[GUI] Spell Helper
I'll Fix your Spells
I'll Fix your Spells
Welcome to my thread for Spell Help. Are you making a spell and need some help at any level? This is where you request it!
It is easy to Request and you will get your spell back really fast since I will work on this 24/7.
If you have professional skills in WC3 Spell Creation, you can signup as my assist to improve the speed even more!
I will only make 1 spell at the time for each person.
I will not copy other spells and edit them, even if that is your request (unless you have approval from the creator).
I can also make systems. To request a system, post a normal reply with the information needed.
It is easy to Request and you will get your spell back really fast since I will work on this 24/7.
If you have professional skills in WC3 Spell Creation, you can signup as my assist to improve the speed even more!
To make your Request, copy-and-fill the form below
Note: If your spell does not include damage or other, just type a zero (0) in the field.
- Spell name: < name of your spell >
- Spell type: < type of spell, stunning, channeling, poison, fire >
- Spell hotkey: < hotkey assigned to the spell >
- Spell damage: < damage dealt to enemy units >
- Spell health: < hit points healed on friendly units >
- Spell stuntime: < the durration of the stun >
- Description: < describe your spell - max 200 words >
- Link: < link to youtube or other videos, images or if you have made a spell and just need help, link the download >
I will not copy other spells and edit them, even if that is your request (unless you have approval from the creator).
I can also make systems. To request a system, post a normal reply with the information needed.
Also note that your spell will be MUI and Leakless.
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