Blast Spell Request

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Level 11
Mar 19, 2008
Okay i got Spell Request, i could need this ASAP. Okay lets go for details;

Caster creates Green Energy Ball front of him, after this small (Abilities\Weapons\IllidanMissile\IllidanMissile.mdl) missiles kinda get drained inside, making the blast stronger (kinda). Then Caster sends the ball towards targeted area (Note, he targets before loading). Dealing damage on line in 500-750 distance which ever looks better. You may add small explosion after the blast goes to its end, which deals no damage, only a visual. THe spell takes 2.5-6 seconds to cast, whatever timing fits most

Damage: 375/475/575 (3 Levels)
Cooldown: 100/95/90

Note: You May use import for the ball, but i prefer it to be semi-Big tho. Don't use big illidian missile as the Energy ball or any other small green missile.

I Will Add Reputation all those who try and credits to my map. thanks in advance
Last edited:
Level 11
Mar 19, 2008
First of all sorry for being perfectionist at first. Also for being shit explaining this kinda stuff on english :/

1. There was no loading time.
2. the blast doesn't move immediatly.
3. The orbs come before the launch.

Also is there any better SFX for that? you may use import. Also it can be semi bigger.
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