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So... will people still play WC3?

In the face of Starcraft II, will you remain faithful to WCIII?

  • I'm staying with WCIII

    Votes: 94 61.4%
  • I've already gotten SCII; goodbye WCIII

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I'm thinking about gettign SCII, and will stop from WCIII if I get it.

    Votes: 27 17.6%
  • I'm too poor to afford SCII, so I'm stuck with WCIII

    Votes: 14 9.2%

  • Total voters
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
If i had a nickel for every time someone....

My answer is yes, but it will definately speed Warcraft's death. Give it a year or two, by that time SC2 will be well established and new/better maps will be out for Sc2.
Level 9
Apr 2, 2005
It's amazing warcraft still has a large, running community for 5 years now. With games like Starcraft 2 it is the sad truth that the day of Warcraft's demise is coming close. It may have lasted longer if WoW didn't completely rape the storyline.

Sorry if this is overly dramatic.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Oh yay another one of these threads!

SC2 AND D3 will spell wc3's death. It'll take a long time, because like it or not DotA will still be popular, but nonetheless the fanbase will shift to sc2 or d3.

But still, people play Diablo 2:Lod, and SW:BW everyday, despite wc3 being much much newer, with better graphics.

Wc3 will never totally die, just the majority of people will go elsewhere.
Level 9
Apr 2, 2005
IDK about Diablo 3 playing much of a role in Warcraft's death. It's an RPG and since there will be no editor or any modding tools, the warcraft community will stay. I'm worried about Starcraft 2 though.. Actually, i'm not, i hope it is going to be better than Wc3.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Hmm I'm more of an SC person but I think Diablo 3 will be the thing taking my soul.

Well if the Hive can adapt to both SC2 and WC3 that would be really good.
Level 11
May 14, 2008
Come on Blizzard! Give us a patch that will completely rape WC3's campaigns! Change the storyline to the present!

I hope wc3 will never die... it might pass by because of the technology, but his spirit will never pass out..

WC3's triggers manipulates completely the whole WC3.. not only to make melee maps.. saw the Pyritie's Adventures? That was completely Ps2 like....
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
SC2 will overtake wc3 because, from what I've heard its WE has even more capabilities then the warcraft 3 one.

Not to mention that Icefrog will probably almost immediately make DotA for starcraft 2, or Defense of the Protoss, or something....

But yes, I'll be switching over. For me starcraft 2 is just going to be warcraft but prettier and more functional. Hopefully the Hive converts somewhat to SCII.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Why me and SC2?


- tired of solo ladder @ war3
- sick of unbalances, abuses
- everyone left war3.. it is dying
- sick of map haxors, go die pls
- war3 removed from some leagues
- I like space&futuristic games, so if SC2's gonna be the 'space war3' then by all means
- new game, yet to be played and to appear in tour/leagues
- fav top players will switch to sc2
- no freakin heroes to make more imba

custom maps

- more options by the Scum Editor
- instead of creating models for war3 world, my tech models would fit perfectly with SC2
- no more change interfaces, to make war3 look like another game if you don't want castle walls or undead bones or clock with a Kukuriguuu every morning
- new game yet to be liked
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
I think SC2 will take out a huge chunk of War3 players, just like War3 did to SC1 and War2, but people still play the old games, including me!

heh for a moment there I thought that was my post. Anyway the custom maps have kept wc3 alive for a long time but the new Scum Editor with all it's new feautres will own wc3's editor and pretty much draw all its map makers away.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Heh well we still have a little time left. Blizzard believes that they are no longer on a projected course to release on december third (typical blizzard). I have been informed that it may be moved to sometime late January, that includes all pre-orders. So get your WC3 battle net fun in now. Quick question though, will the Hive have another site up for SCII, because I really like this site...
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Heh well we still have a little time left. Blizzard believes that they are no longer on a projected course to release on december third (typical blizzard). I have been informed that it may be moved to sometime late January, that includes all pre-orders. So get your WC3 battle net fun in now. Quick question though, will the Hive have another site up for SCII, because I really like this site...

It's already under development just like World of WarCraft and Diablo III sections.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
My prediction of who goes where.

Starcraft: Almost all players will be gone few will still play and all mapmakers suddenly disappear.

Warcraft 3:At least 40% of players gone. 60% Or so mapmakers gone for the new WE. When a new Dota comes out for Sc2 Many more players will disappear.

WoW:30% Of those who won't die if they leave WoW will definetly go play it as fans of blizzard. Many will sadly still play though,

These are my predictions. Its going to be a sad and happy day when it comes out. The day it comes out will speed up Wc3's death rate that much more and after D3 comes out its going to take a lot to keep it going.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
I said 30% of those who won't die if they leave. Most players are addicts and its only 30% so its few. There are bound to be people who played Warcraf 3 before WoW came out and enjoyed it.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
30% of those who aren't addicted. There aren't a lot not addicted. Plus I said 30% of those people. Which ends up being less people than you think.

All in all by the time both games Sc2 and D3 are out Wc3 will be dead It will be just too much to handle and they pure l337ness of the games will make all our heads explode.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
The hive won't die as long as there is a game to play and members to play it with. Im sure the hive will support Sc2 and slowly convert as Wc3 enjoys its slow death.

I also don't think the question should be will people stop playing Wc3 it should be will you stop playing Wc3.

There are many things here to consider and I think overall yes I will stop playing.

Spore is coming out spetember 7 which im definetly getting but thats not for this forum but it is a factor.

Sc2 will be everything Wc3 wasn't. Plus somebody is bound to make a Wc4 mod that doesn't suck and then Wc3 will really die.

D3 will probably be the final blow as its probably the last to arrive. With the pure greatness of multiple dungeons bosses co-op unlimited items. The game isn't even repetetive the dugeons are randomized. D3 takes it axe and strikes.

Like I said this is just how I feel. There are probably going to be an amount of people who will denie wacraft is dead simply because they don't like starcraft. Then when a Wc4 mod for Sc2 comes out they will either A:Stay in denile or B:Say their last wishes for Wc3 and log off Wc3 b.net for the last time.

Just some things to think about.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
The hive won't die as long as there is a game to play and members to play it with. Im sure the hive will support Sc2 and slowly convert as Wc3 enjoys its slow death.

I also don't think the question should be will people stop playing Wc3 it should be will you stop playing Wc3.

There are many things here to consider and I think overall yes I will stop playing.

Spore is coming out spetember 7 which im definetly getting but thats not for this forum but it is a factor.

Sc2 will be everything Wc3 wasn't. Plus somebody is bound to make a Wc4 mod that doesn't suck and then Wc3 will really die.

D3 will probably be the final blow as its probably the last to arrive. With the pure greatness of multiple dungeons bosses co-op unlimited items. The game isn't even repetetive the dugeons are randomized. D3 takes it axe and strikes.

Like I said this is just how I feel. There are probably going to be an amount of people who will denie wacraft is dead simply because they don't like starcraft. Then when a Wc4 mod for Sc2 comes out they will either A:Stay in denile or B:Say their last wishes for Wc3 and log off Wc3 b.net for the last time.

Just some things to think about.

I don't think the site will shrink but grow. They're already working on the StarCraft II, World of WarCraft and Diablo 3 section which will should attract a lot more players.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
Never said it will shrink. In fact I really doubt that the site will be affected member wise at all when Sc2 and D3 are close/at their launch date. The site can only grow at this point. Plus the factor that some who don't like Sc will play D3 instead. Even if they Wc3 part of this community dies.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
30% of those who aren't addicted. There aren't a lot not addicted. Plus I said 30% of those people. Which ends up being less people than you think.

All in all by the time both games Sc2 and D3 are out Wc3 will be dead It will be just too much to handle and they pure l337ness of the games will make all our heads explode.

Soory to rain on your parade, but i want some statistics.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
they dont mean wc3's death, warcraft 3 is mideval, starcraft is future, diablo 3 is in around mideval times.

It all depends on the theme you like.

Btw... We must all prepared to destroy dota once it hits starcraft! We can't let them take over another game!!
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Btw... We must all prepared to destroy dota once it hits starcraft! We can't let them take over another game!!

lol they will, as soon as Starcaft hits you can bet they'll be a race to se who can release the first DOTA. But we can still fly the flag for original games that actualy require creativity to play.

SC looks good but I'm realy not into sci-fi games, love diablo but as it dosnt offer a map maker I'll probabaly just stick to WC3 even if everyone else has buggered off.
Level 8
Aug 28, 2007
Yes, everyone has to be quick and release tons of original maps before they can create a Starcraft II DOTA.:grin:

And I can see it now, all the Warcraft III maps that are popular in Starcraft II:

Warcraft III Name----Starcraft II Name

Defense of the Ancients----Defense of the Hive
Footman Wars----Marine Wars
Life of a Peasant----Life of a Terran
Uther Party----Raynor Party

Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Your forgot,
Ultimate Footman, footman frenzy= Ultimate Zerglings, Ultimate Marines, Zealot frenzy, zerg frenzy!

Broken Alliances= Broken ships!
Level 3
Apr 27, 2008
Iono is the starcraft moding system going to be any good? first off, importing stuff most likely wont be an option, and secondly sc2 wont have heros, which is the foundation for most wc3 maps
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Iono is the starcraft moding system going to be any good? first off, importing stuff most likely wont be an option, and secondly sc2 wont have heros, which is the foundation for most wc3 maps

Somes ones already said it will have the option to add heros to costum maps and I'm sure after the massive success of WC3, mainly bcause of its map maker Blizzard will make sure they put as many costumizable features as they can in.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Iono is the starcraft moding system going to be any good? first off, importing stuff most likely wont be an option, and secondly sc2 wont have heros, which is the foundation for most wc3 maps

the editor will be exactly like wc3 editor.... Only by large degree, more advanced, with more features and such... Wtf and for what reason would thye not allow importing? Where did that come from? Theres heroes in the editor, so you can make them.
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
Not to mention that Icefrog will probably almost immediately make DotA for starcraft 2, or Defense of the Protoss, or something....

But as I said in some other topic a while ago, his map might be made in rush, with not that much of quality in it, giving us, mapmakers, a chance to parry him with our maps. Which is one of the reason I'll be switching to sc2
Level 3
Apr 27, 2008
the editor will be exactly like wc3 editor.... Only by large degree, more advanced, with more features and such... Wtf and for what reason would thye not allow importing? Where did that come from? Theres heroes in the editor, so you can make them.

Because the models in sc2 are not pixel block abominations walking around like in wc3, so it will be alot harder to create custom models
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I get what Hidan is saying, i remember mentioning it a while ago. Sc2 will be much more graphically superior so modelling and modding for it will become more complicated and time consuming.

But people have created mods for HF 2, Battlefield... they've made some for Crysis and lord knows that things fucking insane. So it will be harder but it wont really be a problem...
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
you are the silly rabbit

nobody ever said they didnt know that Aeon of Strife was the first AoS(Aeon of Strife) and that it was on starcraft

and there is nothing that says that there is a definate fact that DotA will appear on Sc2
Level 3
Nov 10, 2007
I'm gona join the starcraft 2 , for me warcraft 3 has become booring , to muts of the same games are hosted (so happens to be dota) new maps never seem get gowing.

On a another thing Blizzard has announced that thy are working on a 4te game
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
i myself will stay in wc3. i just like the fact that its medieval themed, and i truly believe the only way to play sci-fi rts games is to have a system similar to DoW.
If people do make models for SC2, how big would they be (in filesize), considering they would need to be very clean looking, and have a variety of animations, and what would the maximum size limit for maps on bnet? we have to take these things into consideration before we rush in and start making maps.
If dota leaves wc3, maybe wc3 will slowly recover from the Dota Pandemic, and make better custom games.reverse psychology :D
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