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Round Table of Arkain


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014

Testing continues and I'm having flashbacks of unreleased versions with ridiculous armies and heroes.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017

Testing continues and I'm having flashbacks of unreleased versions with ridiculous armies and heroes.
orcs army are really weak and handicapped when compare with ironfist,red fist,golden guard

counting the chapters
civil war
fight with redfist and saleria army
fight with demon
fight with undead bone lords

17 playable chapter in total?
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Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
Still no one show that the shitty and unbalanCed Ch 4 can be pass by normal approach , obivousilY it is without any test before publish to player and even update to ch13, nothing is changed.

Defend slow and wait 2 enemies force combined strike,proactive attack then suiciDe instantly.

All means of tower spam, catapults,lighting chain are used ,but no means to defend from enemies elites and hero's attack.
Weak hero and unit,no regeneration of Hp mp,no initial double gold Mine,no items,op and non stop short cycled enemies are still e:existed

Even now no one make any video to pass it
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Level 4
Mar 29, 2016
Actually, i like these kinds of map where a player utilizes whatever he has and not just use a "normal approach", it makes me strategize and save alot in order to finish it.
This is the same case for lord of shadows from shb because in this map, a simple "normal approach" is not enough to finish it. And almost all of us say it is hard and it took us atleast 2-5hrs to accomplish it.
Either way, just ask karskin on how to do it, and in my case utilize spell casters is all i can say.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
Actually second human book isnt too bad at all,the only hardpart is wiping out the undead with crypt Lord and Skelton elites inside the city which is comparatively op.but at least you can use town spam and the units didn't bad at all,you have iron fist Ally, 2 gold mines to sum up the army and easy to defend the base.

The mission objective is hit purp)e,but purple own 80 food unit stationary and 5 are Aries knight and 2 re elites,plus the blue knights for 10.therefore you need minimum 100 food full army to attack and complement the troops continuously.but in fact ,you no hope to reach 80 food due to enemies unstoppable attack wave.

This shitty map ban all your action with rubbish hero ,weak unit,no reinforcement,single gold Mine,no health fountain,no shop ,whatever.even you want to deceive the ai by creating a building outside,wish them only destroy it and then turn back for time buying,it is useless

What the fuck purpose of the rock golem which without spell immune,rock throwing,but occupied 4 food unit?

You mass the mages or Capulets,which can be all smashed by Elite's and infantries with 5 seconds.

He say 26-35 to finish the mission,i think it is time for game over
Actually, i like these kinds of map where a player utilizes whatever he has and not just use a "normal approach", it makes me strategize and save alot in order to finish it.
This is the same case for lord of shadows from shb because in this map, a simple "normal approach" is not enough to finish it. And almost all of us say it is hard and it took us atleast 2-5hrs to accomplish it.
Either way, just ask karskin on how to do it, and in my case utilize spell casters is all i can say.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
You have repeated your post more than enough by now. I get it, you hate Chapter Four, but do not insult us by claiming it was untested only because you cannot beat it. I see no one but you complaining about it and your yelling is not going to force anyone to upload a video - we have better things to do than to create a video just because you resist taking advice.
If you give proper feedback and proper argumentation and/or suggestions, you are very welcome to do so like everyone else, but your repeated insults about the same issue over and over again in your current tone are not going to be tolerated anymore.
Level 1
Mar 27, 2019
I'm a chinese player,in China there's a number of players love this campaign,and our BBS have some discussions about the Chapter Four,we think it's really difficult for us to pass this Chapter.we are surrounded by so many enemies,once we repelled the enemy,soon another enemy attacks,there's no enough time for us to fight back,and our units are too weak,rock golem can't fight with knights for a long time,our hero only have 5 levels,it's weak too.until now no one say that he could pass this Chapter without whosyourdaddy in our group,so i mean...Chapter Four is really tough,though we still try to overcome it.And at last,wishing this campaign could be better.(PS:I'm not good at English,i just trying to express some feelings about this campaign,may u understand)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Did you just create a second account?

Either way, I will not change Chapter Four apart from adding a Fountain of Health as I wanted to do that anyway.
If you think there are too many attacks on you, leave the Phoenix and Bull Regiments alone until you are strong enough for them. Or do not attack them at all and they stay passive.
Level 1
Mar 27, 2019
Did you just create a second account?

Either way, I will not change Chapter Four apart from adding a Fountain of Health as I wanted to do that anyway.
If you think there are too many attacks on you, leave the Phoenix and Bull Regiments alone until you are strong enough for them. Or do not attack them at all and they stay passive.
No, i'm not that guy,i just want to express most of our chinese players's opinions about this"the most difficult"Chapter Four,ye we all think it's really tough,for example during the first orc book we have medical staff to treat units,but in this Chapter we have nothing to treat,if one unit has less HP we would rather killed it for food than let it frights to enemies,a new one is better than a less HP one,but a new one needs costs,however,we only have one gold Mine,that means we can't train a number of new units,so the problem gets.Anyway thx for your advices.
Level 2
Mar 27, 2015
Hi everyone. I'm using an Hive account that I haven't use in a long time and I have been playing your Legend of Arkain Series for a while. Been enjoying it.

Anyways I see Kyle is having grievances over chapter 4 in the second orb book. I have beaten it where I just try to take out the dragon regiment (purple) ignoring secondary objectives and a run where I did do the secondary objective aka attacking phoenix and bull regiments.

I can tell you the lack of healing is terrible but hearing you adding a fountain of health would levitate the pain. My main strategy was Golems and mass casters chain lightning. I will admit getting attacking by 3 different bases is annoying and the dragon regiment was really frustrating to take out especially in the long game even with demons attacking them. I find you just need to be patient. Have your main army come back to your main base when you need to.

I'm not an expert warcraft 3 player by any means but I have played it, its beatable, and I can express some strategies and improvements that could be made.
Level 4
Apr 18, 2017
shar, i have a suggestion about chapter 4 . why not put another optional quest if we defeat imperial army we get a help from weedhunter tribe .
truly i think that the best option because everyone want weedhunter tribe and chapter 4 very hard for many people . you can think about my suggestion as you wish
Level 10
May 10, 2018
Once again for the Map of Legend... Guess Van Douche is just doomed to defend it until the end of times.

(What? That name was pretty much Rath's one and only trait of genius. Gotta keep it alive, people)


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
We're almost there folks, the second orc book will come to a close soon.

For now here's a random screenshot I took when the lord of vans and saint of used car sales did not have paladins, Praxeus, or templars.

You'll be seeing him again, soon.

Old version, before overhaul of GG and paladins.jpg
Level 10
May 10, 2018
My bad. Besides, I can live with Praxeus. Please, Sir Bubblerino be killed by Gardon's offensive, be killed by Gardon's offenseive... No more Hell Bubble...
Level 10
May 10, 2018
You can see it as translation of local date if you want, like Tolkien did for Lord of the Rings without any complaints from fans... Fantasy generally uses Earth years too, or at least years roughly similar, and nobody feels like they need to complain about it either.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
Don't worry, I am not THAT cruel. ;)

Or am I?
good for ya to make adjustment for ch4

Iron fist didn't make any thing to aid in defeating the golden guard and DeMon.the orcs get Used by brian?

Armalli rather kill his brother than to Ally with gardon

With blen and salmor survived,they all join gardon?Iron fist may attack orcs when they are now weakened?
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Level 1
Mar 30, 2019
Hi. I've been playing all the books for a while now and I just wanted to say that this is one of the best custom campaigns I've played through, and possibly the first one I mostly refuse to ever use cheats on.

Just a couple of notes:
I was searching for a while for a download link for the Second Orc Book, it's hard to find using google search. While I understand that it's a demo I think it'd be great if it was a little more visible/accesible.
Potential spoiler:
I'd have loved to be able to use elites in the rest of the Second Human Book after the rebellion arc. I understand that overseers are a thing and all but on mission 11 for example I'd have liked to take on the enemy paladin spam with them. The standard ironfist units just aren't tough enough to measure up to that.
I was sad when I read somewhere that you (@Shar Dundred) wouldn't be working on the series anymore, I thought you would not make the orc and undead 2nd parts.

It's been great playing the series, I'm trying the Second Orc Book today. I'm very much looking forward to playing the rest of the series ^^
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
Since SHB the 1500hp Templar and blood fist ,nor the elites (in most chapter)are not available to produce,the original unit of golden guard and iron fist is weak indeed ,it can saY the paladin's,air ship;and dragon plus knight of the kome is the best option you can use.the 970 blood Templar is a joke occupied 7food cost.

Hi. I've been playing all the books for a while now and I just wanted to say that this is one of the best custom campaigns I've played through, and possibly the first one I mostly refuse to ever use cheats on.

Just a couple of notes:
I was searching for a while for a download link for the Second Orc Book, it's hard to find using google search. While I understand that it's a demo I think it'd be great if it was a little more visible/accesible.
Potential spoiler:
I'd have loved to be able to use elites in the rest of the Second Human Book after the rebellion arc. I understand that overseers are a thing and all but on mission 11 for example I'd have liked to take on the enemy paladin spam with them. The standard ironfist units just aren't tough enough to measure up to that.
I was sad when I read somewhere that you (@Shar Dundred) wouldn't be working on the series anymore, I thought you would not make the orc and undead 2nd parts.

It's been great playing the series, I'm trying the Second Orc Book today. I'm very much looking forward to playing the rest of the series ^^
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Level 1
Mar 30, 2019
Any tips or ways to make chapter 8 more manageable?

I didn't complete the sidequest in chapter 4 about attacking the humans, they had 1 tiny lumbercamp left
Level 4
Mar 29, 2016
Any tips or ways to make chapter 8 more manageable?

I didn't complete the sidequest in chapter 4 about attacking the humans, they had 1 tiny lumbercamp left
Using the peons from deathbreeze clan, build a lot of burrow and have peons in it (since they cost 0 food anyway, good in defensive against tons of knights), use 2 shieldbreakers and grofzag and some warmechs(for gryphons) when defending. Other heroes must take on offensive and kill redfist asap (cause i hate their units, too strong .-. )
Well that is what i did, i don't know about the strategy of others.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
Full version is reLeased, appreciate for the tough work.chapter 1 option is removed for saying the death of the dark troll.and the ch3 get one more base on the right,causing from 2vs5 change to 2 cs 6.

The Demòn re so weak that only 2 chapters to deal with and defeat him?Both SHB and SOB is using 80%time for human vs human or its vs human

And comparatively,iron fist have the aid of royal army,elves and undead to defeat golden guard,defend the cannon and beat the Demòn,while orcs domination only on their own to do the all with the absence of the iron fist.Better to add one Ally on ch14?
Then orcs are stronger than human?
Too many golden guard against orcs
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Level 1
Mar 30, 2019
Congratulations on the full release, playing from the beginning now

Does anything change besides dialogue if you don't destroy both human bases in chapter 4 of the SOB?