Substandard or Too Simple section.

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While I highly appreciate the new model section for uploading simple and useful models but there is a big line between utter crap and unpolished resources being approved in there.

There are so many unpolished crappy models that take server space, aren't useful or are too easy to make it yourself.

Not to mention the left overs from needs-fix or rejected resources are still in there. Right now the Substandard resource section needs a huge cleaning up, it's a huge mess.

I'd like to ask the staff about regulations in that section. Is that just throw-them in junk section filled with useless crap? Are there any rules or moderators responsible for approving or rejecting?

Edit: By the way, I noticed some WoW rips in that section. Are rips now allowed? Shouldn't they have some separate section, because art styles and quality is different. Mixing Warcraft 3 simple edits with high-poly rips from WoW is not so much compatible.

Edit2: Same goes for Map, Spell, Icon substandard sections.
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I feel like agreeing on this one, not only Substandard... section has those "craps" but also the pending ones that need to be approved.
However, perhaps Ralle and the moderators 'could' be cleaning the place so I guess patience is needed.

The problem is that from the pending section those "crap" models will be sent to Substandard section. Instead, I think they should just be deleted forever.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Resources previously being rejected doesn't mean they were deleted. Rejected resources (and even deleted ones I think) always took server space.

I enjoy browsing the substandard sections already, and I'm fine with the contents in it. There just needs to be a explanation description for those sections so people don't get confused.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Currently, the Submission section is the place where all resources stay until they are worthy of an approval, implicating that the resources which were formerly known as "needs fix" will stay in Submission until they can be approved. Cheaper resources are moved to the Substandard section, the place for rejected and deleted stuff.
I dislike this way of moderation and I agree fully with what you're saying, A Void. We need to restore both the needs fix and the rejection status for all sections, not only the models one. Chaosy is right: good submissions are clumped up with bad ones so it ought to be changed. But no, rejected stuff should not be deleted forever. Who knows, one day they'll become decent enough after a mega-update.
Just wanted to clarify that I'm not against the section, I love it. It has been one of the requested features back in Hive 1, but it currently has huge problems. I hope the staff will address them soon.

Another question, are Blizzard game rips allowed into the Substandard section or not?
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Level 30
Mar 9, 2012
umm i have spotted an entry titled Binary Virus in the depths of too simple category of models section, maybe should delete that one real quick, just saying.

I have mixed opinions about the substandard section,
im happy as it allows us to access more and your resource being available to download function better as an motivator for newbs to improve rather than having it BLAM! rejected in your face by the stern moderators as an punishment for even trying.
Besides, some resources are meant to be simple, take the Footman Javelineer model i have submitted as an example, sure could go ahead and give details it does not require but i find thats simply excess and unneeded as it already fulfilling the purpose intended. If this was hive1 it would reside in a post at an forum thread and majority wouldnt even know it exists, thanks hive2 it can reach the masses.

There are things that dont belong on the hive in there, such as unedited stuff directly ripped from another game, however given what the moderation wanted to deny the community on the sole basis of what can be perceived as rather opinion than fact has been revealed to the general public via the opening of the too simple section, im having serious doubts that seperation of junk and simple would be handled objectively.
It takes no more server space than before, rejected resource has just been made available to everyone instead of just moderators, administrators and reviewers.
You enter the "Substandard / Too simple" section at your own peril, all resource there is there because it was not approvable. To start and go through that section would take years, so even if we do, don't expect it to go fast.

Report harmful resources such as viruses if they do indeed exist.
It takes no more server space than before, rejected resource has just been made available to everyone instead of just moderators, administrators and reviewers.
You enter the "Substandard / Too simple" section at your own peril, all resource there is there because it was not approvable. To start and go through that section would take years, so even if we do, don't expect it to go fast.

Report harmful resources such as viruses if they do indeed exist.

Is there anything we didn't know what you just mentioned? That's the point of this thread, addressing the problems not stating the obvious. I also don't quite like your attitude, no offense. As a model reviewer you should be a lot more responsible than this.
There are some pretty neat things in the substandard section contrary to popular belief.
And there are also absolute shit submissions.

WHY are they clumped in the same category? it makes no sense.
It's like putting the 7th graders and 2nd graders in the same class.

Because they were all rejected. It is just the old rejected section.

Is there anything we didn't know what you just mentioned? That's the point of this thread, addressing the problems not stating the obvious. I also don't quite like your attitude, no offense. As a model reviewer you should be a lot more responsible than this.

I'm stating the facts. The "Rejected" section is huge, and moderating it would take years. How you feel about it is your own issue.
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I was just browsing through the icons that I and others made that were rejected, not because they were of lower quality than other icons that were approved, but because we didn't listen to the mods' (often nonsensical) suggestions and their egos couldn't handle that. Now I remember why I stopped uploading icons.

It's cool that we can see it now, though. There's plenty of cool stuff buried in there.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I was just browsing through the icons that I and others made that were rejected, not because they were of lower quality than other icons that were approved, but because we didn't listen to the mods' (often nonsensical) suggestions and their egos couldn't handle that. Now I remember why I stopped uploading icons.

It's cool that we can see it now, though. There's plenty of cool stuff buried in there.
Agreed with everything :) I've just been browsing through it and found pretty cool stuff rejected for no good reason.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
There is no damage done with allowing people to download rejected resources as long as we go through and delete the ones containing stolen material orare offensive. We have to do this at some point but now we don't have the time.

We get to have our high standards resources while those looking for simple edits get to have theirs.
I like this new idea and think it should stay as long as the bad content is handled properly eventually. I have been wanting to download lots of stuff that got rejected or needs fix and such which led me to having to search profiles a lot so this is a much better while being a nicer and easier method to find stuff and allow people to submit decent or better content still. =) Thanks Ralle.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
... Now I remember why I stopped uploading icons.

Yeah, well hopefully now there's more incentive to return. I've long wondered if mods should have a bit of training on what constitutes "approvable" in a given resource.

@Ralle , one thought I had; it's going to be an awful lot of work for you to do yourself, by hand... I wonder if there isn't a way to 'crowdsource' the work, get/trick the lay User-ship to help you out. Some kind of 'flagging' or 'rating' system of some kind?

Basically to separate out the "awexome" from the "useful" from the "junk" from the "rips".
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