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Shadows over Tirisfal 8.1

Previously Darkening of Tirisfal

"The shadow has fallen over the glades of Tirisfal. The Scourge has desecrated the Scarlet Monastery and is now spreading corruption over the land, reaching ever closer to Capital city.
Adventurers from all over Azeroth have joined forces with the citizens of Tirisfal to defend Capital City, while the Scourge has recruited a pile of vile demons, zombies, sorcerers,
and beasts to strengthen their rank. Who will gain the upper hand as the battle escalates?"

  • Classic aeon of strife map with a strong focus on hero design. The cadre of 34 heroes offers those with very basic abilities, as well as those with complex and challenging ability systems, some having a spellbook of up to 15 different spells.
  • Slow-paced, tactical gameplay instead of fast-paced shootouts. Battles can last for several minutes, where the heroes regenerate several times between rounds. The result is non-stop action and an uninterrupted flow of the game.
  • Beautiful, atmospheric environment and an extreme focus on detail.
  • Most likely free of any major balance issues. The map has undergone years of balance testing.
  • Item recipes, tomes to upgrade hero spells, as well as neutral creeps.
  • Shadows over Tirisfal is made for up to 10 players. It is most enjoyable when played with 6 players, as a 3vs3.
  • Intelligent Hero Bots to playtest the more complex heroes before taking them into battle against human opponents. In addition, Standby Bots will take control of a hero when its controller disconnects or leaves the game.
What not to expect:
  • The gameplay is slightly slower than on most aeon of strife maps. This is intended and necessary to make many strategic elements work.
Related Content:

  • Note: The hero WTii is playing has since been replaced by the Tidewalker.


Version 8.0

  • Music is now playing correctly (Reforged related bug fix).
  • The loading screen works again (Reforged related bug fix).
  • Hotkeys no longer show twice in the tooltips (Reforged related bug fix).
  • The last tower in each lane now attacks 25% faster.
  • Quest spawns now show a minimap ping much longer.
  • Forest Troll Warlords are now level 8, up from level 7. Now gains 90 hitpoints per creep upgrade, up from 70.
  • Ogre Lord hitpoints reduced from 1520 to 1320.
  • Gold bounty from jungle creeps now increases faster as the game progresses (15% per minion upgrade, up from 12%).
  • Bow of the Great Huntress attack bonus reduced from 10 to 8 and attack range bonus increased from 125 to 150.

Lord of the Wild
  • The attack speed of the bear and wolf companions each has been reduced by 10%.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Presence of the Gods auras to affect enemy heroes.
Draenei Avenger
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Staff of Teleportation to not disable correctly after reviving in the Damnation maze.
Disciple of Aviana
  • Fixed a bug that caused Gift of Aviana to sometimes instantly regenerate the target's mana to full.
Servant of the Council
  • Strength per level reduced from 1.45 to 1.35 and intelligence per level reduced from 1.5 to 1.4.
Abyssal Turtle
  • Carapace Turret duration increased from 9/11/13/15 seconds to 12/13/14/15 seconds.
  • Turtle Bomb's coatl no longer slows down when the Turtle takes damage, but the damage taken by the Turtle while in the air is now increased by 50%.
Nightborne Buccaneer
  • Reworked and simplified the gem system. Instead of gaining access to unique items, the Nightborne Buccaneer can now sell the looted gems to Lady Srarda for extra gold. Bonus gold is gained if the gems are sold in a bundle that contains all four gem types.
  • Drink and Dance no longer provides a chance to critically hit, but instead a 3/6/9/12% chance to dodge an attack.
  • Hungering Orb mana drained increased from 18/24/30/36 to 20/27/33/40.
  • Drink cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds. It now heals the correct amount (+30 on all levels).
  • Captain's Call cooldown changed from 240/220/200/180 seconds to 200 seconds. Arcane cannon damage increased from 30 to 35.
  • Instead of traveling towards the destination, the pirate ship now teleports to it.
Crimson Agent
  • Bloodletting life drain effect reduced from 30/40/50/60% to 30/35/40/45% and bonus damage against wounded targets reduced from 20/30/40/50% to 12/25/37/50%.
  • Omniscient Ward duration increased from 180 to 360 seconds.
  • Cryochamber now restores 3/4 mana per second in addition to the healing effect.

Version 7.2c
  • Patch-related bug fixes.

Version 7.2

  • Fixed most bugs associated with patch 1.31.
  • Added two new vendors: Snarl Filtheye and Adeline Crow sell miscellaneous items. As of now, they sell Dust of Appearance and Flask of the Titans.

Version 7.1

  • Introduced neutral heroes. Neutral heroes can be picked by either faction.
  • New Neutral Hero: Crimson Agent - The Crimson Agent is a cunning hero, able to move around undetected, gathering intelligence or taking out an unsuspecting foe.
  • Added victory cinematics.
  • Changed the way how bounty for minion kills is split if multiple heroes are nearby. Now, all heroes will gain the full bounty for a minion kill, no matter how many heroes are nearby, but only if minions are killed at a normal rate. For any further kills, the bounty is divided by the number of nearby heroes.
  • Drastically reduced the loading time.
  • Staff of Teleportation channel time reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
  • The potion vendors now sell Dust of Appearance.
  • New Tier 3 item: Bow of the Great Huntress.

Goblin Shredder

  • Renamed to War Shredder.
  • The War Shredder is now a neutral hero.

Version 7.0

  • New Alliance of Tirisfal hero: Tidewalker - A master of manipulating the flow of mana. The Tidewalker relies on ice magic to disable enemy heroes while taking down structures by summoning the full might of the tides.
  • The heroes of players who leave the game are now given control over to bots if possible.
  • Moved the Alliance eastern base tower and Scourge western base tower further away from the center lane.
  • Tower damage against heroes and summonings increased by 20%.
  • The Advisors now have a tip on available chat commands.
  • All heroes now have a hero glow.

  • Replaced by Tidewalker.
Master of the Arcane
  • Spells are now automatically transfered to the orb when cast while Presence of Mind is active.
  • New Arcane Missiles effect.
Shadow Hunter
  • All Loa abilities are now named after the Loa they invoke.

Version 6.11

  • Replaced the tree models on the Scourge side of the map.
  • Added new environmental models such as birds, forest spirits, and lights.
  • Basilisk's Fang and feedback weapons are no longer orb effects and now stack with other orb effects.

Disciple of Aviana

  • Marble Slam mana cost reduced from 90 to 80. Damage increased by 15%.
  • Gift of Aviana mana restore increased.
Shadow Hunter
  • Dragonhawk's Fire damage bonus increased by 5% on all ranks.
  • Voodoo Doll no longer increases all stats. Duration of hex now increases with rank.
  • Voodoo Dolls can now be dropped.
  • Shellementals now have the correct armor type.
  • Tidal Guardian spell renamed to Tidal Artillery.
Nightborne Buccaneer
  • Drop chance of gems increased from 10% to 15%. Gem requirements for recipes increased, but total time required to assemble a recipe is still reduced.
Ethereal Stalker
  • Psy Blast damage reduced by 20%.
  • Reach through Space damage now properly scales. Damage reduced by 20%, but due to the bug fix, overall damage still increased.

Version 6.10

  • Bot AI upgrade: Bots can now switch lanes and use opportunities for pushing and defending towers. They will now communicate their choices.
  • Beer Barrels and Tomes of Necromancy are now invulnerable until the base tower on that lane is destroyed.
  • Added environmental lights to Alliance of Tirisfal towers and various spell effects.

Master of the Arcane

  • Arcane Missile damage increased by 5. New missile art.

Hand of Elune

  • Elune's Grace passive damage increase has been reworked into an active ability that increases her damage, as well as that of the Mirror Image, for 10 seconds. 90 seconds cooldown.
  • Swapped Master of Illusions and Starfall level requirements.

Version 6.9

  • Starter items now auto-complete when buying a recipe.
  • New Alliance of Tirisfal hero - Disciple of Aviana: The Disciple of Aviana is a swift supporter, able to fly quickly to wherever she is needed most. With her trusty tree companion, she makes a deadly combat duo.
  • Lorekeeper tome vendors simplified. The tomes are now added to the vendor only when the respective hero is selected.
  • Quest bosses now have less health and deal more damage.

Emissary of Moonglade

  • Replaced by Disciple of Aviana.
Goblin Shredder
  • Grenade Launcher now has a target cap of 5 units.
  • Nitrogoblerin damage against nonhero units reduced. Arming time increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
Abyssal Turtle
  • Turtle Bomb speed changed on all levels to the speed at level 4. The acceleration is now faster, but damage taken slows the movement more severely.
Stormbound Revenant
  • Starting strength increased.
Nightborne Buccaneer
  • Captain's Call revamped. It now summons a flying ship to any location. The Buccaneer can board the ship once at any time to move to a different location.
  • The rune left behind by Hungering Orb now also heals the Nightborne Buccaneer.
  • Mana drained by Hungering Orb on heroes increased and on nonhero units reduced.
Version 6.8

  • New Tier 3 item: Boots of Lightning Speed
  • Readjusted many Tier 3 items. Most unique effects are now more powerful.
  • Tier 3 item shops are now better organized.
  • Added fires to the edge of the blight area on all lanes.
  • Improved the "on attack trigger" system. Effects that proc on attack can no longer be abused by spamming stop commands.
  • Readjusted the gold gain. Minions now grant 15% more gold in the early game, but the bounty no longer increases over time. Instead, the bounty of jungle creeps now increases over time, up to a 60% increase.
  • Jungle creeps are now easier in the early game, but become more powerful in the late game.
  • Map performance improved.

Master Beast
  • Summonings now have proper names. They no longer have an expiration timer. Cooldown increased from 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Survival of the Fittest replaced with Table Manners. Now increases the maximum health of the Master Beast and all summonings by 25/50/75/100 and teaches the Tea Time ability, which resets the cooldown of all summoning spells.
Lord of the Wild
  • Companions now have proper names.
  • You'll automatically select hero skills when selecting Companion Talents.
Draenei Avenger
  • Redemption and Damnation channel time reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. Players who have their heroes revived by Redemption now see a proper notification.
Immortal Horror
  • Immortality's End and Drain Strength now scale with auto-attack DPS instead of intelligence.
Abyssal Turtle
  • Drain Life now scales with auto-attack DPS instead of strength.
Version 6.7

  • Added a sound and a minimap ping whenever a tower is destroyed.
  • Added voice emotes on hero kills.
  • Readjusted the hotkey layout to Q,W,E,R,D,F.
  • Added new paths that connect the outer lanes to the forests.
  • New music from Battle for Azeroth.
  • Reduced the number of purchaseable runes to 12. Removed the rune vendor Plutoniumbranch.

Master of the Arcane

  • Arcane Explosion now targets an area.
  • Removed the totem talent trees. The totems now unlock one at a time as you level up your Defensive Totem or Offensive Totem abilities. They're now selected with a spellbook.
Goblin Shredder
  • Twin Cannon modes are now selected with a spellbook. They now unlock one at a time as you level up Twin Cannon.
  • Laser Cannon now has a long range and deals damage based on the Goblin Shredder's auto-attack DPS.
  • Nitrogoblerin now has an arming time of 3 seconds and deals 50% bonus damage against heroes.
  • Removed the Alchemy talent tree. The elixirs now unlock one at a time as you level up Alchemy. They're now selected with a spellbook.
Hand of the Lich King
  • Seal of Darkness replaced with Power of the Lich King. Teaches Unholy Infusion and the new ability Shield of Wailing Souls. Friendly units in target area gain a damage and armor buff and 50% of damage taken is distributed among other units with the buff.
Stormbound Revenant
  • Tempestuous Shield now also reduces all damage taken by 20%.
  • Thundercloud size increased by 30%. You can no longer teleport back into the Thundercloud after using Staff of Teleportation.
  • Elemental Shield redesigned. Now applies a buff that lasts 15 seconds and reduces all damage taken. The buff stacks up to 10 times.
Stormreaver Warlock
  • Demonic Minion now uses a spellbook system.
Version 6.6

  • Removed tips and added the Advisors. The Advisors have useful tips about the game, as well as tips specific to heroes.
  • Reshuffled the positions of the vendors in the alliance base.
  • Added a gametime counter to the multiboard.
  • Improved the tooltips of many abilities.
  • Gloves of Power renamed to Kodohide Gloves.
  • Boots of Lightning Speed renamed to Silver Inlaid Boots.
  • New Tier 3 item: Summoner's Gauntlets.

Ironforge Paladin

  • Faldoc health reduced by 10%. Now has the Earthen Skin ability, which reduces damage taken.
  • Divine Beer now also increases health regeneration.
Avatar of the Elements
  • Gift of the Spirits now only heals and has no additional effects.
  • Power Invocation cooldown increased from 60 to 75 seconds. It no longer increases the Avatar's size.
Reptilian Destroyer
  • Renamed to Felborne Butcher.
Dark Naaru
  • Void Seeker cooldown increased from 35 to 60 seconds. Health increased by approximately 25%.
  • Void Seekers now are always teleported when using Staff of Teleportation.
  • Overwhelming Shadow improved.
Netherwing Queen
  • Renamed to Ethereal Stalker. New model.
  • Revamped Astral Shrouding. Now prevents minions and towers from attacking the Ethereal Stalker.
  • Psychokinesis renamed to Reach through Space. Abort range increased on all levels.
  • New icons for all abilities.
Nightborne Buccaneer
  • Piers are now highlighted with a large checkpoint marker.
  • Removed the Coral Ring item chain from Lady Srarda.
  • Tier 1 items from Lady Srarda no longer require a starter item. Total cost and stats reduced.
Version 6.5

  • Added bots: Bots stick to one lane. They can use regeneration potions, buy items and craft item recipes.
  • New map preview and loading screen.
  • New Tier 3 item: Lifebinder Mantle
  • Fizzlesnout and Grglnoth quest rewards improved.
  • Jungle creeps now have less health in the first few minutes of the game, making jungling on level 1 much easier.
  • Jungle creep respawn time has been reduced from 4 to 3 minutes.
  • Fiery Soul (Starter item) effect reduced.

Lord of the Wild

  • Food items revamped. They now replace Healing Salves and Clarity Potions completely. They have the same effect, except they also affect the pet.
  • Protective Instincts now also heals the wolf for 30% of its maximum health.
Version 6.4

  • Added 5vs5 support.
  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 items revamped. New Tier 3 items added.
  • Minion bounty now increases slightly as the game progresses.
  • Brigand bounty slightly increased.
  • Hero specific vendors now only appear when that hero is chosen.

Master of the Arcane

  • Arcane Missiles damage increased.
  • Arcane Explosions mana cost increased.
  • Rune of Power armor bonus increased. Cooldown reduced.
  • Strength per level increased.
  • Mental Projection cooldown and duration reduced. Damage taken increased.
  • Mental projections can no longer use the Staff of Teleportation.
Version 6.3

  • New Alliance of Tirisfal hero: Master of the Arcane - The Master of the Arcane makes heavy use of channeling spells during battle. Among them are damage spells, buff spells, and crowd control spells. His special skill is summoning an image of himself, allowing him to act on the battlefield without exposing his fragile body to the enemy.
  • Removed Sin'dorei Runestone from starter items. Added Enchanted Clover: +100 health, +75 mana.
  • Adjusted the recipe components of many Tier 2 items.
  • Revamped the Staff of Teleportation. Now shows a rune clock around the caster that indicates the channeling time remaining. Now teleports all nearby summonings owned by the teleporting hero.
  • Brigand respawn clocks are now more accurate.
Version 6.2

  • Even more bug fixes.
  • Level requirements of hero skill are now 0, 3, and 6 instead of 1, 3, and 5.
Version 6.1

  • More important bug fixes.
  • Passive abilities now have appropriate passive buttons.
  • Improved minion AI regarding brigands.
  • Brigands now grant experience.
  • Tower damage increased.
  • Performance improved.
  • All buff spells now have a proper buff effect.
Version 6.0

  • The great bug fix: Attempted to fix all the bugs introduced with patches 1.29 and 1.30, but some remain.
  • Removed last-hitting. Lane minions now award gold to nearby enemy heroes upon death, regardless of who got the killing blow.
  • Introduced the brigands. These are neutral creeps that sleep right next to the lanes. Brigands drop a gold coin that can be picked up to gain extra gold. Brigands can be cleared solo, but should be assisted by a minion wave when engaged. This encourages players to push a lane, even in the early game, so that they can clear as many brigands as possible.
  • The multiboard design has been improved.
  • Towers along the lanes have been repositioned to remove the asymmetries between lanes.
  • Level skip requirement of all spells has been changed from 2 to 3.
  • The standard damage and armor types have been replaced with custom types. These are Hero, Minion, Creep, Tower, and Summoning. All units of the respective type have those damage and armor types.
  • A countdown clock has been added to various respawn locations.


  • Pandaladin revamped. He is now the Ironforge Paladin, a holy dwarven warrior. New model by skrab.
  • Holy Light, Pandacall, Pulverize, and Divine Beer have had their names and/or effects changed.
  • Sonic Storm removed.
  • New ability: Searing Radiance - Engulfs target unit in an aura of radiating light that deals damage to up to 5 nearby enemy units over time. Whenever the health of that unit is restored by any means, Searing Radiance deals additional damage.
Nightborne Buccaneer
  • Items no longer require a last hit to drop. Drop chance reduced.
Version 5.8

  • Added the Test Mode. The Test Mode is identical to All Pick mode, but additional chat commands are enabled.
  • Readded passive tower regeneration at 60% of the previous value.
  • Readjusted damage and armor types. Among other, towers now again deal extra damage to Unarmored.
  • Lane minions now gain 20 health per armor upgrade, up from 15.

Furbolg Adventurer
  • War Stomp renamed to Ground Slam. New icon. The Furbolg Adventurer now leaps into the air when casting Ground Slam.
  • Ashenvale Furbolgs renamed to Call to the Kin.
Shadow Hunter
  • Loa spirits now appear behind the Shadow Hunter whenever he casts a spell.
Emissary of Moonglade
  • Travel Form is now flying. Cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 90 seconds. You can no longer cast spells in Travel Form.
  • You can no longer cast spells in Bear Form.
  • New Ancient Guardian model by Darkholme.
  • New model by Reflex.
  • New Dragonfire Aura model by JetFangInferno.
  • Summon Dragon renamed to Call to the Flight. The dragon has been renamed to Regastrasza. Its health has been increased by approximately 20% and its duration is now infinite. Cooldown increased from 75 to 150 seconds. Mana cost increased from 180 to 200.
  • Soul of the Red now has a burning visual effect.
Avatar of the Elements
  • New skin by hillbilli boi.
  • The element switching system has been improved. Now, a spell that is on cooldown will stay in the ability menu until the cooldown expires. The element selecters have received new icons. The current element is highlighted among the selecters.
  • Removed memory leaks.
Spirit of Tirisfal
  • Treant Form's Dreamwave Aura has been replaced by Barkskin, which reduces all damage taken by the Spirit of Tirisfal by 1/2/3/4.
  • Faerie Dragon Form's Silence ability has been replaced by Faerie Field. While channeling, Faerie Field restores mana to nearby friendly units.
  • Mana flare duration increased from 50 to 90 seconds. Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds. Drained mana amount reduced from 12/18/24/30/60 to 12/16/20/24/50.
Goblin Shredder
  • Denonate TNT Barrels is now only added once the Goblin Shredder learns Drop Explosive.
  • Rocket Launcher damage reduced by 10 on each level.
  • Shock Cannon damage halved. Mana cost reduced from 60 to 20.
  • Magnetic Pull slow duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
Reptile of Death
  • Renamed to Reptilian Destroyer
Blood Lich
  • New Burning Blood model by General Frank.
  • New Bloodboil model by Champara Bros.
Version 5.7

  • Map renamed to Shadows over Tirisfal.
  • Part 1 of the item system revamp: All items that cost 800 gold or less are now located at a single vendor, and now all cost exactly 800 gold. They're now called starter items. The other item vendor in the base sells Tier 1 items, which combine with starter items to create Tier 2 items. Starter items also combine with Tier 2 items to create Tier 3 items. You can type "-recipe" to list available recipes for items in your inventory. As the item system revamp is incomplete, many recipes requires somewhat nonsensical components right now.
  • Item recipes are now always used instantly upon purchase.
  • Removed the mega creep camps and replaced them with the quest bosses. Except for the first 10 minutes of the games, there's a 1 in 8 chance every minute that one of two quest bosses will spawn at the location of the old mega creeps. The team who brings the boss's head to the quest giver receives a quest reward. In the top-right corner, Farmer Agamand grants 500 gold to the team who brings him Fizzlesnout's Head. In the bottom-left corner, Tortugos grants a super potion to the team who brings him Grglnoth's Head. The quest will fail if it isn't completed in 5 minutes. For 5 minutes after failure or completion of the quest, no additional quest boss can spawn.
  • Refined the hero tooltips in the hero selection. The hero's attributes are now rated on a scale from 1 to 10. The Complexity rating has been divided into three Difficulty categories: Learning Curve, Depth, and Micro Management. The Select button now also includes a very shortened description of the hero.
  • Tower damage type changed. Among other, they now deal approximately 15% more damage against heroes.
  • Passive tower regeneration has been removed.
  • Hero damage now deals 10% more damage against towers. All other damage types deal 10% less damage against towers.
  • Fixed a bug which caused Boost of Morale to sometimes affect heroes.
  • Gold loss has been removed from death. Killing reward has been increased from 250 to 400.
  • Fixed potential desync issues.


Nightborne Buccaneer

  • Strength per level increased to 1.5 from 1.35.
  • Captain's Call duration increased from 60 to 75 seconds.
Version 5.6

  • Added additional music: Freehold from Battle for Azeroth.
  • Item owner system fixed.

Draenei Avenger
  • Switching between Light and Shadow abilities is now done via the hero tab (F2) instead with an ability.
  • Added the Avenger talents: At level 10, 13, 16, and 20, the Draenei Avenger can talk to Fael'anan, a new vendor in the northwestern edge of the map, to learn a talent that customizes the spells and abilities of the Draenei Avenger. From a pool of 15 different talents, four are randomly selected and offered to choose from on each level up. If none of the talents are attractive, the Draenei Avenger can also learn a small stat boost.
  • Base strengh and agility increased by 1. Strength and agility per level reduced by 0.1.
  • Smite the Wicked mana cost reduced from 70 to 60.
  • Cull the Weak mana cost increased from 70 to 75.
  • Light Nova mana cost reduced from 80 to 60.
  • Light Nova and Shadow Nova are now point-targeted spells instead of point-blank spells.
  • Added new models for the Avenger's Blessing, Avenger's Curse, and Shadow Lance buffs.
  • Added new cast animations for different spells.
Version 5.5

  • Fixed potential desync issues.
  • Fixed a bug which caused heroes to sometimes not revive (hopefully).
  • Collision size of computer-controlled minions reduced.
  • Multiboard now additionally shows assists, hero level, and towers remaining.

  • New model by Direfury.
Nightborne Buccaneer
  • Diamonds now properly drop from enemy heroes.
  • Panther movement speed increased and collision size reduced.
  • Stranglethorn Steak drop chance increased.
Version 5.4

  • Each ability tooltip now indicates the ability cooldown.
  • Major aesthetic improvements to the terrain.

  • Fixed a bug, which caused the Alchemy talent tree to be unselectable.
Version 5.3

  • New map preview.
  • New loading screen.
  • Added new custom music: NaxxramasWalking
  • Reduced the time until a slain hero revives by 20% on level 1, up to 35% on level 20.
  • Added the Boost of Morale: Computer-controlled minions gain +15% attack speed and +5% movement speed for each dead enemy hero.
Version 5.2

  • The following heroes have received a new custom model: Shadow Hunter, Daughter of the Ancients, Lord of the Wild, Earthcaller, Shellcaster, Immortal Horror, Plaguecaster, Deathknight, Hand of the Lich King
  • Jungle creeps now respawn properly again.
  • Tier 1 items that cost more than the starting gold are now available after 5 minutes. This shouldn't have an effect on the gameplay, but makes it easier to see which items can be bought with the starting gold.
  • Removed memory leaks.

Skeletal Grunt
  • Renamed to Hand of the Lich King.
  • Raise Dead renamed to Skeletal Horror. Model and icon changed.
Version 5.1


  • Removed the Ready! item and introduced the Gatekeepers. Speak to the Gatekeeper to notify that you're ready.
  • Added the option to change the camera height. Type -camera X to change the camera height to X times the default value.
  • Removed the Light and Shadow Towers. The statues now defend themselves.
  • Attack speed on items renamed from haste to attack speed.
  • Fixed a bug where the Beer barrels and Tomes of Necromancy would respawn incorrectly.
  • The heroes of players who leave the game will now be removed from the game.
  • Potions are now affected by healing reduction.
  • The relevant vendors now have exlamation marks over the head at the start of the game.

Draenei Avenger
  • Fixed several bugs.
  • Avenger's Mark cooldown reduced from 60 to 50 seconds. Duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
Blood Lich
  • Spells can no longer be cast to commit suicide.
Version 5.0

  • Revamped the team bases. The terrain has been changed to fit better with the style of the rest of the map. The buildings spawning the units have been replaced by three Taverns for the Alliance, and three Crypts for the Scourge. These buildings cannot be targeted or destroyed, but instead a Beer Barrel (Alliance) and Tomes of Necromancy (Scourge) spawn in front of those buildings. If they are destroyed, units spawning from those buildings are severly weakened for 6 minutes.
  • Replaced all towers with new models. The Castle and the Citadel, the main objectives of the game, have been replaced by Statues.
  • Replaced lane minions with minions that fit better with the Tirisfal theme.
  • Repair workers are no longer found at the Castle or Citadel. A new vendor is located at the fountain.
  • Game start has been revamped. Now, players can select each hero individually, view the hero descriptions, as well as read all its abilities. After a player has chosen a hero, that hero is teleported to the fountain and given a "Ready!" item. By using that item, the player notifies that he or she is ready. The game won't start until all players are ready. Players cannot leave the base until the game has started.
  • Before hero selection, the game mode is voted upon: All Pick (default), Single Draft (choose one of three), All Random, and Sequenced Pick ("Captain's Mode).
  • Added a new vendor to the fountains. Kelaris the Slayer (Alliance) and Wyrmcaller Indigosa (Scourge) can deploy a powerful flying unit and order it to fight on one of the three lines. They have an AoE spell that makes them very effective in cleaning up large waves of minions. Each faction can deploy their flying supporter only once.
  • New Alliance of Tirisfal Hero: Draenei Avenger - The Draenei Avenger is a complex, agility-based melee hero that walks the path between light and shadow. Each hero skill has a light and a shadow variant. Light abilities are self-sacrificing, while shadow abilities are vampiric in nature. By utilizing the strengths of both schools, the Draenei Avenger becomes a formidable warrior and supporter.
  • New Gathering of Evil Hero: Nightborne Buccaneer - The Nightborne Buccaneer is a complex, agility-based melee hero, excellent at applying pressure to enemy towers. She can loot gems from slain minions, heroes, and towers to craft more powerful items for herself and her team. Due to her fragility, the Nightborne Buccaneer attempts to avoid direct hero engagements, making use of her high mobility instead.
  • Simplified all level 5 spell tome tooltips.
  • The fountains now attack players of the opposing team.
  • Creeps in jungles now award 25% more experience.
  • Denied npc kills now still award experience to the opposing team.
  • Killed npcs award more experience if multiple heroes are nearby - 100/75/50/37.5%, up from 100/50/33/25%.
  • Killing summonings no longer awards experience.
  • Experience required to reach all levels up to level 10 reduced by 10%. Experience required to reach all subsequent levels increased by 10%.
  • Passive gold gain increased by 10%.
  • Increased the camera height.
  • It is now always midnight throughout the game. Night view distance increased.
  • Added a sky, and fog and lighting effects.
  • Gold and items can no longer be traded.
  • All heroes now have only one proper name.
  • Cleaned up all ability tooltops and reworked the hotkey layouts. The two main skills are now always set to E and T. Secondary skills are set to D, F, V, and R.

Avatar of the Elements
  • Tidal Barrage mana cost reduced from 95 to 45. Damage reduced from 25/33/41/50 to 18/24/30/36 per wave. Cooldown increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
  • Gift of the Spirits (Earth) bonus damage against structures reduced from 40/50/60/70% to 30/37/43/50%.
  • Gift of the Spirits (Air) no longer increases attack speed, but movement speed by 2/3/4/5%.
  • Crushing Boulders mana cost increased from 65 to 70.
Wolf Lord
  • Renamed to Lord of the Wild.
  • Owl companion's Circle of Runes magic damage reduction effect increased.
  • Bear companion's Spirit Link duration increased.
Arch Druid
  • Renamed to Emissary of Moonglade.
  • Inner Fire removed. New ability - Divine Beer. Spawns a barrel of divine beer at a location. Units can move near the beer barrel to gain an armor and attack damage buff.
  • Renamed to Spirit of Tirisfal.
The Ultimate Beast
  • Shamanistic Infusion renamed to Uncivilize. Icon changed.
Revenant of Mayhem
  • Renamed to Stormbound Revenant.
Reptile of Death
  • Become Tall and Strong renamed to Felamin Infusion. Now heals 20% more, but over 30 seconds, up from 5 seconds. The healing over time effect is stronger shortly after the spell is cast, but decreases over its duration. Cooldown removed.
  • Renamed to Eredar Diabolist.

Hero Models and Skins

hillbilly boi - Avatar of the Elements skin
dickxunder - Draenei Avenger model
Himperion - Tidewalker model
Heinvers & Stefan.K. - Shadow Hunter model
Ujimasa Hojo - Disciple of Aviana model
Hexus - Daughter of the Ancients model
Tauer - Lord of the Wild model
67chrome - Hand of Elune skin
levigeorge1617 - Earthcaller model
skrab1617 - Ironforge Paladin model
Direfury - Master of the Arcane model
A.R. & Freddyk - Nightborne Buccaneer model
spellweaver - Ethereal Stalker model
-Grendel - Immortal Horror model
Direfury - Plaguecaster model
Sin'dorei300 - Hand of the Lich King model
ACdestinydream - Dark Naaru model
Kuhneghetz - Deathknight model

Other Models

Murcologist1617 - Faldoc Stormkeg model
JesusHipster - Arcane Explosion model
NightSkyAurora - Rune of Power model
HappyTauren - Skeletal Horror model
Herr Dave - Tower models
Mike - Alliance Statue model
Callahan - Tortugos model
Daelin, JetFangInferno - Holy effect models
Chen - Dragonhawk Loa model
NightSkyAurora - Faerie Field effect model
General Frank - Burning Blood effect model
Dreacon - Night Star skin
Mephestrial - Fizzlesnout model
Champara Bros - Bloodboil effect model
Peekay - Elemental Shield model
nGy - Arcane Bomb model
Buster - Waterfall model
Remixer - Mishi's Hut model
Ultimate Terraining Map - Other environmental models
Matarael, Ket, HerrDave, General Frank - Item models
Kuhneghetz - Panther model
JesusHipster, Metal_Sonic, marcus158 - Draenei Avenger effect models
UgoUgo, Rubellu Sidus, General Frank, JetFangInferno - Tidewalker effect models


kola, CRAZYRUSSIAN, Infinitynexus, Destructor[DoR], GooS, mortal, Paladon, KelThuzad, ~Void~, |X.e.r.e.X, alfredx_sotn, Lockheart, UgoUgo, Mr.Goblin, BLazeKraze, D. O. G., Murlocologist, Darkfang, PeeKay, Sin'dorei300, SkriK, -Berz, Static, Crabby_Spider, OgeRfaCes, 4eNNightmare, Praytic, NFWar, GhostThruster, The Panda, Kwah, 67chrome, bigapple90, NightStalker, FrIkY, PrinceYaser, Forgotten_Warlord


Loading screen artwork by Jorge Jacinto.


Music from World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth.


Thanks for help with testing and design to Vilation, legoinfanterist, Khaddy42, Imbapiranha, Softmints, Alexen, K.V., StormKnight

Crimson Coast, Darkening of Tirisfal, Shadows over Tirisfal, SoT, Aeon of Strife, AoS, Warcraft 3, Dota, Moba, PvP

Shadows over Tirisfal 8.1b (Map)

22:54, 18th Feb 2010 Ralle: Looks fine to me
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Hey man, I have been following this map several years ago before the update, and really happy to see you did not abandon the project. The heroes are all good and really feels "different" to play each time, the cool gimmicks you have on this map, its all good. Just want to wish you luck.

Also an opinion if you don't mind: Can you have some more permanent summons in some of the heroes please? I know it is for the balance but it's hard to endure for me when 90% of the characters in game have some summons but not permernent. Maybe nerf them and make the duration infinite perhaps? Or just make up a new hero with that concept? (Yes I know the Wolf Lord have permanent pets but still.)

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

The logo, it says "Shadows ober instead of over Tirisfal" :)) you might wanna fix that
Hey man, I have been following this map several years ago before the update, and really happy to see you did not abandon the project. The heroes are all good and really feels "different" to play each time, the cool gimmicks you have on this map, its all good. Just want to wish you luck.

Also an opinion if you don't mind: Can you have some more permanent summons in some of the heroes please? I know it is for the balance but it's hard to endure for me when 90% of the characters in game have some summons but not permernent. Maybe nerf them and make the duration infinite perhaps? Or just make up a new hero with that concept? (Yes I know the Wolf Lord have permanent pets but still.)
Thanks so much! Very motivating to hear!

So, if I changed some of the summonings to have more health, longer or even permanent duration, and higher cooldown to compensate (so you have to watch them better), would you say that would go in the right direction? That's something I could see being a good change. For example, for the Stormreaver Warlock, this change would fit.

The logo, it says "Shadows ober instead of over Tirisfal" :)) you might wanna fix that
This is actually the lower case V from that font, but yea, it looks a bit weird. I'll change it by hand :).
I rushed out this version at the end to have it ready for play on the evening. I forgot to compress the loading screen. It's 1.3MB :plol:
That would be great, I think. Its for the sake of balance.
In the newest version, I went over many of the older heroes and gave them some much needed updates. Among other, I made a change to the Dragonmage as you suggested. The summoned dragon now lasts infinite, has a proper name, more health, but the spell also has a much longer cooldown. This makes it feel like you're not just using some random dragons you found on the street as cannon-fodder.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2019
This map is really good. I liked all the heroes I tried. All of them are deep enough to look weak and OP at the same time. And I love the idea of not having insane item bonuses like crappy aoses tend to have. 5/5

Abyssal turtle has typo in mini guide - stormhammer is mentioned as starter item there.
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This map is really good. I liked all the heroes I tried. All of them are deep enough to look weak and OP at the same time. And I love the idea of not having insane item bonuses like crappy aoses tend to have. 5/5

Abyssal turtle has typo in mini guide - stormhammer is mentioned as starter item there.
Hey, thanks for the kind words! I'm currently having this discussion about the items with my playgroup. They think the items should be more powerful/more plenty. So far, I manage to defend my position unyieldingly :).

The typo is fixed!
Well, you don't have to follow casual aoses like dota style. Items as they are now make combat decisions more valuable than builds.
Could you unpack that first sentence for me? I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean.

My philosophy is that items should be powerful enough that your build matters, but not any more powerful. A hero with 10000 gold networth should have an advantage over a hero with only 7000 gold networth, but not so much that the player who is at the disadvantage should just give up.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2019
I mean, you don't have to make items matter as much as in like dota.
I think at the moment they still mean a lot. You get a serious advantage even from tier 2 item but it still doesn't make it unplayable for enemy even in 1v1 which is good I guess.
Level 6
Jan 9, 2019
Really love the game. Especially the fact that it is very new player friendly in all ways. I only played it in single player with bots, which I'm sure is not the main feature of the map eh?

Can't say much about the balance. But I can say this, please improve the AI, please. :D
Because they really don't defend their base, and not really fun to interact with, if they even can be interacted enough.

The item system is awesome. Forgot to say this.

making the bots smarter when it comes to strategy is something that I can do. I just got their combat behaviour right, and not have them frequently get stuck like an idiot, and I was really happy about that. How do you want to interact with the bots? With chat messages like "Bot XYZ, go to bottom"?

The item system is awesome. Forgot to say this.
Thanks! No you didn't! :D

I included a new hero in the latest update! Check her out!
Level 6
Jan 9, 2019
Now that you replied, I'm not sure what kind of AI-interaction someone would want to have lol.

But to start things off, I'm sure they should at least say something when they try to do something big. Like, changing lanes, defending base, targeting someone, etc. Then the dream interaction is from the pings. Like, if you ping close to yourself that means you need to be healed or supported (by someone else near you, not from someone from faraway land), and if you ping an enemy a nearby AI will try to target it, if possible. If it's harder with pings, then through chat commands is fine, whatever you deem appropriate mate.

After checking your bg-story for this work, I must say congratulations to you sir, 2k3 - 2019 is a long time. May I know whether this map is your main project at the moment or this is running just as your hobby now?

Can't wait to test the AI update. Keep up the good work!
The bots currently cannot switch lanes or target an enemy hero. They can:
  • A-move on their lane and cast spells as the Blizzard AI sees fit (with some intervention when they're being overly stupid).
  • Move back on their lane when below 30% health, then use regeneration potions, or go back to the base.
  • Buy items and complete recipes.
  • Attack brigands and pickup gold coins.
Each bot gets assigned a lane at the beginning of the game. Here's where I would change the code and create a function that makes the bots reevaluate on which they lane they should go to, based on where the action is.

Making them chase heroes is really difficult and I don't know how I would do that. First of all, because it would interfere with the Blizzard AI. But also, getting the conditions right when they should switch to chasing hero mode is not trivial.

Well, take that 2k3 - 2019 with a grain of salt :) . I didn't do much for a long time. I like to work in cycles: I started working on this map again a year ago, and now again when Reforged was announced. Then I let it rest and go to other projects. When I return to it, I have a lot of ideas, I can work very efficiently, and I've learned more about game design in the mean time.

My other big project is a collectible card game that I'm working on with a couple of friends. I hope to have something to show within this year.

Thanks for the encouragement! Much needed in this cold and dark time of the year! :)

If you'd like to chat more about the map, you can also join our Discord server: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
Level 6
Jan 9, 2019
Alright, don't go too hard on the AI then, cause I see no AI tag on the map anyway.

Your work cycle is quite intriguing. Can't imagine myself doing that cycle at all.

Can I 'subscribe' to that CG of yours? I'm a fan of CG, and have some experience on playing most genre of it.

Wc3 has grown old, mates that I know when I was here back in 2011 are no longer active. So, I figured that if no one starts any constructive interaction, then who does? Cause now I'm seeing almost nothing in JASS section where I belong. Where it used to thrive with both junks and diamonds, and the busy people with their very own arguments, debating nonsense and what makes sense. Good old times.

I forgot to mention that I love the fact that no last hits are required, the side-neutrals are also nice.
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You can't subscribe right now, but I'll notify you when it's up :) .

Wc3 has grown old, mates that I know when I was here back in 2011 are no longer active. So, I figured that if no one starts any constructive interaction, then who does? Cause now I'm seeing almost nothing in JASS section where I belong. Where it used to thrive with both junks and diamonds, and the busy people with their very own arguments, debating nonsense and what makes sense. Good old times.
Those were the times!

I forgot to mention that I love the fact that no last hits are required, the side-neutrals are also nice.
Yea, no one likes doing last hits really, but it's a skill test during the early game where there aren't any other. The brigands are supposed to be a different skill test. Players aren't engaging with them yet as much as I would like it though.
Level 6
Jan 9, 2019
Tested the new version, some feedbacks:

- The core buildings should be fancier.
- The bottom core building should use more visible missile art.
- Creeps surrounding a barrel and have difficulty destroying it is quite weird.
- If this is not too much, correct ability-icon border to differentiate the clickable ones and the non-clickable ones. (Regarding this, I found that Spirit of Tirisfal's Treant uses a WoW ability border.)

Master of the Arcane (my fav)
- His targeted abilities should have a bit further max-range. Like -50 current cast range, but gain +50 max-range or something. Casting them from out-of-range usually produce insta-cancels. Imo, should at least have ~100 range alive time.
- Mental Projection's timed life expire ~1 sec prematurely, compared to the bar displayed.
- Ultimate is somehow delayed. I couldn't do D-Q quickly with proper results.
- His attack missile is the same as a particular creep woman's.
- I feel that the arcane missiles should use AbsorbMana missile art, or DevourMagic's. Current one seems to big, but this one is just pure visual.

- Towers' fortification needs some time to acknowledge a nearby hero. Is this intended?
- Agi giving +1 ms per point should be added in Random Tips.

- If I'm correct, 4vs5 AI result in 1/2/1 and 2/1/2 lane arrangement for each respective team. Therefore, bottom's middle lane auto-wins, and I'm forced to defend both right and left.
Good feedback!

-The entire base areas are due for a rework. For the Alliance side, I want to expand the city and move the city gates to the three base towers.
-I thought I had fixed all of these. Which ones are still incorrect?

Master of the Arcane
-This is because I changed the base spell from Life Drain to Channel, and there's no way to modify the cut-off range on Channel afaik. I don't know what the reason was for changing it, but I think it was some minor bug. I changed it back to Life Drain now and we'll see if it works better.
-That's because the Mental Projection gets removed by triggers and is not supposed to expire. When I set the expiration time to something less than 1 sec more, it sometimes just randomly dies. This isn't ideal, but I haven't figured out a better way yet.
-I have no problems with it. Is this happening only in specific situations?
-I changed his missile art to Devour Magic. That fits actually very well.
-I like Orb of Annihilation more.

-That's the Warcraft 3 shop delay. Don't know how to fxit that.
-Ok, I can do one about movement speed.

Level 6
Jan 9, 2019
-I thought I had fixed all of these. Which ones are still incorrect?
Spirit of Tirisfal's Treant form, the insta-heal ability. Dunno about the others. I also meant the icons on the Tips dude, but I guess it's fine here.

-I have no problems with it. Is this happening only in specific situations?
I think it's related to Mental Projection then. Because I mostly cast D from a projection. And if the projection abruptly dies while the ulti is still on, the special effect on the original hero can linger until the next time I cast ulti.

-I like Orb of Annihilation more.
Is it possible to scale it down a little? Other than the visuals, the damage displayed on the tooltip is dps or per missile? And how often a missile is shot actually? Also, what happens when you have ulti, and try to cast it twice? I can't really notice this last part.
Spirit of Tirisfal's Treant form, the insta-heal ability. Dunno about the others. I also meant the icons on the Tips dude, but I guess it's fine here.
Ok, so you mean the Advisor/Hero Selection. That would mean I'd have to import a passive button version for all these icons. I don't think that's worth it. Fixed the Healing Touch.

I think it's related to Mental Projection then. Because I mostly cast D from a projection. And if the projection abruptly dies while the ulti is still on, the special effect on the original hero can linger until the next time I cast ulti.
I fixed the special effect bug. The ultimate should have two special effects; when it's not channeling, a passive white orb. When it's active, the flickering sphere.

Is it possible to scale it down a little? Other than the visuals, the damage displayed on the tooltip is dps or per missile? And how often a missile is shot actually? Also, what happens when you have ulti, and try to cast it twice? I can't really notice this last part.
You can't cast a spell twice with the ultimate. You can only cast two different spells. You can, however, use Mental Projection, then use ultimate on the original, and Arcane Missiles with both.

Arcane Missiles deals damage per second equal to 175% of your auto-attack damage per second. One missile is fired every 0.4 seconds. That means, one missile deals damage equal to 70% of auto-attack DPS.


New version is up with Master of the Arcane bug fixes, the bot line assignment fixed, and some minor terrain improvements.
Level 6
Jan 9, 2019
You can, however, use Mental Projection, then use ultimate on the original, and Arcane Missiles with both.
I thought the ordering was ulti, mental projection, then 2 dudes wreaking havoc. So you can cast ulti while channeling?

Do both barrages first effect happen after 0.4s/1s? Or one tick also happens when they're just cast (0s)? This is in relation to that item that has 25% chance to shock whenever one casts a targeted spell. Would be awesome to know that the barrages' first tick happens on 0s. Would make repeated casting more viable, because those 1s cooldowns look so yummy. I don't know about the balance involved though. And my eyes can't really catch whether the first tick is on 0s or not.

the bot line assignment fixed
Thanks mate!
I thought the ordering was ulti, mental projection, then 2 dudes wreaking havoc. So you can cast ulti while channeling?
Yes. For example, if your original gets attacked while you're channeling Mental Projection, you don't have to abort it. You can just pop ultimate.

Do both barrages first effect happen after 0.4s/1s? Or one tick also happens when they're just cast (0s)? This is in relation to that item that has 25% chance to shock whenever one casts a targeted spell. Would be awesome to know that the barrages' first tick happens on 0s. Would make repeated casting more viable, because those 1s cooldowns look so yummy. I don't know about the balance involved though. And my eyes can't really catch whether the first tick is on 0s or not.
The first tick is after 0.2 seconds. I have tried spamming Arcane Missiles with Tempest Rod before, but I think it's not worth it. It requires so much attention that you're going to mess up something else.
Ok, I'll get that fixed. The transmission doesn't show for me, so I removed it and put a text message instead. But the transmission now displays (null).

The super boots are a recent addition. I don't want to give super speed too easily, so the extra movement speed on those boots is costed more than usual. I think that it's ok to have boots only for strength/agi heroes, but I'm open to adding an item with super speed for int heroes as well.
AI update finished. The bots now constantly monitor the game state and choose where to go. I think I fixed most of the bugs, so they shouldn't get stuck anywhere. The parameters that determine how they behave could use some fine-tuning, I would guess. Occasionally, they will switch back and forth between lanes like idiots, but I put the parameters so that that shouldn't happen too often. And if I change their bias more towards the lane they're currently on, they'll stay there forever. Also, the bots really like piling onto one lane and starting a massive brawl.

Try them out and tell me what you think!
Glad you like it! I guess when you teleport around with the Dark Naaru, the bots get confused about what you're trying to do.

Did you get to purchase a rune yet? We're having a discussion on our discord about whether the runes should be replaced by something else, and I'd like to hear your opinion about them.
Level 6
Mar 19, 2015
6.10c version crashed as soon as loading was complete when we tried 5v5.
Tried it with 6.10b and it also crashed as soon as loading was done (5v5).
Tried with just 3v3 but it still crashed as soon as loading was done.
Level 6
Jan 9, 2019
Hey mate! Don't have much time for the internet lately. I honestly have a huge lot of feedbacks in my mind after playing the map countless times now. Though I'm sorry I can't blurt them all yet, they're mainly critiques and complaints if you wanna know what they are.

About the rune... I got it only once from like 50 games that I've played. I personally think the item/etc progression is too slow. Well, at least for single player bot games.

Perhaps I shouldn't say this here, but from like 5 aos games that I downloaded along with this, I only enjoy this one. Perhaps mainly because of this map's simplicity, clearness, uniqueness, and neatness. Though like I said previously, I still have some complaints. :p
6.10c version crashed as soon as loading was complete when we tried 5v5.
Tried it with 6.10b and it also crashed as soon as loading was done (5v5).
Tried with just 3v3 but it still crashed as soon as loading was done.
Ok, thanks, I'll have to investigate this.

We had this problem once before. We found that it was caused by one player desyncing (which didn't have to do anything with the map, just Wc3 being Wc3), but on other maps only that player was kicked out of the game, while on Shadows over Tirisfal it kicked everyone out of the game.

If you have this problem again, maybe you can try to isolate who is causing it by starting the game with different players.

Or I just screwed up something horribly in the latest version :oops:.
I changed the map initialization trigger and moved a lot of stuff away from it. This might fix that desync issue. Maybe. :pnewt:

Thank you for all your work and dedication :)

Hey mate! Don't have much time for the internet lately. I honestly have a huge lot of feedbacks in my mind after playing the map countless times now. Though I'm sorry I can't blurt them all yet, they're mainly critiques and complaints if you wanna know what they are.

About the rune... I got it only once from like 50 games that I've played. I personally think the item/etc progression is too slow. Well, at least for single player bot games.

Perhaps I shouldn't say this here, but from like 5 aos games that I downloaded along with this, I only enjoy this one. Perhaps mainly because of this map's simplicity, clearness, uniqueness, and neatness. Though like I said previously, I still have some complaints. :p
Actually, I'm surprised you stay motivated for so long playing only with bots.

As far as I remember, you play 5vs5 with bots? This will most likely reduce your gold and experience gain and the game will progress slower. I haven't really put much thought into 5vs5 balance because I can never get that many people together.

Anyway, give me those complaints.
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Hello I played your map. And reviewed.


+Terrain looks cool and it really feels like playing a World of Warcraft map. It reminds me hillsbrad and silverpine forest.
+I hear forsaken theme on battle. Custom music makes terrain better
-Map is too big for walk. I spend my half of time for walking.


+Talents system looks cool. Players can choose their path.
-Skills have long cooldowns. I feel auto-attack importing on gameplay. But generic Warcraft Spells atmosphere not break gameplay.
+Kelaris the slayer purrify idea very good. I think it needs to be more powerful
+No confusing item shops at town. You spread vendors to all area. No overpowered Items at there.
+There is a advisor at your town. I read infos and its very useful
-2 Factions have their neutral item vendor. I think its kill pvp on neutral forest.
+I saw upgrading abilities by buying item from vendors. Good Idea.
-Scroll of Necromencers spawns mob outside of your town. I saw minions passes enemy minions at central tower.
+Some Neutral creeps at roads intresting idea. I blocked enemy minions by attacking to them. It can be tactical advantage.
+AI system communicate with players good, It's ok for new players like me
-AI are buying items too late. AI becomes weak on late game.


Your map unique ideas like talent system and I enjoyed well. I played 3 times and I think game needs more hero and better movements speed for fast combat.
My raiting 4.5/5 = 5/5



Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Map is extremely impressive. Especially how you made the bots play - almost - decently. The terrain, the instructions, the general clarity of the systems. 5/5

-I feel that dwarven healer class (forgot name) has a model that is a bit odd. He has a sling, but uses it in melee only.
Map is extremely impressive. Especially how you made the bots play - almost - decently. The terrain, the instructions, the general clarity of the systems. 5/5

-I feel that dwarven healer class (forgot name) has a model that is a bit odd. He has a sling, but uses it in melee only.
Thank you very much :).

The bots use the Blizzard AI for spellcasting, with a bit of custom triggers for bots to help them out. Then, there are state checks to decide whether to push or retreat on a lane, and then the evaluation which lane they should go. This one was the most difficult, and also the one that's performing not that well.

You mean the Ironforge Paladin? Oh, I think his weapon is a morning star. It is this model. But it is a bit weird that he doesn't use his axe.
Push hero like lightning lizard is very useful against AI, use 800 gold to buy mana potion then push to the end.
I haven't tried that strategy before. If the entire team buys potion, they could do a "rush" strategy. You can also go for an early flask from the Misc shop and push this way.
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
We played a bunch of Crimson Coast back in the day. I think renaming the project is not ideal. In any case the map seemed promising so far, but it's hard to get players. I haven't really played enough to give much feedback, except that I didn't find a way to view quests after they have been initially started and thus didn't know what to do, and that is not super obvious where the higher tier shops are. Heroes we tried seemed interesting so far, but I guess naru is gone? :(
If I were to do it again, I would definitely put a note in the last version of Crimson Coast to notify people that the name will change. But at the time there wasn't really people playing the map. Funnily enough, that only really happened after I changed the name.

It's hard to get players for any map these days (except for Tower Survivors #16789) with everyone playing on different patches and whatnot.

The quest notifications could definitely be a bit more visible.

The Dark Naaru is not gone. He's still chilling with the Scourge. :psmile:

Thanks for your feedback!

@deepstrasz What the hell, man? :plol:
