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Tales of Earmor roleplaying thread.

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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008

The emerald Coast story arc

This is the RP thread of the tales of Earmor RP. all questions and character related stuff should be posted in the construction thread. also try to hold the OOC posts at minimum.

Name: Illias
Gender: Male
Race: Herges
Age: 4000
Class: Druid
Equipment: A bag of herbs, a spear and a cap with the symbol of the snake.
Appearance: A tall Herges that is very meager, you can almost see his ribs. He also wears some rag-tagged clothes and his eyes are green.
Bio: He has been training to become a druid since he was young for Herges years and slowly and successfully learned the secrets of a druid. His motivation to become druid was quite simple; to come in contact with nature, which could give and take. He was fascinated by this great concept. Furthermore, after he was done, he started traveling the known world, helping people with their problems and punishing harmer's of Nature.
Extra: He can shape shift into a snake.
Rune Book:

Rune of roots:
the casters can grow roots out of his feet and hands to entangle choke or disarm his opponents.
Rune of morph strength: when a druid uses this rune before he morphs into his animal form he will be ... times stronger when morphed.
Rune of Minor regrowth: This rune allows the user to cure minor wounds and cure minor diseases or poisons.
Name: Felicia
Gender: Female
Race: Behelog
Age: 16
Class: Assassin
Equipment: All manner of knives, short swords, and blades, vials of lethal poision, and her bag of tricks.
Appearance: Very beautiful for a Behelog, large eyes. she also wears the uniform of a Shadow Guard assasin
Bio: Nothing is known about her past. she keeps it that way.
Extra: She is an expert alchemist and poisioner.
Equipment:Grendel carry's 2 long swords on the sides of his body and a large Red claymore on his back.
Appearance:The red one from the picture with iron armor and blood stains on it he also has a dark red skin tone.
Bio:Grendel was early on taken in as a slave by humans who used him as a gladiator and was trained in the skills of a Warrior by his handlers. Later when Grendel had rose amongst the Gladiators and had received great respect he led a riot escape with other numerous Gladiators and has bin on the run looking for his people.
Extra:He is large for his race and has many scars across his body
Name: Quonan Palarax
Gender: Male
Race: Esitrium
Age: 47
Class: Cleric
Equipment: A mace, small shield and any reagents or similar objects necessary for clerical spells
Appearance: Quonan stands tall, at over six feet high. His scales are blood-red and his eyes are yellow. He has a noticeable lack of scars due to his clerical power.
Bio: Quonan never wanted to be a cleric. He wanted to be an assassin, sneaking through whatever defenses were in his way to silently kill his enemies. However, the Palarax family was one of clerics and had always been, and Quonan wasn’t allowed to pursue the knowledge of anything but the gods. Denied of his true desires, Quonan is foul-tempered and nasty in general, quite the opposite of the healing powers he gains as a cleric. Because his heart is not truly devoted to the gods, he will never become a cleric of true power. At least, that’s what he thinks.

Memorized spells:
Cure minor wound: the caster cures minor wounds.
Inflict Minor wound: the caster heals on of his own wounds and inflicts it onto an opponent.
Turnd undead: turns undead creatures and demands them to ignore you.
Smite evil: you can smite any evil creature to do good amounts of damage.
Name: Schyrok
Gender: Male
Race: Wood Elf
Age: 1400
Class: Druid
Equipment: A robe made of leaves and general clothing made of leather.
Appearance: Tall, Serious and Intimidating.
Bio: Schyrok has lived in the forests all of his life.
Ever since he was born he allways looked at Nature as his mother, and loves her with all of his heart.
He is extremely protective about plants and flora due to this, and that sometimes gets him into trouble.
Extra: Schyrok cannot change shapes like other druids.
Instead, he focuses entirely of manipulating flora and plants, making roots shoot out of the ground and giving life to trees.
Rune book:
Rune of wild growth:this runes allows the user to make any kind of plant sprout of the ground ad immense speed, the plant however turns to ash after 5 minutes.
Rune of earth wave:This rune allows the user to send a shock wave trough the earth at his enemy's throwing them of balance.
Rune of Minor regrowth: This rune allows the user to cure minor wounds and cure minor diseases or poisons.
Name: Nirthy
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Age: unknown (young)
Class: Sorcerer
Equipment: Wooden staff, a small crystal dagger. The neckless is her enhancer.

Bio: Nirthy likes to be in the woods and lives there. however she is not born a wood elf. She can not remember her past. She woke up in the forest next to a giant tree which she made her home.
Extra: Nirthy is a little shy for she does not meet that many people.

Memorized spells:
Fire ball: the caster sends a ball of fire at his target.
Fire attack: the caster engulfs his hands or weapon in flames adding fire damage to it.
Arcana detection: the caster sends out an arcane wave to detect magical objects or living beings.
Magic shield: the caster creates a shield around him burning up his magical power in order to protect himself.
Resist element: the caster chooses an element witch he or she is protected from for a limited amount of time.

Name: Dhaz Udruim
Gender: male
Race: Dwarf
Age: 120
Class: Warrior (Paragon)
Equipment: A hammer and axe , sword and shield, A full plate armor with old runes and a bag full of stuff.
Appearance: Like the one in the picture but with red hair.
Bio: Descended from a great line of warriors, Dhaz had been trained for any battle. He now travels the world for some unknown reason.
Extra: His family is considered the Paragons of their race and are very skilled. He has a ring that can activate his weapon's powers. Hammer= ice, Axe= fire, sword= lightning.

(Illias & Grendel) New Mokasin: it was a sunny day over the emerald coasts, a small breeze the sun high and yet no cloud in the sky, it was summer. the streets were filled with merchants as they prepared for the midsummer festival. this was the most beautiful time of the year for everyone. this was also the time a duo of adventurers arrived at the town Illias and Grendal met each other on their way to the emerald coast, since they were both going to the same town they decided to travel together. they arrived in New mokasin at the northern borders of the Emerald coast and decided to make a short stop and get new supplies and prepare for any adventurers ahead.

(this might be the time for illias to get some runes.)

Quonan Palarax) Castle ruins: Quonan Palarax looked for some shadow and found it behind a nearby wall of some castle ruins he was investigating. this was probably the hottest day of this whole summer and he was out in the open plains. he came to these ruins in a request, a few weeks ago a strange figure had approached him and told him to meet him here. tough now that he was here, the stranger was nowhere to be found. as you hide in the shade you can see something sparkling in some tall grass, as you study it more closely it looks like a bracelet.

Felicia) Cult hideout: Felicia wakes up in her cold dark room, she opened her curtains but closed them right again, it was to bright outside probably around noon. she was hired a few months back by this cult and over that time she practically became a member of it, she even received their bracelet. she didn't know much about it tough, not that it really mattered to her. for now she would just abide do as they told her to. she puts her uniform on and as she is finished someone knocks on her door.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
(Quonan Palarax) Castle ruins: The bracelet was made of a weird material unknown to you. the bracelet had an engraving on it, a snake biting in its own tale. the sign of the Ouroboros. when you turn around the bracelet a piece of parchment falls out, something is written on it.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Intereesting town..'' he murmured, looking around and observing the architecture. Of course, this wasn't that special, but still, all human things interested him. ''You stay heeere, alright?'' he asked his compagnion, ''I'll go buy the supplies.. mhmk?''
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Grendel looked to Illias and said "I go no money but that won't be like that for very long." then Grendel walked away after going into a crowd he shouted "Ill meet you at the town square later!!" and sometime later he found the bounty bored.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
(Schyrok) a forest above New Mokasin: you where wandering in the forest a few days ago as you stumbled across a trail of destruction. It looked like a path burned into the forest, and it was fresh. as you studied the path you could see giant footsteps leading to the south, to New Mokasin. for these few days you have been following the trail and eventually caught up with the ones who did it, now the only question remains what is their goal.

(Grendel) New Mokasin:you look over the bounty board and 3 of them meet your eye. 1. "Bane haarem, a half gaint. Bounty: 2500" 2. "Halaas hirisow, an Orc barbarian. Bounty: 5000" 3. "Maravoon Melveroning, a human wizard. Bounty 50000" tough the last one seems a bit to intimidating.

(Illias) New Mokasin:you walk over the busy streets browsing trough the many goods stalled out. you stop at a stall whit some normal goods to look when you hear a fuss coming from two stalls away.

Nirthy) New Mokasin: you arrive in New Mokasin on a hot summer day while merchants are setting up and some already selling some of their goods. preparations for the midsummer festival are being made, and this years festival is bound to be good. you browse the market for some goods.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
(Felicia) Cult hideout: as you turn around and ask who is at the door an acolyte enters the room "Supreme commander Herex demands your presence, he will wait for in the central hallway." the acolyte then bows and leaves your room shutting the door behind him.

(Illias) New Mokasin: you walk over to the noise just in time to see someone smash a market stand, he then starts scream "Are you messing whit me man! i will not be cheated by you, you dirty old man! give it back now!" the man who yells then draws a dagger and holds it to a shocked old mans throat." "No.. ple.. pleas sir i didn't..." the old man says before the other man holds his throat shut.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: you arrive in the hallway and Supreme commander is waiting there (see construction thread and NPC characters to know more about him) as usual he is a person you don't like to be around much, he gives you the chills. like an aura of darkness is coming from the very core of his soul. his expressionless face looks straight at you for a second before he starts to speak "Lade Felicia, i greet you. i heard your last mission was successful, i congratulate you." he is silent for a few moments "I... require your assistance in a mater of great importance." he turns around and signs you to walk with him.

Nirthy: as you are about to buy a bread you hear a fuss coming from a few stalls away.

Illias: The man looks at you and lets go of the old man "Who are you... to stand against me, Lizard man." he looks at you with threat in his eyes. a fews other men then step out of the crowd to join him.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: people i forgot a few things. for the druids out there you will begin with 3 runes in your book already. for dragonson who specializes his druid in bending nature this will be:

Rune of wild growth: this runes allows the user to make any kind of plant sprout of the ground ad immense speed, the plant however turns to ash after 5 minutes.
Rune of earth wave: This rune allows the user to send a shock wave trough the earth at his enemy's throwing them of balance.
Rune of Minor regrowth: This rune allows the user to cure minor wounds and cure minor diseases or poisons.

For Fussiler 1 who is balanced since he has only 1 animal form this will be:

Rune of roots: the casters can grow roots out of his feet and hands to entangle choke or disarm his opponents.
Rune of morph strength: when a druid uses this rune before he morphs into his animal form he will be ... times stronger when morphed.
Rune of Minor regrowth: This rune allows the user to cure minor wounds and cure minor diseases or poisons.

Sorcerers don't need spell books ore runes they need to memorize their spells and can memorize a maximum of 15 spells. i however only give 5 spells to them in the start. Lore-wolf spells will be:

Fire ball: the caster sends a ball of fire at his target.
Fire atack: the caster engulfs his hands or weapon in flames adding fire damage to it.
Arcana detection: the caster sends out an arcane wave to detect magical objects or living beings.
Magic shield: the caster creates a shield around him burning up his magical power in order to protect himself.
Resist element: the caster chooses an element witch he or she is protected from for a limited amount of time.

as sorcerers Clerics have to memorize spells, they can have a maximum of 10 spells memorized, i give 4 to them in the beginning. for CrazyCow these spells will be:

Cure minor wound: the caster cures minor wounds.
Inflict Minor wound: the caster heals on of his own wounds and inflicts it onto an opponent.
Turnd undead: turns undead creatures and demands them to ignore you.
Smite evil: you can smite any evil creature to do good amounts of damage.

if i missed anyone and didn't give him spells pleas tell me. now lets continue with the RP. adding IC posts in few minutes.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: You walk with the Supreme commander for a few moments and then he starts to speak "You have been... a great asset to this cult milady, a very great asset. however i believe we are not using you to your fullest potential at this moment. my master, is running out of time. and i think it is time i told you a bit more about this cult, but first... you have to prove yourself to me." he stops walking and turns around to face you "First milady, you must die."

Nirthy: You look from a distance and can see a Herges confronting a group of Humans, it seems very serious. next to the group of humans you see an old man lying on the ground trembling and coughing.

Illias: The man laughs "a druid eh? what should i care? your still a dimwitted lizard-man to me... and you know, i hate lizard-men" the man draws a Sword and charges at you.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: Herex smiles "it seems milady, we have a misunderstanding. you will die yet... you won't. and even if you refuse... there is hardly a way back. and I'd rather not hurt that pretty face of yours." he comes closer to you and lets his hand go trough your hair. he then brings his lips to your ear "yes, that would be a real shame wouldn't it"
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: Hexas stands back up and smiles "good, it seems we understand each other. he then slides a necklace whit the sign of the Ouroboros around your neck and draws a small red glowing knife. he mumbles an incantation right before he trusts the dagger into your chest. a few moments pass, tough you feel no pain. you stand there shocked. a warm glow starts spreading trough your body. you feel almost relieved. after another few moments everything goes black.

when you wake back up you are standing in complete darkness, or are you standing? since there is no floor. there is only a very small light coming from in front of you getting bigger and bigger until eventually you hit it. as you hit the light you can feel cold stones under your feet and a dark and rumbling voice starts to speak. "Welcome to my realm Felicia."
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
As Grendel though which bounty to take he grabbed all 3 pieces of paper and went to go see Illias wondering if he would want to help for some profit. As he soon approached Illias he saw him in a crowd he was curious because he heard voices yelling so he walked into the crow and said "What is the meaning of this!?!?" saying it loud almost as a roar and making bystanders fearful a little. As he arrived he saw a man drawing his sword to attack Illias but Grendel blocked it with a mighty swing of his claymore.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
(Quonan Palarax) Castle ruins: The bracelet was made of a weird material unknown to you. the bracelet had an engraving on it, a snake biting in its own tale. the sign of the Ouroboros. when you turn around the bracelet a piece of parchment falls out, something is written on it.

"Why doesn't he just come out and meet me?" Quonan grumbled as he read the note.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Heh, many thankssss.'' he says to Grendel, while he meanwhile closes his eyes and focuses deeply, trying to stop the man.
Then, he uses a rune to enhance his spell and four roots come out of the ground, trying to grab the feet and hands of the man.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
As Grendel rose with his sword he told Illias "No problem sir I do have a few bounty's we could try for some gold to spend on are travels or just to spend on a night at the local tavern what ever you wish to spend with it?"
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: after a while the darkness fades and you stand in a small room a man wrapped in a thick and dark cloth stands on a podium and bows to you "welcome mistress, i am honored by your visit." he then looks at you to see if you have any questions.

(Nirthy, Illias and Grendel) New Mokasin: after you block and entangle the man a faw guards step onto the seen with drawn swords "What in the name of Phalanx is happening here!" the guard ten looks around and sees Illias and Grendol with drawn weapons in the circle. he signs a few guards and yells "seas them!" Nirthy beholds this whole scene.

(Quonan Palarax) Castle ruins: you take the note and read it

Put the bracelet on and you go down the hole spitter spatter of you go. spitter spatter down the ladder, I'll see you later dead or alive.
the note starts to burn after you read it completely and the snake starts glowing in a green color.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
(Schyrok) a forest above New Mokasin: the group seems to consist of an half-giant a few Shadow elves (10 to 15) and a Behelog. The Behelog seems to be the leader, and a strong one at that. he Cary's a red glowing sword witch he uses to burn a path trough the forest. they seem to be going directly into the direction of New Mokasin.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
(Schyrok) Attack on New mokasin North: you follow the group and eventualy arrive at New Mokasin, as soon as the group arrives there they attack. soon chaos breaks out and what was supposed to be a good day of preparations turned into a bloody masacre.

(Nirthy, Illias and Grendel) Attack on New Mokasin Center: Your little trouble gets interrupted as a loud BANG can be heard coming from north of town, a dust cloud spreads quickly and soon screams of villagers can be heard.The guards immediately run of to see what is going on. not even a minute later one of them comes running back and yells "were under attack guards to battle positions!"

Felicia: The man hesitates for a moment and then starts to speak again. "mistress, this is the inner core of your soul. it is here where i love, i am so to say... your guardian." he smiles again. "now, could you tell me the purpose of your visit so i can help you on your way?
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
As Grendel turned to the North part of Mokasin he told Illias "Sorry friend but you may flee but I go to where the battle is you are welcome to bath in are enemy's blood with me" and with that Grendel went to the Northern Moakasin where he went for battle.
Level 9
May 23, 2009
"A battle? under attack?" Nirthy did not want to stay here. She wanted to be gone. gone from here! But.. If they are now here.. maybe they went to my home too. It is best if I stay here. she thought. "Maybe I can help the wounded.. though I do not know these people.." Nirthy went in the same direction as Illias and Grendel. but she walked carefully..
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Schyrok: The earthwave hit two of the Shadow elf's, one of them was thrown if his feet but the other jumped just in tame and shot an arrow at you. guards came rushing to the battle from the center of the village as well as a few figures that clearly stood out. there was an Elf an Esitrium and an Herges. all three looked more powerful than any of the guards.

Nirthy, Grendel & Illias: you arrive at the battle field witch immediately erupts into complete chaos. the attackers don't seem to be numerous tough they are powerful. one Half-giant catches Grendel's eye as he recognizes him from the bounty poster.

Felicia: the man stares at you "died?" he then starts laughing out loud. "no milady you haven't died... you have merely opened your inner gate. and by doing so you have become more powerful, this inner sanctum of yours is bound the the Ouroboros bracelet and necklace." he smiles again "while your gate is open and you Cary either the necklace or the bracelet you cannot die, not ever. if you want to return just walk trough the door behind me, but beware, use only the door behind me for the others are all forbidden to you." that last he says whit a powerful and strong voice.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: "That i do not know myself, i have been placed here by your master as guardian of the doors, your servant and keeper of this realm. it is better you only use the door behind me... for your and my sake." he bows to you and signs you to go trough the door.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: For a few moments you feel as if you're being crushed and then suddenly you are standing in the hallway again, the red glowing dagger falls onto the ground and The Supreme commander stands before you looking at you as if you are some sort of test subject. "Now that wasn't so hard now was it? Felicia. and now you are ready for my task at hand. walk with me to the command room." he turns around and starts walking down the hall.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Schyrok jumped to the side to avoid the arrow, then used his Wild Growth rune to make a small cluster of Bamboo shots appear under his enemies.

Just on a small note to explain why this could in any way be a good idea:
Bamboo is an extremely fast growing plant, wich in many cases has a pointy top.
In old china, it was a very widespread way of execution to strap the person that was to be executed to the ground, and then plant bamboo shots under him/her.
He/she would then slowly be impaled by the growing bamboo. Usually after a day or two.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Felicia: The commander stops walking "i heard that my dear... you can't cut off this job. it's far to late for that. you have already been marked, you are now officially in our cult's service. either we hold you prisoner witch won't be pleasant for you, or you cooperate and everyone is happy." he says this in a cold and dark voice.

Schyrok: The Shadow elf falls onto the bamboo witch impales him on multiple spots, he dies immediately. however from his corps 5 ugly Goblins sprout and charge at you with the filthy little claws. when you look around you see Shadow elfs fall here and there and everywhere happens the same, when they die they sprout Goblins.
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