A tip:
You could have made the geyser without the custom model.
Just a dummy with water elemental model, with changing height and maybe some fading.
Also using 1 dummy instead of all those is possible.
Using a dummy with a dummy.mdx custom model(which is alowed in normal spells) would reduce the dummy count.
This would alow you to avoid custom models which shouldn't be used in normal spells.
Also add a version number please.
About the spells:
- Mana strikes - just a Dota copy, you can do better
- Axe thingy - i was disapointed at this spell, it is nice but i already saw a bunch of spells which work on the same idea
- Geyser - Also seen too much times
- Lightning Speed - i didn't like the effect but it's mine opinion
- Meteor Slash - again too many same spells, but the gfx is nice
- Mystical Area - nice idea but i don't like the gfx(also i think you spelled invincible instead of invisible)
You can do better.
I think Paladon is learning JASS too, i saw a thread in which he posted his coded tree revival system and some other things...