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Talking GUI Spell Requests

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if you need a spell for your map, you can post it here.
i have a good GUI skill so the spells will be MUI, leak- and lagless.

what you have to do:
write a good discription what the spell should be do.
you have to write the tooltip if i've finished the spell.
write the link or the name for the model you want to use.

here is a good discription from Roflcoptor:
Spell Request
I want to request a spell:
  1. Spell Name: This should contain the spell name
  2. Target Type: e.g. Target Ground, no target (instant), target object,....
  3. Levels:
  4. Description: This MUST contain a detailed description of what it exactly does, what special effects you want (eventual links to other resources have to be given), and so on... A thing like: "KK lolz wanna request0riz0r 1337 spell shall rofl wtf" WILL NOT BE ACCPETED!
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Level 9
Nov 25, 2008
K, now that it's official, I'll be helping hellgate.

What can you get from us?
-High quality, effecient (as GUI can be called effecient....), leakfree, bugfree spell
-ask, if you want something special

What do we need from you?
-A good, detailed explanation of what the spell should do
Level 10
Dec 11, 2006
I wouldn't mind helping both of you. However, I'm lazy and would probably only do requests that interrests me. But I don't think it would hurt to get me on the team.
And you should like.. fancy it up quite a bit like flashy colors and points of requirements and boxes of little text and stuff like that.
Level 9
Nov 25, 2008
OK now here goes a sheet which you have to fill out, if you want to have a spell:
Spell Request
I want to request a spell:
  1. Spell Name: This should contain the spell name
  2. Target Type: e.g. Target Ground, no target (instant), target object,....
  3. Levels:
  4. Description: This MUST contain a detailed description of what it exactly does, what special effects you want (eventual links to other resources have to be given), and so on... A thing like: "KK lolz wanna request0riz0r 1337 spell shall rofl wtf" WILL NOT BE ACCPETED![/FONT][/SIZE]
Please feel free to suggest anything, which I should add/remove
Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
Ooo I is the first one.

Okay So I need two spells and would be happy if someone would make em

Name: Missles of Maigic

Targets: enemy units

Description: The caster summons 2 missles of magic ( Every level increase the number of missles by two) that hit the nearest enemy unit(s) in a range of 700. Can attack the same unit more than once. Homing enabled.

** If there are no enemy units in the range of 700 from the caster no missles are spawned.
** Only three levels of this ability

Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...s-106236/?prev=search=spell%20orb&d=list&r=20 and if could add some fire sfx that would be nice :)

Damage: 2+ 2xint +(2 per level)

I hope I did not forget any vital information for my frist spell. And now!! to my second spell!

** Okay this is why I think my second spell is not possible (I dont know much about GUI or VJass or anything else people use to make spells). Since when you cast this second spell the "pixies" swarm around the caster until a enemy unit enters in the range of 700 then they charge toward it with homing. IF that isnt possible then please forgive my ignorance and make it like the first one

Name: Pixie Swarm

Targets: Enemy units

Description: The caster summons 2 +(2 per level) pixies that swarm around the caster until enemy units enter in a 700 radius of the caster. <Pixies only last 15 seconds> Once the enemy unit enters the swarm charges toward the enemy unit. Homing enabled. Once the target is hit dealing 2 + 1xINT + 1xAGI per pixie the caster will recover 50% of the total damage dealt.

Model:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/hero-fly-99524/?prev=search=herofly&d=list&r=20 for pixies

It would be great if someone decided to take up my request
Thanks for all the help!

As you probably already saw this is posted as thread but since I got no replys I decided to post it here.

If it isnt possible just tell me :sad: there is no need to go all berserk on me :smile:
Level 4
May 31, 2009
ok how about this?

1.)Name:pure Stance
2.)Target:No Target(Like Taunt,Roar Etc.)
3.)Effect:Creates a wave of light around the hero that heals nearby allies
40(increases by 20 each level) and damages nearby enemies by 60(increases by 25 each level).

i hope you understand it now.:grin:
1) Yearight, i'll be happy if you help us :)
2) Inuyasha546, it's possibe, but it will take some time.
3) Dark_Moon, i'll do it in a few minutes :p

EDIT: finished View attachment Healing Nova.w3x
2nd EDIT: i hope it's no problem, but i've called it Healing Nova :/ and it has only 3 levels. if you want i'll fix it
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Level 2
Sep 13, 2007
[Spell Request]

Type: Ammunition System

Players: 1-11 Players

Uses: Gold as Bullets & Lumber as Clips

Details: I would greatly appreciate a good leakless lagless system, as stated above I would prefer Gold as bullets and Lumber as clips, i would like the system to contain the following. . . Auto-Reload (Automatically Reloads when no more bullets), Manual Reload (Manually reload using an Ability), Toggle Safety (Using an ability where you are not able to shoot while Safety is on) Thats pretty much it, i would need it as soon as possible. +REP & Credit

Thank you.
Level 4
May 31, 2009
now,to my next request

1.)Name:Slow Lightning
2.)Target:Target Object(Chain Lightning)
3.)Effect:Creates a chain lightning that will slow nearby enemies that will last for 10 seconds(Increases by 2 seconds every level).

Level 4
May 31, 2009
theres a problem you guys...
it wont create the holy light effect on my map but heals my allies
this is the trigger:
  • Healing Nova
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Healing Nova
    • Actions
      • Set HN_LeakPoint[0] = (Position of (Casting unit))
      • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at HN_LeakPoint[0] facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Add Healing Nova (dummy) to (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Set Level of Healing Nova (dummy) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Healing Nova for (Casting unit))
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Night Elf Warden - Fan Of Knives
      • Unit - Add a 0.50 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 36, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at HN_LeakPoint[0] facing Default building facing degrees
          • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
          • Unit - Add Healing Nova (effect) to (Last created unit)
          • Set HN_LeakPoint[1] = (HN_LeakPoint[0] offset by 200.00 towards (10.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
          • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Undead Dreadlord - Carrion Swarm HN_LeakPoint[1]
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_HN_LeakPoint[1])
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_HN_LeakPoint[0])
please help me
Level 4
Jun 1, 2009
Spell Name: Fire Ring
Target Type: No Target
Levels: 5
Description: once the caster uses the spell a single ring of fire will be drawn around the caster at 400 AoE circle
when the ring of fire finished drawing everything inside the ring will explode dealing fire damage. (mass flame strike effect + building explosion effect)

if you cant make the ring of fire that circles around the caster in part 1, dont worry about it, all i am really looking for is a huge fire explosion spell around the caster.
Level 4
Jul 18, 2009
Spell Name: Supreme Judgment (Or w/e you wanna name it)
Target Type: Nearby Enemies and allies.
Levels: 1
Description: Makes nearby allies invulnerable and damages nearby hostiles. Lasts 20 secs. CASTER IS NOT INVULNERABLE. Damage shouldn't be too overpowering id say like 15-20 a sec or w/e. As for the AoE i dont really know what a good size is id just say w/e Starfall / Big Bad Voodoo's is. I am well aware this spell is pretty much both combined but i suck at spell editing.

As for Art work i was thinking just using big bad voodoo target / caster for the allies and like lightning bolts hitting the enemies like in monsoon for example. It would be ultra rad if you could change the color of the big bad voodoo art but im not sure if thats possible. Ill be happy with anything really as long as it does requested effects.
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Level 4
Jul 18, 2009
Spell Request
Name: Psychic Blade Storm
Target: Nearby Enemies (Passive)
Levels: 1 (Passive)
Discription: 5 Blades float behind the hero (can rotate around the hero if thats easier) Try to make the blades not bunched up. They lunge/are thrown at nearby enemies. 1 at a time, some sort of cooldown or something between throws so they all arent hitting the same unit at same time or w/e. If it can target random units nearby that would be sweet. They can either fly back to postion or embed themselves in the target and just have new ones spawn to take their place. Its passive so its on all the time. 1 level. Can either do a static number of damage, 50 sounds good if the swords dont attack too fast. Or can do the same damage as the hero can do physically. Blades shouldnt be rapid fire. Slow but not too slow. If its not too much trouble can you add some sort of blood or special effect when they hit a target. Any sword model will do, or a way so i can easily customize them. As for range id say the same as the range of say a bloodmage.
Tooltip: Five Blades are suspended in the air around you. They will fend off uncoming foes.

I'm sure this is impossible to do but if you can there is no way i can give you enough rep add.
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Level 4
May 31, 2009
sorry for the posts you guys:grin:
i changed the casting unit to triggering unit then it works
  • Healing Nova
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Healing Nova
    • Actions
      • Set HN_LeakPoint[0] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at HN_LeakPoint[0] facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Add Healing Nova (dummy) to (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Set Level of Healing Nova (dummy) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Healing Nova for (Triggering unit))
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Night Elf Warden - Fan Of Knives
      • Unit - Add a 0.50 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 36, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at HN_LeakPoint[0] facing Default building facing degrees
          • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
          • Unit - Add Healing Nova (effect) to (Last created unit)
          • Set HN_LeakPoint[1] = (HN_LeakPoint[0] offset by 200.00 towards (10.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
          • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Undead Dreadlord - Carrion Swarm HN_LeakPoint[1]
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_HN_LeakPoint[1])
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_HN_LeakPoint[0])
Here is the map, dont mind downloading it....


  • Healing Nova(Now Works!!!).w3x
    15.3 KB · Views: 36
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
Can i request for some spells?
thanks :thumbs_up: in advance

Finger Offensive-Shoots A ball(anykind of model Ball spirit thing) to a targeted unit,damaging the unit 6 times,and stops channeling spells.and has a chance to freeze units.

freeze chance-25%/35%/45% chance
Freeze Duration-10 seconds
damage-Random to 700-1200
Duration-Until Damaging Stops
Cooldown-10 seconds
Dangerous spirit call-calls upon spirits to absorb mana,casting will be stopped when you move or be attacked.this is a requirement for the asura strike,so the asura strike can be casted.

mana absorb-100/200/400 mana per second
duration-3/6/8 seconds
cooldown-0 second

Critical explosion-casts an explosion in a 300/400/500 AoE,every unit in that AoE will be damaged up to random damage of 600/2300.this skill is used for the asura strike.



Asura Strike-Uses all SP to do massive damage to the target, HP/SP will not regenerate naturally for 5 minutes after Asura Strike is used.

damage-random damage of 10,000-60,000
deals 99,000 damage when mana is full

ok this is how asura strike can be activated

casts dangerous spirit call first
then critical explosion
then Casts Dangerous spirit call again

then walahhh
cast asura strike! yeah!

if you make these +rep! :D
Level 9
Nov 25, 2008
Dragon Complex, here is the basic version of your Ammo system.
How to use?

Simply open trigger editor and copy spells folder into your map.
Make sure you have "Atomatically create unknown variables when importing" checked in data->preferences.

Second you have to edit the "Game-Interface". Click "use own interface" and search for the gold button and text, same with wood, and replace them with whatever you like! Have fun

EDIT: Now working on the slow lightning

EDIT2: How much should the unit be slowed?


  • Ammunition System.w3x
    79.4 KB · Views: 50
Level 2
Sep 13, 2007

I'm Sorry, But that is only 30% of what i had asked. That was a poor system and was not done to what you had lead me to belief.

Your words.
"i have a good GUI skill so the spells will be MUI, leak- and lagless."

I do understand that there are others in need of spells, and i did take that into consideration but If you expect others to respond to this "Help Requests", You'd think we would receive exactly what we asked for with quality at the best of your ability.

Thank you for what time you used to make that little undone system. I would greatly appreciate if you could redo the system MUI Leakless and Lagless and everything i asked for. If not I will take my request else where.
Level 9
Nov 25, 2008
@Dragon Complex: Gold/wood based systems can NEVER be MUI, but just MPI.

Just use your head for like a moment. Besides it is no spell. Then tell me exactly what you want me to improve and I'll do it. But just crying around won't help anyone.

And the system IS finished. it works well, yeah i forgot two things you're right the abilities, I'll fix that in a sec.

@Dark Moon: I mean do you want smth like: slows every unit by 50% or like 30% or what?

EDIT: I added the two abilities to the ammo system:


  • Ammunition System.w3x
    81 KB · Views: 48
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Level 4
Jun 10, 2009
1. Spell Name: Dark Wave
2. Target Type: Target Groud
3. Levels: 10
4. Description: The caster releases dark waves (5 at level 1 and increases 1 wave per level). The waves will be casted from the casters orgin. Each wave deals 50 damage (increases by 30 per level) and has a 30% chance to slow a unit (level 1 slow by 10%, increase by 5% per level). It also has a 10% change to stun the targets for 3 seconds. If a target gets slowed, it will get darker (the color of the unit will be darker) and 30% transparent. Icon can be something dark.

Cooldown: 30
Manacost: 100 (+10 mana per level (lvl 2 = 110 (lvl 3 = 120)))
Levelskip: 3


It must be MUI :)
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
New template?

Name of the Spell
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
Special Imports needed
<Your Answer>
[box=Information][SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Name of the Spell[/COLOR][/B]
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
<Your Answer>
[B][COLOR="darkslateblue"]Special Imports needed[/COLOR][/B]
<Your Answer>[/SIZE][/box]
Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
Hey! You guys do systems right?

**I couldn't find you guys clearly stating you did systems here but I did see someone request one and recieve it.

Do you think you could make a item system? The ones that allows you to only wear one of each item.

EDIT: For example Warrior class can only use categories: 1,2,5,7,8,9,10,11
**But he cannot use 1,2,5 at the same time. He can only use 1 5 at the same time or 2 alone. His armor should be Plate only

Wizard Class can use: 3,7,8,9,10,11
**His armor should be Cloth only

Archer: 4,6,7,8,9,10,11
**Archer should be able to use bows with quiver and crossbow with quiver. Armor should be leather only.
I want these categories:
1) -1hnd Sword/Axe
2) -2hnd Sword/Hammer
3) -Staff
4) -Bows/Crossbows
5) -Shield
6) -Quiver
7) -Armor Chest <Plate, Leather, Cloth>
8) -Helmet
9) -Gloves
10) -Boots
11) -Jewlery

**I am going to make plate gloves / leather gloves / Cloth gloves.

**So a hero should only be able to where like a 1 handed item with a shield but not a 2hnd item with a shield. No 2hnd dual wielding. No 1hnded Dual wielding. You get what im saying right?

There is the only thing The a hero that holds a bow can hold quiver. So quiver should count as a shield I guess. Same from crossbow and quiver.

So the basic outline of the inventory should be 1 sword, 1 shield, 1 chest, 1 helmet, 1 gloves, 1 boots, and 1 jewlery.

** If it is a 2handed weapon for example a 2 handed sword/hammer then that person shouldnt be able to use quiver or shields. Does that mean I should make Quiver its own category?

For me this sounds like really complicated. I really do hope i explained my self well enough for you to understand what i am saying.Thanks!
Level 7
Aug 30, 2008
Mark of the abyss

I will be requesting a spell if its ok.
(Using Squidle's template)

Name of the Spell:
Mark of the abyss
ground (area of effect[Hits all types of units except self and allies]) 450 AOOOOOOE
Area of effect 450
Designates an area to be cursed by shadow magick, marking all units with the abyss they are detected by the shadow assassin wherever they go for 15 seconds, and will have 4 reduced armor. deals 125 damage base.
level 1 ^
Leveling statisticts:
Designates an area to be cursed by shadow magick, marking all units with the abyss they are detected by the shadow assassin wherever they go for 15 seconds, and will have 4 reduced armor. deals 125 damage base.

Designates an area to be cursed by shadow magick, marking all units with the abyss they are detected by the shadow assassin wherever they go for 20 seconds, and will have 6 reduced armor. deals 125 damage base.
Designates an area to be cursed by shadow magick, marking all units with the abyss they are detected by the shadow assassin wherever they go for 25 seconds, and will have 7 reduced armor. deals 125 damage base.
Designates an area to be cursed by shadow magick, marking all units with the abyss they are detected by the shadow assassin wherever they go for 30 seconds, and will have 8 reduced armor. deals 125 damage base.
Designates an area to be cursed by shadow magick, marking all units with the abyss they are detected by the shadow assassin wherever they go for 30 seconds, and will have 12 reduced armor. deals 250 damage base.

Special Imports needed:
This model for the area of effect:View attachment Shockwave_Darkness.mdx
Hey! You guys do systems right?

**I couldn't find you guys clearly stating you did systems here but I did see someone request one and recieve it.

Do you think you could make a item system? The ones that allows you to only wear one of each item.

EDIT: For example Warrior class can only use categories: 1,2,5,7,8,9,10,11
**But he cannot use 1,2,5 at the same time. He can only use 1 5 at the same time or 2 alone. His armor should be Plate only

Wizard Class can use: 3,7,8,9,10,11
**His armor should be Cloth only

Archer: 4,6,7,8,9,10,11
**Archer should be able to use bows with quiver and crossbow with quiver. Armor should be leather only.
I want these categories:
1) -1hnd Sword/Axe
2) -2hnd Sword/Hammer
3) -Staff
4) -Bows/Crossbows
5) -Shield
6) -Quiver
7) -Armor Chest <Plate, Leather, Cloth>
8) -Helmet
9) -Gloves
10) -Boots
11) -Jewlery

**I am going to make plate gloves / leather gloves / Cloth gloves.

**So a hero should only be able to where like a 1 handed item with a shield but not a 2hnd item with a shield. No 2hnd dual wielding. No 1hnded Dual wielding. You get what im saying right?

There is the only thing The a hero that holds a bow can hold quiver. So quiver should count as a shield I guess. Same from crossbow and quiver.

So the basic outline of the inventory should be 1 sword, 1 shield, 1 chest, 1 helmet, 1 gloves, 1 boots, and 1 jewlery.

** If it is a 2handed weapon for example a 2 handed sword/hammer then that person shouldnt be able to use quiver or shields. Does that mean I should make Quiver its own category?

For me this sounds like really complicated. I really do hope i explained my self well enough for you to understand what i am saying.Thanks!

i found something like this. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/the-clams-item-wearing-system-v1-0-a-119736/?prev=search%3Ditem%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20%26t%3D65
Level 4
May 31, 2009
Level 1:20% Movement & Attack Speed Decreased, Lasts 10 Seconds.
Level 2:25% Movement & Attack Speed Decreased, Lasts 12 Seconds.
Level 3:30% Movement & Attack Speed Decreased, Lasts 14 Seconds.
Level 4:35% Movement & Attack Speed Decreased, Lasts 18 Seconds.

Thanks in Advance:thumbs_up:
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