• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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So why aren't you working on a Starcraft 2 custom campaign, %username?

What's your excuse for not making custom content with SC2 editor?

  • I'm not interested in SC2 and/or its editor

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Level 11
Feb 1, 2020
In case these things need explanation:

-4th option in the poll ("Blizzard's policy on user-made custom content sux (all your UMS belong to Bobby K.") - SC2 Editor EULA states, that all custom content created for SC2 with its official tools automatically belongs to Blizzard. They are free to use your maps/mods however they want and you can't do anything about it once you've uploaded something to SC2 Arcade. This measure was most likely caused by Blizz missing the opportunity with DotA.

AFAIK, the EULA for Reforged includes a similar paragraph(?)

-SC2 Arcade, aka the Arcade is the official online UMS platform within the game. It wasn't pretty great when it was released, but with updates it became better, function- and usability-wise. One of the most requested features - custom campaigns - was added in almost 9 years after the game's release (sounds familiar, eh?..)


Some useful links:

SC2 Mapster is the go-to site for custom content (maps/mods/custom campaigns/assets), tutorials, and community. In fact, it's the only active SC2 modding/mapping portal on the Internet. They have separate sections for mods/maps and assets. Their forum used to be a lively place, but the community has since migrated to discord:
SC2mapster Discord - General Chat - General - SC2 Mapster Forums - SC2Mapster
(I don't know whether the discord link is still active; you might want to contact a moderator to get access)

- for how-to's and tutorials on the Editor;

- ditto, but not very active;

StarCraft 2 / Моддинг - XGM - useful resources and editor tutorials in Russian;

What you can actually do with the editor / some of the best SC2 mods:
N.B.! To install & play these, you need to download them and follow the instructions included with each mod! Every mod is playable with the basic Free-to-play version of Starcraft 2!

- a complete remake of all official campaigns from Starcraft, including Broodwar, Loomings (prequel missions aka Episode 0), Stukov series, and more. Tons of new assets and features (play some of the missions in third-person shooter mode!), options and settings;

- a remake of a popular SC1 user-made campaign trilogy. The original was one of the first to feature voice-acting and custom character portraits and is considered by many as the best custom campaign ever made for SC1. This remake is also great;

- the sequel to Antioch Chronicles!

- a top-notch custom campaign featuring a completely new faction with its own tech tree (The UED), voice acting, new music, and much more;

- the project's aim is to bring the classic Warcraft RTS games to the SC2 engine with lots of new features and improvements. Currently, WC1 Human missions are available. WC1 Orc campaign is playable, but not completed.

This campaign is a reimagined version of the original AoD by Whiplash. It consists of both remakes of the original missions, as well as some entirely new ones.
Warning: "This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of StarCraft II. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained."
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