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Spell Helper [GUI] ~ The Fixer

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Level 4
Jun 10, 2009
[GUI] Spell Helper
I'll Fix your Spells

Welcome to my thread for Spell Help. Are you making a spell and need some help at any level? This is where you request it!

It is easy to Request and you will get your spell back really fast since I will work on this 24/7.

If you have professional skills in WC3 Spell Creation, you can signup as my assist to improve the speed even more!

To make your Request, copy-and-fill the form below

Note: If your spell does not include damage or other, just type a zero (0) in the field.

  • Spell name: < name of your spell >
  • Spell type: < type of spell, stunning, channeling, poison, fire >
  • Spell hotkey: < hotkey assigned to the spell >
  • Spell damage: < damage dealt to enemy units >
  • Spell health: < hit points healed on friendly units >
  • Spell stuntime: < the durration of the stun >
  • Description: < describe your spell - max 200 words >
  • Link: < link to youtube or other videos, images or if you have made a spell and just need help, link the download >
I will only make 1 spell at the time for each person.
I will not copy other spells and edit them, even if that is your request (unless you have approval from the creator).

I can also make systems.
To request a system, post a normal reply with the information needed.

Also note that your spell will be MUI and Leakless.
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Level 10
Dec 11, 2006
I would add another thing to the list. Do not request the spell at other spell factories or whatever if you have confirmed that you (BaraBura) are making their request. Else you may end up making a request that has been made already and that sucks.
Level 4
Jun 10, 2009
haha no, you tell me what system you need, and I'll do my best to fix it ;)
I can make just about any system too... Idk, havent done them all yet, but I think I can figgure it out
Level 4
Jun 10, 2009
Well systems I have made:
- Advanced keyboard controlled camera
- Advanced dialogs & functions
- ESC menu (also advanced):wink:
- And so on...
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