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Sanity's Edge

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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
by Matt Vosters

Somewhere, in a open valley outside a city, a storm rages on through the night. A dark figure walks through the valley. He smells of death and decay. Darkness surrounds him. He continues until he reaches a small hill.
Necromancer: "The summoning will begin tonight!"
He pauses, then begins casting a spell.
Necromancer: Azar'kajira RA!
A portal opens up. The Necromancer continues chanting in strange language.
Back in the city, a soldier bursts through the door.
Soldier: I wish a moment with Lord Auralius!
Councellor: Just wait a minute. What is your urgent request?
Soldier: Anorath (a powerful mage) has detected a force so great, it tears at the fiber of this world!
Councellor: Hmm... That is urgent. You can meet him in few minutes.
The councellor hurries away. A moment later, a large door opens up. "Come in," says a voice. The soldier enters the throne room.
Inside, is Lord Lucius Dei Auralius sitting on his throne.
Lord Lucius Dei Auralius: I heard from my Councellor that a portal has opened up. Is that true?
Soldier: Yes, it is, my lord.
Auralius: This is very strange. Run back to the barracks, and tell them to send two battalions of soldiers and archers to the location of that portal. Whatever thing is trying to enter this world, don't let it through. You heard me, soldier?
Soldier: Yes, my Lord!
The soldier turns and is about to leave
Auralius: And, soldier?
Soldier stops and turns around.
Lord Lucius Auralius: When you give them the message, take a break, if you're going to be ready for tommorrow.
Soldier: Tommorrow, Sir?
Auralius: Yes. Your first day as lieutenant!
Soldier: Thank you, sir. I'll make you proud!
The soldier leaves and Auralius sighs.
Auralius: I hope so..
Back on the hill, the Necromancer is still chanting in strange language. Meanwhile, spirits and ghastly shades fly in and out of the portal.
At the foot of the hill stands a captain, with shiny armor, leading two battalions.
Captain: Halt, Necromancer! Stop, or we will be forced to take aggresive action!
Necromancer: There's no stopping for it is now too late.
Captain: I said stop! I'm counting to ten. TEN!
Necromancer: You're making a big mistake, foolish young one.
Captain: Seven! Six!
Necromancer: (Laughs evil [his normal laugh slowly transitions to a deep demonic laugh])
Captain: Three! Two!
The Necromancer dissapates, and the captain is struck by red lightning. The troops, all scramble in wide panic, as the ground benath them begins to erupt in series of jets of flame, spikes, and earthquakes. The portal closes.

???: Mortals despair! Sanity, has just went over the edge, and your doom is certain!
END OF PART 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008

Back in the throne room, Lord Auralius discusses the event of the previous night with his advisors.
Auralius: What ever that thing was, it was destructive and danger, and must be dealt with immediatly.
Lord Tyros Mhalor (an advisor): My lord, you have to weigh the options. That.. thing destroyed two battalions, without being harmed. Sending your troops without knowing anything about that monster is suicide. We have to learn this thing's weakness.
Auralius: I have weighed the options, Tyros, and I know the consequences. The more we wait though, the stronger the beast becomes. Oh, I just don't know what to do! My head tells me wait, but my guts tell me strike!
Lord Tyros Mhalor: But what does your heart say, my lord?
Lucius Dei Auralius: My heart says... What do you mean what does my heart say?! This is war, not a bloody damn romance!
Lord Tyros Mhalor: Sorry, my Lord.
Auralius: Don't kiss up to me either! What we need is strategy. Now bring in the map and troops listings and let's get started.
In a small hunting village in the trees, some women and children do their every days tasks, like cleaning, and playing tag. A few older boys stand around the village, waiting nervous for a skirmish.
The noise of several trees falling occurs. The boys draw their weapons, ready to defend what ever wild beast would attack their village. One boy walks out a short distance to investigate the fallen trees.
Boy: It looks like these tress were knocked down by fire.
The boy walks back, to struck from behind by a fiery fire ball, killing him instantly.
Boy 2: What the h--
The other boy is also struck by a fire ball.
A woman by her house, cleaning, is startled when the earth starts to shake. A fiery rock crashes down very close to her. She jumps back, but then steps forward to investigate.
Woman: Hmmm..
Then another meteor crashes and slams into the ground. Now, it rains meteors and the whole village is burning, the houses burn and the workplaces become an inferno.
A young Wood Elf female and her mother are hunting a deer through a swamp. The daughter draws =her bow and stretches the bowstring, for the kill. A large tentacle suddenly shoots out of the ground and tries to grab the youngling.
Elanis (the mother): Shara!
Another tentacle shoots from the ground and smacks the mother with such a force that she's instantly dead. The deer begins to sprint away, scared, but is also killed by a tentacle.
A farmer and his son stand on top of a hill, inspecting the good crop.
Man: I'm proud of you son, the crop turned out almost as good as if I planted it, you can get a day rest.
Son: I'll have to plant for years 'till I'm as good as you!
Man: Don't worry, It'll come soon enough.
They stand there for some time, as father and son, suddenly...
Man: Does it seem cold to you?
Son: Now that you mention it, it does.
Man: Let's go back, before we catch a cold!
It begins to snow, and strong winds pick up, the crops all die because of the cold.
Son: No, the crops!
Man: Don't just stand there, or we'll all be dead, RUN!
They run but are quickly imprisoned in giant blocks of ice. The whole area freezes and soon enough it has become a frozen wasteland.
Shows the aftermath of the village, all scourged and on fire.
Show the Wood Elves, all running from giant tentacles that keep erupting from the ground.
Shows the the farm, frozen in one giant block of ice.
Show Lord Lucius Dei Auralius and his advisors and generals around a table, planning a strategy. The councellor enters.
Councellor: My lord, you're not going to believe this... (whispers in Auralius's ear, Auralius goes pale and seems shocked)
Auralius: What! This is unbelievable! That's it! Post a damn reward of ten million rupees, for whoever can kill this thing, and put and end to this madness! By the gods, this has pushed me to the edge.
Lord Tyros Mhalor: The edge of what, sir?
Auralius: The Edge of Sanity!
----------------------End of Part 2-----------------------------------------------
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Level 4
Sep 28, 2008
pretty good, i like it.. although some of the dialogue is a bit..cliche... and also..

Count Balnazar? wouldn't have anything to do with the dreadlord in WC3 would it?
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
I was going for quick names I could throw in, and we can change them later.
Yes Count Balnazar is based off of the dreadlord. But he is not a dreadlord in the story, more like a creepy advisor guy.
The part where everything just gets owned in the village, by the Wood Elven hunters, and the Frozen farm, are not done by our boss in the beginning of the story, to make things clear, but by the rest of his fellows. (Yes, a kickass evil dude has BFF's)
Go back to the other thread, and make some heroes!
And someone who can replace the guy named ???
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Yes we do. That way we can give Asomath his awesome thread back. He deserves a thread where people can post their ideas, not listen to us ramble on and on.
Like the name for the advisor, but the kings name is so (New word) One-syllablely.
I (or you if you don't mind.) will make this thread soon.
Next up Heroes!
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Yes we do. That way we can give Asomath his awesome thread back. He deserves a thread where people can post their ideas, not listen to us ramble on and on.
Like the name for the advisor, but the kings name is so (New word) One-syllablely.
I (or you if you don't mind.) will make this thread soon.
Next up Heroes!

And I appreciate that. So, part 1 and 2 seems like it fits together as a nice little prologue. Is this going to end up as an in-game cinematic orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... do we get to do somthing like record an in-game cinematic, let me gather the voice overs for the characters, and create a kick-arse teaser trailer type of cinematic.

Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
I don't really know, seeing as it could be both...
If you do make it into the trailer, I was gonna finish the cinematic with a funny (Funny HaHa, not funny hAhA.) opening with our main character, making him seem a little unfit for the job, and adding some comedy. Some nice jokes in the script for part 3 of the opening would be nice, and I'll probably ask for some when part 3 is finished.
We could modify it, to make it deeper, then it could be the ingame cinematic, because this one is a little short, and a bit cliche (how the characters say the campaigns title over and over in script.)
Teaser... Never thought of that.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Because if we did make the first two parts into a prologue teaser-trailer kind of thing (Like in some games how there is like a cinematic when you start up the game) then we wouldnt have to worry about all the space the stuff takes up. Even though its a campaign, if you add up all the voices, music, and sound effects, thats alot more download time for one cinematic.

Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Nice, because it sounds cool and I know NO latin, so I like learning new things, which made me read yout tutorial, then read you profile to see if you made any others, then found the single-player bossfights thread, then made this thread!
I owe you man.(your not a woman are you?)
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Somewhere, in a open valley outside a city, a storm rages on through the night. A dark figure walks through the valley. He smells of death and decay. Darkness surrounds him. He continues until he reaches a small hill.
Necromancer: "The summoning will begin tonight!"
He pauses, then begins casting a spell.
Necromancer: Azar'kajira RA!
A portal opens up. The Necromancer continues chanting in strange language.
Back in the city, a soldier bursts through the door.
Soldier: I wish a moment with Lord Kal'Thos!
Councellor: Just wait a minute. What is your urgent request?
Soldier: Anorath (a powerful mage) has detected a force so great, it tears at the fiber of this world!
Councellor: Hmm... That is urgent. You can meet him in few minutes.
The councellor hurries away. A moment later, a large door opens up. "Come in," says a voice. The soldier enters the throne room.
Inside, is Lord Kal'Thos sitting on his throne.
Lord Kal'Thos: I heard from my Councellor that a portal has opened up. Is that true?
Soldier: Yes, it is, my lord.
Kal'Thos: This is very strange. Run back to the barracks, and tell them to send two battalions of soldiers and archers to the location of that portal. Whatever thing is trying to enter this world, don't let it through. You heard me, soldier?
Soldier: Yes, my Lord!
The soldier turns and is about to leave
Kal'Thos: And, soldier?
Soldier stops and turns around.
Lord Kal'Thos: When you give them the message, take a break, if you're going to be ready for tommorrow.
Soldier: Tommorrow, Sir?
Kal'Thos: Yes. Your first day as lieutenant!
Soldier: Thank you, sir. I'll make you proud!
The soldier leaves and Kal'Thos sighs.
Kal'Thos: I hope so..
Back on the hill, the Necromancer is still chanting in strange language. Meanwhile, spirits and ghastly shades fly in and out of the portal.
At the foot of the hill stands a captain, with shiny armor, leading two battalions.
Captain: Halt, Necromancer! Stop, or we will be forced to take aggresive action!
Necromancer: There's no stopping for it is now too late.
Captain: I said stop! I'm counting to ten. TEN!
Necromancer: You're making a big mistake, foolish young one.
Captain: Seven! Six!
Necromancer: (Laughs evil [his normal laugh slowly transitions to a deep demonic laugh])
Captain: Three! Two!
The Necromancer dissapates, and the captain is struck by red lightning. The troops, all scramble in wide panic, as the ground benath them begins to erupt in series of jets of flame, spikes, and earthquakes. The portal closes.

???: Mortals despair! Sanity, has just went over the edge, and your doom is certain!
END OF PART 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Back in the throne room, Lord Kal'Thos discusses the event of the previous night with his advisors.
Kal'thos: What ever that thing was, it was destructive and danger, and must be dealt with immediatly.
Lord Tyros Mhalor (an advisor): My lord, you have to weigh the options. That.. thing destroyed two battalions, without being harmed. Sending your troops without knowing anything about that monster is suicide. We have to learn this thing's weakness.
Kal'Thos: I have weighed the options, Tyros, and I know the consequences. The more we wait though, the stronger the beast becomes. Oh, I just don't know what to do! My head tells me wait, but my guts tell me strike!
Lord Tyros Mhalor: But what does your heart say, my lord?
Kal'Thos: My heart says... What do you mean what does my heart say?! This is war, not a bloody damn romance!
Lord Tyros Mhalor: Sorry, my Lord.
Kal'Thos: Don't kiss up to me either! What we need is strategy. Now bring in the map and troops listings and let's get started.
In a small hunting village in the trees, some women and children do their every days tasks, like cleaning, and playing tag. A few older boys stand around the village, waiting nervous for a skirmish.
The noise of several trees falling occurs. The boys draw their weapons, ready to defend what ever wild beast would attack their village. One boy walks out a short distance to investigate the fallen trees.
Boy: It looks like these tress were knocked down by fire.
The boy walks back, to struck from behind by a fiery fire ball, killing him instantly.
Boy 2: What the h--
The other boy is also struck by a fire ball.
A woman by her house, cleaning, is startled when the earth starts to shake. A fiery rock crashes down very close to her. She jumps back, but then steps forward to investigate.
Woman: Hmmm..
Then another meteor crashes and slams into the ground. Now, it rains meteors and the whole village is burning, the houses burn and the workplaces become an inferno.
A young Wood Elf female and her mother are hunting a deer through a swamp. The daughter draws =her bow and stretches the bowstring, for the kill. A large tentacle suddenly shoots out of the ground and tries to grab the youngling.
Elanis (the mother): Shara!
Another tentacle shoots from the ground and smacks the mother with such a force that she's instantly dead. The deer begins to sprint away, scared, but is also killed by a tentacle.
A farmer and his son stand on top of a hill, inspecting the good crop.
Man: I'm proud of you son, the crop turned out almost as good as if I planted it, you can get a day rest.
Son: I'll have to plant for years 'till I'm as good as you!
Man: Don't worry, It'll come soon enough.
They stand there for some time, as father and son, suddenly...
Man: Does it seem cold to you?
Son: Now that you mention it, it does.
Man: Let's go back, before we catch a cold!
It begins to snow, and strong winds pick up, the crops all die because of the cold.
Son: No, the crops!
Man: Don't just stand there, or we'll all be dead, RUN!
They run but are quickly imprisoned in giant blocks of ice. The whole area freezes and soon enough it has become a frozen wasteland.
Shows the aftermath of the village, all scourged and on fire.
Show the Wood Elves, all running from giant tentacles that keep erupting from the ground.
Shows the the farm, frozen in one giant block of ice.
Show Lord Kal'Thos and his advisors and generals around a table, planning a strategy. The councellor enters.
Councellor: My lord, you're not going to believe this... (whispers in Kal'Thos's ear, Kal'thos goes pale and seems shocked)
Kal'Thos: What! This is unbelievable! That's it! Post a damn reward of ten million rupees, for whoever can kill this thing, and put and end to this madness! By the gods, this has pushed me to the edge.
Lord Tyros Mhalor: The edge of what, sir?
Kal'Thos: The Edge of Sanity!
----------------------End of Part 2-----------------------------------------------

I edited it for you, added some stuff and putted extra feelings.
I first also wanted to edit the dialogue, but I realized it was obvious for a cintematic.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Thx for the typos. It is very hard to see the whole story on Notepad either.
You fixed the tentacle part. It never really sounded right.
The characters also seem more fierce, less 'Why me, I just exist.
Cool I will Edit with these versions, then change the names.
EDIT: fixed
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008

In Auralius's bedroom, lies the lord on his bed. He can't sleep, of course, because of all the troubles in the kingdom, and more and more attacks on the people happen everyday.
Someone knocks on the door three times, then slowly walks in. It is prince Calcath Auralius, with a bag over his shoulder, hanging.
Prince Calcath: Father, I have something I want to ask you..
Lord Auralius: What is it, my son?
Prince Calcath: You know.. I can't just sit here.. I want to FIGHT that damned thing!
Lucius: Fight what?
Prince: The monster that threatens our kingdom, and all of mankind and humanity. We cannot stay here and do.. nothing!
Lord Auralius: Son, I admire your courage, but.. I can't let you do it! For the sake of our kingdom, we need a heir!
Calcath: The kingdom is for who I'm doing this! You have to trust me, great father. I'll be alright, I swear!
Lord Auralius: No, that is enough. I can't risk losing my only heir to the throne.
Calcath: If I die, the throne can go to your advisor, Mhalor. Let me do this.
Lord Auralius: I can't... I just can't..
Calcath: So be it...
Calcath leaves the room and slams the door with massive force.
Lord Auralius: What have I done?!
Prince Calcath walks down the hallway, clearly determined.
Royal Guard: Hello Prince, where are you going at this late hou--
Calcath: I don't have time to talk right now, Saul. I'm in a hurry, damnit.
Saul (the royal guard): Alright then.. Have a safe trip, my prince..
Calcath continues down the hall.
Outside, it begins to storm wildly. Calcath leaves the palace, and jumps on a horse, which is also packed. He strides away until he is merely a speck, in the slowly rising sun.
3 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The king sits on his throne, mortified by the loss of his son, Calcath. The councellour enters.
Councellour: My Lord! We have received a message attached to an arrow, found in one of our soldiers!
Lord Lucius Dei Auralius: What does it say?
Councellour: It says:

Dear King,
We have your son. If you do not give us 1,000,000 rupees, your son is a dead body for the crows. Give us the money by the next end of the week, or we'll slit the prince's goddamn throat and let him rott.

Lord Auralius: Damn it, we don't even know where to bring this money! Send an army after that.. damn beast! It's time to get my son back!
He looks with elevates his voice as he says it, and it's, clearly decisive..
End of Part 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Level 6
Mar 12, 2008
But the only problem is, how many are gonna watch the teaser, before playing chapter one?

If we do a teaser trailer, we should do it before campaign is finished. That way the campaign can gain even more fame before its finished. We can easily advertise it through a thread like: Edge of Sanity Teaser Trailer, which will have a link to a video if we post it into Youtube. But if we do do (haha i said doodoo) the teaser, we should post footage of like 3 to 4 different boss fights, like just quick scenes of each. The fancier we make the video look, the more people shall flock to the threads, and the most famous comment they will place will be: Is it out yet? lol. But this teaser shouldn't be done until we finish a good amount of the map.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Yes. That is what I had in mind. Creating the teaser, with boss footage, would be the next best thing to get hype. It would help if we wait until we have no other people joining, except for ideas, because the last thing I need is 5,677 terrainers, terraining, and by the end, the crappy last guy undo's it. (Lol!)
Voice Actors and videos will lure them like bread lures mice.
Note: Asomath will leave for 1-3 days, so be aware that he may not make another boss right away.
Level 6
Mar 12, 2008
I remember when I used to have horrible nightmares every day from the age of 6 to 12 years old... now I just have blank white dreams, but the occasional scary one seeps in from time to time. lol.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
In the capital, it is just another day for the traders, who roam up and down the city streets like mad. A man in leather armor, is reading a fancy piece of script, that is pinned to a wall.
Angus: Damn.. I can't read these runes. Can anyone read this!?
A trader on a horse passes by.
Trader: Learn to read, dumbass, it's not school here!
Angus: Come here you, now...
Trader: Get lost, idiot.
The trader throws water on Angus, and rides away.
Angus: Damn foreigners! That's why I don't live here.
Angus takes the script and walks into the street.
Angus: Can anyone read this thing?
Man: I can help, but you owe me the 1,000,000 rupees.
Angus: 1,000,000 rupees!? Are you insane?
Man: Grmpf... It says: ''Reward! 1,000,000 rupees for whoever can slay the monster that threatens the kingdom. Talk to Lord Lucius Dei Auralius for more details.''
Angus: Hmm. Here's your price..
Angus hands the man a nice red ruby, even tho it's clearly a fake one, the man doesn't notice that..
Man: Thank you, Sir. This is how I make a living nowadays. Just readin' signs for foreigners.
Angus nods and leaves the man, heading to the Imperial palace.
Angus enters the palace, to see the councellour waiting outside the throne room door.
Councellour: Hmm. You're dressed rather odd. Are you a foreigner? An ambassador?
Angus: Yes, and no. I am a warrior, who does tasks for rupees. May I speak with the king, honourable councellor?
Councellour: A warrior you say? Have you come to slay that hell of a beast? No one has attempted yet so far, except Prince Calcath, who has been captured.. Don't you think its funny that a monster like that has human penmanship?
Angus: I'd just like to speak with the king please, now.
Councellour: Just walk right in.
Angus opens the door, to find the king, reading a list. The councellour approaches him, and whispers in his ear. The King immediatly looks up.
Auralius: What? You've come to slay the beast!?
Angus: Yes, I have come here for that. I just wanted to know something about this creature, before I fight it and kill it.
Auralius: About that, I haven't seen the creature myself. You'd best talk to Anorath, the mage. He know lots more than I do. He lives west of the city, out in a tower in the woods. What makes you qualified for this job?
Angus: I have slayed many demons before. I am a nomad warrior, who fights for money. I believe your task could mean my retirement.
Auralius: Trust me. Do this, and you're a hero. And if by chance you rescue my son, Calcath. Please send him straight back home! I need a word with him. Now make haste, hero. Time is short as the thing grows with its destructive reign.
Angus: You can count on me, Lord Lucius, I will free your son..
His voice sounds determined, and he turns, striding away.
When he has become merely a speck in the eyes of the king he mutters.
''I wish you luck..''
End of Part 4~~~~~~~~~~ End of Chapter Prelude ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It doesn't really makes sense that a nomad hero has shiny armor, but I was uncertain if I could change that.. also about the ruby diamond he gave, I made it fake because otherwise it would be really very much.
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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
I also like the fake ruby. Rupees are the currency, and they are colored gems, but that was cooler. You can make him a warrior from another kingdom instead. Yeah, nomads are ususally poor.

EDIT: This may not actually be the end of chapter prelude. I just got some Ideas I'd like to discuss
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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Vosty's Wishlist

Well. I'd like to being on Making Chapter Prelude into reality, but I need some things...

1. I would like a nice castle model, that the character can walk in out of, and can walk around in on the inside. It should have a nice open area in front next to a small library/study, a large throne room, a long hallway, and a bedroom for the king to sleep in (Read the script for ch. 4. It'll make sense)
2. For Asomath to show what Angus looks like. XD
3. Some models for what Cse'tian looks like.
4. To know if I should get a different necromancer model.
5. A nice loading screen. ( I'll give details later.)
gotta go be back soon for more requests..
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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Chapter One: Dark Beginnings

Angus walks down the road, which he has been walking for days.
Angus: Where the hell does this damn Anorath live? If I was a fomus mage I'd sure as hell live in a giant palace. Not some gods be damned tower in the middle of nowhere!
Angus continues to walk down the road
Anorath's Tower
Reach Anorath's Tower
Angus must survive.

A tad bit of creeping, with a cave scattered off to the side. (We'll make up a giant cutscene ingame)
Angus walks down the road with blood on his weapon.
Angus:Can't any of these damn creatures leave me alo-
A net is thrown on Angus pinning him down. Several bandits walk out from the side of the road.
Bandit: Another one in nice armor! Our captain will give us triple rations after the last guy we caught!
The bandits drag him off towards the woods.
Angus wakes up, and looks around. He fnds that he is in an iron cage.
Angus: Where the hell am I?
He looks closer at the cage next to him.
Angus: Hey! Do you got anything you can brake me out with?
Prince Calcath: You should brake me out! Do you have any idea how important I am to the kingdom? I am going to slay the beast!
Angus: Wait a minute!?!? You must be that price who got captured. Didn't you get captured by that monster? How did you get here?
Prince: I've been here since the night I left. These bandits have been keeping me alive in hopes of bait for rupees. It only a matter of time before they give up.
Angus BattleHarrow: You still didn't answer my first question. Do you got like a rock? Any other throwable object? Try throwin it at the latch!
Prince: Ok....
The prince throws a small rock at the latch on Angus's cage, and it bursts open.
Calcath:Save me now!
Angus not now! I'll kill the capatin first, for your safety.
End of Chapter one part one.~~~~~````~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

How was it? Since it's a playable level, it's hard to write some parts right now, but later when we make it.
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