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Should Blizzard Make WC3 Free 2 Play?

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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
As the title says.

Inspired by @CNiper 's thread on Diplo Make Warcraft 3 Free to Play

Making Warcraft 3 free to play would provide an influx of new players into the environment, as well as consolidate the current online community that purchased the game illegally to play on Battle.net.

It would re-invigorate the map making community, and provide countless fun for years to come. A good stepping stone should blizzard make another RTS.

You can sign the petition here - http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/blizzard-make-warcraft-3-tft-free-to-play
I'm the 153 signee, awesome!
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Yeah, that's one of the arguments on the con side I understand. And heh, it's $20. RoC is quite dead and not really worth it alone for $10.

I'm still more neutral on the matter, but I considered this:
Warcraft 3 is one of the most pirated games in the world. Outside of first world countries, WC3 seems to be more pirated than not, and they can reduce that amount by making it free. Thus, pirated servers would be more obsolete, and the Battle.net realms would get a big boost and Blizzard could make money... somehow? Ideas such as available DLC, buy-able skins might not be too far fetched.

We're seeing more and more classic game activity from Blizzard staff (if you follow their website, advertisements, and social media, you'll notice classic game job hirings and teasing).
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Interesting. Would be great to get more people coming back, but would this be the people, one is searching for?
It would most probably be the same casual noobs, that jump from any f2p to the next one, so in the end one might end up the same after a short burst of popularity.
Another con might be that blizzard may stop any patching if the game was F2P? And we all really need that putative map size increase first, you know that :p
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Not really,I don't really see any use.I think anybody who has had interest in it has gotten it,it's been a decade
Also,it's not THAT expensive,and it IS worth the price.

buy-able skins
Please no.Don't do this.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
Blizzard would first release WC: Orcs and Humans, as well as WCII, as official free downloads. Which is still currently not the case, btw:

Sadly, select physical editions of the Warcraft movie do not include a licence key for WC3 as well. A missed opportunity I would say...

Piracy is no reason to make anything F2P.
If you can afford a computer and internet,
then you can also afford 10 bucks.

Or even less (please see Spoiler)
No, Warcraft 3 should never be free. Actually it already is too cheap, such a great game deserves more than it is offered to be. I'm glad that I purchased my copy of Warcraft 3 and I highly recommend others to do the same and support Blizzard by making them a revenue from classic games.

Now you would probably think why?

Selling games allows more people to access it from retail stores and it provides a good revenue for Blizzard who still supports the game in patches and tournaments.

Secondly, the game has a price and it shows that it has a value. Having a value is important as it can affect the life of the game. Warcraft 3 has been selling for over 10+ years and it has aged quite well. Also, ever noticed how most older games are still being sold nowdays?

If the game was free, then it is most likely that it would no longer be maintained or supported by Blizzard. For example no newer patches or customer support would be provided. You can look at Warcraft 1 and 2, they are no longer supported and no longer sold by Blizzard. The last remaining copies are from various resellers and used copies which you can find in online stores.

A lot of people here probably don't understand how game industry or marketing works. It's not as simple as making the game "free".

I'm assured that the petition is a waste of time and will be thankfully ignored.
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Selling games [...] provides a good revenue for Blizzard who still supports the game in patches and tournaments.
LOL no it doesn't, and no they DEFINITELY don't

Secondly, the game has a price and it shows that it has a value. Having a value is important as it can affect the life of the game. Warcraft 3 has been selling for over 10+ years and it has aged quite well. Also, ever noticed how most older games are still being sold nowdays?
hmm and because LoL has no price, it must have no value as well right?
and care to remind us all why the perception of wc3's value is so important?

If the game was free, then it is most likely that it would no longer be maintained or supported by Blizzard. For example no newer patches or customer support would be provided. You can look at Warcraft 1 and 2, they are no longer supported and no longer sold by Blizzard. The last remaining copies are from various resellers and used copies which you can find in online stores.
because as it is, the game is being maintained and supported by blizzard /s
and i'm perfectly aware they promised patch 1.27b, i've already started preparing for when it drops in 2026
no longer supporting & selling a game is not the same as making a game free. false equivalency
responses bolded
tl;dr ya wrong, everywhere

signed the petition.
at the very least, wc3 multiplayer should be free, just like sc2 arcade is.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2014
I originally agreed with the idea of making wc3 free to play, but then reading some of the responses to it I changed my mind.

I don't think it would be a huge detriment to Blizzard's income, but on the other hand anyone who wants it can probably afford to buy it.

I don't think that it would really provide much of a boost to the playerbase. Maybe it would cause a temporary boost for a week or so, then everything would go back to normal as all the casuals interested in such an offer leave.

I don't agree that piracy is a reason to make warcraft free. It is sort of just giving in to piracy, and I do not believe in that.

I certainly don't want buyable skins, and it is unlikely that anyone at Blizzard has the time to make decent ones as part of such a weird, gimmicky and unlikely to be fruitful investment. If they worked with the hive community, maybe I could see it happening and working out.

I don't think that selling games does allow more people to access it, if anything getting it online from the blizzard site is easier.

I do think that the game having a value is important, if only out of pride for the game.

I do not think it would decrease the amount of support the game already has, because that support is already there. It might possibly however decrease the amount of support given to the game in the future.

I do not believe that wc3 should be made free to play.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
actually there are a ton of iligal versions
Official game patches are not illegal to download from reputable third-party sites. Even obsolete ones. They are not the full game.

OT: only the alternative download link allows to download the TFT patch (from Blizzard's server).
As a rule of thumb with Softonic, one should never use their main download link. :wink:
Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
I don't think making it free to play is really the best way to pump life into the game. I feel simply adding the game to the battle.net launcher will get a bunch of people to come back. Most people are too lazy to dl it from the website, plus they have to deal with the cinematics crashing the game on launch if patches arent applied. We really just need to wait. Wc3 is steadily growing in popularity and if blizz actually delivers a quality patch then the future only looks brighter.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
No, Warcraft 3 should never be free. Actually it already is too cheap, such a great game deserves more than it is offered to be. I'm glad that I purchased my copy of Warcraft 3 and I highly recommend others to do the same and support Blizzard by making them a revenue from classic games.

Now you would probably think why?

Selling games allows more people to access it from retail stores and it provides a good revenue for Blizzard who still supports the game in patches and tournaments.

Secondly, the game has a price and it shows that it has a value. Having a value is important as it can affect the life of the game. Warcraft 3 has been selling for over 10+ years and it has aged quite well. Also, ever noticed how most older games are still being sold nowdays?

If the game was free, then it is most likely that it would no longer be maintained or supported by Blizzard. For example no newer patches or customer support would be provided. You can look at Warcraft 1 and 2, they are no longer supported and no longer sold by Blizzard. The last remaining copies are from various resellers and used copies which you can find in online stores.

A lot of people here probably don't understand how game industry or marketing works. It's not as simple as making the game "free".

I'm assured that the petition is a waste of time and will be thankfully ignored.

Yes Warcraft 3 should be free.

#1 It's not "Blizzard" anymore & it hasn't been for ages, it's Activision Blizzard & to be honest this new company doesn't deserve a dime.

#2 Free to play games allows more people to access it, look at LoL or Dota 2, in fact millions of people are using alternate LAN servers to play Warcraft 3 for free so your theory is illogical.

#3 Price, value, & forced paywall, this company knows it's popularity but instead would rather collect money from you.

#4 Their servers are barely operational & are flooded with hosting & channel bots. Anybody that purchases the game will have no idea how hosting bots work & this is one of the major problems this game has & "Activision Blizzard" refuses to resolve it.

#5 You probably don't understand how this game works at all, hosting bots overrule here, private LAN servers are connecting to battle net (Garena + ENT) & you honestly think they pay for their game? Would I agree to ban them? No because it's not possible to ban them unless Acti Blizz resolves the issue of private LAN bots from entering battle net servers & even then if this were to happen, everyone will just flock over to a private LAN server & nobody will play precious battle net.

Going free to play would bring everybody together instead of all these private LAN servers that are divided.

It is very simple to make a game go free. I doubt Activision Blizzard will do it only because they're a selfish company but I don't see anything wrong with trying to make a petition. I think Acti Blizz is scared of it becomming more popular than what it already is because that's exactly what would happen since all their newer games are utter shit.

You think you want Warcraft 4, but you don't.
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
oing free to play would bring everybody together instead of all these private LAN servers that are divided.
So you're saying it's a bad thing that people want to go private? For instance, I have the original game and like to either play via LAN through GameRanger. Battle.net, never was my thing for Warcraft III. However, Battle.net 2.0 has a better interface and even a somewhat proper chat system.
Anyways, many people like playing with their friends so why would they move to Battle.net 2.0 anyways? There needs something to attract people more than just the idea of putting them together.
t is very simple to make a game go free. I doubt Activision Blizzard will do it only because they're a selfish company
You don't know what's happening to StarCraft II right now. They can just bust in content (in the fee to pay WcIII) that people will pay for. Don't worry, they would do it if they didn't think it wasn't worth the gain from it.
I think Acti Blizz is scared of it becomming more popular than what it already is because that's exactly what would happen since all their newer games are utter shit.
Not all and not exactly that bad but. StarCraft II managed to be the best of them. HotStorm is interesting too but that's a spinoff of four of their games. Diablo III isn't bad either. (I'm referring to gameplay as the main issue here)
You think you want Warcraft 4, but you don't.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
You don't know what's happening to StarCraft II right now. They can just bust in content (in the fee to pay WcIII) that people will pay for. Don't worry, they would do it if they didn't think it wasn't worth the gain from it.
actually sc2 isnt nearly big as wc3 used to be. RTS died like in 2008, degrading popularity, mobas took the action. I could pay for wc3 brand stuff as a child, asking parents for money, but I have absolutely zero desire to put now my own money into something like sc2. I believe im not the one unique around.
sc2 != wc3 and will never be. it's totally different engines and approaches. wc3 is free mapmaking stuff, sc2 is proprietary stuff.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
sc2 != wc3 and will never be. it's totally different engines and approaches. wc3 is free mapmaking stuff, sc2 is proprietary stuff.
What the heck is "!="? I've seen it in a previous thread. Wouldn't =/= be better suited?
Anyways, the Galaxy Editor has tremendous power (basically you can make a tons of games with it that WcIII can't) in comparison with the World Editor. However, the SCII editor is way more complicated and does not support a campaign system (as not even the game has a custom campaign section).
but I have absolutely zero desire to put now my own money into something like sc2.
Because you knew that Warcraft III was that great before actually buying it? There are always ups and downs. It depends how much the downs affect your choice.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Anyways, the Galaxy Editor has tremendous power (basically you can make a tons of games with it that WcIII can't) in comparison with the World Editor. However, the SCII editor is way more complicated and does not support a campaign system (as not even the game has a custom campaign section).
so does world editor, easy 2 leart, hard to master. thing is, instead of patching it, allowing something new, blizz rather started another exp for SC2, 'cause money if main target, no shame in that. having no-sources access to memory we're able to extend wc3 to compltely new level now, too bad it's way too late
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
World Editor needs a lot of extensive material to at least get near to what the unmerciful Galaxy Editor offers.
yet they both are limited tools with artificial possibilities and still no proper access to game inneries. you can't get into game's guts. and they made sc2 many years later than wc3, giving no shit about that.
anyway, we went away from main point of topic. I'd like to pay for wc3 'cause it's have some kind of soul. it's a product with great possibilities, ready to go from the start, allowing players to be creative.
meanwhile sc2 is pure franchise sucking off, with terms like "all your maps are belong to us" and payed patches (sorry, they call it DLC).


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
you can't get into game's guts.
Well, what do you expect? It's their game. How would you feel if people could alter your work how they pleased?
I'd like to pay for wc3 'cause it's have some kind of soul.
It is priceless.
meanwhile sc2 is pure franchise sucking off, with terms like "all your maps are belong to us" and payed patches (sorry, they call it DLC).
Nobody has to pay for SCII patches. There is other content to pay for though. DLCs (as they stupidly call it; patches are also downloadable content....) are most of the time not free, yes.
Do you have a source on that "all your maps belong to us" policy? Doesn't the World Editor have something similar?
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
How would you feel if people could alter your work how they pleased?
wonderful. my product is popular enough for skilled people to take care of it, such game will live veeeery long time.
Do you have a source on that "all your maps belong to us" policy? Doesn't the World Editor have something similar?
Blizzard Entertainment: StarCraft II Custom Game Acceptable Use Policy

Custom Games are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Blizzard. Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby assign to Blizzard all of your rights, title and interest in and to all Custom Games, and agree that should Blizzard decide that it is necessary, you agree to execute future assignments promptly upon receiving such a request from Blizzard. Additionally, Blizzard shall have the right to maintain the Custom Game on Blizzard’s Arcade service even if the developer of the Custom Game requests that Blizzard remove the Custom Game from the Arcade service.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
wonderful. my product is popular enough for skilled people to take care of it, such game will live veeeery long time.
Even if they don't even credit you with the name? What if someone was to use the SCII engine and say they made their own game and BlizzEnt could not take any legal action?

"Custom Game developers are not allowed to re-create single player missions or scenarios or multiplayer maps that Blizzard has created for StarCraft II."

Why? What are they afraid of, looking stupid? What if I want to do a parody?
Custom Games are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Blizzard.
That paragraph is vague and doesn't imply that your idea is their property. For instance you could make your own game with the ideas you used in that SCII map.
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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
That paragraph is vague and doesn't imply that your idea is their property. For instance you could make your own game with the ideas you used in that SCII map.
Blizzard Entertainment: Battle.net End User License Agreement

Certain Games, such as “StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty®”, and “StarCraft® II: Heart of the Swarm™”, include software that will allow you to create custom games, levels, maps, scenarios or other content (“Custom Games”) for use in connection with the Game (hereafter referred as “Game Editor(s)”). For purposes of this Agreement and any agreements referenced herein, “Custom Games” includes the digital files associated with such custom games, levels, maps, scenarios, and other content, as well as (1) all content contained within such files, including but not limited to player and non-player characters, audio and video elements, environments, objects, items, skins, and textures, (2) all titles, trademarks, trade names, character names, or other names and phrases included within the Custom Game, and (3) any other intellectual property rights contained within the Custom Game, including any and all content, game concepts, methods or ideas. A Custom Game may only be used with the Game’s engine that is associated with a particular Game Editor. The manner in which Custom Games can be used or exploited is set forth in the StarCraft II Custom Game Acceptable Use Policy, the terms of which are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference, and which can be found at Blizzard Entertainment: StarCraft II Custom Game Acceptable Use Policy. Blizzard may modify, remove, disable, or delete Custom Games at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
For purposes of this Agreement and any agreements referenced herein, “Custom Games” includes the digital files associated with such custom games, levels, maps, scenarios, and other content, as well as (1) all content contained within such files, including but not limited to player and non-player characters, audio and video elements, environments, objects, items, skins, and textures, (2) all titles, trademarks, trade names, character names, or other names and phrases included within the Custom Game, and (3) any other intellectual property rights contained within the Custom Game, including any and all content, game concepts, methods or ideas.
I don't think they can go against the federal law with that. Furthermore, my country hasn't implemented strong laws on digital stuff so, they wouldn't be able to do much about it anyway.

What I think they're (hopefully) trying to do is:
-be able to remove inappropriate stuff
-keep what they deem valuable and what may attract players in case said creator would want to delete the map
-keep people working with their engine

Here's some of what Warcraft III says:
"1. Limited Use License. Blizzard Entertainment ("Blizzard") hereby grants, and by installing the Program you thereby accept, a limited, non-exclusive license and right to install and use one (1) copy of the Program for your use on a home, business, or portable computer. The Program also contains a 'World Editor' (the "Editor") that allows you to create custom levels or other materials for your personal use in connection with the Program ("New Materials"). All use of the Editor or any New Materials is subject to this License Agreement. In addition, the Program has a multiplayer capability that allows users to utilize the Program over the Internet exclusively via Blizzard Entertainment's on-line game network Battle.net or other hosting service authorized by Blizzard Entertainment."

"2. Ownership. All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copies thereof (including, but not limited to, any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program) are owned by Blizzard Entertainment or its licensors. The Program is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international copyright treaties, and conventions and other laws. All rights are reserved."
That's about it on the matter.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
"Custom Game developers are not allowed to re-create single player missions or scenarios or multiplayer maps that Blizzard has created for StarCraft II."
Why? What are they afraid of, looking stupid? What if I want to do a parody?
Well since you can get Sc2 for free now (but only to play multiplayer, no campaign/story mode), people could just use the multiplayer Arcade to freely DL people's modded recreations of the campaign & defeat the whole impetus to buy it.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Well since you can get Sc2 for free now (but only to play multiplayer, no campaign/story mode), people could just use the multiplayer Arcade to freely DL people's modded recreations of the campaign & defeat the whole impetus to buy it.
0.000...% would be insane enough to actually recreate the whole campaigns (in their vision?). I'm saying, it most probably isn't happening. Look at this though:
Starcraft: Mass Recall - StarCraft 2 Maps - SC2Mapster
Nobody, from what I know, complained about that.

Let's say you want to make a parody, satire. It's a human right. And they would still be released as maps because SCII hasn't got a campaign system for the Galaxy Editor.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
So you're saying it's a bad thing that people want to go private

I'm saying that everyone should be brought together because there is a mass divide in the Warcraft 3 community.

You don't know what's happening to StarCraft II right now

We're not talking about Starcraft 2, it's not in the topic, it's not being compared, so stop talking about it

If you think Warcraft 3 has value, currently you can get it for free for the campaign & multiplayer & can still get on battle net servers with hosting bots. Which part did you not understand? I guess it depends on how you define value.

I have the original game and like to either play via LAN through GameRanger

Wow & so does nearly everyone else it makes no difference. The only way to properly resolve this game is to have it go free to play, I'm not second guessing this shit.

If & when Acti Blizz decides to fix the loophole with hosting bots, everyone will swarm to private LANs like game ranger & battle net will be no more for this game, then nobody will pay for this game, it's as simple as that.

If you want to sit here & demand people to purchase Wc3 to give false information that you assume it helps supports Blizzard whom no longer exists, it doesn't that dev team is long gone, you support a new company that didn't even make the game that put their signature on paper to allow rights of property ownership.
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
If you think Warcraft 3 has value it doesn't, currently you can get it for free for the campaign & multiplayer & can still get on battle net servers with hosting bots. Which part did you not understand?
Stop acting like that. You're saying you want something against pirating the game or not? Or just make it free because it can be pirated anyway?
We're not talking about Starcraft 2, it's not in the topic, it's not being compared, so stop talking about it
Don't be silly. It has a lot to do. I don't want Warcraft III to go down that path.
If you think Warcraft 3 has value it doesn't
Judging by what exactly? It has a lot of value. Can't you see this site is mostly about Warcraft III?
If & when Acti Blizz decides to fix the loophole with hosting bots, everyone will swarm to private LANs like game ranger & battle net will be no more for this game, then nobody will pay for this game, it's as simple as that.
I'm afraid this game isn't only about playing ladder and custom games through Battle.net.
If you want to sit here & demand people to purchase Wc3 to give false information that you assume it helps supports Blizzard whom no longer exists, it doesn't that dev team is long gone, you support a new company that didn't even make the game that put their signature on paper to allow rights of property ownership.
It's not about that. It's the idea that it should at least cost something. Making it free equals it to being dump.

So without going further into that nonsense, properly porting the game to Battle.net 2.0 would probably save it from whatever Skynet you're writing about and would unite the worldly Warcraft III clans too...
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Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
You're saying you want something against pirating the game or not? Or just make it free because it can be pirated anyway?

The logical answer is to make it go free, I'm not going to sit here & discuss pirating just so you can point fingers, I'm telling you what I think is the best option for this game.

I'm afraid this game isn't only about playing ladder and custom games through Battle.net.

You can do this at other private LAN servers (ladder games), I really don't see a difference in your answers.

I don't want Warcraft III to go down that path.

All the more reason as to not bring it up

It has a lot of value. Can't you see this site is mostly about Warcraft III?

Value depends on the person, this site supports Warcraft III, you're adding the 2 together to increase the value, the way I see it that's not how value works.

It's the idea that it should at least cost something. Making it free equals it to being dump.

You follow that idea pretty blindly

properly porting the game on Battle.net 2.0 would probably save it from whatever Skynet you're writing about and would unite the worldly Warcraft III clans too

If it meant getting model & texture updates without sabotaging the game yes I could see it working but from where the game stands as of now, no I don't see this working.
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
If it meant getting model & texture updates without sabotaging the game yes I could see it working for where the game stands now, no I don't see this working.
I honestly have a hard time understanding your big idea. Please elaborate to me as if I were really stupid. WHAT exactly is supposed to make this game work that isn't right now?
Why necessarily upgrade those? I'm not talking about an engine upgrade. I'm saying "change" the way the game is played through multiplayer so that there would be little to no problems. I suggested porting it to Battle.net 2.0 because the game belongs to a company that could actually do something for the game in what the multiplayer is concerned since this is YOUR main issue (which I was trying to imply that the game offers more than multiplayer; it offers singleplayer and an editor for that and multiplayer).
the way I see it that's not how value works.
What is value to you in what Warcraft III is concerned?
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