After the invention of the Steam Tank an the Siege Engine, the technicians and engineers decided to create a vehicle that suits all purposes, rather than specialising on one or two field. After revising old blue prints and plan of ancient Dwarven and Gnomish machines, the a new vehicle was born: The Steam Fortress.
The Steam Fortress packs a lot of fire power and is durable enough to sustain the worst damage. On the threaded and steam-powered full is a sheer array of weapon systems: Two heavy steam cannons, a pair of high calibre chain guns and a rocket launcher pod makes this vehicle the best Steam unit of the field.
Give credits if you use it in your campaign/map, DON'T distribute to other sites and DON'T edit without my permission.
Have fun with the model.
P.S.: Thanks to Elenai for giving me the idea of adding 'geeky 1900's gas lamps' to it.
Steam, fortress, tank, dwarven, gnomish, General Frank, threads, metal, booze, Animation