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Wicked Spellpack ( RMX ) v0.01

Yes it's me, it's been awhile since i uploaded any spells on hive because alot of studying and being busy all the time.

This is my newest Spellpack.

It contains 4 spells that are very original and usefull to alot of maps.

Plz rate and comment, also thnx to NFWAR for testing some of the spells for bugs :D

Have fun :D

OoooOooh forgot one more thing, all my spells are GUI MUI leakless and if not spammed then lagless :D

Wicked, WTF, jump, twisted, awesome, Rmx, cool.

Land of the Free (Map)

16:27, 30th Dec 2009 TriggerHappy: The coding looked fine, the only thing I would suggest is using a higher timer interval.




16:27, 30th Dec 2009

The coding looked fine, the only thing I would suggest is using a higher timer interval.
Level 9
Apr 25, 2009
♠ HaniBon Review ♠
ID: 00.00.02 "Wicked Spellpack ( RMX ) v0.01"
Type: Spell
Language: GUI

"I am not a moderator or administrator. I only made this review to give you some tips or how to improve your uploaded resource."
• Spell Idea: 6/10 :con:
• Spell Functions: 10/10 :grin:
• Spell Effects: 8/10 :thumbs_up:
• Spell Leakfree: 10/10 :grin:
• Spell MUI: 10/10 :grin:
If you feel that you want more details on your resource, send a PM to me!

Well hello there!
I have tested your map, checked all triggers and such, and I kind of only have good news! :thumbs_up:

  1. The spells are MUI and LEAKFREE.
  2. The spells works as they should.
  3. The effects are OK.
  4. The difficulty of making this is also OK, not really that hard when you know what you are doing but for those who are new at editing this will seem amazing/professional. Keep it up!
Now, I have only 1 thing I would like you to change...
Some of the Hive users here are new on making spells and such. If you would describe a bit more in the triggers, it would help a lot!

Other than that:

Well it works to 100% and well... Thats it :wink:
Not the best I have seen but it is good for people who like "wicked" spells...

Can this be approved?

- If you add a bit more documentation then YES :thumbs_up:

How can I solve this problem?
- Make comments in the triggers to explain what you are doing...

♠♠ (8.5/10)
Level 9
Apr 25, 2009
Leakfree = How much stuff in the triggers that leaks. In this case, nothing = 10/10 (all triggers are leakfree).
Same with the MUI part. Some stuffs in the triggers may be MUI some may not.



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
the last spell has a lot of problems. for example it can use unit, that was picked in previous spell-usage.

So, that doesn't make any problem, you can chain spell the unit :D MASS SPELL :D

The difficulty of making this is also OK, not really that hard when you know what you are doing but for those who are new at editing this will seem amazing/professional. Keep it up!

You should see my other spellpacks and spells :p ... then talk about making OK :p