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Spell requests

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Level 4
Apr 23, 2008
Hi guys i have 2 spell requests and a request for a template like spell

First the 2 spells.

Name: Mororai
GUI please
I would like a skill that levels 6 times
Description: After a 1 second channel the caster shoots a spell in a straight line healing all allies and dealing damage to all enemies it passes through, the spell should shoot globally.

I would also like another spell

Name: Shatter
I would like it to level 6 times
Discription:The caster shoots a skill shot in a straight line dealing damage to the 1st thing it hits.
The damage is equal to 20/30/40/50/60/70 + the attack damage of the caster.

If you could make either of these spells i would be extremely grateful.

The first one should look like a blue shockwave.
the second one should just be a small projectile frost arrow could work.

The template like spell i refered to is:

Hero gets 35% movement speed and 50% attack speed at night

GUI please
ability levels 6 times
Hero deals 100 damage during the day and slows the target enemy hero by 20%, but at night the spell does 350 damage and slows the target by 60%.

Thank you for your time and hopefully you guys can help me.
Level 4
Apr 23, 2008
all of them except the last one that has to do with the night are instant. the night one is target. thank you
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