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Spell Request - Pyromania

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Level 6
Jun 15, 2008
Hi, I need a spell to be done, it can be in either any of the JASS variations or any of GUI modifications. Damage, range, speed, duration should be easy to configure. I tried myself, but I had to give up due to lack of math skill in GUI. I hope the following is very clear and easy to understand, if not please do tell me and ask for a better or more precise description, although do point out what is unclear to you.

[Spell Idea]
The hero creates 4 fiery balls. They float in a circle around him, and ends up going past his location and forming a cross. They then send lightning to the caster, for a second or so, and at last create an explosion at the caster. If a unit hits the balls or lightning during this process they will be hurt.

There should be 3-4 levels, but make it so it's easy to add more.
Level 1 Damage: 10 on colide with a fire ball or lightning.
Level 2 Damage: 20 on colide with a fire ball or lightning.
Level 3 Damage: 30 on colide with a fire ball or lightning.
Level 1 Damage: 50 on final explosion.
Level 2 Damage: 100 on final explosion.
Level 3 Damage: 150 on final explosion.

[Effects Detailed]
Well the balls of fire, should be a ball of fire, not that advanced. When the balls reach their destination they should create a line from them to the caster, I'd recommend a lightning effect, somewhat along the line of "Finger of Death". They're should be a fiery explosion at the end aswell, any fire explosion is good here.

Sincerely Foopad
Level 4
Jul 28, 2009
A challenge, Indeed.

I'll see what I can do.

Just to make sure, you want the fireballs to rotate around the caster a bunch of times, and then move into a cross formation... off some distance in front of him?

Or do you want them to just rotate quickly around once, and then take a position to cast the lightning?
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
I was a bit bored, so I created something for you...I'm interested in seeing what kind of a solution visionary comes up with. If you're not using this, I may use it myself :)

This is not the final version, damage from the lightnings is still missing, tooltips are not there etc. Check it out and let me know what you think of it.

The map is protected since it's a work in progress, but the final version will be unprotected, and you can have it if you want it.


  • Pyromania_v0.61.w3x
    20.9 KB · Views: 54
Level 4
Jul 28, 2009
Alright, cool.

I have a very rough draft just about done. I'll be able to test it out and finalize it when i get home in about an hour.
Level 4
Jul 28, 2009
Here you go!

Tons of customization options, Just make sure you create the dummy unit properly, etc.

If you need help importing just let me know.

You can customize:

How many fireballs are summoned
the number of rotations
the rotation speed
the duration of the lightning
the collision size of lightning and of fireballs
damage per second of each
the rotation radius

The spell is MUI and leakless (as far as I see)


  • pyromania.w3x
    30.9 KB · Views: 97
Level 6
Jun 15, 2008
Amazing :). You must have put a few hours in to this visionary. I haven't really looked over the code yet, but I will soon, and I will let you know if I need help understanding - I probably do. I was hoping for the fiery balls to blow up when coliding with something, and I was hoping for the circle of which the rotate, to get smaller and finally be at the caster and eventually go out in (4 straight lines) as an example.

I was unable to open your map Maker, I even tried with my JNGP v. 5d. I got the not enough memory error, I don't what cause this error, and I have seen it in rarity of occasions.

I would say it's fine with me if you use your spell and even post it as a spell on the spell section :).
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
Well here's the current unprotected version, which I think I'll use somewhere sometime :cool:

I removed the explosion, which took place when the lightnings are still for a moment.

The code is a bit messy and unpolished, but the spell works.

The old version of the spell is there, you can enable it and disable the new version.


  • Pyromania.w3x
    35.5 KB · Views: 41
Level 4
Jul 28, 2009
Weird that you cant open it

Maybe i had too many units on my map.

EDIT: Nevermind, you ment "Maker's" map, I thought you ment you couldnt open mine in world editor :p

I'm going to use mine as a Deathknight spell on my map :p thanks for spell idea, good one.
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