it =P
- you really should have a look on my suggestions too, I feel quite ignored lol...

Well that ideas are from my first map, called SUnken Ruins Arena, which is from 2002. I have the original first version. Well whatever, I did not steal anything, not even ideas, because it was often used before.

And the other ideas.. Umm.. I'll think about :p
Those are undead columns use ruins columns instead and about the tiles...
Dark grass and dalaren ruins tiles doesnt fit very well into ruins terrain.
Try replace dark grass with Ashenvale grassy dirt and the dalaren ruins tiles with normal ruins stone path tiles.

I really don't know why you don't like it. I think they fit.

Here you can see how good the dalaran columns fit to the terrain.

Its like the crossing over of the 2 height levels.
Level 4
Jul 15, 2007
Yeah! bump it :p ^^

looks quite nice. and I've heard alot of this project :D gogo finish it as soon as possible.
I wanna play this ^^hihi

Well a fog would be nice but it makes the game laggy as you allready said.
And to those columns (those from the UTM) place something on them..
it looks a bit weird.. sry can't explain why but there should be something on those columns.

Well keep up your good work.. it looks damn interessting ;)

i quite like ur project, eh, but if i read right on the previous page, u completely remade the terrain? sry? do u have a real life?

first off, i want to say that the terrain is pretty beautiful for an AOS, you use lots of doodads which fit the terrain well

i wuldnt find the time to do that, e.g. in SaW the map is rly big and if i had to rework the whole doodads i would go insane and not only me, the doodad number would go insanely high as well.

but, i recognized that ur map isnt to big, more small. so this shouldnt be the problem, eh?

another question, do u use jass or gui?

i think the terrain fits well and you rly dont use general terrain, everybody can see that you place textures as well as doodads depending on the place, i rly like that.

i think you should find someone willing to help you on ur map a little, there are multiple reasons for this.

first is, the map would finish faster, second is that you would have more time real life ^^
grab a girlfriend and have fun....

now, in addition i want to say that i dont like that u use default wc3 heroes, they completely suck, and i hope u changed all skills which doesnt fit an AOS, right?

finally, here is my vote

terrain 10/10
heroes 5/10 (if custom ones 8/10)
idea 9/10
creativity 8/10
real life engagement 10/10 ( ;D )
systems and spells (sound good so far) 9/10

this should be 51/60 without and 54/60 with custom heroes

+rep (can only give one, sry)
i quite like ur project, eh, but if i read right on the previous page, u completely remade the terrain? sry? do u have a real life?
Yes I have, I am alot at work and I have guitar lessons, meeting friends and having fun. But I can arrange both.

first off, i want to say that the terrain is pretty beautiful for an AOS, you use lots of doodads which fit the terrain well
First off, its an ARENA, like in the TITLE, AN DAMN ARENA xD
But thanks, really, the terrain was much work.

i wuldnt find the time to do that, e.g. in SaW the map is rly big and if i had to rework the whole doodads i would go insane and not only me, the doodad number would go insanely high as well.

but, i recognized that ur map isnt to big, more small. so this shouldnt be the problem, eh?
Well the map is medium and the Doodad amount is really high, but I am fast at terraining because I terrained to much in the past years ;D

another question, do u use jass or gui?
I am using GUI and vJASS, JASS for spells, GUI for most of the systems.

i think the terrain fits well and you rly dont use general terrain, everybody can see that you place textures as well as doodads depending on the place, i rly like that.
Yeah, I just fucking place the doodad for each situation ;D

i think you should find someone willing to help you on ur map a little, there are multiple reasons for this.
Nah, I have nearly never made a map with other people.
I like it making everything alone.

first is, the map would finish faster, second is that you would have more time real life ^^
grab a girlfriend and have fun....
Already have...^^

now, in addition i want to say that i dont like that u use default wc3 heroes, they completely suck, and i hope u changed all skills which doesnt fit an AOS, right?
Not an AOS, but an Arena. And picking the standard ones is the MOST LESS thing you can give to your players.

finally, here is my vote
Cool, isn't even testversion finished but thnx ? :D

terrain 10/10 [Wohoo, you should look at it INGAME =D]
heroes 5/10 (if custom ones 8/10) [Okay?]
idea 9/10 [How to get 10? :D]
creativity 8/10 [Umm, creativity 8? :O I have so fucking much in that map xD]
real life engagement 10/10 ( ;D ) [lol nah actually its 4 or soemthing like that]
systems and spells (sound good so far) 9/10 [Well you haven'T seen any before, but I Think that will also your raiting after viewing]
this should be 51/60 without and 54/60 with custom heroes

+rep (can only give one, sry)
Thanks man!
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