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Spear Weapon and Helm Armor Properties

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Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
I am making a campaign, and I need ideas for having spears, Currently I have swords which just buffs damage, Axes which buffs damage and adds a chance to bash, but what should spears do?

Same for Helmets, I currently have armors, which buffs hp and armor, shields that increase a chance to block attacks (evasion) and what should helmets do? I had an Idea of increasing sight range but I don't know how to do that.

Open to new ideas :p
Level 14
Jan 16, 2009
A spear as something piercing could have penetrating themed effects:
- critical strike
- reduce armor of target unit on hit
- damage over time on hit (bleed)

A classic helm is just a protection to the head so you can have any of the following effects:
- armor
- health
- reduce chance to receive critical hit (protect head)

If it's another type of helmet (hat, hood or something else) you can add any effect really.

Also in my opinion, an axe shouldn't have bash. Bash is fitting for blunt weapons (maxes and hammers for instance)
Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
A spear as something piercing could have penetrating themed effects:
- critical strike
- reduce armor of target unit on hit
- damage over time on hit (bleed)

A classic helm is just a protection to the head so you can have any of the following effects:
- armor
- health
- reduce chance to receive critical hit (protect head)

If it's another type of helmet (hat, hood or something else) you can add any effect really.

Also in my opinion, an axe shouldn't have bash. Bash is fitting for blunt weapons (maxes and hammers for instance)
Regarding "reduce chance to receive critical hit (protect head)" and "- reduce armor of target unit on hit
- damage over time on hit (bleed)" Do you know what abilities do that? also I renamed "bash" to cripple so its like "oh no your leg is crippled or something and you pass out for like 5 seconds"

*edit* they have to be passive

And thank you for the recommendations!
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Level 14
Jan 16, 2009
Sadly, there are no vanilla effects for reducing the chance of receiving a critical hit.
I am pretty sure there is some vanilla spell that does a damage over time and one that reduces armor.

To make it work you can detect when a unit wearing the right item attacks a valid target. After, get a random number between 0 and 100, if it's lower than your effect proc chance (for instance 20(%)) and then create a dummy unit, add the spell and order the dummy to cast it on the target. Finally remove the dummy and you should be good.
Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
Sadly, there are no vanilla effects for reducing the chance of receiving a critical hit.
I am pretty sure there is some vanilla spell that does a damage over time and one that reduces armor.

To make it work you can detect when a unit wearing the right item attacks a valid target. After, get a random number between 0 and 100, if it's lower than your effect proc chance (for instance 20(%)) and then create a dummy unit, add the spell and order the dummy to cast it on the target. Finally remove the dummy and you should be good.
Haha! For the Helmet there is a "Goblin Vision Scope" which increases vision and then I just need to add armor and hp buffs to make it work
Level 12
May 22, 2015
In my map, helmets reduce stun duration by a percentage. It might not be perfectly applicable in your map and you need to code your stuns yourself to do that. I essentially made a "stun resistance" stat.

If you want a very easy solution, I say it can provide mana since it is related to the head where your brain (intelligence) is. That way, you are protecting your intelligence, so you can cast more spells. It might not be relevant in your map, though.

There is maybe a more preferred ability for shield blocking - it is the night elf mountain giant ability (I can't remember the normal name off the top of my head but I want to say something like "tough skin" or something like that). It reduces incoming physical damage by a flat amount. However, you can tweak the numbers on it so that it provides a % chance to block the flat amount instead, acting just like a shield.
Level 8
Mar 19, 2017
What item/abilty increases range? and is permanent?
Look at the Long Rifles upgrade in the human techtree, I think the effect is called Attack Range Increase.

This map has several items that increase a melee hero's range when equipped and resets when unequipped, you could ask the maker how he did it.

I'm pretty sure that map uses metamorphosis ability to trigger the attack range increase. I say this because range themed weapons have the same range.
With the upcoming 1.29 version (still in public test phase) you will be able to decrease research levels, allowing to dinamically modify attack ranges PER UNIT TYPE (with the attack range increase you suggested). Maybe we will get a function that modifies attack range for a singular unit.

What you can do right now is to use the metamorphosis trick (from now on "met"):
- Create a modified met ability (with 0.0 casting/transform times, uninterruptible, etc., so it runs as smoothly as possible)
- Create 2 units: same models, one melee, one ranged (this will be the standart range), then remember to vinculate each unit in the met ability (i suggest the alternate unit should be the ranged one), and add the met ability to the created units.
- Make 2 triggers: a Map Init trigger that disables the met ability for all players (so it doesn't show in the UI); and an equip system that fits your map or needs.
- In the equip system you must track the equip event (ie. If you go for a simple system that equips weapons that are indeed items that have to be picked up then in this case the event is indeed "A unit picks up an item"); then you must track if the new weapon equipped is a ranged one (while the previous weapon, ex. a sword, is melee, but also vice versa -my previous weapon is ranged and my new weapon is melee), ordering the equipped unit to metamorphosis (this is a "complex" step, you must first enable the met ability for the triggering player, ie. the owner of the equipping unit, issue the met order id/string, then disable the ability again).
- You can even have 2 "ranges" for the ranged weapons (one standart, lets say 300, and other augmented, lets say 1000, for bows and the like). Here you must modify the equip trigger, and when a unit equips an augmented ranged weapon you must create a unit that is vinculated as recquisite for an Attack Range Increase (+700) upgrade (in the upgrades menu, each upgrade can have a unit as recquisite, also remember to add the upgrade to the ranged unit). Of course you must remove the unit if it equips another non augmented weapon, so i suggest to make a unit array (here you track the triggering player id) variable called "RangeAugmenter" for easy standarized access. I'm not quite sure, but this option can instanciate for each UNIT TYPE (for each unit you must create a different upgrade, a different dummy unit and a different unit array variable), so its functionallity is limited to RPG and heroes i guess.

I'm pretty sure i messed up some steps, but i have an effective "on Equip" system made on vjass (its very hardcoded tho, as the equip event is not an item pick up) so this is indeed effective and feasible.

Also this system can help you: [System] Melee/Ranged Attack Switch v1.1.1.1
I still encourage you to learn how it can be done, since that system might not adjust to your needs.
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Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
With the upcoming 1.29 version (still in public test phase) you will be able to decrease research levels, allowing to dinamically modify attack ranges PER UNIT TYPE

I'm looking forward to this for my future updates. 1.29 will bring a whole new world of possibilities.
But yes, I was using metamorphosis with orb effects to change the projectile looks.
Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
I'm looking forward to this for my future updates. 1.29 will bring a whole new world of possibilities.
But yes, I was using metamorphosis with orb effects to change the projectile looks.
What exact possibilities? Will one of those possibilities grant an easier way of doing what I am trying to do? Things like '% to null stun" or something? maybe "In creases range by, etc"?
Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
The range variable thing, changing attack speed at will, mouse detection is awesome for instant cast ability (like, blink to your mouse type things), among many other things with the new functions. A lot of simpler solutions to complex spells will open up.

Other than that, I use the standard world editor. So, the 24 player limit with expanded map size is a bonus.
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